Chapter 1180 – Zhuang Rui’s Mind

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:51:01
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“The Great Khan of the Mongol Khanate? That’s a bit narrow, isn’t it? Because besides Genghis Khan it’s Woguatai and Mongo? No one behind them has taken the position of the Great Khan!”

“Yeah! That’s a bit arbitrary, in fact, it was not until the Yuan Dynasty that the Song Dynasty was really destroyed, and it was only then that many of the Song Dynasty porcelains could be included in the bag.”

“That’s right, the mausoleum of the founding emperor may not necessarily be seen as extravagant, maybe it’s the later emperors that may not be able to say the same thing.”

“If it’s an emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, it’s impossible to not even have a single burial piece with Yuan Dynasty style in the ceramics burial chamber, right? I support Xiao Zhuang’s opinion.”

As soon as Zhuang Rui’s words fell, all kinds of murmurs came out from the conference site, originally, the opinions of these old experts were divided into two kinds, one of them thought that this was an emperor’s tomb in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty, and they thought that only at that time, the Yuan Dynasty could build a tomb of such a scale with the strength of the whole country.

And Zhuang Rui held another opinion, but also a large number of people in support, like Professor Meng and other people tend to Mongolia’s early tombs this statement, of course, in the real evidence out before, the two sides are who can not persuade anyone.

Zhuang Rui feel this argument is very boring, he has long been informed of the identity of the owner of the tomb, just bitterly unable to say it, in the experts and began to analyze their own judgment is. Zhuang Rui looked at the leader of the tourism bureau and said, “Director Liu, in fact, you guys don’t have to be like this.”

“Oh? How does Mr. Zhuang say this?”

This Liu director is working in Beijing, before because of the things of the stereoscopic museum, and Zhuang Rui also played a few times, for Zhuang Rui’s bottom line know very well, although the Ouyang family acts low-key, but the bottom line is not to be ignored by anyone, so Liu director does not dare to because Zhuang Rui is young, and there is any contempt for the performance.

Zhuang Rui smiled, said: “Liu director, let’s not talk about the identity of the owner of this tomb, I ask a question, want to be so deep into the ground a hundred meters of the tomb, in addition to this one, there are other similar tombs in the world?”

“No, apart from the Han tombs built on the mountain, it is the ones that are tens of meters that are extremely rare.”

Director Liu shook his head, those Xuzhou Turtle Hill Han Tomb built on the mountain as well as the Manchu Han Tomb excavated in the early years have now become famous tourist attractions, as the leader of the National Tourism Administration, Director Liu is not unfamiliar with it.

Zhuang Rui clapped his hands together and said with a smile, “That’s not all, such a magnificent underground building comparable to the Egyptian pyramids, it’s not too much to call it the Ninth Wonder of the World, what else does Director Liu need to think about ah?”

Zhuang Rui’s words made the two leaders of the Tourism Bureau froze for a moment, yes! Zhuang Rui is right, the reason why the Egyptian pharaohs are known to the world, not the pharaohs themselves how famous, but the mysterious and unpredictable pyramid created.

Applied to this Mongolian tomb now, it is also very applicable, even if this tomb owner has no fame, but just this tomb can attract the world’s attention, but also afraid to excavate the tomb owner’s life story?

“Mr. Zhuang has a point, it’s us who have drilled into the bull’s eye, let’s do it this way! You guys continue with the excavation work, I will immediately report to the higher authorities, and strive to move on both sides to build a Yuan Dynasty style ground building first.”

Director Liu is also a person with commitment, after thinking about it, he immediately made a statement, just as Zhuang Rui said, the gimmick of the 9th wonder of the world alone can make this investment profitable without any loss.

What’s more, at the border of China, there is a always to Genghis Khan direct descendant of Mongolia, they several times have advocated the discovery of Genghis Khan Mausoleum in Mongolia, and in some foreign forces instigated, this since the Ming and Qing dynasties have always belonged to the country summarized in the Chinese version of the map, and now seems to have signs of dishonesty.

So in China’s territory to excavate the Mongolian emperor’s mausoleum, the fact that some countries in the fifties to split China, but also a strong retaliation, the political significance is even heavier than the tomb itself.

Zhuang Rui see Liu director of the face of firm and responsible look, can not help but smile and said: “Liu director, you will not lose, according to my judgment, this tomb is even very likely to be Genghis Khan mausoleum, if that is the case, you can make a lot of money!”

If it is not like such a significant influence of the tomb, the state does not allow private investment in the construction of tourist attractions, Zhuang Rui even want to take this place to bag down, here in the future is definitely a hen will lay golden eggs.

Zhuang Rui words just fell, and Liu director sitting with a fifty-something years old leader look like people, also smiled and opened his mouth: “small Zhuang, this is a big statement ah! If it wasn’t for the Genghis Khan Mausoleum, aren’t you afraid that Director Liu will find you in trouble?”

The person who spoke was Guo, the director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, in fact, although this excavation is very important, but according to the usual practice, it is usually the deputy who sits in on it, but Minister Ouyang’s personal presence on the first day made the big director of the Bureau of Cultural Heritage also guarded the place.

Guo is aware of the uncle and nephew relationship between Zhuang Rui and Ouyang Zhenwu, this period of time are deliberately befriending Zhuang Rui, and now also opened his mouth to poke fun at Zhuang Rui.

Seeing Director Guo interjecting, Zhuang Rui’s eyes turned down and said, “Director Guo, if I find a Genghis Khan mausoleum for you, how will you reward me?”

Since the discovery of this tomb, Zhuang Rui has never made a relevant request and has always worked diligently.

But as the discoverer of the tomb, itself a well-known domestic antique jade as well as young experts in archaeology, Zhuang Rui so put forward, but let the director of Guo did not dare to hastily answer, pondered.

“Genghis Khan Mausoleum, unlikely, according to the Secret History of Mongolia, Genghis Khan was conquering Western Xia died of injuries, judging from the geographical location and the time of death, are not quite compatible with this tomb.”

Director Guo has not yet thought of how to answer Zhuang Rui, an expert next to him raised objections, saying that it is Mongolia or the first three emperors of the Yuan Dynasty, everyone can still barely recognize, but to assert that it is the tomb of Genghis Khan, I’m afraid that even Professor Meng will not agree with it.

Director Guo, who is in charge of the country’s cultural relics department and is himself an extremely prestigious archaeology and antiques expert, is also not too optimistic about Zhuang Rui’s claim, and after thinking about it for a while, he said, “I don’t think it’s quite like Genghis Khan’s Mausoleum either, Xiaozhuang, put your point of view on it!”

“Oh, the greatest tomb in the history of mankind, of course the greatest emperor should be buried.”

Where did Zhuang Rui have any point of view! He all relied on the gold arrow on the “Temujin” three words, only to make such a judgment, when the topic turned, then said: “Guo Secretary, or …… how about we make a bet? ”

“Bet? And my old man bet what ah?”

Director Guo froze for a moment at the words and said with a smile, “Xiao Zhuang, I know you have a museum, and I am also in charge of a lot of good things, it’s just that …… those things aren’t mine, and lending them to you for exhibition, but it’s going to be a mistake.”

Zhuang Rui used to deal with the director of Guo, nothing more than want to lend some influential antiques from the Palace Museum, to fill the shortcomings of the underdetermination of the lack of heritage of the Museum of light, the first time the director of Guo thought of these things went up.

Of course, now the market is open, private museums may not be no opportunity to borrow national treasures, just Guo director is afraid of Zhuang Rui big mouth, put forward some of the requirements he can not do.

“Hey, Guo director, I don’t want all those things of yours, I bet that this tomb is Genghis Khan Mausoleum, if the bet is won, Guo director, you make the decision, let me pick three pieces of burial goods in the tomb, and exhibit them in the stereoscopic museum for a period of three months, how?”

Zhuang Rui this is also the idea that comes to mind on the spur of the moment, because if you wait until the burial objects in the tomb have already been unearthed, and then talk to the relevant departments about the requirements, that’s almost no possibility, that’s why Zhuang Rui will be so seemingly roguish to want to bet with the director of Guo.

“Little Zhuang, you are playing a good game, what if you lose?”

When Director Guo heard that Zhuang Rui only needed three pieces of burial goods, he was quite certain, the valuable Song Dynasty ceramics that had been unearthed in this tomb so far, and the ones that had been sorted out amounted to more than 11,000 pieces.

And the mausoleum of cultural relics, although most of the mausoleum after the opening of the re-set back, but in the excavation and finishing stage, but the need to unify the proper custody.

Coupled with the tomb itself is Zhuang Rui found, as well as Zhuang Rui’s identity background, so the director of the Guo feel lent to Zhuang Rui three pieces of cultural relics for a few months, is not a big thing, he also intends to sell a favor.

However, he is not so good at fooling, since it is a bet, then there are winners and losers, always have to see the conditions of Zhuang Rui, Guo can only be loosened, so that will not fall into the mouth.

Zhuang Rui thought for a moment and said: “Let’s put it this way! Guo director, if I lose, then I will be stereoscopic museum in the Yuan blue and white porcelain pots, gratuitous donation to the state, in addition to spend another 20 million, the Forbidden City cultural relics to do a complete maintenance and repair. Well, behind this one, even if I win, as long as the director of Guo fulfill the promise, I will also contribute to the Forbidden City cultural relics to carry out a conservation, you see how?”

Since to fish, the moment to have bait, Zhuang Rui this bait can not be said to be not fat, that 20 million aside, the value of the Yuan Qinghua alone is incalculable.

From Zhuang Rui in the hands of British antique dealers in exchange for the Ghost Valley downhill blue and white porcelain, Yuan Qinghua prices soared all the way on the international scene, the more critical is that this thing it is priced, so far the national cultural relics unit of the National Palace Museum has not been able to receive into one.

This also makes last year, the Palace and the stereoscopic museum jointly engaged in an exhibition, the theme even if the Yuan dynasty blue and white porcelain, then is used more than ten pieces of the Palace collection and the exchange.

Zhuang Rui know, Guo director of that piece of blue and white porcelain pot has long been coveted, so he is not afraid of Guo director does not take their own heavy bets on the bait thrown.

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