Chapter 1183 – Opening the Golden Room (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:51:08
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The door of the tomb has been completely opened at this moment, no matter it is the staff in front of the door, or the archaeologists on the ground, they can clearly see the scene inside, the room that is completely wrapped in gold color, exudes an endless temptation.

In the light, the gold issued a bright light, even if deep in the ground was buried for thousands of years, still can not cover the gold that bright color, the print of the crowd are long speechless, standing in front of the door of this gold chamber.

Even if the psychological early prepared Zhuang Rui, see this by the gold to build the chamber, is also deeply mesmerized by it, as the earliest to become the world’s circulation of hard currency coins, the value of gold has long been deeply rooted in people’s hearts.

I’m afraid that there is no one who can remain calm in front of such a large amount of gold, Zhuang Rui students naturally is no exception, his brain is imagining, if you can live in this gold house for a day, what will be the taste ah?

“Oh my god! It’s impossible for the emperor to live in this golden house, right? If I could ……”

Suddenly, in the earphones of the crowd, such a sentence came out, although the words were not finished, but this dude’s mind was already known to the crowd, because just a moment ago, they had also moved such thoughts.

“Anyone who can live in here is a dead man, come on guys, don’t even think about it.”

Although his eyes were dazzled by all this gold, Zhuang Rui was still the fastest to come to his senses, and his words also made the staff surrounding the tomb door come to their senses.

Gold represents wealth, although Zhuang Rui’s wealth is not comparable to this house of gold, but it is also a billionaire, the resistance to money, to be far stronger than these ordinary people who take a salary to eat.

“Zhuang Rui, look at the open tomb door, can you be sure that it is gold?”

Zhuang Rui’s earphone suddenly transmitted a voice of Director Guo, which was transmitted through the earphone of Zhuang Rui’s left ear, which is also the encrypted channel of several of their command leaders, usually used to exchange some things that are not very suitable for ordinary staff to hear.

“Nonsense, of course it’s gold.”

Zhuang Rui gave a belly laugh, the aura in his eyes had long told him that even if these weren’t full red gold, the color was very high, of course, the leader gave the word, Zhuang Rui still pretended to survey the door, and opened his mouth to say, “Director Guo, it’s gold, and it’s of very high color, just this gold door alone, it’s a few dozen centimeters thick.”

“Don’t enter yet, everyone wait outside.”

Director Guo’s voice came out from the public channel, followed by no sound, which made Zhuang Rui and the staff present, all a little puzzled, through the glass of the oxygen mask with their eyes inquiring each other.

“Come on, don’t even look at me, I want to go in even more than you guys, take a roll in the golden house, no regrets in this life.”

Seeing the crowd all looking at themselves, Zhuang Rui could not help but smile and flirt, causing the crowd to laugh, and the hint of depressing feeling in his heart after discovering the gold was alleviated quite a bit.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, Zhuang Rui’s ear came the call: “Xiao Zhuang, Xiao Zhuang, hear please answer.”

“I’m Zhuang Rui, what new instructions does the leader have? Is it time to enter?” Hearing that it was Director Guo’s voice, Zhuang Rui subconsciously asked back.

“Zhuang Rui, listen carefully, this crypt, now only you and Reporter Wang are allowed to enter, all other people exit, I repeat, Zhuang Rui, this crypt can only be entered by you and Reporter Wang, all other people retreat to wait outside.”

Guo’s words, was shouted on the public channel, this words, originally waiting at the scene ready to enter the chamber of the site staff, suddenly became tumultuous, Guo’s instructions, obviously do not trust them ah?

Although through the oxygen mask can not see the complexion of the crowd, but from the earphone out of the heavy breathing sound, can also hear the mood of the crowd is not too calm.

“Director Guo, this isn’t quite right, is it? Our comrades are all tried and tested, what? The organization still can’t be trusted?”

Zhuang Rui heart is also a bit unimpressed, on the basis of and Guo director is considered a forgotten relationship, half joking, half serious said.

This month’s work down, Zhuang Rui and these archaeological staff drawn from the relevant departments across the country, get along very well, and these people are now also his direct subordinates, is why after hearing this, will speak out to help them fight.

“Zhuang Rui, I’m not joking with you, it’s understandable to have emotions, but the order, must be implemented, in addition, the comrades who go out stay in the third chamber, without permission, shall not go out and exchange with the trainees about the situation of this chamber.”

The voices coming out of the headset were a bit noisy, obviously those old experts present also had different opinions, Zhuang Rui just wanted to speak, Professor Meng’s voice rang out, “Xiao Zhuang, execute it! Explain it to everyone later.”

“Alright! Brother Ren, take everyone out first and wait.”

Zhuang Rui was a bit helpless, although he was carrying the title of a deputy commander-in-chief, but only when he was excavating the scene to deal with the problem, he had the right to make a decision on the spot, now that the two heavyweight commanders-in-chief had given their word, Zhuang Rui no longer had any room to speak.

But fortunately, Professor Meng’s respected position in the industry made the resistance of the staff present not so strong, and at that moment, led by Dr. Ren, they walked out of the tomb.

“Isn’t it just a bit of gold?”

Although Zhuang Rui knew that the amount of gold was quite a lot, but with his fortune, he didn’t care very much about it, more money is nothing more than a number.

But Zhuang Rui did not go one step deeper to think, these gold, although it is a burial product, but it is a real international currency, is the basis of a country’s currency can be stabilized, each country’s gold reserves, the same also represents the country’s national strength strength and weakness.

To know, so a seventy or eighty square feet of the size of the room, completely are made up of gold, even if only a thin layer, that the total amount is also amazing, the news, if the word is out, it must be a lot of countries are concerned about.

Although Zhuang Rui is rich, but still the mentality of ordinary people, see this batch of gold just out of human instinct, feel more shocked, but there is nothing else to think.

However, the ground Guo director is different, he is first of all an official, followed by scholars, in the first time to recognize the importance of the gold and the need for secrecy.

In fact, Zhuang Rui does not know, just now, in addition to those several deputy commander-in-chief, even some archaeological experts on the ground, was also invited out of the command headquarters, and the director of Guo let Zhuang Rui wait for that twenty minutes, is on the phone with the Beijing side, reporting on the situation.

Beijing’s relevant instructions, soon came back, the instructions are very short: block the news, find out the gold reserves, strengthen the archaeological region of the military guard force.

A telegraphic order from Beijing issued out, and originally stationed at the border of Inner Mongolia, a group army, suddenly in the name of participating in military exercises in Inner Mongolia, to the direction of the Alzhai Grottoes.

A deputy governor of the Central Bank, also led the elite people in the bank, drove straight to a military airport on the outskirts of the capital, took a special plane waiting there, and flew in the direction of Inner Mongolia.

At the same time, the troops stationed outside the Alzai Grotto, after receiving an order from above, immediately deployed the troops within the company level officers, formed a small team of thirty people, into the underground mausoleum.

In addition, at the Swan Lake where the ground entered the mausoleum, it was also guarded, and a group of soldiers with loaded guns were actually all composed of second lieutenant officers.

The camp, which was originally relatively lax, now became tense, while the several old experts who were invited out from the command headquarters were uniformly arranged in a room, with Prof. Meng doing the explanatory work to them.

These things that happened on the ground, Zhuang Rui is not at all aware of, although the heart is slightly dissatisfied, but Zhuang Rui or the implementation of the command’s orders, at this time has led the CCTV Wang reporter, into the golden chamber.

Eye aura induction, and personally stood in this ground, walls, roofs are paved with gold bricks inside the house, the feeling is completely different, as if in a fairy tale world, everything within reach and appears to be so unreal.

“Grandma, back then, Emperor Wu of Han didn’t have such a handiwork, right?”

Four height of nearly one meter eight, different shapes of gold horse and gold carriage, was placed in the middle of the tomb room, history books have such a record: Han Wu Di once used a completely gold casting of gold horse, want to exchange with Dawan sweat blood BMW, and thus has long been the prestige of the sweat blood horse.

Historical records have many deviations, this thing do not know is true or false, but now in front of Zhuang Rui, can be real with gold casting out of the golden horse.

In the gold carriage around, is a long row of weapon racks, these weapon racks as well as above the sword and axe and battle-axe, also all emit bright gold light, Zhuang Rui know, all of these objects, are made of gold, there is not the slightest falsehood.

“Hey, I say, Wang big reporter, you this camera don’t always to me ah! To document this golden house completely, these are precious information ah!”

Zhuang Rui at this time also guessed a few points of Guo’s intention, other unearthed artifacts, perhaps can still be built here after the museum, re-placed back, but this golden house, absolutely will be scraped, not an inch of gold.

So now the scene captured by reporter Wang, may be the only image information in the future, and I’m afraid that this information will not be publicized to the society.

“Ah! Ah! Yes …… sorry, immediately shoot, immediately shoot ……”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Wang Ji hastily aimed the camera at the objects in the house, which actually can not blame him, although the old saying: “There is a golden house in the book”, but who can have the opportunity to see it with their own eyes?

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