Chapter 1186 – Relief Image

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:51:15
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“Mr. Meng, this …… this is not appropriate, right?”

Seeing the group in the command center, a group of sixty or seventy year olds wailing, is Ouyang Zhenwu also dumbfounded, this is to be all young people, he can be reprimanded, but many people are older than him, Ouyang Zhenwu momentarily also some scratching his head.

Do not allow more than fifty years old experts down to the tomb of this order, is Ouyang Zhenwu issued, at the moment he can only speak with a hard head.

To know, each of these old men are the best in the archaeology field, in case they go down to that old expert earlier, appearing to be physically unwell, even if Minister Ouyang can afford it, his own conscience is not good enough.

“Nothing inappropriate, their young people can go down, our old man can, Ouyang Minister, this time our opinions can not be unified.”

As the saying goes, businessmen seek profit and literati seek fame, even these old men who have long since seen through the world after they have passed their prime, are unable to resist the temptation of opening the golden coffin with their own hands.

Of course, there are also like Professor Meng, perhaps just because of the kind of tireless pursuit of the archaeological cause, refused to give up the most important excavation of his life.

“No, absolutely not, the underground is too complicated and the air is bad, you guys can’t go down.”

Ouyang Zhenwu didn’t even think about it, he rejected Prof. Meng’s request, after a pause, he eased his tone and continued, “Gentlemen, you are all the titans of archaeology, any loss would be unbearable for the country, we should trust the young people, let Comrade Zhuang Rui lead the archaeologists below, and successfully complete this mission. ”

To be honest, called his nephew who is not in the system as a comrade, Ouyang Zhenwu is really a little uncomfortable, but he can only move out of Zhuang Rui at this moment, after all, from the professionalism, Zhuang Rui’s level is not weaker than these experts present.

Ouyang Zhenwu words, the command was quiet down, if this again scrambling to go down, spread the word that they want to compete and do not trust the young people, this reputation is not very good to hear.

“You guys stay, I’ll go down myself, I can write a guarantee, even if these old bones are buried down there, it’s none of the organization’s business.”

However, Ouyang Zhenwu’s words could only shock those with a good reputation, for an old man like Professor Meng who was simply motivated by his unparalleled reverence for the cause of archaeology, it was not so useful.

Discovering history, witnessing history, this is the most basic work of every archaeologist, but also the greatest affirmation and recognition of their work achievements, can be in his later years to personally excavate the history of the most confusing Mongolian royal tombs, Professor Meng did not want to miss this opportunity.

As the saying goes, a pot does not leave the well broken, generals can not avoid the death of the front, the first site of archaeology is Prof. Meng’s position, even if the death of the body is not to be spared.

However, Prof. Meng’s words, but caused public anger, a beard and hair white, looks older than Prof. Meng a few years of the old man, trembling from the chair stood up, opened his mouth and said: “Old Meng, why do we all stay, you go down by yourself? If you can go down, so can old man me.”

“That’s right, Mr. Meng, I’m still a few years younger than you, it’s better for me to go down!”

“Old Song, you’re also sixty-eight, I’m only sixty-five, I’ll go down.”

“Several teachers, don’t even argue, I’m fifty-five, it’s better for students to go down!”

Ouyang Zhenwu has just eased down the situation, and was a gang of old men to break down, this congregation of experts are all scrambling to be the first, if the archaeological community’s gang of juniors to see, will not believe their own eyes, usually respected old experts, but also such a hot-blooded side?

Looking at the old expert who walks on crutches, Ouyang Zhenwu is crying and laughing, not to mention diving more than ten meters, I’m afraid that the turbid air of the ground, can make it faint.

“Mr. Meng, Minister Ouyang, we are ready to carry out the cleanup of the main chamber, what other instructions do the leaders need?”

While there was a lot of noise in the command headquarters, Zhuang Rui’s voice rang out from the microphone.

Today, due to the arrival of Ouyang Zhenwu, everything has to be formalized and receive instructions to start, just Zhuang Rui waited in front of the tomb door for almost five minutes, but also did not see the commanding officer to speak, the heart can not help but be a little puzzled.

“No, not allowed to go in.”

Several voices in unison in Zhuang Rui’s earphone sounded, shocked Zhuang Rui almost opened his mouth to curse, what words can not be said properly ah?

“Ahem, Zhuang Rui, Professor Meng and several experts, all want to personally participate in this coffin opening, you see?”

Ouyang Zhenwu took the microphone to the side, which was originally quite stable a group of experts, how to see this golden coffin, have become like a novice general?

“Uncle …… Ouyang Minister, this can not be, the underground environment is complex, the air is turbid, and the entrance is even ten meters under the lake, the teachers are older, in case ……”

“There is no such thing as an eventuality, Zhuang Rui, this is the last time the teacher presided over the excavation work, even if it is an eventuality that fell below, the teacher’s heart is also happy.”

Didn’t wait for Zhuang Rui to finish his words, Professor Meng interrupted it, did a lifetime of archaeological work, but in the last time lost the opportunity to personally excavate, the feeling is like the world’s swordsman encountered a rare sword, but can only be viewed from afar and can not play with the general.

“Teacher ……”

After hearing Prof. Meng’s words, Zhuang Rui fell silent, he could imagine Prof. Meng’s mood at this moment, “Minister Ouyang, let the teacher come down! But forget about the rest of the few teachers, it’s enough to have Ms. Meng presiding alone.”

Zhuang Rui’s voice echoed in the command headquarters, those few old men whose age and seniority were similar to Prof. Meng’s also fell silent, they understood in their hearts that their own bodies and bones might not really be able to hold out.

“Alright! Teacher Meng, you go get ready!”

Ouyang Zhenwu also saw that Professor Meng was determined to go down, and since the gang of old men weren’t following suit, he could only nod his head and agree.

“Teacher, are you alright? Don’t take off the oxygen, the air in here isn’t very good.”

Under the guidance of an officer familiar with water, Professor Meng entered the underground secret passage without any danger, and Zhuang Rui, who had already come out of the chamber and rushed to the entrance of the waterway, hurriedly greeted him.

“It’s fine, it’s fine, go, go to where the mausoleum is.”

Professor Meng shook his head vigorously, although he was wearing an oxygen mask, the pressure under the water that was more than ten meters deep just now still made him feel chesty and short of breath.

However, all of this was bearable for Professor Meng, because this field archaeological excavation was perhaps the pinnacle of his career in this lifetime, and would be the last field archaeology for him to bid farewell to the archaeological world. Even at the cost of his life, the old man was willing to let his life come to an end in this archaeological excavation that could be called the largest excavation in human history.

“Teacher, slow down.”

Zhuang Rui took advantage of the fact that Professor Meng’s mind was still not very awake, a trace of aura silently disappeared into the old man’s body, this thing is really better than opium, originally stood up to be supported by people Professor Meng, immediately became full of spirit.

“Teacher, are you alright?”

“Professor Meng, slow down.”

After about an hour, Professor Meng arrived at the place where the mausoleum was located, and Dr. Ren and the others who were guarding the place gathered around.

“It’s fine, I’ve kept everyone waiting, let’s begin!”

Professor Meng had taken off his oxygen mask to try and breathe in the underground air during his journey here, but the result was that he almost choked his back on the murky air, so he knew that he wasn’t going to be able to stay underground for long, and as soon as he arrived at his destination, he got to work.

“Old Meng isn’t this all right? Ahem, I should have gone down with him just now.”

“Yeah! We’ve all been fooled by Old Meng, this old guy, he’s always been like this.”

“Alas, we’re all getting old, alright, don’t say anything, just take it as Old Meng representing us.”

After seeing Prof. Meng’s figure appear on the screen, the old experts in the command headquarters, suddenly stirred up, all regretted it.

However, if they wanted to go down now, it was too late in time, Professor Meng went down and was already waiting for more than two hours with the door to the tomb opened, which would more or less have some impact on the artifacts in the chamber.

“This …… is simply a heavenly artifact! Xiao Wang, make sure to record every single image, this is going to be a greater discovery than the Egyptian pyramids.”

Upon entering the tomb room and seeing the huge golden coffin, Prof. Meng’s expression became excited, and he even snatched a few steps forward, stroking the exquisite images on the golden coffin with both hands, and from time to time, he let out various exclamations of amazement.

“Prof. Meng, have the cameraman focus the camera on the image on the coffin, yes, that’s the side ……”

Suddenly, from the ground command came the voice of Director Guo, who had also studied a period of Mongolia’s early history in depth, and when he saw the patterns on the picture, he immediately realized that perhaps from these battle scenes, he would be able to come up with information about the owner of the tomb.

“Huh? This picture, it seems like it’s describing a battle, huh?”

After hearing Director Guo’s words, the gazes of the people inside the tomb were now focused on the patterns carved on the surface of the golden coffin.

The height of this huge coffin with the pedestal was almost two meters, and the picture on the surface of the golden coffin, which was like a bas-relief, depicted a grand scale siege battle.

“Quickly, quickly check, are there any similar war patterns?” Director Guo’s voice rang out in the headsets of the crowd.

Although there were not many written records left behind by the Yuan Dynasty, there were quite a few stone carvings as well as paintings depicting war scenes, and there were quite a few similar images in that Mongolian Secret History.

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