Chapter 1188 – Parchment Scroll

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:51:20
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The picture on the golden coffins made everyone agree that this tomb was the tomb of Genghis Khan, even Director Guo, who had bet with Zhuang Rui, had to admit that he had lost this time.

Just after the opening of the museum, the situation inside the golden coffins, but let everyone was shocked, because in the two golden coffins inside this tomb, are not the body of Genghis Khan.

Previously said, archaeology involved in a wide range, not only to be proficient in the history of the dynasty, but also to learn such as chemistry, biology and human anatomy and other disciplines, when the gold coffins opened, several people present, were the first time to see the bones inside, definitely not a man’s skeleton.

After the survey, the golden coffin inside the bones, the height of only a little more than one meter six, and the legend of more than one meter eight Genghis Khan does not match, and skeletal features are also female features, observed here, the people have understood, this is still a burial chamber.

“Not right! Why would a golden coffin of this size be used on a woman?”

Prof. Meng’s words made all the archaeological experts and staff who saw this image, all of them were very puzzled, from the beginning of the existence of money, gold has always been the most valuable item, and in ancient times, the identity of women was not that important, there seemed to be no reason to start them with such specification coffins, right?

Of course, these two coffins within the identity of the woman, absolutely is also extraordinary, I’m afraid not Genghis Khan’s wife, is also his favorite concubine. But the crowd can not imagine, alone consort are using this gold coffin, if you find the owner, it will be a kind of what kind of scene?

Thinking of this, after the opening of the original somewhat disappointed staff, suddenly excited, can not wait to open the next chamber, of course, the work still needs to be done, in the arrangements of Professor Meng, the staff began to skillfully label the items in the chamber with a number.

Although Zhuang Rui also didn’t understand why Genghis Khan didn’t use the golden coffin, he knew that Genghis Khan’s coffin was inside the next chamber that would be opened, and that the state seal, after missing for a thousand years, was about to appear in front of the world.

“Little Guo, when the press conference is scheduled, it looks like it still needs to be pushed back!”

Ouyang Zhenwu, who was at the ground command center, also experienced a process of opening the coffin from elation to disappointment, no Genghis Khan’s body was found, in case of any deviation, it would be a big joke.

“Could it be that this tomb belongs to Wukodai? That golden coffin was what he used to bury his mother, Genghis Khan’s wife?”

A trace of whimsy suddenly popped up in Director Guo’s mind, but this thought just appeared and was extinguished by Director Guo, this from ancient times, only husband and wife were buried together, I haven’t heard of being buried together with the old mother, this doesn’t conform to the customs of the ancient people’s tombs.

Although the people above in the discussion, but the staff of the mausoleum palace, but in the nervous busy, this room of exotic treasures, all need to be properly maintained.

Professor Meng personally, the coffin inside the burial goods one by one out, at the same time explaining those staff: “Everyone organize a little more carefully, see if you can find any written records.”

Zhuang Rui slightly shook his head, he had long ago checked this burial chamber before, although there were some paper and silk objects, they were not Mongolian writing, they were all paintings or weavings.

“Huh? Teacher, there’s a parchment scroll here.”

Suddenly, Ren Chunqiang, who was cleaning up the burial objects on the side, let out a cry of surprise from his mouth, causing everyone to turn their heads towards him.

“A sheepskin scroll? Where was it found?” Zhuang Rui was also stunned when he heard this, he hadn’t realized that there was a parchment scroll in this burial chamber before, ah?

“In this golden box, it was found after opening it.” Dr. Ren carefully placed a ball of sheepskin rolled together on top of a table in the corner of the burial chamber.

“No wonder, so it was put in here.”

Zhuang Rui looked at the palm-sized gold box, his heart couldn’t help but feel depressed, there were thousands of burial items in the chamber, he was only focused on observing the more conspicuous paper and silk items, but he didn’t notice this small box.

“Xiao Wang, focus the camera here.”

A group of people gathered around, and after Professor Meng greeted the cameraman, he used both hands to very gently unfold the parchment scroll slowly on the table.

“Text, it’s a written record!”

Seeing the crooked strokes on the parchment scroll, a burst of joyful shouts came out from inside the tomb room, the written records are the most important proofs of the tombs, many tombs have written records for the tomb owner to sing praises.

Ancient burials in the Central Plains will use tombstones, in the tombstone engraved with epitaphs, but the Mongolian royal tombs have never been found, perhaps in this parchment scroll, it is recorded in the king’s tomb of the provenance and origin.

However, when these words appeared in front of the crowd, a group of people in the tomb were dumbfounded, because none of them recognized these ancient Mongolian characters, even if it was Zhuang Rui, can only point out the above three words Temujin.

Prof. Meng knows that very few people in the country know the ancient Mongolian language, at that moment also no nonsense, directly greeted the Wang reporter said: “fast, all the shot, Lao Zhao, this work will be handed over to you, night, at the latest night, I want to know what is written on it?”

“No problem, just wait! I want to know more than you do!”

The people below don’t understand, there are those on the ground who will ah, this time there is an ancient Mongolian language research expert in the archaeological team, that old man in the parchment scroll just as soon as it appeared, the glasses are pasted to the screen of the display.

After receiving the information transmitted from the image, Prof. Zhao fixed it on the text screen and began to study it while wearing his presbyopes, turning his hand from time to time to correspond with some of the words inside.

“Teacher, you can return to the command headquarters first! We’ll do it here, you’ll have to preside over the opening of the main chamber!”

Zhuang Rui was a little worried about Prof. Meng’s body, this crypt wasn’t going to be cleaned up in a moment, so he couldn’t let the old man stay in this kind of environment all the time, could he?

“Alright! When you guys are organizing the maintenance, pay more attention and don’t damage the things inside.”

Professor Meng nodded, he also knew that his body was not suitable for long hours of work in this kind of environment, just as Zhuang Rui had said, if he stayed any longer, there would be nothing left for him to do when he opened the main chamber.

Together with Prof. Meng also anxious to know the content of the text on the parchment scroll, after explaining a few words to Zhuang Rui and others, took with him the parchment scroll that had been properly embalmed, accompanied by the director of the Yun Division, returned to the ground.

After six or seven hours of busy work in the chamber, the news came out from the ground, Professor Zhao’s translation work, has been completed.

This from the excavation, has been confusing, shrouded in a layer of mystery tomb owner, is the founder of the Mongolian emperor, the called “the greatest emperor of mankind” Genghis Khan.

The text on the parchment scroll is not a lot, but it explains the construction process of the tomb and Genghis Khan buried time, and just let the crowd puzzled by the truth of the golden coffin event.

Originally, Genghis Khan’s mausoleum, from his unification of Mongolia after the ministries, began to build, until he died of injuries and illness after seven years, that is, wuquatai destroyed the year of Western Xia, is considered to be completed, a total of thirty years whole.

As Zhuang Rui guessed, although outside the rumors are numerous, but are the Mongolian royal family intentionally spread out the rumors, Genghis Khan’s body after his death, in fact, has been preserved in the Al Zhai grottoes within the underground chamber, until the completion of the mausoleum, only to be buried in.

And the two gold coffins found in the chamber, in the parchment scrolls clearly written, the big one was originally prepared to leave Genghis Khan used.

But due to the body preservation and what soul immortality of all kinds of reasons, was then Mongolia khan state of the great sorcerer to stop, and ultimately did not use, but to genghis khan’s married wife – the big Queen Marco Polo Tai Xu Zhen.

As for the second golden coffin in the woman, is then the most beautiful princess of Western Xia, just Genghis Khan has not yet and she had some super friendship relationship, has died, can say, she is a martyrdom of Temujin.

Just this Western Xia princess was buried in after death, or live martyrdom, this will need to wait for the bones transported to the ground after the relevant experts on their bones to test.

There are some other words on the parchment scroll, but as the son of the nest for Genghis Khan’s great achievements of some of the touting, but between the lines, but also can be proved at the time of the Mongolian Khanate of some of the real history.

Three hours after the identity of the owner of this imperial mausoleum was truly revealed, Zhuang Rui, who was burying his head in his work inside the mausoleum palace, was called back to the ground by Professor Meng.

“Teacher, what is it? To call me up? Hey, I said a few teachers, is this a collective grandchild hug? Why so festive?” As soon as Zhuang Rui entered the command headquarters, he smiled and joked with the crowd.

At this time in the command headquarters, everyone had a smile on their face, more than a month of hard and overwhelming work, finally had a reward, so that all the people are elated, and it can be imagined that after the news of the discovery of Genghis Khan’s mausoleum spreads out, they will all be covered by the aura of honor.

“This is something even happier than holding a grandchild! Xiao Zhuang, the reason I called you up is for everyone to discuss whether the press conference can go ahead or not. What I mean is that you will be the spokesperson for the archaeological team.”

Professor Meng didn’t hide his favoritism towards Zhuang Rui at all, knowing that representing the archaeological team to participate in the press conference, also that would mean a great honor.

What’s more, this mausoleum was originally excavated by Zhuang Rui, as long as this news is announced at the same time, I’m afraid that in today’s world-wide scientific and technological research community, Zhuang Rui will also occupy a place.

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