Chapter 1189 – Aura of Magnificence

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:51:23
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“News spokesman?”

Zhuang Rui froze for a moment at the words, and quickly waved his hand and said, “Don’t, teacher, I’m not going to be in the limelight, the student is timid, and is afraid when he sees a lot of people.”

In addition to the establishment of the museum, Zhuang Rui once in the foreground appearance, the rest of the many activities, he has not personally appeared, has been Huangfu Yun and Yunman, in the operation of the museum as well as Zhuang Rui the operation of various industries.

This is not Zhuang Rui in hiding, young people who do not want to be infinite in front of people? Just Zhuang Rui knows that the thing in his eyes aura, absolutely can not be leaked out, so so many years down, Zhuang Rui also developed the habit of refusing to appear in the limelight.

“Brat, you two years to discover the pirate island, salvage the Song Dynasty shipwrecks, found the Beijing human skull fossil, which time the wind out of the small ah? Now on the contrary is pretentious up, no, this time you must participate.”

Prof. Meng in talking, the heart is also some confusion, do not know, this calculation is really shocked, just two or three years time, Zhuang Rui actually made so many things.

If replaced by other people, I’m afraid that as long as one of the things done, can establish its position in the industry, right? Prof. Meng was also wondering why Zhuang Rui’s reputation still didn’t seem to be very strong in the science and technology industry.

Hearing his teacher and himself rehash old scores, Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but laugh bitterly, after dryly coughing twice, he said, “Teacher, it’s not that I’m pretentious, I’m really not the kind of person who makes a name for himself, the things that have happened over the past few years have also been publicized in the name of the Dingguang Museum, which doesn’t have a great deal of relevance to me personally.”

As Zhuang Rui said, Huangfu Yun knew how to borrow the east wind of these several scientific discoveries, pushing the Dingguang Museum to the highest peak that a private museum could reach, and now it has become one of the most famous attractions in Si Jiucheng.

The Yuan Qinghua that cannot be seen in the Forbidden City Museum, the Dingguang Museum has, as well as the whole intact Song Dynasty ship that has been sleeping on the bottom of the sea for thousands of years, and the medieval pirate treasures of Europe and the United States, all of these attract tourists flocking to the museum from all directions.

Originally is the Dingguang Museum to those travel agencies to the set of friendship to the rebate, now things are reversed, Dingguang Museum has become the eyes of many travel agencies in the steamed bun.

As a result of the daily reception of the limit, Huangfu Yun has put off a lot of travel agencies business, only the most famous travel agencies in the city and the four nine business contacts, many travel agencies responsible for the whole day to think about how to set the relationship with the Huangfu deputy director it!

Now the country, whether it is the archaeological community or antique circles, do not know Zhuang Rui reputation of people may have, but do not know the people of the museum of stereotypes, it is estimated that it must be outside the circle of people.

But Zhuang Rui’s reputation, but really is not as loud as these events, in addition to some know the insiders outside the circle, other people at most in the relevant reports have seen Zhuang Rui this name only, simply do not know that he played a decisive role in it.

Prof. Meng was also a bit confused as to why his young disciple would be so low-key. At that moment, he glanced at Zhuang Rui and said, “It’s good that young people know how to hide their clumsiness, but sometimes they should also show themselves appropriately, but don’t be as dead as us old men, that’s not good.”

“Teacher, Minister Ouyang, I see …… that the press conference must be held, but the spokesman is representing the country, it’s not appropriate for me to go up.”

Zhuang Rui is still thinking of ways to push this opportunity that others can only dream of outward, it’s not that he doesn’t want to be in the limelight, it’s really because his heart is weak! If someone with a heart would string together all these things that Zhuang Rui has done, they would definitely find something.

Of course, even if it is suspected of something, no proof without evidence can not take Zhuang Rui how, but being missed, is always not a good thing.

“It’s not like I’m asking you to be the main spokesperson, I’m just asking you to answer some questions as the representative of the archaeological team, okay, I’ve discussed this matter with Minister Ouyang, so don’t excuse yourself, get ready, and go back to Beijing at night.”

Professor Meng waved his hand and interrupted Zhuang Rui’s words, he was determined to help Zhuang Rui establish himself in the archaeological world before he retired, at the very least, it should not be weaker than Zhuang Rui’s reputation in the jade circle.

“Ahem, teacher, I’ll participate in it, but I have an opinion to mention.” Zhuang Rui sniffing suddenly bitter face, Professor Meng so not exhaustive push self on the throne, if not agreed, that really do not know good and bad.

“What opinion?” Ouyang Zhenwu looked towards Zhuang Rui, in fact, he was very satisfied with this attitude of Zhuang Rui.

To know, with the power of the Ouyang family in the country, if Zhuang Rui wanted to do something, it really wasn’t that difficult, but what was rare was that Zhuang Rui never mentioned any help to the family.

Even that time to use the military force, to Burma to transport gold, but also to the country has brought great benefits, it is no exaggeration to say that Zhuang Rui has today, completely by his own ability to obtain.

On the contrary, this time, Ouyang Zhenwu most likely still dipped into Zhuang Rui’s light yet, although this matter is just a lead, giving the family the opportunity to make an impact, but such a lead is not something that anyone can do.

“Uncle …… Minister Ouyang, Mr. Meng, I think that the press conference should be held after the main chamber is opened, for one thing, we can get more and more detailed information, and secondly, finding the remains of Genghis Khan, this can be considered a successful excavation. Otherwise, if there are any accidents, or if we don’t find Genghis Khan’s body, then won’t it be a joke if we spread the word later?”

Zhuang Rui actually has a third point that he didn’t say, it can be imagined that if at the time of the press conference, it was announced that the missing millennium-old Jade Seal of the State was found, then how much of a stir would it cause in the hearts of the people in the country?

Of course, about this point, Zhuang Rui is selfish, because in accordance with his and Guo’s bet, that side of the Jade Seal of State, Zhuang Rui must be included in the bet, which also counts for the “Jade Seal of State” in the subsequent display of the Museum of stereoscopic, in advance of a publicity, right?

Ouyang Zhenwu heard Zhuang Rui’s words, after pondering for a while, looked to Professor Meng, said: “Zhuang Rui said is also, Mr. Meng, I see …… or the conference will be pushed back a few days, such as the opening of Genghis Khan’s coffin and then convene it?”

State-level press conference, not a certain enterprise to convene some reporters to open a new product conference as simple, then to face the world’s journalists media, can not afford to make a mistake.

“Okay, there’s no harm in postponing it for a few days.”

Prof. Meng nodded and agreed, when to hold the conference is not important, the important thing is how to launch Zhuang Rui, let him enter the line of sight of people in the world of science and research, that is what Prof. Meng is concerned about.

The cleanup of the Golden Coffin’s burial chamber was carried out for five whole days, and from within this chamber, a total of more than 30,000 pieces of cultural relics were sorted out, involving more than ten classifications such as gold and silverware, calligraphy and painting, porcelain, and bronze.

These cultural relics are not only the product of China at that time, there are many with the European color of the court items, such as laid in the gold coffin under the Persian carpet, in the mausoleum after 1,000 years is still brightly colored, the luster of the burning, showing the extremely exquisite carpet-making process.

After a rough appraisal, there are more than 3,000 items, can be assessed as a national cultural relics.

This is an extremely shocking number, we must know, a level of cultural relics grading standards are relatively harsh, even in the Palace Museum in the vastness of the collection, a level of cultural relics, the number is only tens of thousands of pieces only. And those foreign works of art, but also now the international cultural relics market in the high price, highly sought after items.

More to the crowd’s surprise, in a box in the crypt, find out more than ten sets of gold and silver silk thread woven out of the Mongolian queen costumes, these costumes gorgeous color, exquisite workmanship, and not the slightest damage, has a very deep research value and artistic value.

The cleanup of this chamber, every day can bring many surprises, but also from the side of the Mongolian Empire’s strength, gathered the world’s wealth in a room, throughout the ages throughout the generations of emperors, I’m afraid that only the world of the horse Genghis Khan can do.

After cleaning up the golden coffin chamber, after a day of rest and recuperation, the working group headed by Prof. Meng, regrouped in the mausoleum palace, ready to carry out the next chamber of the opening of the excavation work.

In order to fight for the opportunity to excavate the scene, a group of old men and argued for a long time, and finally in Ouyang Zhenwu’s mediation, decided to still let Prof. Meng lead the team, Zhuang Rui for the deputy leader, formed this excavation team.

The door to the tomb opened smoothly, but when the main chamber was shown in front of everyone’s eyes, the group was still shocked.

This can be said to be since the excavation of this mausoleum palace, the archaeological team has seen the most special one of the chamber, although the area of the chamber is only a little larger than the other several, is not paved with gold, that the whole chamber exudes that kind of grand atmosphere, but some other chamber is far less than.

Tomb room is about five meters high, the wall and the top wall, all for the whole piece of alabaster paved, engraved with a variety of pictures and some mysterious symbols, in the wall around the place, neatly placed a variety of items.

Close to the door of the tomb this side, is a row of weapons rack, and the golden chamber of those ornamental weapons are different, these weapons are killing weapons, although many weapons on the wooden handle has been rotten, but those swords and knives black and shiny edge, still flashing a stern cold light.

A long about one meter five six hard bow, winding gold and silver wire, do not know what material is made of bowstring, after a thousand years is still intact.

Modeling simple and generous with smooth lines of the hard bow, as if to enter the chamber of these people, showing the Genghis Khan when the horse grassland bending bow to shoot a great eagle style.

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