Chapter 1192 – Crystal Coffin

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:51:30
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“Teacher, there …… is a crystal coffin inside.”

Zhuang Rui was the earliest to come to his senses, not that he had much strength in his determination, but as early as a month or so ago, Zhuang Rui had already endured such a shock, and was now more or less immune to it.

“Huh? Crystal coffin?”

After Professor Meng heard Zhuang Rui’s words, he woke up as if in a dream, and looked fixedly, sure enough, outside of this lifelike emperor’s corpse, there was also a layer of transparent crystal coffins, which sealed his entire body, inside.

And those who seem to cover in Genghis Khan’s body of gold and silver brocade, in fact, is floating in the water, only the volume of the crystal coffin is not large, just enough to accommodate this corpse, it looks like tightly wrapped in the body in general.

“It was soaked in medicinal water?”

Professor Meng this attention, immediately found that Genghis Khan’s entire body, are surrounded by a colorless water-like substance, but also just the crystal coffin transparency is extremely high, without careful observation, really can not be found.

Just so, another question arises, this inside the potion is what material composition? Surprisingly, it can be retained for a thousand years?

To know, water-like substance will naturally evaporate, not to mention such a little water, is a small lake if it becomes stagnant water, I’m afraid that in less than a thousand years will disappear.

What is more amazing is that just such a crystal coffin of potion, will be preserved for a thousand years without rotting this body, this effect, it seems that the most advanced modern technology, is also unable to do.

Needless to say, the efficacy of this antiseptic potion is definitely far more than the formalin that the archaeological team carried in this time, and if this mystery can be solved, I believe that for the development of modern medicine, there is also a great advancement.

“This …… this crystal coffin actually …… actually has no gap?”

The problem of the potion not evaporating was solved immediately afterward, because Professor Meng, who had probed down the body, found that the entire crystal coffin was all in one piece, and there didn’t seem to be any interface gaps.

Zhuang Rui saw that Professor Meng had focused on the crystal coffin, and couldn’t help but cough and say, “Teacher, the coffin has opened, are we …… going to clean out the things next to it first?”

Inside this huge coffin, in addition to the crystal coffin, there were countless precious burial goods, more than a meter high blood coral, all kinds of exquisite ancient jade as well as gold and silver utensils, stuffing the entire coffin to the brim.

These things needed to be cared for immediately after the opening of the coffin, or else after coming into contact with external oxygen, the consequences of oxidization would likely occur.

“Right, right, I was negligent.”

Professor Meng’s old face flushed, originally this should have come from him, but he didn’t expect that under this lapse of concentration, he would in turn allow his student to remind him.

“Zhuang Rui, you and Xiao Ren bring the stuff up, Xiao Liu you guys follow below, clean up the objects on the left side face first.”

This time, there were only eight staff members entering the main chamber, Professor Meng also knew that with his own body, it was impossible to carry out this kind of high-intensity cleanup work, and at that moment, he properly arranged it.

“Catch, two pieces of ancient jade.”

“One blood coral, no, it takes two.”

“A golden short sword, this color is not quite right, grab the time to care for it.”

Zhuang Rui and Dr. Ren stood on the ladder, stooped down to take one piece of artifacts out of the coffin, this stooping down to do more than four or five hours, tired two people’s backs ache, but also only cleaned out the bottom of the crystal coffin in a position of treasures.

More than one thousand six hundred and eighty pieces of superior quality of ancient jade, most of them are on behalf of the auspicious significance of the bats and hollowed out dragon jade pendant, due to this chamber has not collapsed into the water, the jade preservation is quite intact.

Because of perennial and gold and silver and coffin brocade contact relationship, a lot of ancient jade have three to four kinds of percolation color, there is a piece of ancient jade is even Zhuang Rui have not seen seven colors of percolation jade, several different colors, the ancient jade set off more and more mysterious.

Abundant jade burial goods, see the Zhuang Rui heart that call a regret ah! If I alone will be this tomb to steal, stereoscopic museum can immediately add a jade venue.

In addition that branch of blood coral, also known as the best, the whole coral about one meter five or so, even if buried in the ground for thousands of years, still exudes bright and beautiful color, and in the natural coral branches, there are also artificially inlaid gemstones, and more so that it appears to be dazzling light.

At this time in the ground command department to watch the cleanup work of the director Guo, suddenly issued a sigh of relief: “Alas, this …… so many good things.”

“Little Guo, what’s wrong? Uncovering so many good things, are you still not happy?”

Ouyang Zhenwu this period of time is Beijing and Inner Mongolia two places to run, the preliminary work of the press conference has been prepared, wait until today after the opening of the coffin of Genghis Khan, immediately can be carried out.

“Happy, happy, but Minister, I have to admit my mistake to the organization, I shouldn’t have taken the country’s goods and made a private bet.”

Guo director’s heart is like overturning a bottle of five flavors, don’t know what the taste is, each of these objects can be called a national treasure, think about Zhuang Rui later to lend three pieces, Guo director that call a heartache ah!

Just how Guo Secretary could not have imagined, Zhuang Rui simply did not put these funerary objects in the heart, what he wanted, in the end, even Guo Secretary has no right to clap on the loan of the.

“Zhuang Rui’s contribution to the country is great, it’s only right to reward him appropriately.”

Ouyang Zhenwu is clear about Guo’s mood, said with a smile, “And the Forbidden City side is very uncharacteristic lately, also need to introduce some competition system, don’t think that occupying the country’s resources, is the sky boss they are the oldest, Xiao Guo, in this matter you are responsible.”

The Forbidden City in the previous period, broke out a lot of scandals, damage to the national level of cultural relics, anti-theft system lax, items stolen, but also broke out in the last century, the Forbidden City will be the Qing Palace armor as a welfare issued to the staff of the incident, so that the public is extremely dissatisfied.

Ouyang Zhenwu’s words, can be said to say very heavy, his meaning is very obvious, if these departments below still do not rectify the situation, and does not rule out the precious cultural relics will be handed over to other state-owned or even private museums for exhibition.

“Yes, yes, Minister, after this excavation is completed, we will rectify and improve our work style.”

Director Guo is also in his fifties, being said by Ouyang Zhenwu, his face was red and still had no words to refute, because recently the Palace Museum has indeed been having a lot of accidents, not only did it cause a crisis of confidence among the nationals, it was the central government’s bigwigs who were also very dissatisfied with it.

“Alright, everyone rest for a while before proceeding with the cleanup!”

Tomb excavation was an extremely boring and exhausting matter that could not tolerate a hint of sloppiness, and after four or five hours of work, everyone was already exhausted.

Initially see Genghis Khan’s excitement, also has long been thrown into the sky, the staff inside the tomb has long lost the emperor’s reverence, sometimes also hate to move him even with the coffin to the out, save the cleaning objects are often hindered.

Walking outside to change out of the oxygen suit, Zhuang Rui drank some water and then said to Prof. Meng: “Teacher, let’s clean up the head position first! According to the style of Mongolian burials, the head and feet are often the places with the most generous burial goods.”

In this huge underground palace, Zhuang Rui most valued three objects, the first when the party symbolizes the ancient emperor’s majesty of the “Jade Seal of State”, the second is engraved with the name of Genghis Khan’s golden arrow.

As for the third, of course, is buried in the crystal coffin of genghis khan himself, but because of the geographical location of the limitations, estimate so big a crystal coffin, is very difficult to move into the ground up.

Zhuang Rui is not greedy, as long as the director of Guo keep his promise, will be the gold arrows and “state seal” to him, Zhuang Rui will be satisfied.

Professor Meng has not answered Zhuang Rui’s words, Ren Chunqiang on the side of the first said: “Zhuang Rui, or first clean up the two sides of the object! Clean out both sides and you can stand people inside.”

Just now when cleaning up the bottom of the crystal coffin, due to the narrow place, after taking out the items on top, the ones underneath were not good to take out, Dr. Ren once almost didn’t fall into the coffin upside down and make some contact with Genghis Khan’s dragon’s feet.

“Dr. Ren, the head and tail are the most difficult to clean up, after cleaning up the two heads, the work below will be good, we have to start with the difficult before the easy.”

Zhuang Rui had always treated Ren Chunqiang with respect, but after holding back for more than a month, Zhuang Rui only wanted to see the Guiding Jade Seal as soon as possible, and couldn’t care less about refuting Dr. Ren’s face.

“Good, let’s do what Xiao Zhuang said, everyone add fuel and try to clear out the items inside the coffin today.”

Professor Meng was now almost obliging to Zhuang Rui’s requests, although he went down inside the tomb, more often than not it was Zhuang Rui who was directing the cleanup operations, which made Professor Meng feel a hint of relief in his heart while being slightly lost.

The waves of the Yangtze River push forward the waves of the past, the old man is always going to retire, to see Zhuang Rui with just thirty years of age, can alone preside over such a scale of major archaeological excavations, even Professor Meng, also feel that he has been old and decrepit.

After a short rest, the group re-dressed, and came to the coffin was busy. Now seeing Genghis Khan in the crystal coffin, the crowd no longer have the feeling they had just now.

This is also a common problem of people, what things see more, also do not take it seriously, just like some men obviously home wife like a flower, but also go out to find a general appearance of the third party, and this thing is actually a reason.

More than two hours later, the items at the top of the crystal coffin reduced a lot, now Zhuang Rui every time he pulls out the salvage object, the face and the coffin Genghis Khan’s face, almost close at hand.

“What is this thing? A gold dynasty plate?”

Ren Chunqiang, who was carrying out cleanup work on the other side, suddenly poked out his body from inside the coffin and took a flat, long, golden-colored object in his hand.

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