Chapter 1193 – Jade Seal Unearthed

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:51:33
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Ren Chunqiang’s words caused Professor Meng to freeze for a moment, his eyes going towards Ren Chunqiang’s right hand as he laughed and shook his head, ”Chaoban? Can’t be? When Genghis Khan founded the Mongol Khanate, he didn’t even have a script, so where would he have used a court board?”

The so-called ChaoBan, the scientific name is also called WatBan or LiYuZao, many ancient TV dramas can be seen, is a minister hand on the hand to take a, will be held in front of the chest.

This thing is actually and now the meeting with the notebook is almost the same, record some things about, when the court, said, if you forget, you can look up, so as not to make a fool of themselves in front of the emperor.

Now handed down the wutu board, mostly made of ivory, jade and bamboo, Professor Meng has not heard of the ancient wutu board is made of gold ah? Holding this thing to the court, tired also tired.

“This is not a tablet.”

Prof. Meng will be the flattened about forty centimeters long heavy gold object in his hand and weighed, said with a smile, “This thing is the ancient generals used by the commanders of the order of the arrows, mostly given by the emperor to the generals of the foreign conquests, but this is also not pure gold.”

In some movies and TV dramas, you can also see such a situation, when a general rises to the tent, on the table in front of him, there is an enshrined order arrow or sword, so as to lead the group of generals to command the battle.

There are also some arrows that are given by the general to the following generals, but those arrows are similar to ordinary bows and arrows, it is not possible to use gold to make, at most engraved with the name of the general.

“Eh? There are words on it, Marco Polo Tiemujin, that’s right, it’s Genghis Khan’s golden token arrow!”

Although Professor Meng is not proficient in Mongolian, but a few days of excavation, but also found a lot of things with writing, other did not learn, but “Marco Polo Just Jin – Temujin” this few, almost all the archaeologists can recognize.

To say, Zhuang Rui is really quite depressed, his first time with the aura survey, how are not found with the tomb owner text objects, and finally by the coffin in the gold arrow guessed that is the emperor’s mausoleum of Temujin.

But from the cleanup of the two Genghis Khan consort’s tomb room, all kinds of objects with text suddenly came out, there are a lot of text is to Genghis Khan singing praises, Zhuang Rui wondered, why didn’t you find a piece of the self at first?

“This …… is Genghis Khan’s token, there is nothing else that can be more convincing than this, good, good!”

Remaining in the ground command headquarters of the Guo director after seeing the gold token, a pair of eyes are smiling into a crescent moon, but just after saying two good words, the face has ugly down, muttered: “Zhuang Rui this bad boy can not look at this object ah! This …… this thing facing the world, should be placed in the Palace Museum or the National Museum.”

Mongolia is a nomadic people, even after Genghis Khan unified Mongolia, also did not learn to use Inscriptions like the Song Dynasty, so this gold token, is the most powerful evidence of Genghis Khan’s identity.

An old expert beside Director Guo, after hearing Director Guo’s words, said smilingly, “Old Guo, if I were Zhuang Rui, I would definitely choose this one.”

Seems to be verifying the words of this expert, the commanding officer’s crowd earphone also transmitted Zhuang Rui’s voice: “Brother Ren, this thing should be kept well, turn back to open the press conference can be used, right, after the press conference, I want to take back to the Tingguang Museum to go, Guo director promised me, can lend me three pieces of antiques.”

“Haha, haha ……”

The people in the command center couldn’t hold back any longer, they let out a loud laugh, they were all old men in their 60’s and 70’s, no one was afraid of Director Guo’s official authority.

Director Guo stole a glance at Minister Ouyang and said resentfully, “The leader approved it, so what am I afraid of? Consider it as compensation for Xiao Guo’s discovery of this imperial tomb.”

There are still some other objects in this mausoleum that can prove the identity of Genghis Khan, although the gold arrows lent to Zhuang Rui for three months, but it will not affect the Genghis Khan Mausoleum unearthed artifacts on display at that time.

Zhuang Rui inside the tomb, inadvertently skimmed his mouth, he can imagine, at this time the face of the director of Guo must be like a black pot, but this is just the beginning, the gold arrow in the Zhuang Rui selected three objects, at best, can only be ranked in the second.

At this moment, Zhuang Rui side of the side of the martyrdom, has been cleaned up most of it, on behalf of the imperial power of the “Jade Seal of Passage”, will soon be unearthed in their own hands, Zhuang Rui unconsciously in his heart even some tension, heart seems to be beating faster than a lot of.

“This …… is really exciting ah!”

Due to the “state seal” location, is in the Genghis Khan head of the upper side, both only separated by a crystal coffin.

Zhuang Rui to take out the “Jade Seal of State”, the whole person must enter the coffin, and must face against the cold crystal coffin, the arm to be able to get the “Jade Seal of State.”

Although with oxygen mask, and Genghis Khan is separated from two layers of shield, but when Zhuang Rui’s face against the crystal coffin, or can not help but close his eyes, “this …… this in case, if Genghis Khan opened his eyes, that buddy will be designated to be scared out of the mental illness. ”

Reach out and pull open the pile of artifacts on that side of the “seal of state”, Zhuang Rui suddenly felt through the gloves, felt a burst of slippery, not froze for a moment.

“Cough, I when it is what the thing it, startled ……”

Opened his eyes and took a look down, Zhuang Rui’s mind only settled down, the original in the outside of the state seal, but also wrapped in a layer of gold silk and silver thread compiled brocade, surprisingly after a thousand years and does not corrode.

“Damn, don’t scare me.”

Zhuang Rui arm and explored forward, but coldly saw Genghis Khan’s face that seems to be asleep, scared and hastily closed his eyes, his right hand fiercely stretching inward, grasping in that brocade above to take it out.

“Click …… hiss ……”

Zhuang Rui’s right hand just higher than the crystal coffin, under the hand of the brocade suddenly broke open, scared Zhuang Rui also do not care about the Genghis Khan underneath the body, and hastily used his left hand to hold in the bottom of the seal of transmission of the state, the whole person is lying on the crystal coffin.

At this time on the ground nearly summer, but the underground temperature has been extremely low, dry four or five hours of work, Zhuang Rui did not sweat a drop, but at the moment, in his forehead covered with beans as big as beads of sweat.

“Fortunately, is really fortunate, to really then fall rotten a corner, that buddy to use life to make up for.”

Zhuang Rui as a frog like lying on the crystal coffin, limbs seem to lose strength, completely forget that under him there is an ancient emperor, if the base friends see, may be how to guess Zhuang Rui students sexual orientation it!

Although Zhuang Rui know, this wrapped in the brocade within the “seal of state”, may not be so fragile, but he still can not help but be nervous, is the first time to hold his son, Zhuang Rui has not been so careful.

Professor Meng, who has been standing on the ladder to command the whole situation, suddenly found that Zhuang Rui’s posture is not very elegant, and lie there not up, can not help but curiously shouted: “Zhuang Rui, what’s wrong with you? Why are you lying there? Did you fall?”

“No, teacher, didn’t fall.”

Zhuang Rui raised his head and revealed a smile that was worse than crying, “I …… I just lost all my strength.”

“What’s going on? Ren, you guys stop first and help Zhuang Rui out.”

Professor Meng thought that Zhuang Rui was exhausted and off his feet, and hurriedly greeted Ren Chunqiang and another staff member who was inside the coffin, and set Zhuang Rui up.

Wrapping his arms tightly around his chest, Zhuang Rui climbed up the ladder in a very strange position, and couldn’t help but sit on his butt when his legs touched the ground.

“Brother Zhuang, what are you holding here?”

Peng Fei’s sharp eyes, a glance at Zhuang Rui seems to be holding an object in his arms, and hurriedly gathered around, after hearing Peng Fei’s words, the camera that was originally pointed at the coffin, also aimed the lens at Zhuang Rui’s arms.

“This kid, he must be holding some kind of treasure.”

Zhuang Rui’s strange behavior also attracted the attention of the commanding officer’s crowd, and Director Guo was even looking at the screen with both eyes unblinking, wanting to see what could make Zhuang Rui so nervous, in the end, what kind of object was it?

“Brother Zhuang, take it out and take a look!”

Peng Fei reached out and pulled Zhuang Rui’s arm, which found that the dude was holding on for dear life, there was no hint of letting go.

“Xiao Zhuang, what is it?” Professor Meng was also a little curious and came down from the ladder.

“Jade …… jade seal!”

After Zhuang Rui sat on the ground for a while, he felt like his strength had returned to his body, just now when he almost fell to the Jade Seal of Transmission, it really scared him.

Because just a little bit short of that, Zhuang Rui would most likely be as famous as the Western Han Empress Dowager with a strong character in history, by wrestling the Jade Seal for the ages.

“Jade seal? Genghis Khan also kept a jade seal?”

Prof. Meng frowned at his words, he had always thought that during the Mongol Khanate period, emperors didn’t have seal jade seals, and Zhuang Rui’s words had confused him.

Just how did Prof. Meng not connect this jade seal with the Jade Seal of Transmission, after all, the Jade Seal of Transmission had disappeared for a long time, no one would have thought that it would appear here.

“It’s not the jade seal, no …… no, it’s, it’s, hey, you guys see for yourselves!”

Zhuang Rui for the first time felt that the original eloquence is so poor, “the Jade Seal of the State” is a very simple sentence of four words, but blocked in the throat, how can not give it to the numbness of the spit out.

Zhuang Rui in a hurry, simply wrapped in the rupture brocade in the Jade Seal of State, placed on the ground, and then carefully open the brocade to.

“This …… shape of this jade seal, how is it so familiar ah?”

At the first sight of the “Jade Seal of Passing State”, no matter it was the staff inside the tomb, or the old experts guarding the command headquarters, this thought came up in their minds at the same time.

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