Chapter 1195 Controversy

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:51:38
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Zhuang Rui’s words, really is the four seats are all shocked, in the case of not using any tools or literature illustrations compared to the case, Zhuang Rui asserted that this side of the jade seal is not imitation, is the need for high art appraisal of the cultivation and great courage.

To know, the “state seal” of the destination, has been China nearly a thousand years in the most controversial case, even in the Song Dynasty, there are people who suspect that the farmers offered the state seal is not genuine, once made a lot of turmoil.

Even now, the command of those old experts, there are more than eighty percent of the people, do not think that this side of the jade seal bit authentic, but think it is the Song Dynasty made by the imitation.

However, Zhuang Rui’s three points to speak down, said is reasonable and justified, from the perspective of antique appreciation, whether it is within the tomb facing the staff of the jade seal, or stay in the command department of the old experts, who can not put forward objections.

For a time, just now also discussed the crowd, all shut up, like this a controversial, and in the history of the value of the heirloom seal unearthed, I think it will be in the future of the domestic academic community will cause some controversy.

“What Zhuang Rui said is more reasonable, but whether this jade seal is really the heshi bi made by the heshi bi the heirloom jade seal, the state also need to do some research and examination, so, Zhuang Rui you hand over the work at hand to someone else, first bring the jade seal back to the command headquarters.”

In the end, Ouyang Zhenwu opened his mouth and spoke, regardless of whether what Zhuang Rui said was true or false, the importance of this jade seal, even Ouyang Zhenwu had to face up to it.

If the unearthed is just a highly valuable cultural relics, Ouyang Zhenwu will not care at all, but if the heirloom jade seal, then it is different, because the heirloom jade seal in the thousands of years of China’s feudal history, represents the symbol of imperial power.

Like everyone knows the idiom of returning the jade to Zhao, it is about the predecessor of the state seal, the He Shi Bi, and later on, the allusion to the gold and jade, but also the state seal is regarded as the royal orthodoxy of the inheritance of the credentials.

Although the feudal society has ended nearly a century, but the state seal in the national heart, also occupies a fairly important position, is Ouyang Zhenwu, also need to the state seal of the unearthed, to the central core layer in charge of cultural aspects of the leadership report.

And this side of the jade seal also need to go through a multi-faceted verification, in order to give the final conclusion, in the heart of Ouyang Zhenwu, Zhuang Rui is always still a small child, for his words, more or less with a few points of unbelief in the inside of the emotion.

“Ministry …… Minister ……”

At the time when Zhuang Rui returned to the ground carrying the Jade Seal of Transmission, Director Guo came to Ouyang Zhenwu’s side twisting and turning.

“Little Guo, what’s wrong? What’s the matter?”

Ouyang Zhenwu froze for a moment, he was thinking about whether to announce the news of the unearthed jade seal at the press conference again, this was definitely an extremely eye-catching big news for the Chinese public.

“Minister, this …… this jade seal to be really the state heirloom jade seal, then …… that I and Xiao Zhuang’s bet?”

This is also quite difficult for Director Guo, all over fifty years old, in front of Ouyang Zhenwu, behaves like an elementary school student who made a mistake.

Just Guo is really no way out, when he saw the jade seal of the party, his heart “thumped” a moment, and then heard Zhuang Rui concluded that it is the jade seal of the state, Guo is even the director of the mind to hang himself, with the buttocks he also guessed, Zhuang Rui will be the jade seal of the party as one of his three bets.

To say that the gold order arrow, Guo director also has the power to lend to Zhuang Rui three months, but if this party jade seal concluded for the state seal, to his authority, simply do not have to make placement of this object any power.

“You say this matter ah? Let me think about it.”

Ouyang Zhenwu heard that this is the matter, immediately also some headache, this symbolizes the importance of the ancient emperor’s imperial power of the state seal, naturally, is self-evident, is Ouyang Zhenwu, in the absence of appropriate reasons, is also not dare to hand it over to Zhuang Rui.

“Minister, you have to help me in this matter! I won’t bet with this kid even if I die in the future.”

Guo played pitiful in front of Ouyang Zhenwu, he is aware of the relationship between Minister Ouyang and Zhuang Rui, previously agreed to Zhuang Rui’s bet, there is also the meaning of selling favors to the Ouyang family in it, but let Guo think through the head of the director, also did not think that this tomb will appear in such an object? And others may question Zhuang Rui’s conclusions of the appraisal, but the director and Zhuang Rui and Zhuang Rui have played a number of times, but know Zhuang Rui’s level of connoisseurship.

Other not to mention, alone the tens of thousands of pieces in the museum of stereotypes, there is not a single fake, and all of these, all of them are Zhuang Rui hand to get, so in the heart of the director Guo, has already made a judgment on the authenticity of this side of the jade seal.

“Alright, I will talk to Zhuang Rui about this, he is not an insensitive person.”

Ouyang Zhenwu waved his hand, Director Guo and Zhuang Rui’s bet is also his default, but to sit properly on Zhuang Rui’s work.

Between the two are talking, Zhuang Rui has returned from the underground mausoleum palace to the command headquarters, in his arms, tightly holding a down jacket, this clothing is the underground staff to protect from the cold, temporarily used by Zhuang Rui to wrap the state seal.

“Xiao Zhuang, hurry up and take something out to see.”

“Yeah! Regardless of whether it’s true or false, this thing is always a jade seal from a thousand years ago, let’s open our eyes.”

“What is true or false, I believe in Xiao Zhuang’s appraisal level, in the country you find another jade appreciation over Xiao Zhuang to take a look?”

As soon as Zhuang Rui walked into the command headquarters, he was surrounded by a bunch of old men, clamoring to see the Jade Seal of the Passing State, and there were even two of them arguing over the authenticity of the seal.

It is in the command department to help those trainees and staff, eyes are also unconsciously aimed at Zhuang Rui’s arms, hate to see through the down jacket inside the jade seal.

Although these people could only be considered as the peripheral staff of the archaeological team, but to be able to participate in the unearthed work of such a great item would be an experience that would be difficult for them to play with for the rest of their lives.

“Hey, hey, I said …… everyone be quiet, be quiet, don t pull my arm ah! Jade seal fall bad your old man can not afford to compensate.”

Zhuang Rui was surrounded by a group of old men in the middle, but there are a few hands in his body touching, but these old guys can not be pushed scolded, Zhuang Rui can only hold tightly to the jade seal, live and die also do not let go of the hand, on the strength of the old man is added up to be better than Zhuang Rui a person.

Zhuang Rui’s words or effect, the responsibility of the jade seal, who can not be assumed, a group of old men loosened their hands, but look at Zhuang Rui’s gaze, still hot like looking at a 17 or 18 year old undressed girl in general.

“Hey, Director Yun, this thing is a national treasure! It’s best to hand it over to you, you don’t excuse yourself, take it, you take it ……”

Seeing the crowd dispersed, Zhuang Rui wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with palpitations, raised his eyes just in time to see that security department’s Director Yun, simply stuffed the jade seal directly into the arms of Director Yun.

“Director Yun, open the package, right? It’s not like us old men are going to rob it.”

“Yeah! Hurry up, we just have the chance to look at it now, we’ll have to visit it through the glass later on yo!”

Zhuang Rui this trick woe is really good, a group of old experts attention, immediately transferred to the body of the cloud director, they do not care about what the National Security Agency, one by one justified to let the cloud director to display the “Jade Seal of the State Transmission” to.

“Hey, I say small Zhuang, you …… how you put something to me ah?”

Cold was Zhuang Rui to the state seal into the arms, the cloud director is also scared a big jump, how can he not think of this hot potato will be Zhuang Rui handed over to the self?

This bosom holding where is what jade seal ah? Simply like holding a time bomb in general, especially when a group of old men surrounded the time, the cloud director of the heart to pull out a gun have.

“Everyone back up, back up five meters, guards, come in!”

Fortunately, Director Yun’s brain stayed calm, didn’t pull out his gun on the crowd of people who still had academicians from the two academies in here, just held the jade seal and pushed it to the corner of the tent, shouting up the guards.

“Everyone’s mood, I can understand, but this jade seal is a national treasure, but also please step back a little, you can watch, but do not use your hands to play touch.”

Although the guards outside the tent had isolated the group of old experts, Director Yun knew that things would definitely not end well if he didn’t let them see this jade seal today, so he immediately placed the jade seal on a desk and instructed the guards to cordon off the square table within three meters.

Command in the old experts is originally some of the highly educated people, listening to the words of Director Yun said reasonable, then also did not continue to entangle, but gathered around the square table, observe the party in the light flashes lubricated color “Jade Seal of the State” to.

“Xiao Zhuang is right, this gold and jade craftsmanship is very high, natural, can not see any traces of repair, it is really likely to be the state seal.”

“Yes! The jade seal’s jade is round and moist, with a flow of precious light within it, apart from the Heshi Bi, one can no longer find such a precious jade.”

“This is not easy to say, we all know that the Song Dynasty was the peak of craftsmanship in Chinese history, and it is not an impossible period to imitate such a jade seal.”

These archaeology and history experts, although not proficient in identifying antique jade, but perennial contact with these objects, the vision is still there, and at that moment pointed to the seal of transmission have commented.

The attention of the people in the tent was attracted by the “Jade Seal of the Passing State”, while Zhuang Rui quietly withdrew from the crowd and came to the front of Director Guo.

“Hey, I say Guo director, this …… this jade seal, but we bet in an object ah!”

This is really which pot is not mentioning which pot, is thinking how to avoid Zhuang Rui’s Guo Director, after hearing this, that old face is from white to red, and then black like the bottom of a pot.

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