Chapter 1198 – Zhuang Rui’s Partners

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:51:45
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“Zhuang Rui, you are of this state heirloom jade seal, which dynasty is imitated ah? Tang imitation or Song imitation?”

Having taken care of the museum for several years, Huangfu Yun was now considered a cultural relic expert, and hearing Zhuang Rui say that he wanted to put the Heirloom Jade Seal on exhibition in the Stereoscopic Museum, he immediately made a determination.

Huangfu Yun knows that, through all the generations of China, the Tang and Song dynasties imitated the state seal the most, and when Tang Emperor Li Shimin didn’t get the real state seal, he even imitated as many as nearly twenty of them. As for the real seal of state transmission, Huangfu Yun pressure simply did not think about that, long disappeared for a thousand years of contraptions, where is so easy to see?

“I say brother Huangfu, you can not be a little pursuit ah! What Tang imitation Song imitation mess.”

Zhuang Rui sniffed at Huangfu Yun a glance, he Zhuang Rui is to play with fakes of people? Even if this fake remains to this day is also extremely valuable antiques.

“Not a Tang and Song imitation?”

Huangfu Yun face showed a disappointed look, spoke: “Then it is the Qing imitation? This is not right, how can Mongolian tombs leave Qing Dynasty stuff? Could it be the tombs of those Mongolian princes of the Qing Dynasty?”

The discovery of Genghis Khan’s mausoleum has not yet been announced to the outside world, and Zhuang Rui also signed that laborious confidentiality agreement, so all these things he did not say to Huangfu Yun, which led to Huangfu Yun’s wild speculation.

“Huangfu brother, you just this interest ah? Tell you, that thing is not an imitation, it’s the state seal of Qin Shi Huang ordered to be made from He Shi Bi, as fake as it is, you’d better think of a way to see how to do publicity quickly!”

Zhuang Rui stops walking, crying and laughing, looking at Huangfu Yun, this He Shi Bik really disappeared in the world for too long, he said so understandably, this brother froze all dare not to guess towards the real state heirloom jade seal above.

“Oh, the original is made of He Shi Bik.”

Huangfu Yun followed Zhuang Rui a sentence, followed by eyes glaring round, a pull Zhuang Rui, loudly asked: “Really …… real state transmission jade seal? I …… I say old brother, you, you will not be fooling me to play it?”

“I have just returned to Beijing, wife and children have not seen, my idle egg pain fool you ah?”

Zhuang Rui is really defeated by Huangfu Yun, while greeting chasing the wind himself into the container car, said: “Inner Mongolia that mausoleum has been confirmed, is Genghis Khan mausoleum, in recent days will be announced. And inside the main cultural relics of the Transmission Jade Seal, will be in our museum for the public, but only three months, brother Huangfu, this matter can be left to you to operate ah!”

“The Jade Seal of Transmission of the State, to be exhibited in our museum for three months?”

Huangfu Yun was ecstatic when he heard Zhuang Rui’s words, “Don’t say three months, even if it’s just three days, I can make our Definitive Light Museum a household name in the country.”

Huangfu Yun these years running the Dingguang Museum, has long transformed himself from the identity of a lawyer to a businessman, but as a lawyer’s logical thinking still exists, and at that moment after some calculations in his head, he opened his mouth and said, “Zhuang Rui, isn’t it true that the discovery of this news of the Jade Seal of the State of Transmission, also by us to announce it?”

Not to mention the operation of antiques and cultural relics of Huangfu Yun, is an ordinary person, can also know the huge news effect, Huangfu Yun gorgeous is in the heart of planning to convene a what kind of press conference it!

“This thing will be in the Ministry of Culture’s press conference, then will also show the state seal, but after that by us to take over, Huangfu brother, you tell Yang Jian, must organize the security work, do not have any problems.”

Zhuang Rui’s words broke the small plan in Huangfu Yun’s heart, but this is also the intention, Huangfu Yun did not show disappointment, but said with gusto: “OK, Zhuang Rui, this matter is handed over to me to do, so what, I do not go with you to the manor, first back to the museum ah!”

At this time in the heart of Huangfu Yun, but filled with a great sense of happiness, where he still cares about giving Zhuang Rui reception and so on? Brain is all thinking about the exhibition of the various programs of the state seal, immediately jumped into the car he drove, a smoke ran out of shadow.

“Shit, there is Genghis Khan’s golden arrow did not say it!”

Zhuang Rui shook his head, to Huangfu Yun’s nonchalance is quite unimpressed, but forget about the self when he saw the state seal that stupid look?

“Timur Anta, Qiqiqi, this is my cousin, you guys can just call Fourth Brother, hey, I said Fourth Brother, don’t touch Chasing Wind! It’s temper is not very good.”

After Huangfu Yun left, Zhuang Rui only remembered that he left Timur and Qiqi Ge out in the cold, and hurriedly introduced the duo, who were being accompanied by Peng Fei, to Ouyang Jun, who was bravely trying to touch Chasing Wind.

“An Ta? Zhuang Rui, you’ve tied the knot with this brother?”

Ouyang Jun retracted his hand that wanted to touch Chasing Wind, and looked at Zhuang Rui with an odd expression, in their circle, but there was never any real brotherhood or such feelings, between people, it was more about utilizing each other.

“En, in the future, Timur is also your brother, Wu Yun Qiqi Ge is your sister, you are the head of the ground in Beijing, turn around and find a special person, these days accompany them to have a good time.”

Zhuang Rui looked at Timur and Qiqige somewhat apologetically and said, “Timur Anta, we live together, but …… I may not have time to accompany you these days.”

“It’s fine, brother Zhuang Rui, you lend me Chasing Wind, I’ll go around by myself.”

Qiqiqi hadn’t gotten out of the novelty of riding an airplane yet, and seeing such a wide place as the airfield, she couldn’t wait to ride Chasing Wind and run around right now.

“Riding Chasing Wind to stroll around Beijing City?”

Zhuang Rui almost didn’t get thundered by Qiqige’s words, crying and laughing, he said, “Go home first, go home first.”

Letting Timur and Qiqige sit in Ouyang Jun’s car, Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei stayed in that container individually, there’s no way, after changing to an unfamiliar and closed space, Chasing the Wind and Peng Fei’s white rabbit are not very accustomed to it.

“Lilu ……”

After more than an hour, the container stopped at the intersection of Zhuang Rui’s manor, and the wind chaser who got off the car hissed up to the sky, fiercely venting its dissatisfaction of being trapped in a cage.

“Brother Zhuang Rui, this place …… is not as good as the prairie.”

Uyun Qiqige came down from Ouyang Jun’s car with a somewhat gloomy look, perhaps the steel city that she had just passed through was too far from the Beijing in the little girl’s heart.

“Qiqige, Beijing is the political and cultural center of our country, many places here carry the long history of Chinese civilization, you have to interpret it with your heart, I will try to find time to accompany you in these days.”

Zhuang Rui smiled and touched Qiqige’s head, turned his face to look at the manor more than two hundred meters away, and his heart was quite emotional, he had been away from home for more than two months, and now he was finally back.


“Ow…… ow……”

A low roar sounded after Chasing Wind’s long hiss, followed by an ow sound also came over, but it was the White Lion that stayed in the manor that sensed Zhuang Rui’s arrival.

“White Lion, I’m back.”

Hearing the white lion’s voice, Zhuang Rui also shouted in response, having been away from home for more than two months, in addition to his family, he also missed these good companions that he had once lived and died with.

After the two low roars filled with wildness rang out, the two horses behind Zhuang Rui’s back behaved differently, Chasing Wind was holding his horse’s head high and staring angrily at the direction where the sound came from, while Peng Fei’s white horse, was taking a few steps backward, sneezing revealing a terrified look.

“Ga …… ga …… ga ……”

In the sky above the distant manor, a black shadow appeared, and after letting out a few chirps, it swiftly flew in the direction of Zhuang Rui, the appearance of the golden eagle made Chasing the Wind a little uneasy as well.

To know, the prairie golden eagle is the natural enemy of cattle, sheep and horses, many large eagles can even catch cattle and sheep in mid-air and throw them down to fall to death.

“What kind of animals is this ……?”

Stay in Zhuang Rui side of the Timur and Uyun Qiqi Ge, are this rising and falling hissing sound to stunned, if you close your ears to listen to these sounds alone, how to feel like coming to the primitive forest in general ah?

“Zhuang Ruian answer, quickly get out of the way.”

Seeing the golden eagle in the air swooping down towards Zhuang Rui’s position, Timur was so scared that he hastily shouted out, familiar with the habits of the eagle, he knew that this was the action of the golden eagle before it hunted for food.

However, the development of the disorder is to let Timur and Qiqiqi eat a shock, because that two wings spread out enough to be several meters long golden eagle, in flying to Zhuang Rui head above, violently shocked the wings, and steadily landed on Zhuang Rui’s shoulders.

“Brat, every time, it causes me to waste a piece of clothing.”

Zhuang Rui only felt his shoulder sink, followed by a “khasi” sound, the clothes on his shoulder were scratched by Little Gold again, but Zhuang Rui could feel the Golden Eagle’s delight, laughing and cursing as he injected a spiritual qi into its body.

“Lulu ……”

Seeing the golden eagle land on Zhuang Rui’s shoulder, the chasing wind on the side hissed, and its front hooves even plowed on the ground, issuing a warning sound.

The golden eagle, on the other hand, twisted its head and sized up Chasing Wind with its soulful eyes, smart as it was, it was already aware that another partner would be ushered in the manor.

Zhuang Rui pulled over Chasing Wind and said with a smile, “Chasing Wind, don’t be afraid, this is Little Gold, you’re going to live together in the future.”

Chasing Wind’s spirituality was no less than that of the White Lion, after understanding Zhuang Rui’s words, he hesitantly sniffed at the golden eagle’s feathers with his nose, and then rubbed his big head against the golden eagle’s body to show his friendliness.

The golden eagle also returned the favor, hanging down its long neck, using its long curved beak between the white horse’s neck to help it comb its hair, this harmonious scene, not to mention Timur and the rest of them, making even Ouyang Jun, who had often seen golden eagles and other animals, look dumbfounded.

“Zhuang …… Zhuang Rui An answer, where did you …… this golden eagle come from?”

Other things Timur could care less, but this divine golden eagle, but let Timur look straight in the eyes, as a person living in the grassland, have a falcon is the dream of every grassland people.

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