Chapter 1199 – Harmony Between Humans and Animals

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:51:48
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Zhuang Rui touched the feathers on the golden eagle’s neck and replied with a smile, “Timur Anta, this is the golden eagle cub that I adopted on the Great Snowy Mountain, and it’s grown up now.”

At this time, the golden eagle’s height has exceeded one meter, standing on Zhuang Rui’s shoulder and looking around majestically, with slightly grayish-brown feathers, under the reflection of the sunlight, presenting a golden luster.

“Golden eagle cub?”

Timur’s eyes immediately lit up after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, “Zhuang Rui an answer, can we still get this golden eagle cub? I …… am willing to use all my horses for a golden eagle.”

The golden eagle has a long lifespan, and tamed eagles or falcons can help herders drive away wild wolves, and can also look for lost cattle and sheep, which can be said to be the best helper for grassland herders.

But boil the eagle is a very detailed kung fu work, coupled with the wild eagle and very little, a good falcon in the grassland price is extremely high, and like Zhuang Rui shoulder this so psychic golden eagle, its price is simply incalculable.

“Timur big brother, there is no need to talk about money or not, I’m going to make a trip to the Great Snowy Mountains next year, and if I have the chance, I’ll definitely find a golden eagle cub for you.”

Zhuang Rui now also has some headaches, the animals in his manor are getting more and more, but in addition to the white lion couple, the rest are basically barebones, himself as the boss, always have to help them find a companion ah?

Golden eagle and chasing the wind is good to say, although they can match with their kind is relatively small, but is not no, as long as spend a little effort can be found.

But King Kong is a bit of a problem, now the King Kong has grown quite a bit taller, Zhuang Rui left two months ago, King Kong has more than two meters six, compared to the Pirate Island in that cave in the remains of the ancestor is not much better.

Zhuang Rui once looked for a zoologist to give King Kong to check the body, that zoologist lived in the manor for a month, gave Zhuang Rui a result, King Kong is supposed to be a branch of the gorillas in the African rainforests, this gorilla size is generally more than two meters.

And King Kong belongs to these gorillas inside the mutant species, this phenomenon is extremely rare, but not impossible to happen, just like human beings have Yao Ming inside the normal development of giants, not because of pituitary gland disease.

Zoologist’s conclusion although let Zhuang Rui peace of mind, but King Kong’s mate problem, Zhuang Rui until now has not thought of any good way it, now King Kong is only equal to the age of five years of age of humans, is still considered young, but in case this kid later to the rutting period, then …… then… …

“Zhuang Rui An Answer, how …… is this good ah!”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Timur excitedly rubbed his hands, he is a thick person, will not express gratitude, but really do not want to lose the opportunity to get a small golden eagle, standing there feeling uncomfortable left and right.

“Oh, line, Timur An answer, this thing I can’t dare to guarantee, in the future there is an opportunity to help you to keep.”

Zhuang Rui’s contemplation was awakened by Timur and said with a smile, “Go home first! It’s not good to let our little prairie beauty stand here.”

Timur and Qiqige got into Ouyang Jun’s car, while Zhuang Rui rolled over and rode onto Chasing Wind’s back, with the Golden Eagle standing on his shoulder, which could really be described as the left holding Huang and the right Optimizing Cang.

The security guard at the entrance of the manor naturally recognizes Zhuang Rui, when a car and two horses came near, the manor’s gate also opened from inside.

“Ow-woo ……”

With a loud roar, a huge body lunged at Zhuang Rui with unusually dexterous movements.

“Lilu ……”

Originally the speed is not very fast chasing the wind, a long hiss stopped in his tracks, turn the horse’s head is to turn his face to run, it although the temperament of the fierce, and psychic, but does not mean that the chasing the wind stupid ah? Any of the world’s most ferocious beasts, in the face of this behemoth of the King Kong also have to retreat.

“It’s okay, Chasing Wind, stop, stop ……”

Zhuang Rui continuously pulling the reins of the horse, and constantly using aura to appease the chasing wind, which allows the chasing wind to stop, but has always been bold chasing wind, at this moment also do not dare to get close to the King Kong, this big guy is really appearance is too “mighty” point.

“King Kong, have you been honest lately? I have heard that your kid climbed over the fence and went out to steal other people’s corn to eat ah!”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, the original majestic King Kong, immediately squatted down, waving his hands, a pitiful look, so people can’t help but look at it.

“Bastard, playing pitiful …… again,” Zhuang Rui was also amused by the appearance of the King Kong, reached out and touched it on its large head, a trace of aura seeped in, letting the King Kong comfortably squinted his eyes.

“What …… is going on here?”

Not to mention chasing the wind, is Ouyang Jun car Timur and Qiqige, also was scared face white, they have seen gorillas on TV is not true, but they have never seen this size of gorillas.

Seeing King Kong facing Zhuang Rui’s appearance again, Timur and Wu Yun Qi Qi Ge’s eyes almost didn’t stare out, is this still an animal? In addition to not being able to speak, King Kong’s expression was completely different from that of a human being.

After being touched by Zhuang Rui’s head, King Kong proudly grabbed the travel bag in Zhuang Rui’s hand and ran in the front to lead the way, not still looking at the chasing wind behind him, meaning that he would like to learn from Zhuang Rui to go up and skate around.

“Don’t hit the idea of chasing the wind, it’s not familiar with you.”

Zhuang Rui reprimanded King Kong, turned around and pulled open the car door, said: “Timur big brother, Qiqige, get off! You guys are in Beijing, so stay here.”

“Zhuang …… Zhuang big brother, there …… are lions ah? There …… are also two small children.”

Sitting in the car Qiqige, a face of horror looking at the back of Zhuang Rui, is the self-styled grassland warrior Timur, at this moment is not even dare to move, only the right hand quietly touched to the waist of the dagger.

“Lion? A small child?”

Zhuang Rui froze at the words, and after turning around, he was overjoyed, “Fang Fang Yuan Yuan, come, daddy hug.”

“Oooh ……”

Seeing Zhuang Rui ignoring himself, the calf-sized white lion, couldn’t help but let out a low roar in its mouth, which if the people who were not familiar with the white lion, thought that it was going to give out and bite!

“Haha, White Lion, old buddy, I missed you too.”

Zhuang Rui laughed out loud and hugged his son with one hand on his shoulder, then picked up his daughter and wrapped his empty hand around the white lion’s neck.

“Oo…… oo…… oo……”

The white lion’s eyes that seemed to be able to speak, at this moment also revealed a trace of tenderness, animals with a wild nature are usually very trained, but as long as they are tamed, it is a lifetime of never leaving.

Appeared in front of the crowd of this picture, that is strange and has a touch of warmth, two children an adult, there is a ferocious Tibetan mastiff, but close together, if the CCTV man and nature program group to see, I do not know will not want to do a topic with this subject matter?

“Daddy bad, don’t take Fang Fang and sister to the zoo, Fang Fang doesn’t want you at all.”

A brittle child’s voice interrupted the picture, the son sitting on Zhuang Rui’s shoulder, although his mouth said he didn’t want Zhuang Rui, but he tightly wrapped his arms around Zhuang Rui’s neck, and didn’t want to let go for a moment.

“Brat, isn’t our home a zoo?”

Zhuang Rui laughed, kissed his daughter in his arms vigorously, a feeling of happiness arose, in this moment, what Genghis Khan mausoleum, what the jade seal of the state, are Zhuang Rui thrown out of mind.

“Zhuang Rui an answer, this is our nephew and niece, right?”

Standing behind Zhuang Rui Timur, see these two look alike powder carving jade general children, is also in the heart eyes like, hastily from the bag to find out previously prepared two gold locks.

“Oooh ……”

The white lion saw Timur approaching, a burst of warning sounds came out of his mouth, although the white lion is extremely psychic, but as a Tibetan mastiff’s nature has not been lost, he will not allow the stranger to approach Zhuang Rui and his own little master.

“White Lion, stop it, let me introduce you.”

Zhuang Rui reached out and called the chasing wind, who was quite a bit trembling on the side, and said, “This is the chasing wind, and it will also be our partner, this is Timur’s big brother, and this is Uyun Qiqiqi …… mom, the white lion, you are not allowed to frighten them in the future. Well, chasing the wind, you should not be afraid of the white lion, it and Jin Gang and the golden eagle, are very good partners.”

“Oooh ……”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, the white lion sent a low roar in its throat, sniffing one by one on Timur Chasing the wind and Qiqige, with Zhuang Rui’s previous words, Chasing the wind didn’t make a move, only its front hooves continuously planed the ground, showing its own uneasiness.

“Hey, hey, I’ll forget it, you stay away from me.”

Seeing the white lion turn his face towards himself, Ouyang fourth brother shouted at once, he and the white lion don’t deal with each other very well, came once and got his pants torn, if not Zhuang Rui didn’t allow driving inside the manor, he designated to hide in the car and didn’t come out.

“White Lion, he’s begging for mercy, ignore him.” Zhuang Rui smiled and stopped White Lion and Ouyang Jun’s traditional way of making out.

“Oooo……” after intimidating Ouyang Jun, the white lion then twisted his head and walked in front, like he was showing off his position in the manor.

But in this manor of Zhuang Rui, the white lion is indeed the deserved boss, even the naughty King Kong sometimes overplayed, as long as the white lion a voice, immediately become honest.

“I …… said Zhuang Rui An answer, this …… these are your partners?”

Timur, who had just been sniffed by the white lion out of a cold sweat, hung the two gold beaten long life locks onto the necks of Fang Fang and Yuan Yuan.

Zhuang Rui carried his son, who was riding on his shoulder, carefully onto the horse’s back, and replied with a smile, “Yes, big brother Timur, don’t look at them as ferocious-looking, but in fact they are all very kind, and as long as one communicates with their heart, they are all the most reliable companions.”

“Kindness my ass, specialized in biting people’s pants.” Ouyang fourth brother on the side not still for the skimmed his mouth.

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