Chapter 1219 – Betting on Horses (IV)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:52:41
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Although Zhuang Rui’s Chasing Wind sold very well, but Dr. Shu Wen still didn’t think much of this horse, for no other reason than because Chasing Wind had already passed the best time for racehorse training, it was impossible for him to compete with those Thoroughbreds in a short distance.

“Dr. Shu Wen, you have to run a horse to know if it’s good or bad, is this the horse you are competing with this time?”

Zhuang Rui smiled at the words, also do not go to do in the verbal argument, some things do than say to be more persuasive, Zhuang Rui at this moment is to focus on the follow Shu Wen behind a thoroughbred horse.

This horse’s height is about one meter seven or so, the body hair presents a deep red, like satin smooth and shiny, horse back straight, very beautiful lines, although Zhuang Rui does not understand the horse, can also see that this horse is very extraordinary.

Dr. Shu Wen returned to rub his hand on the horse’s back and neck, and proudly said, “Yes, this horse is called Rocket, a descendant of a thoroughbred horse in the British royal family’s imperial horse, its family tree can be traced back to two hundred years ago, and it is one of the noblest horses in this world.”

It’s not just famous dogs that have to be pedigreed, but horses have an even stricter pedigree, and the longer a Thoroughbred has been passed down, the more expensive it is, and even if you have the money, you don’t necessarily have to buy it.

Due to Shu Wen and the British royal family friendship, which was able to purchase a horse, but also enough to cost him tens of millions of dollars, are catching up with the price of a luxury private jet.

“Hehe, Rocket, very good name.”

Zhuang Rui smiled noncommittally after hearing the horse’s English name, which when translated into Chinese, means rocket, which shows how fast the horse is.

While Zhuang Rui and Dr. Shu Wen were chatting, a few more people walked into the stable, behind them each had a jockey holding a horse.

Zhuang Rui fixed his eyes to see that besides Guo Daheng, even Superman Li had also come, but although they were wearing casual sportswear, they were not wearing jockey’s clothes like Dr. Shu Wen.

“Little guy, you’re here too! Tsk, seeing this horse of yours, I can throw my horse away.” Guo Daheng’s voice came from a long distance away.

“Hehe, old man, why don’t we compete for a round?”

Zhuang Rui smiled at his words, compared to the Gambling King with his gloomy disposition, he had a little better impression of this straightforward old man.

“Forget it! I haven’t ridden a horse in more than ten years, my old bones can’t withstand the bumps oh!”

Even a business tycoon like Guo Daheng had to bow his head in front of the years, not to mention the likes of them, even if he was as strong as Genghis Khan, who had fought a great battle on horseback, in the end, wasn’t he also unable to ride on his beloved horse anymore?

“By the way, young man, for tomorrow’s race, has the jockey been chosen yet?”

And Guo Daheng and stood side by side of Superman Li, concerned about asked Zhuang Rui a sentence, he and Guo Daheng the same, all put heavy bets on Zhuang Rui.

Zhuang Rui smiled and brought Timur over on one side and said, “The jockey is done by my sworn brother Anta Timur, who is a famous rider on the prairie.”

“He as a jockey?”

After Superman Li and Guo Daheng looked Timur up and down, they suddenly had odd looks on their faces and stood there looking at each other.

“What’s wrong? The two old men, Timur Anta’s riding skills are much better than mine!”

Although neither of the two old men said much, Zhuang Rui could see a look of disbelief coming from the face of Dr. Shu Wen who was on the side, it was clear that they didn’t think too highly of Timur.

“Ahem, little one, this jockey is very important for a racehorse, this young man is very good but a little too tall.”

With the age status and position of Guo Daheng and the others, there was naturally no need to tuck and hide when talking to Zhuang Rui, and they directly voiced out the concerns they had in mind.

And after seeing Timur, the two Chinese business circle tycoons, are on their own earlier made the decision to begin to waver a little, let Timur such a person as a jockey, Zhuang Rui probability of winning but again small.

To know, speed horse racing, is to be in the shortest possible time, to stimulate the horse’s maximum potential, which also requires the horse’s weight is the lighter the better, so the speed horse racing jockey, the general body is in one meter seven below. And Timur that more than one meter eight, nearly two hundred pounds of weight of the stout body, even in the pattern horse racing jockey is extremely rare.

Speed race horses are not Mongolian horses, are extremely expensive thoroughbred horses, so a person riding on the horse, for the results of the race, absolutely has a decisive impact.

And will ride a horse to understand the horse, does not necessarily become a good jockey, in the horse racing world, the jockey’s light, although by the famous horse shrouded, but behind them to pay, is a lot of training and sweat.

In order to become a qualified jockey and reach the realm of unity between horse and horse, one must first become good friends with the horse, understand the horse’s habits, diet, preferences, and the biological clock must also be consistent with the horse.

A good jockey, the mental and physical qualities of the requirements are very strict, such as horse whip, gallop between heaven and earth, the bumps on the horse’s back, the legs strength, should be mastered, usually eat a piece of bread, how much milk to drink, are all said.

There is a famous horse racing rider said: I spent three months to learn to sit on the back of the horse, three months to learn to step firmly in the stirrups, and then three months to overcome the feeling of riding a circle of sore legs.

Although Timur lived on the prairie and got along with horses since he was a child, Guo Daheng and others could see that chasing the wind was not familiar with him, which was one of the reasons why they did not look favorably on Timur.

“Zhuangrui Anta, what did they say?”

Timur didn’t understand much of Guo Daheng and the others’ Cantonese Mandarin, but he could tell that the men seemed to be talking about him.

“Timur Anta, it’s nothing, they want to see how you look when you’re riding a horse, you ride on top of Chasing Wind and skate around a bit!”

Zhuang Rui can’t dare to tell the truth to Timur, otherwise the grassland man’s bloodiness will come up, no matter the honorable status of these few old men in front of him, maybe he can give them a face on the spot.

“Good, have long wanted to ride the chasing wind.”

Timur does not have so much mind, listen to the Zhuang Rui words suddenly rejoice, he on the chasing the wind has long been coveted, but the chasing the wind never buy his account, that is, yesterday’s Zhuang Rui did the chasing the wind a lot of work, which only reluctantly let Timur ride to his back.

When handing over the reins to Timur’s hand, Zhuang Rui came to Timur’s ear and said softly, “Timur’s big brother, turn back and don’t let go of the speed, try to slow down a little bit, don’t let them see our reality.”

“Hehehe, I know, promise to surprise them tomorrow.”

Timur smiled at his words, and did not step on the stirrups, directly used one hand to wrap his arm around Chasing Wind’s neck, and rode on the horse’s back with a longitudinal movement, while Chasing Wind stood steadily in place, and his body did not even shake a bit.


“Not bad, good riding skills.”

Timur’s action of mounting the horse made the few people on the sidelines praised loudly, with a figure of more than one meter eight, being able to have such dexterous movements, it made the few old men give birth to a little confidence in Timur.

Standing next to Dr. Shu Wen saw this scene, but was steadily frowned, he just from the action, but saw some Guo Daheng and others did not observe the place.

Timur’s riding skills, this is naturally needless to say, but Dr. Shu Wen is more important is the chasing the wind’s physique, a nearly two hundred pounds of body weight of a person rolled over on the horse, but there is not a hint of shaking, which shows that the chasing the wind’s strength is very great, far from ordinary horses can be compared.

Horses with great strength often represent greater explosive power, which is exactly what short-range speed racing horses are looking for, this scene made Dr. Shu Wen feel vaguely uneasy in his heart, could it be that he’s going to lose to this amazing kid again?

“Oh, oh, phew, ride!”

While Shu Wen was thinking about his mind, Timur was already running out with his horse, he didn’t need to make any movements at all, just issued a few simple commands from his mouth, and Chasing Wind ran onto the track by himself.


At this moment, on the runway of the horse farm, there were still three or five horses doing acclimatization training, and Chasing Wind’s long neigh resounded through the entire horse farm, startling these horses to turn back.

“Aigoo, I say, can’t you run a little slower?”

Zhuang Rui saw the scene on the runway, couldn’t help but cry out in his heart, just now he also specifically explained Timur, this dude turned his face and forgot his words ah?

As if a lightning bolt crossed, Timur rode the chasing wind constantly will several horses over, in the eyes of the onlookers, Timur must be in the vigorously urged the chasing wind, the chasing wind speed to the fastest.

But only Timur knows, God pity, after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, he just has been pulling back the reins of the horse, want to limit the speed of the chasing wind, do not prematurely expose the strength of the chasing wind to.

However, the wind chasing that grows in the prairie, always maintains the pride of the horse king, it is absolutely not allowed to have a horse to run in front of him, which is why he ignored Timur’s action and quickly left a few horses behind.

Fortunately, after overtaking a few horses, Chasing Wind slowed down immediately, and Timur’s riding on it also made it feel a little uncomfortable, craning its neck and sneezing continuously.

In the eyes of connoisseurs, this was a sign of a lack of tacit understanding between the jockey and the horse, and Dr. Shu Wen, who had just been startled by Chasing the Wind’s sudden outburst of speed, reappeared with a smile on his face when he saw this situation.

Although Chasing Wind’s speed just now wasn’t slow, it was still inferior to the top thoroughbred horses, and the scenario of slowing down the horse’s pace afterward also made Dr. Shu Wen think that it was the horse’s stamina that wasn’t good enough.

There was no tacit understanding between the human and the horse, and the stamina was not as good as a thoroughbred, in Shu Wen’s opinion, it was impossible to win the race.

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