Chapter 1232 – Detonating the whole field (III)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:53:14
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In horse races over one thousand meters, almost always need to seize the bends, and there are only two or three well-positioned bends, and a poor control of a horse running at breakneck speeds will often result in collision accidents.

In the races in Hong Kong and Macau, almost every year, there were incidents of people and horses tumbling over on the track, and now seeing that horse number six seemed to be out of control, the hearts of the entire crowd were lifted up.

The racecourse, which was originally echoing with loud noises, suddenly fell silent at this moment, and everyone’s eyes were focused on Chasing the Wind and horse number six through binoculars and the large display screen in the arena.

“The jockey of horse number six seems to have lost control of his horse, oh, we can see that he is waving his arms at horse number twelve as if trying to get him to duck, oh my god, this is too close to crash.”

The commentator’s voice never stopped, and he almost closed his eyes in nervousness when he saw horse number six, who had been on track two, slamming straight into Chasing Wind.

A horse that was sprinting at full speed, if it crashed into another horse, it would be just like a train traveling at high speed, not to mention continuing to participate in the race, I’m afraid that it would be hard to say that it would be killed.

“What exactly happened, why did jockey number six lose control? Is there any inside story here?” The commentator’s words cast a shadow over the hearts of the horse fans at the scene.

The jockeys who participated in the race this time were all the best riders from all over the world, their ability to control the racehorses was extremely strong, and it was basically impossible for a horse to lose control by reason.

Prince William inside the box, when he saw that the two horses were about to collide, he also jumped up excitedly, waving his arms and shouting, “Conspiracy, this is a conspiracy!”

Unlike those horse fans, these high-ranking people who are familiar with horse racing are aware of some of the inner workings of the races, and no matter which country’s horse racing sport is actually, to a large extent, controlled by the betting companies.

When too much bets are placed on a favorite horse, the bookies will use some means to “artificially” create some accidents, so that the favorite horse can not win the championship, in order to make lucrative profits.

Today’s Wind Chaser is such a hot horse that has caused several bookmakers to lose a lot of money in previous races, and now it’s going to rise to the top, which is definitely something that some forces don’t want to see.

Of course, only the impulsive nature of Prince William will shout out such words, other people even if the heart of suspicion, the face is not shown, conspiracy …… itself is part of the race, not only horse racing, in other sports is also omnipresent.

Like in recent years by people understand the short track skating this sport, countries in order to get good results, almost in a lot of important competitions will arrange “abandonment”, that is, let those who have no hope of winning the athlete, in the game “unintentionally” in the collision with other countries! This is to allow those athletes who have no hope of winning to “unintentionally” bump into other athletes during the race, so that their teammates can get good results.

If human sports are like this, not to mention horse racing, not to mention that the interests involved behind the billions of billions of dollars, those who are behind the black hand, there are enough reasons to manipulate all of this.

Dr. Shu Wen, who had already returned to his box, saw the scene on the field from the binoculars, and his originally tightly wrinkled brows suddenly stretched out, and his face revealed a trace of an imperceptible smile.

Although what happened on the field was not arranged by Dr. Shu Wen, but he knew the reason why horse number six was the “outcast”, because, this race mainland is his horse number three is the champion.

This time to participate in the race of the world’s famous horses, there are three horses ranked above the stature of Dr. Shu Wen’s racehorse, the three horses, no matter which one won the championship is normal, but Dr. Shu Wen’s racehorse if the championship, that is a not too small cold door.

This cold, will give the race behind the betting group, will bring a number of more than tens of billions of rich returns, coincidentally, Dr. Shu Wen in the betting group within the shares, so although he did not participate in it, but these things are as clear as day.

Speaking of Zhuang Rui also counted unlucky, originally was not aimed at him to arrange the “abandonment”, but now is because of the emergence of chasing the wind, and used to its body.

This is because after the second race, chasing the wind has become the favorite to win the championship, those betting syndicates will not let the chasing the wind to win the championship, if so, they do not say make money, but also to pay out a huge amount of gambling capital.

So when he saw Chasing Wind grabbing the corner and charging, that ghost jockey received instructions from some people in his headset, which led to the scene that made the tens of thousands of spectators in the arena fearful.

“How could this happen?”

Zhuang Rui, who stayed at the starting point, saw this scene on the display screen and his brows tightened.

With Zhuang Rui’s understanding of the horse racing sport, he wouldn’t have thought that deeply yet, he really thought that the current scenario was caused by the horses going out of control, that being said, when chasing a herd of wild horses on the prairie, there would often be some horses that would have a stampede.

What Zhuang Rui was worried about now was not whether Chasing Wind could win the championship, but whether or not it would cause great damage to Chasing Wind after being subjected to such a charge?

All this happened too suddenly, even if Zhuang Rui wanted to help chasing the wind is too late, because chasing the wind is running to the inside bend, and the horse is straight to the chasing the wind collision, the gap between the two is only four or five meters away.

For a racehorse, a distance of four or five meters is no different from a human stride, and when running at high speed, it is almost impossible to change lanes, and the two colliding seems to be a foregone conclusion.

“Chasing the wind, go for it!” Zhuang Rui silently shouted in his heart, the aura in his eyes had already overflowed out of his body, ready to rescue Chasing Wind after the collision.

The tens of thousands of horse fans in the arena, regardless of whether they had placed betting slips on Chasing the Wind to win or not, all of them closed their eyes nervously at this moment, silently chanting in their hearts, “Chasing the Wind, go for it!”

“Chasing the wind, go for it, charge through!”

At the same time, Timur, who was on horseback, also discovered the number six racehorse that was charging horizontally.

Just at this moment want to run at breakneck speed in the chasing wind to change direction, almost impossible thing, Timur can only hope that the chasing wind to accelerate some speed, in the number six horse collided with it before overtaking the past.

Timur’s entire body was lying on Chasing Wind’s back, minimizing the resistance of the wind as much as possible. If it were a jockey, he would probably jump off the horse to escape, but Timur did not have half such a thought, he was using his own practical action to tell Chasing Wind that he was with it.

I wonder if Chasing Wind has heard the prayers of these tens of thousands of spectators? I don’t know if Chasing Wind has felt Timur’s emotions?

Just when the two horses are about to collide, chasing the wind fierce force, originally almost has reached the limit of speed, and suddenly accelerated a lot, the whole horse body seems to rise up in the air, ghostly forward more than ten meters away.

Behind the six racehorse almost grazed chasing the wind’s hips rushed to the outer road, Timur on the back of the horse seems to be able to feel the cool wind coming from behind him, spare him more than thirty years of life on the back of the horse, but also by the thrilling scene made his body in cold sweat.

“Crash …… into it.”

“Oh no, a miracle, a miracle happened, Chasing Wind dodged through, oh my god, what just happened? Why did I close my eyes?”

“Playback, guide, hurry up and put the playback out, I think …… the horse fans present are all like me, want to know what exactly happened just now?”

In a moment, the entire stadium was silent, only the commentator’s hysterical and passionate shouts, indeed, as he said, 99% of the people in the arena, I’m afraid they do not know how chasing the wind to avoid the past?

After a few seconds of silence, the large racecourse suddenly erupted into an amazing cheer, a huge wave of sound layer after layer, seemingly to lift the sky.

“Go, go, go!”

Neatly harmonized voices came out from the mouths of tens of thousands of horse fans, all cheering for Chasing the Wind, and that kind of atmosphere detonated the entire racecourse, except for those sitting in wheelchairs, almost everyone got up and waved the flags in their hands, cheering for Chasing the Wind.

Of course, in some of the boxes, there were also people with wonderful faces, a middle-aged man who looked like a gentleman in a suit, dropped the red wine glass in his hand, and the scarlet wine spilled on the expensive carpet.

“How did this …… happen?”

Dr. Shuwen was also stunned, but he was ultimately a horse lover, and after seeing this kind of result, his heart was vaguely as if he had put down a big stone and became relaxed.

“Let’s watch the replay!”

The guide finally cut out the slow-motion replay, “Oh my god! Didn’t this …… already crash into it? Oh no, it was close, just a little bit, the number six horse ran past Chasing Wind’s hips in a tight graze. We can see through the slow-motion, chasing the wind in this instant, the speed suddenly increased, could it have not used all its strength before? No way …… the commentary will be put on for a while, I want to finish watching this race!”

The commentator’s words made the audience laugh, because horse fans could listen to the commentary and watch the race at the same time, but the commentator couldn’t, he had to look at the screen when commentating in slow-mo to be able to do so.

Chasing Wind, who had escaped, seemed to burst out of his full potential amidst the cheers of the crowd full of horse fans, and overtook the number one horse that was in front of him in just a short span of one hundred meters.

Although the jockey of horse number three was desperately urging his racehorse with his whip, it was all in vain, even though his racehorse was already foaming at the mouth due to physical overdraft, he still couldn’t stop Chasing Wind from overtaking.

“Over going, Chasing Wind …… is running in first place!” The commentator’s voice rang out amidst the cheers that filled the arena.

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