Chapter 1239 – The Female Historian

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:53:33
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Although the history of Britain was far less long than that of ancient countries such as China and Egypt, there was no doubt that in recent centuries, Britain was the undisputed hegemon of the world.

This country, which started out as a seafaring nation, played the hegemony of the sea to the extreme, they have colonies all over the world, the flag of the British empire spread all over the globe, from countless countries, including China, plundered countless treasures and wealth.

And the British Museum, built against this background, is the world’s oldest and grandest comprehensive museum, and one of the largest and most famous museums in the world.

As a result of Britain’s crazy looting, the British Museum has collected many cultural relics and book treasures from all over the world, and the richness and variety of the collections are rare for museums all over the world.

According to the data given by the British side, the museum currently has a collection of more than 6 million pieces, far better than the number of collections of the Palace Museum, due to space constraints, a large number of collections in the British Museum can not be publicly displayed.

The British Museum in the most striking, we must count the Oriental art and cultural relics museum, which, China’s showroom occupies several halls, exhibits from the Shang Zhou bronzes, to the Tang and Song dynasty porcelain, Ming and Qing dynasties of gold and jade products.

Only from China’s rare treasures through the ages amounted to more than 20,000 pieces, the vast majority of which are priceless, the most valuable when the “Lady’s Guide”, the Song Luohan three-color statues, Dunhuang scrolls and Song and Ming paintings.

Although Zhuang Rui’s Dingguang Museum is a fine line, the museum also collects a lot of precious relics, including other countries, but compared with the British Museum, Dingguang Museum, no matter from the scale or heritage, the difference can not be Li Xu.

And in the British Museum there are several pieces of Chinese collectibles, can be called the world’s only product, let Zhuang Rui are coveted, even if you can not get, if there is an opportunity to transport it to the domestic exhibition, that Zhuang Rui is also willing.

Although the heart is excited, but Zhuang Rui face still make a look of not much interest, opened his mouth and said: “William, just now you also see, my pirate museum can all be fine, general exchange, I am not interested.”

Although William’s identity is very honorable, but in the end, it is just a big boy in his twenties, a few days together, Zhuang Rui is already a brother and brother with him, and the conversation between each other is also a lot more casual.

“Zhuang, it’s not right for you to say that, the British Museum is the best museum in the world, the museum is full of fine art, even more precious than these pirate treasures.”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, young William was very dissatisfied, everyone will be proud of their own country, William certainly not willing to be belittled by Zhuang Rui.

“But …… William, the collection I want to exchange with the British Museum, can you make the decision?”

Zhuang Rui’s words let the bystander Bill Gates face a smile, he listened to the side of the cave, a glance to see Zhuang Rui is actually very interested in the British Museum, just now the words are just in the excitement of Wei only.

Compared to Bill Gates’ old-fashioned, William is still worse than three points, after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, immediately said: “Of course, our royal family in the British Museum is the right to speak, I think …… with my ability, is able to lead to the two sides to carry out an exchange of collections.”

William this is no big talk, although the British royal family no longer directly govern the country, but in the United Kingdom’s high status is irreplaceable, many British people are able to be honored by the royal family as a matter of pride, like Hong Kong has not yet returned to China, many Hong Kong Island tycoons, are with the status of British knighthood.

To say that William can change the British national policy, it is almost impossible, but the promotion of civil economic and cultural exchanges, which happens to be the British Royal Family has always been committed to the work, William opened the mouth, the British Museum will be treated with caution.

“So? That’s good! William, I will discuss with my colleagues, and then report to you a list of exchanges, if the British Museum in your country can agree, then we will start negotiations, how do you think?”

Zhuang Rui’s words, in fact, is giving William another set, if they go directly to negotiate with the British Museum, absolutely can’t get the items they want to exchange, but give it to William, it’s not the same.

No matter what, William was boasting in front of Zhuang Rui, if the thing couldn’t be done, it would definitely be a disgrace, and the exchange was not an exchange, in the end the item still belonged to the original owner, so William would definitely facilitate this exchange.

“OK, Zhuang, you write me the list, I can contact the museum side in the afternoon.”

William was more anxious than Zhuang Rui, as the second heir to the British throne, he was only ranked after its Charles, if there were no accidents, he would be the future king of the United Kingdom, in the absence of the throne, William felt the need to do something beneficial to the British public.

As a child, William was a rebellious character, refusing to blow out his birthday candles at other children’s parties, he would yell: when I am king, I will order my knights to come and cut your heads off, but as he grew older, William became more and more composed, more and more like a public figure.

Facilitating cultural and academic exchanges between the British side and China doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it’s enough to highlight William’s presence to show that the heir to the British royal family is also making a contribution to the British people.

William is not stupid, he also knows that Zhuang Rui may look at a certain object in the British Museum, but this does not matter, as mentioned, just exchange, not exchange, he just need to be able to get what he needs on the line.

After hearing William’s words, Zhuang Rui also did not hide the joy on his face, turned his face to look at Bill Gates, said: “That’s great, Bill, I’m really sorry, let my assistant accompany you to continue visiting the museum! I’m going to discuss the relevant matters with my colleagues.”

“That’s fine, Chuang, go about your business!” Bill shrugged his shoulders, he himself was a workaholic, and seeing Zhuang Rui’s attitude towards work, he had nothing but appreciation in his heart.

“I say boss, what exactly do you want to do when you hastily drag me here?”

Huangfu Yun, who was in contact with several foreign media based in Beijing, walked into his office with an unhappy face, looked around and asked somewhat strangely, “Where are those two? Did they leave?”

With Bill Gates and Prince William’s status, within the museum, only Zhuang Rui was best suited to accompany them, so Huangfu Yun thought they had left!

Zhuang Rui shook his head and said, “No, I’ve asked Yang Jian to accompany them, I’m looking for you to discuss something.”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Huangfu Yun’s eyes widened violently, and after a long time, he said half-jokingly and half-seriously, “Hey, Zhuang Rui, don’t say that, I really admire you a little bit now, I’m afraid that those two people who can get rid of those two and not accompany them, I’m afraid that I can’t find a few people on the earth.”

Didn’t wait for Huangfu Yun to finish his words, Zhuang Rui waved his hand and said, “Don’t talk about those useless, it’s like this, William will facilitate an exchange of collections between the Pirate Pavilion and the British Museum, and I’m looking for you to discuss what conditions we’re offering.”

“British Museum? Holy shit, you’ve snubbed William!”

Zhuang Rui’s words let Huangfu Yun almost did not jump up, from taking over the stereoscopic museum, Huangfu Yun had many times to go to foreign museums to study and learn, but also and many famous museums have carried out a number of collection exchanges, but the British Museum, but a piece of hard to gnaw the bones.

As the saying goes, the store is big and the British Museum is so. They have the world’s richest and most complete collection, almost in every field is impeccable, not to mention the small stereoscopic museum, is the Palace Museum once wanted to exchange some collections with them, were all powerful coaxing refused.

“If this exchange activity can be facilitated, the influence of the Dingguang Museum in the domestic museum system, must not be weaker than the Palace Museum.”

Huangfu Yun a little excited, the Palace Museum failed to do things, they can do, this is a naked face ah! However, with Zhuang Rui around, those bureaucrats were not able to do the slightest thing with the Stereoscopic Museum.

“Alright, don’t talk about those useless things, let’s see what objects are cost-effective to exchange.”

Zhuang Rui interrupted Huangfu Yun’s words, thought for a moment and continued, “The Shang Dynasty copper zun must be in the list, in addition to that porcelain wine pot from the Song Dynasty, Gu Kaizhi’s “Women’s Historical Chart” Tang Dynasty facsimile, these three things, must be exchanged over.”

“Boss, you …… you are too ruthless, right? Can they agree?”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Huangfu Yun was a bit dumbfounded, to know, these three things can be called the town treasure of the British Museum’s China Hall, every piece is worth a lot of money.

Just like Zhuang Rui said “the female historian” Tang dynasty copy, now there are only two left in the world, one of them for the Song copy, by the collection of the Palace Museum in Beijing, the penmanship and color are not satisfactory, can not be called a top quality.

The other is the British Museum in this copy, it was originally hidden in the Qing Palace, is the Emperor Qianlong’s desk love, hidden in the Yuanmingyuan, 1860, the British and French invasion of Beijing, the British army captain Ki Yong from the Yuanmingyuan stolen and taken abroad.

Hidden in the British Museum in this facsimile boutique, is not open to the public, but stored in the museum’s Stein chamber, only special experts can get the opportunity to feast their eyes on.

Nanjing Normal University Dunhuang Research Center Art Research Room Director Xie Chengshui, in 2002, had a very occasional in the secret room to see this facsimile. At that time, Xie found that the director of the register, only the last century 20 years, two Japanese people came to the scene of copying records, visible museums for this collection of the importance of the degree of it.

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