Chapter 1240 Gifts

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:53:36
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It is not an exaggeration to say that The Picture of the Female Historian is the earliest surviving Chinese silk painting today, and is one of the earliest works of professional painters in China that can still be seen. Just like the position of the sword in the ancient cold weapons, the “Female Historian’s Drawing”, likewise, has a milestone significance in the history of Chinese art.

That is why Zhuang Rui put his first target on the facsimile of the “Female Historian’s Drawing”, and the other two items he mentioned are at the same time the pinnacle of ancient Chinese artworks.

Zhuang Rui a few years ago when visiting the British Museum had paid attention to that Shang Dynasty bronze zun for two conjoined sheep, the center of the pack a round zun cylinder, the shape is very beautiful, exquisite, in the country has not yet the same type of bronze.

As for the Song Dynasty porcelain wine pot, the base of the surrounding is a lotus, the lid sits a lion, whether it is modeling or firing process, are among the treasures of the fine arts, is also included in the list of exchanges by Zhuang Rui.

Zhuang Rui finished these three objects, thought for a moment, then said: “Well, brother Huangfu, that Yuan dynasty Mandarin fish pattern blue and white porcelain plate, also listed in, the British all day long to hide these things in the secret room, also should let the country to see these more than a hundred years ago was robbed of the objects.”

Although the British Museum covers an area that is far larger than the Quingguang Museum, but the depth of their collections, the same is unfathomable, many of the most precious items, not even put on display, but was dusty for decades or even a hundred years.

Now with this opportunity to exchange exhibitions, Zhuang Rui of course wants to let those fine art representing the pinnacle of Chinese art, reappear in front of the people of the country, that is to say, although the Chinese people are now much richer, but how many people can go to the UK to watch these national treasures?

Huangfu Yun’s face is also serious, said seriously: “Zhuang Rui, your ideas and starting point is good, but …… the British Museum, will agree to our requirements?”

To know, the British Museum before, but even the Palace Museum’s account are not sold, and domestic scholars want to enter the British Museum’s secret room to study some of China do not exist in the orphaned works of art, is also difficult.

For the conditions offered by Zhuang Rui, Huangfu Yun felt that this boss of his was somewhat taken for granted, and he was not very optimistic about this exchange.

“It doesn’t matter if we don’t agree! It’s not what we proposed, brother Huangfu, if you ask for something, you have to pay it back, but the few objects I mentioned above must be in the exchange items, or else we won’t do it.”

Zhuang Rui is indifferent, can contribute to this exchange is very good, if not done, he did not have any loss, not to mention that if it is William to contribute to this matter, I think the British Museum will also give the future king of a point of face, right?

In addition, those pirates in the pirate museum of those pirate treasure, for the Chinese, just some novelty, at best, is to increase some of the foreign medieval pirate history of understanding. But for the British, these pirate treasures are of great significance, because the Klaus Pirates is to be eliminated by them, on behalf of the United Kingdom in that era of strong force and deterrence, in the eyes of the people concerned, the importance of its importance may not be lighter than those Chinese cultural relics Zhuang Rui opened up.

“Okay, let’s do it as you said.”

Huangfu Yun thought is also so a reason, at that moment with Chinese and English made a good list to Zhuang Rui, according to the principle of one for one, a total of eighteen pieces of Chinese collections in the British Museum.

In fact, Zhuang Rui on this matter, is not holding much hope, but when he handed over the list to William at noon, then the progress is unusually smooth.

I do not know whether Prince William’s future king’s identity played a role, the British Museum even agreed to the preliminary cultural exchange activities, as for the exchange of items in detail, the two museums need to be sent by the specialists to negotiate.

Of course, these things Zhuang Rui and William will not be specific to manage, poor Huangfu deputy director of the busy tomorrow “Jade Seal of the Passing State” first exhibition, has begun to book air tickets to prepare for a few days to fly to the United Kingdom, and Zhuang Rui students are with Prince William and Bill to visit Panjiayuan.

Zhuang Rui and other people are dressed casually, Bill face glasses have become a degree of sunglasses, and Panjiayuan is a foreigner gathered place, they mixed into the sea of people, but was not recognized.

However, the bodyguard behind them is much harder, in the protection of the target person at the same time, but also to prevent some emergencies, the heart can be in the belly of the Bill and William to bring here Zhuang Rui.

Bill Gates is a few times to Panjiayuan, Prince William is the first time, a wide range of Chinese “works of art”, so that the royal children since childhood to receive aristocratic education to see the dazzle.

“Zhuang, fantastic, I think …… I fell in love with Chinese culture.”

William’s right hand was holding a piece of Ruyi used by the ancients to scratch an itch, while his left hand was holding a cloisonné vase, his face was full of excitement, wherever there were more people was where he squeezed.

Although they are all fakes, but modern production technology, so that these “cottage” antiques more ornamental, if not Zhuang Rui to help kill the price, I’m afraid that Prince William will have to become the Panjiayuan since the establishment of the slaughter of the highest status of a foreign guest.

“William, I still have a gift to give you!”

Zhuang Rui also some can not stand William, he bought something Zhuang Rui kill price, engaged in Panjiayuan stalls of people, with a kind of traitor’s eyes on him, this is also too much to let a person hard to bear, at the moment it is even dragged William led into the “Xuan Rui Zhai” in the middle.

“Hey, brother Zhuang, how do you have time to come today ah!”

Xuan Rui Zhai’s third treasurer monkey, after seeing Zhuang Rui, hastened to welcome up, and a few years ago, compared to the monkey temperament calm and steady a lot, speak is also Beijing accent flavor.

“I brought two foreign friends to have a look, where are Daxiong and Lao Zhao?”

Zhuang Rui looked around, the store this time there are not many people, also did not let William and Bill inside, greeted them at the tea table and sat down.

Monkey neatly boiled water on the tea table, secretly surveyed William and Bill’s two bodyguards, whispered: “Brother Daxiong they go out, Brother Zhuang, what do your two foreign friends do ah? Why are they still following the bodyguards ah?”

“You don’t recognize them?”

Zhuang Rui looked at the monkey in surprise, Bill and William’s sunglasses had been taken down, he did not expect the monkey to not recognize these two.

Monkey said with a confused face, “Don’t recognize them! Brother Zhuang, could they be foreign stars? But this older one isn’t very handsome!”

Although he has been in Beijing for several years, Monkey doesn’t read newspapers or watch TV, and he just had a daughter last year, so he’s been a baby daddy since he got off work.

He hooked up in the gym divorced wife is also similar taste, so although I have heard of the world’s richest man is Bill Gates, but the monkey really do not recognize myself.

“Come on, your kid is really not growing at all, nothing to see more magazines on world finance, no insight at all.”

Zhuang Rui heard the monkey’s words, then cried and laughed, like Bill Gates such a person, I am afraid that in the future, perhaps will shoot a personal biography, but the world has not been any film and television companies can afford to invite him to shoot a movie.

“Why do I have nothing to watch those? It’s not like I know how to speculate on stocks.” Monkey muttered under his breath, typical of the mindset of a commoner.

Zhuang Rui waved his hand to stop the monkey from pouring the tea and said, “Alright, let me pour the tea! You go to help my two friends carve a private seal, well, with the store’s good bloodstone, good craftsmanship ah! Otherwise I can not afford to lose this person.”

Don’t look at the monkey looks is a thief eyes before all day not work, but also can really be called a dexterous, this few years of work down, will Ge master of the seal carving craft learned eight points, in the last year Ge master stroke home after recuperating, formally took over the “Xuan Rui Zhai” seal carving process.

This more than a year of work down, the monkey is also a little famous, the capital has a lot of people have begun to collect his seal to, Zhuang Rui want to give Bill and William’s gift, but also to fall on his body.

Write William and Bill’s name on the paper to the monkey after, Zhuang Rui in the tea table busy.

“Bill, William, try the Chinese tea, this is a good Pu’er tea, with a history of more than thirty years.”

Zhuang Rui often went to Old Master Gu’s place in the past few years, and had practiced the craft of pouring tea, and his flowing movements looked at Bill and William as they crossed their thumbs.

“Bang …… bam!”

Just when Zhuang Rui and William a few people sipping tea, the monkey just sat place, suddenly came out a few loud bangs, startled the door of the bodyguard an arrow step in front of Bill and William.

“Eh? Where’s Monkey? Monkey!”

Zhuang Rui realized that the monkey, who was still sitting in front of the seal engraving table just now, had already disappeared at this moment, and hastily shouted out.

“Brother Zhuang …… Zhuang, I …… I’m fine ……”

Monkey’s voice from behind the table came out, after a long time, only covered his head and stood up, a hand will be Zhuang Rui pulled to the side, whispered and pointed to the note asked: “Zhuang brother, this name, he …… is that what the world’s richest man?”

Haven’t seen a pig run can not have eaten pork? After seeing this name, the monkey, even if the brain is slow, also reacted.

Zhuang Rui only know the reason why the monkey fell, can not help but laugh and scolded, “Look at you this point of interest, it is him, back to carve a good seal, I’ll let you and he held a seal photo, enlarged hanging in the store, your kid is a celebrity later.”

“Aigoo, that dare good, brother Zhuang, you wait good!”

Monkey heard Zhuang Rui’s words, immediately full of little stars, can and the world’s richest man took a picture, this celebrity effect is not blowing, monkey as if he has already seen himself has become a seal carving master, countless people crying out to him to ask for a seal.

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