Chapter 1242 – Africa Situation

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:53:41
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“Come on, Fang Fang Yuan Yuan, this is Grand Master Song, this is Fat Grand Master ……”

Fatty Ma and others have seen Zhuang Rui’s children, but that would still be in the swaddling clothes, the two little guys are not afraid to be born, surrounded by a mouth of a Grandpa Song, just look at Fatty Ma, but it is to collect his mouth, this grandpa long and not fat ah?

The two little ones were picked up by Fatty Ma, who looked at Zhuang Rui with dissatisfaction, and said, “What do you call a fat grandpa, call him Grandpa Ma, Zhuang Rui, am I still very fat now?”

“Not fat, not fat, I said Ma, I was about to ask you!”

In the airport when there are many people, Zhuang Rui did not have the heart to ask, and now is considered to have caught the opportunity to smile and open the mouth to ask: “Brother Ma, you this time is to aid Africa to go, right? Is not to see the African people’s days are not too good, the good food and drink are let to the African brothers ah? How …… how thin into this appearance?”

To know, until now, Zhuang Rui still a little can’t believe that Fatty Ma is the person in front of him, he is completely unable to connect the person in front of him with the previous Fatty Ma.

Fatty Ma’s head is not high, almost is one meter seven out of the appearance, but the original weight of nearly three hundred pounds, let his body neck waist and limbs and other organs, are assimilated with the body, the whole a spherical object.

But now Fatty Ma is a completely different person, a body of flab all disappeared, fat face has become thin up, the whole person than before looks much more spiritual.

Only in the airport, even if Song Jun told Zhuang Rui that this is Fatty Ma, Zhuang Rui also froze half a day God, if not Fatty Ma said their first meeting in Tibet, Zhuang Rui really can not believe that stood in front of is once that fat brother.

Not to mention Zhuang Rui do not believe it, is in foreign airports when the transfer, Fatty Ma almost did not get on the plane, to the end, if not Song Jun to find a relationship, so that the Chinese Embassy abroad issued a certificate, this buddy is estimated to be in exile abroad.

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Fatty Ma said with a depressed face, “Don’t ask me, if I know why I lost weight, I would have opened a weight loss center to go.”

As long as the previous is to recognize Fatty Ma, and he has more than a year have not seen people, to see his first sentence and Zhuang Rui are similar, just Fatty Ma does not know the reason why ah!

After going to Africa, although that territory in the past two years of war and civil unrest, but as the main representative of the Chinese side, Fatty Ma can be a little aggrieved did not suffer ah, delicacies and sea food to eat, Miss Africa to play, but I do not know why, that a body of fat meat slowly reduced.

At first, Fatty Ma was also very frightened, fear of what terminal disease, and rushed to the United States to a famous hospital to check out some of the disease, but there is no disease, those world-class experts, can not say a reason to.

Knowing that since I am not sick, Fatty Ma also settled down, more than two years down, the weight from more than one hundred and forty kilograms, will be to the present one hundred and sixty pounds, the whole world for a new face.

“There is such a thing? That the domestic weight loss center are organized obese people to travel to Africa must not?”

Zhuang Rui dumbfounded after listening to the words of Fatty Ma, this is the gospel of obese people ah! If just living in Africa can have this effect, I’m afraid that the fat people around the world will be able to pull up the African economy.

Fatty Ma shook his head and placed the round in his arms on the ground, a hint of smugness appeared on his face, “It’s beautiful to think about it, but it’s useless for everyone else except me.”

Among the people who traveled to Africa to form the company, there were also people whose tonnage was similar to Fatty Ma’s, but their weight in the past few years was not on not small, and it was just Fatty Ma who was more special.

“Get, a thousand gold can’t buy old age thin, fat brother although only more than forty years old, can thin down is also a good thing.”

Scientists can not come up with results, Zhuang Rui also do not want to die in this above brain cells, when the topic turned, asked: “Song, Ma, we have this African mining company, in the end, how to engage in? Will not return to the blood money, right?”

Formation of the African mining company has been up to three years of time, when Zhuang Rui is considered to be dumped only to come up with twenty percent of the share of the money, originally thought that this is a hen that can lay eggs, who knows a few years in the past, but a penny of the proceeds have not seen.

Although Zhuang Rui is not very important to money, but this is billions of dollars rather than tens of dollars ah! Also that year Zhuang Rui all the family capital, enough to hire a foreign mercenary corps is to subvert those small African countries.

Previously on the phone to talk about these things, Song Jun and Fatty Ma are incoherent, now the two are back in the country, Zhuang Rui is to ask a clear, although the relationship between us is good, but the pro-brothers clear accounts is not? Can’t let buddies that will buy a house to smash the iron to put together the money to play the water, right?

“You still remember this company ah?”

Fatty Ma sniffed dissatisfied rolled his eyes, last year when he had to go to the United States to see a doctor, want to let Zhuang Rui to sit in the African company, this buddy is all kinds of excuses, and finally actually played the disappearance.

“Ahem, Brother Ma, am I not busy? We agreed in the beginning, I only take up shares regardless of the operation, this can’t be blamed on me, right?”

Zhuang Rui really did not know that Fatty Ma called him to go last year because he wanted to see a doctor, when he said that, there were really a few points of embarrassment.

“You kid, I’m also convinced that you, billions of dollars casually thrown in without asking, my old horse does not have that kind of vigor.”

Fatty Ma shook his head, then said: “These years the political situation in Africa has not been too stable, we signed the agreement of that country, it changed two governments, in addition to several countries involved in the Congo, the net is to coordinate the relationship in these years.”

Thinking about the experiences and insights in Africa over the past few years, Fatty Ma also shook his head repeatedly and explained the form of Africa to Zhuang Rui who had a foggy head.

As the last continent in the world to realize political independence, Africa is undoubtedly a huge cake in the eyes of various world powers.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Western countries promoted multi-party democracy in Africa and advocated the implementation of private ownership in the economy, linking economic assistance to whether or not to restructure the economy according to Western standards.

At the same time, the drastic changes in the international situation (the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the dramatic changes in Eastern Europe, etc.) also brought about a strong impact on Africa, leading to the intensification of some of the original political, economic, tribal and religious contradictions in the region, resulting in the political turmoil in some countries.

Countries such as Liberia, Somalia, Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo were plunged into civil strife, while Ethiopia and Eritrea were engaged in a war that lasted for more than two years over the border issue.

Although the situation in Africa has improved since 2000, peace and stability in Africa have been disturbed from time to time and some localized conflicts still exist due to historical reasons and various complex internal and external factors.

In particular, in recent years, the outbreak of the land crisis in Zimbabwe, the resumption of the war on the border between Egypt and Egypt, the protracted conflict in the Congo and the serious setback in the peace process in Sierra Leone have all had a certain impact on the regional situation.

And unfortunately, the countries and regions in Africa in turmoil, it is in Zhuang Rui and others invested in the mine range, without a stable political situation, want to develop the economy there, almost impossible.

Like Fatty Ma is in that small country in Africa, two years for two regimes, behind the back of the Western powers behind the scenes, has been from the local ethnic conflict, evolved into a big country between the dark war, the reason, of course, is that the country’s rich underground strategic minerals.

Imagine, a new regime came to power, if he does not recognize the agreement signed by the old government, that the investors have no way, others are sovereign countries, can not send troops to fight it? Then the only way is to go behind their backs and support the new government again.

The Chinese side is not like the surface so peaceful, using the middle of the last century and the African people laid down a good relationship, in several conflicts or to master the situation, but Fatty Ma and other people invested in the mining company’s mining plan, but it is delayed again and again.

So and Zhuang Rui in the country free and easy different, Fatty Ma in these years the pressure is very big, not to mention, all his domestic property almost all invested in, even started the coal mine is also mortgaged to the bank.

Although there is the Song family to take care of, the coal mine is not to be recovered by the bank, but Fatty Ma’s days are not too good, he is now more than the face of the trouser pockets clean, is really a penny can not come out.

The African side of the day does not start, we must spend a day’s expenses, even the Song family have followed up to the inside and invested a lot of money, if it drags on, even the Song family this behemoth is likely to be dragged down.

“Shit, so we are to do contribution to the African people to go? The money has been spent and the mine is not allowed to be mined?”

Zhuang Rui after listening to Fatty Ma’s introduction also some anxious eyes, dare to say that these three years are in the infrastructure? And will be the road harbor are built, but can not be mined, that the front of one or two billion investment is not all hit the water?

Fatty Ma patted Zhuang Rui’s shoulder, his face showed a trace of fatigue, and opened his mouth to say, “Now the situation is clearer, mining can be carried out next month, and the preliminary investment, will soon be able to recover.”

“Oh, then you two come back for what? This immediately started construction, do not want people to sit in the town ah?”

To be honest, Zhuang Rui said this somewhat without thinking, which let the two overseas travelers who almost didn’t get sunburned into black brothers to hear in the ear, immediately stormed out.

“Shit, do you have a conscience? Damn, my son’s wedding I did not come back, immediately a start, and then have to stay over there for several years, dare I go back to the country you kid still complain ah?”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Fatty Ma is really annoyed, even Song Jun is also not worried about his face, staring at Zhuang Rui with a bad face, if Zhuang Rui dares to say any more heartless words, these two brothers will definitely beat him up.

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