Chapter 1248 – Poverty and Luxury

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:53:56
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After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Clyde helplessly shrugged his shoulders and said, “Alright! Boss, I believe that following you, I can become the greatest captain in history.”

“Hehe, you definitely will, the ocean has countless treasures waiting for us, but Clyde, you have to wait for me to finish the matter at hand first.”

Zhuang Rui casually drew another free pie for Clyde, but this time it was relatively more reliable, when the matter in Central Africa was resolved, Zhuang Rui was ready to carry out the shipwreck salvage.

After settling the bearded captain, Zhuang Rui invited Lai Shaohua to have dinner on the Xuan Rui ship, the great chef from China and the rich provisions on the ship, ate Lai Shaohua was very happy, in their battleships, but they can’t eat such delicious meals.

As the chief officer of this military visit fleet, Li Shaohua still had quite a few things to deal with, after dinner, he politely declined Zhuang Rui’s suggestion to let him stay on Xuan Rui ship to rest, and returned to his own warship.

“Mr. Zhuang, the convoy escorting you to the mining area is ready, may I ask if we should depart now?”

Early the next morning, a naval officer came to the Xuan Rui ship, this person Zhuang Rui had seen yesterday, called Zhou Liang, he was following Li Shaohua, but at that time, he was wearing civilian clothes, now after he changed into his military uniform, he was clearly carrying the rank of colonel.

“Brother Zhou, call me Xiao Zhuang or Zhuang Rui can, you can never call what the general, this name is too awkward.”

Zhuang Rui smilingly took a pack of small pandas with long filters and threw it over, he knew that his future guard work in the mining area would be taken care of by this naval colonel officer together with the company’s mercenaries, of course he had to get on good terms with the visitor.

Receiving the cigarette that Zhuang Rui threw over to have a look, Colonel Zhou’s eyes couldn’t help but light up, although with his rank smoking is also the white skin military Chinese cigarettes, but this kind of cigarettes that are exclusively for the leaders of the ministry level and above, he usually has no blessing to enjoy.

“Good, Zhuang old brother, just for you to bribe me with this pack of cigarettes, I also made you a friend.”

Zhou Liang is a quick nature, of course, he will not because of a pack of cigarettes and Zhuang Rui friendship, but yesterday saw the top boss for Zhuang Rui’s attitude, coupled with the Zhuang Rui not the slightest domestic habits of those playboys, Zhou Liang naturally know how to get along with Zhuang Rui.

After chatting with Zhuang Rui for a while, Zhou Liang looked at his watch and said, “Let’s go, get on the boat, old brother, in order to send you this big guy over there, I’m driving the biggest troop-carrying speedboat.”

The Gulf of Guinea is the largest bay in the world, and is also the trade center of Central Africa, every day there are countless ships docked here or leave, the Chinese side visiting warships, but can only stay close to the Gulf of Guinea related to the country’s waters.

After seeing the speedboat below that can transport dozens of soldiers at a time, Zhuang Rui laughed and patted King Kong’s head, saying, “King Kong, your kid is enjoying special treatment ah!”

“Ow ……”

Although King Kong loved the life on the ocean, but after not seeing land for a long time, this guy was already a bit stirred up, and after excitedly jumping into the speedboat from the elevator, the whole speedboat was violently sunk by the pressure of its huge body.

After riding the speedboat from “Xuan Rui” to the harbor, Zhuang Rui was startled by the fleet of vehicles in front of him, in a landing place in the busy harbor, there were the two off-road vehicles that he had seen yesterday, and there were also four armored personnel carriers and a truck surrounded by a canvas bag.

“Brother Zhou, is it necessary to use …… such a big battle?”

The truck was even, that was because there was King Kong following it, ordinary cars couldn’t fit it, but this armored personnel carrier was a bit too eye-catching.

Thick bulletproof tires are half a person high, the body chassis frame is extremely high, can be in a more complex road conditions, and the head and tail of the personnel carrier, there are two shooting holes, in other words, this is a simplified tank ah!

This kind of battle really let Zhuang Rui heart some drums, they just go to the company to go to the office, this whole like to war, could it be that there are dangers on the road?

Such a convoy parked on the pier, so that the surrounding passers-by are side-eye, but this is in Africa, especially in the seven or eight small countries sandwiched between the Gulf of Guinea, no one will go up to meddle in the matter.

The King Kong that came down from the speedboat also surprised the workers on the dock, although the surrounding countries were the last habitats of gorillas on this planet, these people had never seen an orangutan of such a large size.

Zhou Liang, who was wearing a military uniform, was a little impatient by the people around him, and waved at Zhuang Rui, saying: ”Elder brother Zhuang, what is this! You don’t know, some chiefs of these neighboring countries go out, the row is much bigger than ours, go, get on the car and talk about it.”

After Zhuang Rui and the others got on the car, the convoy quickly drove out of the harbor, drove on a flat asphalt road for about half an hour or so, and turned into a gravel road, most of the sides of the road were cultivated land, and a lot of blacks were laboring in the fields.

“Shit, they really don’t wear tops! Huh, all women working?”

Zhuang Rui found that these people working in the fields are basically women, some friends will ask, black people are so black, can you see clearly in the car?

The answer is very simple, because those women are not wearing tops, the whole upper body is exposed outside, unless the man’s chest muscles are developed into Arnold or Stallone that, otherwise Zhuang Rui is not recognized.

This is not Zhuang Rui in the hooligan specifically staring at that place, but in too conspicuous, who is also the first look at that place.

“Brother Zhou, how come men don’t work ah?”

Zhuang Rui asked like Zhou Liang beside him, it is hard to believe that this place is the same as Myanmar, men are at home with children, women work?

“Here, farming is considered light work, the men are working in the forest or in the mines, it’s much more tiring than these jobs.”

Zhou Liang’s Chinese fleet, has been in this region for more than two years, and knows the local customs and habits like the back of his hand, and at that moment gave Zhuang Rui an introduction.

Many countries in Africa, are in the primitive forest surrounded, in the early centuries, here people live and primitive people do not have a big difference, and the Americas and Western countries, but also groups of black slaves to capture here.

Although the rights and interests of the blacks have been recognized and improved to a large extent after the black liberation movement, the poverty and backwardness of Africa has not changed much.

Even within these countries, slavery still exists. The main source of slaves is prisoners of war, but there are also some debtor slaves and criminals, and the slave trade is also prevalent.

Institutional imperfections lead to the decline of social development, although the African land can be said to be full of gold, but these gold does not belong to the African people.

Especially in Central Africa, many countries even reach more than fifty-five percent of the forested area, although there are rich deposits of gold, copper, iron and other minerals under the ground, but they do not have enough technology to mine.

So most of the people here are to cultivate the land for a living, men are engaged in deforestation, hunting and fishing has been mineral mining and other heavy labor, while agricultural farming is mainly by women.

Just like the scene that Zhuang Rui saw, it was all women working, they put their children who still can’t crawl in the fields between the ground, and they themselves were busy inside.

And these people even so labor, in exchange for the remuneration is only just able to solve the problem of food and clothing, so in such a region, disputes are also the most likely to occur, often broke out between the tribes of the war, they are for, is the other side of the women and wealth.

“Alas, this is really guarding the gold mountain to ask for food!”

After hearing Zhou Liang’s introduction, Zhuang Rui also can’t help but lament a sentence, the underground has incomparably rich mineral resources, these people can only engage in the most primitive work to maintain life, backwardness will be beaten this sentence, in the African continent is the most applicable but.

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Zhou Liang skimmed his lips and said in disbelief, “Gold mountains, gold mountains are there, but they are all personal, and these ordinary people have nothing to do with them.”

Regardless of which country or region, even in primitive societies, there was a privileged class that existed, and it was the same and even more so in the great land of Africa.

The kings or chiefs of these countries held important trade goods such as gold, salt, furs, ivory, and metal minerals, and basically the wealth of a country was collected in their hands.

According to Zhou Liang, he had seen a tribal chief who guarded the gold mines, built a very large lake in his own estate, the role of which is mind-boggling.

That occupied a lot of black farmers plowed the lake, actually just to park the chief of the seaplane landing takeoff used, and the chief of the year is rare to use twice.

Don’t look at here poor, high-end consumption is staggering, a variety of the world’s top sports cars private airplanes are available, of course, the consumer or those kings or chiefs.

“Grandma, no wonder war often breaks out here! Where there is oppression, there is resistance!”

Zhuang Rui was also greatly upset after hearing the life of the African people, of course, he was just lamenting a few words, after all, the mineral company that he invested in, from the root, is equal to also earning wealth from the African people.

“Yeah! People are poor and more easily provoked, sometimes a tribe can subvert a country.” Zhou Liang spoke as if he had deep feelings, and Zhuang Rui wondered if they had done just that.

The caravan drove forward for more than an hour, the cultivated land on both sides was getting less and less, and the road was getting narrower and narrower, both sides were full of tall rainforest trees, except for the birdsong and the animal’s cries, the surroundings became very quiet.

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