Chapter 1249 – Aggrieved King Kong

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:53:59
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The sparse sunlight shone from the dense branches and leaves overhead to the ground, making it more and more dark and silent, and the roar of the convoy’s motor startled some birds and small animals from time to time.

“Elder brother Zhuang, close the car window!”

While Zhuang Rui was curiously glancing out of the window, Zhou Liang had talked his way out and rolled up the window next to him, the thick bulletproof glass instantly blocking out the unique sounds of the forest.

Seeing Zhou Liang’s action, Zhuang Rui opened his mouth and asked: ”What’s wrong? Brother Zhou, could it be that there are some fierce beasts here?”

Zhuang Rui had once watched the CCTV science channel, in the African jungle, leopards are the most dangerous killers, but it seems that these animals have always shunned humans, only humans are cutting down the forest trees without measure, constantly compressing their living space.

“Beasts? Africa’s beasts have always been the object of people’s hunting.”

Zhou Liang shook his head, glanced out of the window vigilantly, and then said, “In this part of Africa, not only are the fierce beasts the object of hunting, but even the people are, and if they are not careful, they will be gnawed off by their own kind with their bones and flesh.”

As several countries in Central Africa near the Gulf of Guinea, most of them are covered by forests, many tribes are located in the forest, which limits their development at the same time, but for some criminals who are wanted by Interpol, provides a space for survival.

As the saying goes, a dog can’t eat shit, although those criminals have enough money to survive here, but a peaceful life is not what they are looking for, under the cover of the primitive forest, they are continuing to do some evil deeds.

This part of the people are generally divided into two kinds, a kind of goodwill, on the poaching of rare animals classified as protected animals by the relevant international organizations, and sell them at a high price to the smugglers who come to Africa to buy.

The armed men who used to rob homes and businesses are back to their old ways, and after taking over a stronghold, they will violently rob the surrounding tribes or merchants who trade in Central Africa.

This category of people was civilized society to be forced to this nook and corner of the place, ruthless not to mention, weapons and equipment is exceptionally well equipped, enough to fight with those local government forces.

Because these small countries are organized by various tribes, the so-called government forces, is the private arm of the tribe, simply can not form the scale of the siege of these people, this situation also leads to these criminal groups is more and more bold, the strength of those less than their armed business groups, but also dared to carry out attacks.

In the last year, a team of Chinese workers from the Gulf of Guinea to the mining area, has been attacked by these armed elements, at that time, two people were killed, if not use the radio to call the helicopter gunships to come to the support, I am afraid that the casualties will be even more heavy.

So after entering this area which is forested on both sides, very convenient for the armed elements to hide, Zhou Liang’s expression also became serious, he is Li Shaohua’s beloved general, and knows that this mission of transporting Zhuang Rui can not afford to fail.

The front part of the armored personnel carrier that drove at the front was already equipped with a squad machine gun, the yellow bullets pulled a long line, deterring all those who had bad intentions towards this convoy.

The convoy’s move, let Zhuang Rui heart also become apprehensive, but is the passenger seat of Peng Fei some excitement, constantly in the palm of the play with his knife, eyes are not looking to the depths of the forest, seems to be eager to break out a gun battle it!

More than three hours later, the convoy passed through the forest passages that were easy to be ambushed without any danger, and came to a spacious highway, Zhuang Rui and Zhou Liang were relieved, only Peng Fei’s face was a bit resentful.

Having set off from the Gulf of Guinea harbor at eight o’clock in the morning, it wasn’t until nearly four o’clock in the afternoon that the convoy arrived at the location where the mine was located.

This is a native tribe, when the caravan drove into the village, many black children ran after it, their eyes full of amazement.

After passing through this tribe built with wood, it is the destination of Zhuang Rui’s trip, which is also the headquarters of the Central African Mining Company.

Sitting in the car looking ahead of the company’s “headquarters”, Zhuang Rui can not help but laugh and cry, although the name of the Central African Mining Industry is quite scary, but the headquarters is also a large yard with a fence, inside there are several rows of steel structure buildings, the highest is just two layers.

On top of the fence there is also a wire power grid, around there are quite a few loaded guns wearing camouflage uniforms armed personnel guarding, see the convoy came, a few people walked over, reaching out to the lead car stopped.

“Xiao Zhou, hard work, Mr. Zhuang, welcome to Central African Mining Company, we are waiting for you to sit in the town!”

Zhuang Rui and Zhou Liang just got off the car, a middle-aged man who had already waited outside the company greeted him quickly, shook hands with Zhuang Rui and Zhou Liang respectively, but Zhuang Rui found that although this middle-aged man was more polite to himself in his mouth, he paid more attention to Zhou Liang.

“Mr. Wei, you’re too polite, I’m just here to travel on this trip! Don’t care about anything.”

Zhuang Rui shook the man’s hand and snorted with his mouth, he knew that this General Manager Wei of the Central African Mining Company was actually a representative of a certain department of the state stationed here, and his right to speak was much bigger than him, the titular shareholder.

In fact, Zhuang Rui is also over as a pose, to prove that China-Africa Mining is a private investment nature, of course, although countries know that this is in the cover-up, but the international popularity of this set, China is also with the tide.

“Oh, a lot of things depend on Mr. Zhuang it, a few people, please ……”

Mr. Wei sidestepped his body and was about to let Zhuang Rui and the others inside the fence gate, but the body just turned halfway and froze there, looking behind Zhuang Rui with a gaze full of fear.

“What …… is this …… monster …… monster ah?”

The appearance of King Kong, can not help but let the always pampered General Wei was shocked, is that those around the soldiers, but also have pulled to the gun bolt, the muzzle of the gun aimed at the back of Zhuang Rui, if not to take into account the front of Zhuang Rui and others, I’m afraid that they will have to shoot.

To know, although these people have seen the gorillas in the forest, but to the King Kong such a height of more than two meters six, weighing a ton or so of the big guy, they also only saw in that movie inside.

Not only the company’s side of the personnel surprised, originally followed the convoy of those black children, in the sight of King Kong, even more like to see a ghost, turn their heads and run backwards, there are a few children because of panic, and even fell to the ground.

“All don’t shoot, don’t shoot, this is my partner, my friend, it’s Friend …….”

Zhuang Rui did not expect that the appearance of King Kong would make these people’s reaction so great, in a hurry a hand jumped to the body of King Kong, waving his hand to signal those people to put down their guns.

After seeing that there are still blacks among these armed men, Zhuang Rui is even more mixed with Chinese and English to boom out, not caring whether those people speak English or not.

Peng Fei and other people see the situation is not good, also have surrounded the King Kong’s surrounding, afraid that someone to shoot at the King Kong, even Zhou Liang is the same, although and the King Kong get along with the time is very short, but he can feel this big guy to human friendly.

King Kong also seems to know that the surrounding black hole muzzle of the powerful, two hands holding the head of the squatting on the ground, so that, those armed men with guns in Zhuang Rui and other people’s interference, but can not be in the aiming.

After a while of explanation, those people reluctantly accepted Zhuang Rui’s statement, but there were several black soldiers still staring at King Kong with a bad face, as if as long as King Kong did something wrong, they would still shoot.

This process lasted for about five whole minutes, just when Zhuang Rui originally thought that the disorder had calmed down, the noise suddenly came from the distance, a group of blacks holding big knives and spears, led by a few children, rushed towards Zhuang Rui’s side, and a few of the ones who ran faster also threw stones to this side.

“Damn, have they all gone crazy?”

Looking at these seemingly primitive guys with primitive weapons, Zhuang Rui didn’t know whether to cry or should laugh, this scenario was too fucking out of his expectation.

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, that Mr. Wei came back to his senses at this time and hurriedly greeted Zhuang Rui: “Quick, go in first ……”

“Shit, what’s going on here? Gorillas are very timid and kind animals, almost never take the initiative to attack humans, why are they all so hostile to King Kong?”

After taking King Kong into the enclosure, the anger in Zhuang Rui’s heart erupted, he didn’t care that the Wei always in front of him was a person from the relevant domestic department, if he hurt King Kong, Zhuang Rui spelled those shares not to be, but also want to break up this land.

Zhuang Rui side of the King Kong, at this time is also a face of aggrieved expression, with both hands to cover the face, uneasily looking at the side of those people, it does not know what he did wrong, will be so special treatment?

Especially King Kong had an inexplicable good feeling about this place, but what greeted him was not so friendly, which made King Kong very sad.

“Mr. Zhuang, ahem, this matter, it’s not our fault, much less those black people.”

Mr. Wei looked at those blacks blocking the doorway, pulled Zhuang Rui and said, “Let’s go! Go inside and I’ll talk to you.”

However, it took a lot of effort to get King Kong into the house that was exclusively for “humans”, and in the end, he had to remove a gate to get King Kong out of the black people’s line of sight.

“Mr. Zhuang, this partner of yours is suffering from its close relatives!”

“Mr. Wei, what do you mean by that?” Zhuang Rui asked patiently, after entering the room, Mr. Wei’s first words made Zhuang Rui a bit confused.

How does this sound a bit wrong! Isn’t the gorilla’s close relative, human beings? A biologist once confirmed that the genetic chain of gorillas is the closest to humans.

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