Chapter 1250 – The Reason

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:54:01
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Gorillas generally live in the depths of the jungle, although it looks ferocious, in fact, the temperament is very gentle and timid, rarely attack humans, Zhuang Rui really do not understand, why the people here are so hostile to King Kong?

Even at this time, those people outside the company’s fence still haven’t dispersed, and seem to be clamoring, Zhuang Rui’s brows can’t help but wrinkle up, could it be that bringing King Kong to the gorilla’s birthplace is a kind of wrong behavior?

“Mr. Wei, can you make it clearer? How can humans hate gorillas because of themselves?”

Zhuang Rui knew that in order to solve this problem that was giving him a headache, he still had to ask this General Manager Wei who had been in the local area for several years.

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Mr. Wei glanced slightly fearfully at King Kong who was squatting beside Zhuang Rui, and opened his mouth to say, “Mr. Zhuang, the close relative I’m talking about is not our human beings, but another kind of primate …… chimpanzee in Africa.”

“Chimpanzee? Aren’t they all orangutans?” Zhuang Rui sniffed a little confused, he didn’t know what the difference between chimpanzees and gorillas was, wasn’t it just a difference of one word?

“Ahem, Mr. Zhuang, it’s not the same.”

Seeing that Zhuang Rui really didn’t understand the difference between the two, Mr. Wei coughed and explained to Zhuang Rui, “Although both chimpanzees and gorillas belong to the orangutan family, chimpanzees are the smallest species in the family of orangutans, with a body length of 70 to 92.5 centimeters, which is only slightly bigger than another primate, baboons. And the main reason why the natives here hate this gorilla you brought is because of the relationship between chimpanzees and baboons.”

It turns out that in the dense forests of Central Africa, not only gorillas live, but also a variety of primates, which are most powerful in groups of chimpanzees and baboons.

In the groups of these two creatures, there is a clear hierarchical order and strict discipline, the cruelty of punishment is horrifying, especially baboon groups, after a cycle of a few years, there will be a war, or group or change the king, to the new for the old, the strong for the weak is the law of the baboon kingdom.

These animals, too, are not all vegetarians, as one might think; they are in fact omnivores, eating not only the green leaves and stems of the trees, but also insects and small animals.

Surprisingly, chimpanzees even go to eat their close relatives …… other primates, such as colobus monkeys, baboons, etc., they even to the same kind of chimpanzees in different groups to attack, so as to get the territory and food, similar to the war of human beings.

This has been analyzed by scientists because chimpanzees and baboons need the proteins and nutrients provided in meat in order to survive, which makes them systematically hunt creatures that are within their reach.

However, due to the great development of Central Africa in recent years, the forests have been cut down without any limitations, and the forests that have been cut down have become arable land for the locals.

This has reduced the chimpanzees’ and baboons’ living space, making their food sources much smaller, and this existential crisis has inevitably led to conflicts between the chimpanzees and baboons, as well as between humans and baboons.

As mentioned before, in Africa, farming is a women’s job, and the black women have to take care of their children while farming, usually leaving the children at the head of the field and working in the field by themselves.

This way of laboring, however, allowed the chimpanzees and baboons to take advantage of the situation. They would sneak into the fields silently, and when the adults were not paying attention, they would carry the young children away, and the result would be that the little children would be eaten.

Even some bold chimpanzee and baboon colonies have been known to enter human villages and steal human babies, with the same result as above, that the babies become their food.

Although this may seem appalling, it is a daily occurrence in the forested areas of Central Africa.

Some scientists have calculated that the death rate of infants stolen and eaten by chimpanzees is much higher than the normal number of deaths in areas where humans live near forests.

This has caused wars to break out between the humans and the chimpanzees and baboons, who are hunted in great numbers by the local natives.

But they also retaliated against the humans, targeting the smaller ones when they couldn’t beat the bigger ones, a strategy that forced many villages to move away from their original homes.

Maybe chimpanzees and baboons steal human babies and children, but only because of the need to survive, but in this way, human beings and they have made a deadly enmity.

Especially Zhuang Rui is now in this village, is at the edge of the forest, such things do not know how many times it has happened.

That’s why after seeing King Kong the gorilla, those soldiers with guns and the local village people, will have this kind of behavior, that is to say, the gorilla is not just a little bit bigger than the chimpanzee? Who knows if they eat children or not?

“There’s even such a thing?”

After listening to Mr. Wei’s story, Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but be a little creeped out, and his heart was even more grateful, fortunately, he didn’t let his wife and children come with him, otherwise in case something happened, it would be too late to regret.

After knowing the reason why the locals and orangutans are feuding, Zhuang Rui is also afraid that King Kong will be harmed, thought for a moment and said, “Why don’t I send King Kong back to the ship?”

In fact, he brought King Kong to Africa this time, he wanted to let King Kong choose for himself, whether to continue to follow himself or stay in this land, but now this situation, Zhuang Rui is killed will not leave King Kong behind.

“Ooo …… ow ……”

Before Zhuang Rui’s words fell, the original squatting on the ground King Kong suddenly jumped up, very dissatisfied pounding his chest, indicating that he was not willing to leave.

To know, not only is it difficult for human beings to leave their homeland, it is the animals, they also have a hard to part with feelings for the place where their ancestors have lived.

Ever since it came here, King Kong felt that the lush forest in the distance had a great attraction to it, as if it was calling it to go, so after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, King Kong showed anxiety.

King Kong’s action made a few bodyguards put their hands on the gun handle again, they had seen those leftover baby bones with their own eyes, so they had no good feelings towards orangutans and such animals.

“King Kong, no, this place is too dangerous for you, from now on you should live on Xuan Rui Island! There are primitive forests there as well.”

“Oooh ……”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, King Kong even rolled on the ground, and then half-kneeling his body couldn’t stop clasping his fists and bowing to Zhuang Rui, that kind of comical appearance, but it was seen that the people in the room weren’t so fearful of King Kong.

“Mr. Wei, why don’t we tell the people of this village that King Kong is harmless? I’ll give them some more supplies to compensate, do you think …… they can accept the existence of King Kong?”

Seeing the appearance of King Kong, Zhuang Rui heart can not bear up, he and these partners of his own have a tacit understanding, although the King Kong can not speak, Zhuang Rui also know it for this jungle yearning.

Mr. Wei smelled some difficulties on his face, but looking at Zhuang Rui’s firm look, he finally nodded and said, “Then …… I’ll try it! But before that, it’s best not to let King Kong go out.”

After explaining Zhuang Rui, Mr. Wei called out a black bodyguard and walked out of the house together.

In fact, this matter, is not very difficult to handle, the Central African company has been stationed here for almost 2 years or so, and the relationship with the locals is very cordial, and after looking for the chief of that tribe, the matter was resolved.

Of course, things are not so simple, after the chief summoned all the people of the tribe, Zhuang Rui brought King Kong to roam around the tribe.

In the process, Zhuang Rui let King Kong express enough goodwill towards those children, placing the children on its shoulders and back, successfully letting these black brothers, whose skin color was similar to King Kong’s, accept the idea that King Kong was a kind gorilla.

In the following days, Zhuang Rui was afraid that the tribesmen would be unfavorable to King Kong, and had been inching away from him.

However, the situation was developing in a good direction, those children who originally turned their heads and ran away when they saw King Kong, after a few days of familiarity, they actually dared to play with King Kong, and the adults also recognized the existence of King Kong.

After solving the trouble brought by King Kong, Zhuang Rui has the heart to deal with the company’s affairs, but as long as King Kong out, he still let Peng Fei follow to protect King Kong will not be harmed, don’t look at this guy big, in front of gunpowder weapons, or unbearable.

In fact, the Central African Mining Company, there is not much need for Zhuang Rui to deal with things, only to receive some of the chiefs of the surrounding tribes, to discuss the issue of labor, other things have professionals to deal with.

More than a week after arriving in Central Africa, Zhuang Rui went to the mining area, until after the mining of rare minerals, he became idle again, in the middle of the day, Zhuang Rui let someone call the Wei General Manager to his office.

“What? You want to enter the primitive forests of Congo?”

Compared to Zhuang Rui’s idleness, that General Manager Wei was so busy that he couldn’t help but jump to his feet after hearing the reason why Zhuang Rui was looking for him.

“Yeah! This is supposed to be the homeland of King Kong’s ancestors, and I want to take it on a deep search for the gorilla’s territory.”

Zhuang Rui was a bit embarrassed when he said this, “Uh, as you know, King Kong is a male and has reached the age of finding a mate.”

As the boss of King Kong, although Zhuang Rui couldn’t let it have concubines, at the very least, he had to solve King Kong’s basic physiological problems, right? Otherwise, I’m afraid that gorillas like King Kong would really have to become extinct in the world.

“No, absolutely not, Mr. Zhuang, although the Congo Primitive Forest is not far from here, it is one of the most chaotic zones, I can’t guarantee your safety when you go there.”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Mr. Wei was also in tears, he hadn’t been back to China for two years, he didn’t think that the domestic dude had actually developed to such a degree, keeping such a fearful pet not to mention, he still had to manage to find a wife for it?

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