Chapter 1256: Poltergeist

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:54:17
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After looking at the watch on his wrist, Zhuang Rui broke out in a cold sweat, he had actually slept for four or five hours, and during this time, he and Peng Fei had surprisingly not been harmed by animals.

“Owww ……”

Just when Zhuang Rui wanted to insist on whether he was bitten by a snake or scorpion stung no, the low roar of King Kong came from under the tree, daresay this guy also saw Zhuang Rui waking up.

“Brother Zhuang, why don’t you wake me up!”

King Kong’s roar woke up Peng Fei on the other tree, this dude was indeed tired yesterday, sleeping longer than Zhuang Rui.

“Uh, seeing as you’re sleeping well, I’ll let you sleep a little longer.”

Zhuang Rui’s old face was red, he didn’t have the heart to say that he himself had also fallen asleep, after using his aura to roam around his body on one side and discovering that it was unharmed, Zhuang Rui climbed down from the tree.

“Brother Zhuang, we can’t rush too much today, I was tired like that yesterday, in case something happens, I won’t be able to cope.”

After resting for the night, Peng Fei was in high spirits, but remembering yesterday’s hasty march, he also had palpitations in his heart, he was so tired yesterday that he almost didn’t even have the strength to climb the tree.

“Ow-wow ……”

After hearing Peng Fei’s words, King Kong immediately pounded his chest at Peng Fei, if not for the consideration of the friendship between him and Zhuang Rui, King Kong would have quietly slipped away early in the morning, where would he have waited until now?

“Eat something first, King Kong, there’s no hurry for this work anyway, you kid have some patience, okay.”

Zhuang Rui knocked on King Kong’s big head, looking at the side of Peng Fei’s heart violently trembled, after experiencing yesterday’s King Kong’s furious killing, Peng Fei could no longer associate King Kong with the previous harmless and honest appearance.

“Oooh ……”

King Kong held his head and whimpered, gesturing and making a few hand signals to Zhuang Rui before his body scurried into the nearby jungle.

“Brother Zhuang, what is it going to do?” Peng Fei was unable to understand King Kong’s body language.

“It’s gone hunting for food, saying that it wants me to make it a barbecue later.” Zhuang Rui said with a smile, getting up and picking up some dead branches on the ground, preparing to light a bonfire.

In this kind of tropical rainforest there was no fear of causing a fire, due to the climate, underneath the withered leaves on the ground were all moist and decaying materials with moisture, it was hard to ignite.

After about ten minutes or so, Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei heard an animal hissing and wailing in the distance at the same time, and waited for a few more minutes, King Kong ran back with a leopard in his hand.

This was a jungle leopard, its whole body was covered with tawny and white stripes, its fur was very beautiful, what was rare was that this leopard didn’t have a trace of injury on its body surface, it was only dented at the skull, it was obviously killed off by Jin Gang’s punch.

“Hey, I haven’t eaten leopard meat yet, Peng Fei, I’ll leave it to you, but peel this leopard skin intact, take it back and nitrate it, it’s a very good thing!”

Zhuang Rui threw the already dead leopard to Peng Fei, he wasn’t as skillful as Peng Fei in this skinning thing.

“What’s so good about this thing, the meat is sour.”

Peng Fei skimmed his mouth and then said, “Find a water source! Otherwise there’s no way to peel and wash it.”

“Ow!” After hearing Peng Fei’s words, Jin Gang grabbed the panther’s forelimbs and ran his body towards one part of the forest.

“Go, keep up ……”

Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei followed King Kong forward for about a kilometer or so, a waterhole covering an area of about twenty to thirty meters in size appeared in front of the two of them, a few small animals that were drinking water were scared by Zhuang Rui’s team and fled in all directions.

After seeing King Kong’s bravery yesterday, Zhuang Rui’s fear of the forest in his heart was much smaller, and apart from releasing his aura in a dozen meters around his body to guard against poisonous snakes, he wasn’t as nervous as he was yesterday.

After Peng Fei will leopard skinning, Zhuang Rui found a large branch directly will be strung up hanging on the campfire, roasted after cutting some meat tasted, really a little sour, all thrown to the King Kong to eat.

This guy does not care about the sour, three times five will be a dozens of pounds of leopard gnawed a clean, hand will be the leopard bones thrown into the water pool.

After the guy had eaten and drank his fill, Zhuang Rui asked, “King Kong, how far is it?”

He and Peng Fei trespassed into the forest, the people outside must be very anxious, Zhuang Rui also wanted to quickly find the gorilla’s population, and then return to the base where the company was located, counting the time from two months is not long, Song Jun and Fatty Ma should also come to take over.

“Ow well ……”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Jin Gang stood up and pointed in a direction, then waved his arms with an excited look.

“Let’s go! There are still dozens of kilometers to go, try to get there by night.”

Zhuang Rui stood up as he spoke, but right after he carried that huge package of sustenance, his face suddenly changed.

“Brother Zhuang, what’s wrong?”

“It seems like someone has entered this forest, I feel very bad, Peng Fei, is there a way to eliminate all traces of our stay?”

Zhuang Rui’s face was ugly, because when he habitually released his aura just now, he discovered that on the road they came from before, there were more than a dozen humanoid creatures that were advancing along the path that Vajra had opened up.

Zhuang Rui of course wouldn’t think that that group was the gorillas having an outing, and judging from the weapons they were carrying, these people weren’t scientists studying the African jungle, and after ruling out that possibility, then this group of people were either anti-government forces or terrorists.


Peng Fei’s face became serious when he heard this, following King Kong into this forest, those so-called pythons and beasts are no longer a threat, now the only thing that can pose a threat to him and Zhuang Rui is human beings.

For Zhuang Rui’s “feeling”, Peng Fei that has long been implicitly convinced, Zhuang Rui said that the feeling is not good, that there must be danger.

“Brother Zhuang, the traces of the two of us can be eliminated, but King Kong’s ……”

Peng Fei said here, some difficult to look at the King Kong, this guy’s size is too large, through the forest is like a road roller passing through the general, that traces how there is no way to clear away.

After Zhuang Rui thought for a while, he said: ”Let’s do it this way! Eliminate the traces of the two of us first, turn back to King Kong to go from the tree, can’t let anyone hang behind us.”

Although he didn’t know what the identity of the people coming from behind was, but there were eighteen of them, in case if they caught up with them and clashed, Zhuang Rui didn’t think that the King Kong that could fight one against one hundred could deal with the humans holding modern weapons.

The good thing is that after entering into the forest depths, here basically hundreds of years have not been involved in humans, the trees grow extremely thick and tall, King Kong from the trees through, but not like before the whole tree are broken off.

On the ground Zhuang Rui walked in front, while Peng Fei followed behind to eliminate the footprints of the two of them, only so that the speed of their travel was much slower.

However, the people behind them also seemed to have some scruples, coupled with the crisis in the forest, their traveling speed wasn’t very fast, and it was only after three or four hours that they arrived at the place where Zhuang Rui and the others were barbecuing.

In the middle of this there was another heavy rainfall in the forest, the rainwater flowed from the tree trunks to the ground, washing away all the traces that Peng Fei hadn’t cleaned up.

Next to the waterhole where Zhuang Rui and the others had stayed, a team clad in raincoats had gathered, and within fifty meters around the team, there were sentries, now these people were all professionally trained.

“David, those two people s and that gorilla have been lost, I see …… it is probably the scientific research personnel of which country? Apart from them, I’m afraid no one can get so close to and photograph the gorilla.”

While tracking yesterday’s gorillas, Markram was surprised to find that behind the gorillas, there were actually two tracks belonging to humans, which made them more and more shocked.

This way they did a lot of speculation, which is the most reliable, which is what Markram just said, to know, in this gorilla’s birthplace and the last paradise, but there are a lot of scientists stay is a dozen or two dozen years of tracking and research on it.

Because these scientists are not involved in politics, behind the background of the country, generally speaking, the Central African forest tribes and anti-government forces are relatively friendly to them.

Kidnapping these “poor people”, causing a lot of trouble and will not be able to get any benefits, even the terrorists do not bother to take care of them, so after analyzing the situation, Markram once wanted to give up on their tracking.

But the direction pointed out on the map was the same as the direction of the gorilla’s traveling, so Markram’s team had kept the same direction of traveling with the two men and one beast in front of them, but after the rainstorm, the two men and one beast had lost their traces.

After hearing Markram’s analysis, David spoke up and said, “Ram, let’s just forget about it! Let’s just go and find the treasure, there’s no need to get into trouble with a beast.”

To be honest, yesterday’s bloody scene but David scared a lot, this road are all on tenterhooks, now lost the trail of the beast, David heart but relaxed down.

After resting for more than an hour at the waterhole, the group of “explorers” followed the map’s guide and continued on the treasure hunting road.

A day quickly passed, the night shrouded in the forest, all kinds of animals in the evening or late at night foraging for food have drilled out of the lair, compared to the silence of the day, the night of the forest, on the contrary, more lively.

Whether it was Zhuang Rui and the others in the front, or the adventurers in the back, they all stopped at the same time, they didn’t want to become the targets of the jungle killers.

Peng Fei nimbly climbed to a big tree that was more than ten meters high, and said to Zhuang Rui who was wearing camouflage uniforms that were like a blending in with the big tree, “Brother Zhuang, there are really people chasing up, I only saw the scouts in front of me, and the estimation behind them is that there will not be less than ten people.”

“Damn it, the ghosts are still alive!”

Zhuang Rui was also a bit annoyed, he didn’t know how the other party was able to identify their line of travel, a heavy rain hadn’t even managed to disorient them.

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