Chapter 1265 – Man-Crocodile Battle (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:54:39
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“God, is that a castle?”

“That’s right, Solomon’s treasure!”

“Praise the boss, there really is a treasure!”

“Rich, rich, haha, brothers, go grab it!”

The jungle is just one or two hundred meters away from the castle, not only did Markram see the castle from the binoculars, that is, all the people scattered in the forest, also clearly saw the afternoon sunlight irradiated in the castle above the reflected light.

Compared to yesterday when Zhuang Rui and the others reached here at dusk, now was the time when the sun was high, those vines even if they wrapped the castle even more tightly, they could not completely hide that color on the walls.

The specks of golden light were like small mirrors that reflected into the eyes of the jungle crowd, and at this moment, Markram’s group boiled over, and many of the bruisers raised their submachine guns in their hands and cheered loudly.

The last trip to the United States, although it also let them harvest a lot, but due to the international aspects of the crackdown, they now do not dare to hastily use the funds of the Swiss Bank, but the objects inside this castle in front of them, that can be all ownerless, completely belong to them.

Of course, even if these things have an owner, then it is just a little more trouble, after taking out their owners, not back to the owner of the things? The bandits’ logic was so simple and direct.

Seeing the excitement of his men, Markram couldn’t help but drink, “Shut the hell up, the other side is small, but it’s not a good thing, so cheer up and don’t get caught in the gutter.”

“Haha, boss, don’t worry! Just two little brats, what tricks can they play?”

“That’s right, I guess those two don’t know which country’s scientist put up this sign after seeing this castle.”

The crowd of toughs were quite unimpressed with Markram’s words, this way they successively found many more traces of the two people ahead, and all the evidence showed that there were only two people on the other side.

And the beast they said, it is estimated that the gorilla, although that gorilla caused a bloody enough scene, but it is not able to calm down this gang of bandits, a few of them are already ready to collect that gorilla’s skull.

Seeing the excitement of the group, Markram didn’t stop them and waved his hand towards the castle, saying, “Go on! Be careful not to get sneaked up on by that gorilla.”

“Ohhh, Solomon’s Treasure, here we come!” A humongous bandit came out of the forest in a line and ran towards the castle.

Actions like this, basically Markram and David won’t restrict their behavior, whoever sees something, can pocket it as much as they want, so they are all scrambling to be the first, afraid of running slow and being robbed of the good stuff by others.

However, these experienced guys, although the mouth does not think, but one is very cunning, are bowed back, hand guns loaded, as close as possible to the lake side of the march, because this can avoid the gorillas from the forest sneak attack them.

A kilometer away Zhuang Rui, at this time is leisurely lying in a large tree on the phone, in his side of the King Kong, is boring to look at their own kind of people chewing on young leaves.

Just now, King Kong had also tried to eat some, but then it was spat out, long ago accustomed to human meat King Kong, for these vegetarian food did not have the slightest excitement.

The reason why Peng Fei is not here, is his own request to return to the castle neighborhood, in order to observe the back of those people will not catch up, to be honest, Peng Fei this guy came back to the root is to want to see a human crocodile battle, stored a stomach of bad water.

“You kid, ran to the primitive forest without saying a word, causing me to be scolded by the old man, you are going to preside over the work, not to travel ah!”

Hearing that it was Zhuang Rui’s phone call, Song Jun directly jumped up from the sofa, this kid disappeared for two days in Central Africa, he was almost annoyed by those brothers of Ouyang family, several phone calls every day urging to ask.

Song Jun to know Zhuang Rui’s courage is so big, say what will not force the main let Zhuang Rui to Central Africa to sit in the town, where is to preside over the work? Simply to add to the chaos!

Zhuang Rui knows that the reason is bad, can only accompany the smile and said: “Hey, Song, I’m fine, home I have called, now very safe, but …… my private a little something to ask you to do a favor.”

If you want to smuggle these gorillas to your own “Xuan Rui Island” unharmed and hidden from the Congolese government, you must have the help of General Li Shaohua.

It should be known that the Congolese government has been committed to the protection of wild gorillas and other ecological environments in the past few years, and as a result, it has received sponsorships and scientific research funds from many countries and organizations around the world.

If in front of people will so many gorillas transported on board, get the news of the Congo government will be Zhuang Rui …… not, will China to the United Nations to go, so Zhuang Rui must be unknowingly these gorillas will be transported on their own “Xuan Rui ship”.

“Shit, know to call your home, do not know to brother I reported peace ah?”

Hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Song Jun is not angry, will be Zhuang Rui scolded after, the heart comfortable some, only then said: “What is your kid? You don’t want to smuggle some ivory tiger skins, right? Right, let me tell you, there are a lot of tiger bones there, last time I had a whole one back.”

Since drinking the tiger bone wine made by Zhuang Rui once, Song Jun also thought about this thing, to Africa may be very scarce, but these wild animals, but absolutely everything is not endless kill.

Song Jun in the local high price to buy a lot of tiger whip tiger bone, but this thing is a man is not too much, so on the phone to fool Zhuang Rui and then get some it!

“Brother Song, not these things, I’m trying to get a few gorillas out, a few? Not many, I guess it’ll add up to forty or so!”

“What? More than forty? Is your kid crazy or am I crazy?”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Song Jun simply fell off the sofa this time, to transport 40 gorillas out of the Congo forest at a time, and all of them are alive, I’m afraid that the world’s most rampant poaching organizations don’t have such a big plan, right?

“Zhuang Rui, this is not a good thing to do, even if you give those gorillas anesthesia, if some gorillas wake up too early and make a fuss, it will be a big deal.”

In this place in Africa, perhaps the local government does not pay attention to these rare wild animals, but the scientific research institutions of various countries are watching very closely, if this matter is known to them, it will have a very bad impact on the country’s reputation.

“Brother Song, what kind of anesthesia do you need? I guarantee that they can all get on board honestly, there won’t be any mess at all, but …… you have to coordinate and transfer a few helicopters over to do so.”

Zhuang Rui smiled at the words, there are two community bosses before and after King Kong and Silverback to look at, those orangutans don’t dare to make trouble, that said, his aura can also play a role in pacifying, absolutely will not happen orangutan riot this kind of thing.

“Like this ah? Alright! I’ll have Shao Hua remove the logo of the helicopter used for transportation, so if something goes wrong at that time, you can find a way to fix it! In that place, as long as one is willing to spend money, anything can be done.”

However, Song Jun and Zhuang Rui had known each other for so many years, they did know a little bit about Zhuang Rui’s ability to communicate with animals, he would never force those animals to follow him out, so after pondering for a while, they still agreed.

“Haha, Brother Song, I understand, this matter will never involve General Li, just relax!”

Zhuang Rui laughed out loud at his words, as long as Song Jun agreed, this matter was almost halfway done, Zhuang Rui didn’t believe that Li Shaohua would dare to disobey his brother-in-law Song?

“Well, I said tiger bone and tiger whip, you find some more ah! Damn, I came back by civil aviation, some things aren’t very good to bring.”

Just when Song Jun was rambling on and Zhuang Rui was pulling the tiger whip thing, the microphone suddenly came out Zhuang Rui’s exclamation, “Hey, Brother Song, I’ll give you a call later, there’s something on this side, holy shit, something urgent, don’t say it, hang up first ah!”

“Hey, what’s the emergency? Hello? Damn, the brat who crossed the river and broke the bridge.”

When Song Jun pursued further, the other party had already hung up the phone, the angry Song Jun grunted a few times before calling Lai Shaohua who was far away on the Central African Ocean.

The reason why Zhuang Rui hung up Song Jun’s phone was because he was bullshitting with Song Jun when he inadvertently realized that the armed team, consisting of eighteen people, had already arrived in front of the castle.

These guys didn’t seem to take their warnings to heart at all, and one by one, although it couldn’t be said that they were strutting around, they were also emboldened to rush towards the castle with their guns, paying no attention to the impending crisis.

The reason why Zhuang Rui exclaimed in alarm was that he realized that the prehistoric crocodile, which originally looked like a rotten tree, had already quietly swum to the shore without knowing when.

And from this prehistoric giant crocodile more than three meters away from the shore, is back to the lake stood two thieves head surveyed not far from the jungle guys, they do not know, in the water behind it, is where the real killing machine.

“Holy shit!”

When that giant crocodile came to the shore silently, the whole body suddenly explored out from the lake, the water splash brought up by the huge body, fogging up the lake.

Prehistoric giant crocodile’s movements are extremely fast, the sharp teeth in the bloody mouth, in the sunlight looks unusually harsh, and this is also the last scene that the two bandits saw in this world.

The sound of splashing behind them made the two men turn around out of habit, a row of conical sharp objects came into their eyes, followed by a sharp pain, a humongous bandit was directly swallowed by the giant crocodile into his stomach.

To say that the humongous bandit that was swallowed into his stomach was still considered lucky, because the one next to him, but the whole person was bitten diagonally into two sections, still retaining the upper half of the body that was sentient, let out a miserable scream.

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