Chapter 1267 – Mantis Catching Cicadas, Yellow Bird Behind (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:54:45
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Before Lambert’s body slid into the giant crocodile’s throat, he pulled all the solid bombs he was carrying, and the green smoke from the fuse drifted out along the giant crocodile’s mouth.

For this huge prehistoric giant crocodile, the fuse burning in its throat was nothing more than a bit of scorching heat, and after swallowing this guy, its attention went back to the rest of the guys.

The giant crocodile didn’t know how many years it had lived in this forest, but it was the first time that it had been hurt so much, and it was nearly berserk, and like Markram and the others, it was already killing.

The crocodile pursued a policy that has always been a dog that bites does not bark, although now it is no longer in a sneak attack, but from the beginning to the end of its mouth did not make a little sound out, but only in the brutal killing.

“Da da …… da da da ……”

This was already the third clip that Markram had emptied, but these 6.92mm bullets were like scratching an itch for this monster, and even when it hit the place that had been blown up by the howitzer, it only slowed down its movements a little bit.

“Damn it, give me dead open ……”

Just as Markram pushed the bullets in the fourth magazine in his waistband to be loaded, he suddenly found that there was a blackness in front of him, and the sunlight above his head seemed to be blocked by something, Markram knew that the god of death …… had finally found himself.

Just when Markram near despair, ears suddenly came “boom” sound, after this explosion, seems to be like the Iraqi battlefield chain of mines in general, dull explosions sounded one after another.

Although Markram’s reaction was fast enough to roll to the ground when the first explosion sounded, and tried his best to roll to the opposite direction of the giant crocodile, but he still felt a numbness in his back, and a wave of air formed by blood bounced his body far away from him.

“Pfft ……”

After landing on the ground, Markram was like a bloody man, from head to toe he was drenched in blood, it was impossible to tell which was the blood he spat out and which was the blood from the giant crocodile’s body blowing up.

Speaking of which, Markram’s luck was good, just as the giant crocodile was about to swallow him into its mouth, the explosives and grenades triggered by Lambert exploded inside the giant crocodile’s intestines.

If Lambert was the only one with bombs and explosives, he might not be able to blow up the giant crocodile, but the giant crocodile had already swallowed 10 heavily armed guys in its stomach, and all of those guys were carrying plenty of ammunition and grenades.

The solid explosives detonated by Lambert was like a fuse, which detonated all the ammunition on those dead bodies in the stomach of the giant crocodile.

Countless bullets flew in the giant crocodile’s stomach, a grenade exploded in its stomach, sparing this prehistoric monster that was impervious to swords and guns, it was also hardened and torn apart.

The huge body of the giant crocodile like a small mountain generally crouched at the edge of the lake, motionless, the body’s scale armor is already full of holes, palm-sized scales all over the ground.

The giant crocodile body into pieces of flesh and blood scattered on the ground, the body of the huge wounds, blood and water like a fountain gurgling out, in the ground convergence into a small river, into the lake behind it.

A river of swimming fish, have gathered to the shore, as if enjoying a feast generally devouring the blood of the giant crocodile, the former overlord of the lake, but now ended up being devoured by small fish.

“Cough, Stephen, shoot a few more shots into the wound, see if it’s dead.”

Markram who was shaken by the blast shockwave and vomited blood outwards continuously, at this time, he no longer had the strength to lift the submachine gun in his hand, the crocodile’s mouth left his courage just now gone, the clear lake water and blue blue sky stirred up his desire to survive.

“Da da …… da da da ……”

A shuttle of thirty rounds of ammunition poured onto the giant crocodile’s thousand-poor body, popping and biting the flesh, while this prehistoric monster, which had just made a big kill, was lying motionless on the ground, obviously dead through and through.

Markram breathed a sigh of relief, look around, the heart can not help but sad, follow his years of life and death of more than ten brothers, now plus him, only seven people left, as for leading them to the “bright road” of David, is not in the seven people.

Just now the scene is too chaotic, Markram also do not know whether David was swallowed by the giant crocodile, quickly shouted: “David, David?”

“Ram, yes …… sorry, I …… I didn’t know there would be such a monster here.”

David’s voice came out from behind a big tree more than twenty meters away, the urine that was scared out of this dude’s crotch has not yet dried up, the scene just now really made him scared out of his wits.

“David, this is not your fault ……”

Markram stood up with the help of one of his men, and said with a grimace, “Damn, I have to blame the person who left the sign, why don’t you make it clearer?”

There is such a kind of people in this world, no matter what they do, they are all self-centered, if they have merits and benefits, they are their own, if they make mistakes, they can always find a way to vent.

Zhuang Rui kindly wrote a warning sign and erected it there, Markram didn’t think so at that time, but now when the losses are heavy, he blames Zhuang Rui for not speaking clearly.

“Right, find those two guys and make sure to cut them alive.”

David heard that Markram didn’t blame himself, and immediately opened that three-inch tongue to appease the gang of men, in a losing battle, it’s very important to do a good job of thinking.

Speaking of which, he is also heartbroken ah! These bandits are his team, want to stand firm in Africa, each person is vital, all of a sudden lost so many people, whether they can survive in the future is a problem.


David, who was walking towards Markram, suddenly felt something burst under his feet, lifting his foot to see, it was a human eyeball, he was so scared that his face turned white, and his cool crotch almost welcomed another rainfall.

“Ralph, go on, cut a few pounds of meat, and after we’ve eaten we’ll look inside the castle.”

In order to hide his uneasiness, David yelled at his brother, to say that this rash boy’s luck was quite good, in that killing just now, actually did not even lose a single hair of sweat.

After hearing David’s words, Markram nodded his head repeatedly, “Yes, roast its meat for dinner, damn it, I’m going to pull out all of its teeth and keep them in honor of my brothers.”

However, these guys seemed to have forgotten that the giant crocodile had just devoured more than a dozen of their brothers, and although it wasn’t digested so quickly, the explosion just now had pulverized the giant crocodile’s intestines.

In other words, the giant crocodile’s flesh and blood was always fused with the blood of their brothers, and a different group of people with a conscience would definitely not think of eating the giant crocodile’s meat.

For these guys wandering on the edge of death, at some point, not to mention eating the crocodile meat with their own brother’s blood and flesh, or directly eat a living person is also possible, at the same time Ralph took a dagger to cut the meat.

Even though the castle ahead may hide a huge wealth, but the shadow of death makes this team of only eight people left, became silent, a meal of beautiful crocodile meat eat is tasteless.

“Damn, the big scene …… is really a fucking big scene!”

The scene that just happened, although only a few short minutes, is to see the distant Peng Fei shocked, this if can be arranged into a movie, absolutely than any one disaster movie in history are a hundred times more wonderful.

The ferocity of the giant crocodile far exceeded Peng Fei’s imagination, this a living person in front of it, like a puppet general unbearable, sharp teeth like chewing cookies will easily tear people into pieces.

These well-equipped guys in the hands of the weapons, in addition to howitzers to the giant crocodile caused a little damage, the other simply can not break the giant crocodile’s body scale armor.

If Lambert hadn’t detonated all the explosives strapped to his body and caused an explosion in the giant crocodile’s internal organs, I’m afraid that even if this team was wiped out, it would only cause a little bit of trauma to the giant crocodile.

After seeing the matter come to an end, Peng Fei’s body silently slid down from the tree, ready to return to Zhuang Rui’s side, he was afraid that Zhuang Rui heard the gunshots and rushed here, and at that time, he would surely clash with this gang of tough guys.

“Hm? Holy shit, it’s not over yet?”

Just as Peng Fei was about to turn around and leave, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly realized that the vines at the very top of the castle seemed to be a bit different from just now?

“Damn, the python came out too? This guy really knows how to choose his timing!”

At the very top of the castle, a millstone-sized snake’s head, like a ghost, slid down along the walls, this giant python itself had a dark body, and stirred with the dark green vines, even in the daytime, it was very hard to be noticed.

Unlike last night’s glimpse, today Peng Fei saw it more clearly, the python in the binoculars had a body that was more than two meters thick, and was covered in palm-sized scales, as if it was a legendary dragon.

In the place where the python’s body crawled through, there were some transparent liquid substances, which emitted a crystalline luster under the irradiation of the sunlight, which was the unique body secretion of snakes.

“There’s a good show to watch.”

Seeing the direction of the python crawling, is the prehistoric giant crocodile corpse place, Peng Fei can not help but grin, and hastily returned to the body, hands and feet and climbed back to the big tree, lying comfortably on the top ready to watch the show.

Anyway, according to Zhuang Rui, they would be able to leave this jungle by helicopter at night, and Peng Fei didn’t mind feeling the cruelty of the forest law one more time before leaving.

“Grandma, a typical mantis catching a cicada with a yellow bird at its back! This python is surprisingly so cunning?”

The bloody killing of the prehistoric giant crocodile just now, and now the python’s movements, of course, could not be hidden from Zhuang Rui who was several kilometers away.

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