Chapter 1283 – Devil’s Sea

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:55:25
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“Dripping, dripping ……”

While Zhuang Rui and Captain Clyde were chatting, on the electronic screen in the captain’s room, a small red light lit up, and at the same time, a “drip drip drip” sound was emitted.

The first mate standing next to the electronic command console checked it and turned around and said, “Captain, it’s a patrol ship from the Portuguese side requesting a call.”

The “Xuan Rui” was now in Portuguese territorial waters, and although it had greeted several countries in the relevant waters beforehand, routine inspections still had to be carried out.

Clyde stood up and said, “Boss, I’ll handle it, why don’t you wait here?”

Normally for inspections like this, it was fine for the first and second mates to step in, but Clyde knew that on his own ship, there were numerous defensive and offensive weapons that shouldn’t be on a cruise ship, so it was better to step in personally to insure it.

“Go! I’ll go around with you.”

Zhuang Rui was also bored staying in this captain’s room, so he immediately stood up and followed Clyde out.

After walking into the elevator, Zhuang Rui asked the bearded captain beside him with some concern, “Captain Clyde, there won’t be any problems, right?”

Previously stationed in foreign ports, are by the port’s foreign affairs personnel to carry out security checks, Zhuang Rui this is still the first time encountered by the patrol ship inspection of things, so the heart more or less a little worried, he is aware of their own this “cruise ship” has a strong firepower.

Clyde smiled and said, “Boss, it’s okay, I have a good relationship with General Lascaux of Portugal, and he greeted me before I came, it’s just a routine.”

When Clyde was young, he had studied at the Royal Naval Academy, he had many classmates who were now holding important positions in the naval departments of some countries in Europe, and the Admiral Lascaux he was talking about was also one of his classmates.

After hearing Clyde’s words, Zhuang Rui put his heart down and said with a smile, “That’s good, Captain Clyde, some small gifts I prepared on the ship, you might want to bring them to your classmates.”

As the saying goes, a gift is a gift, Zhuang Rui now has quite a few friends around the world, so he prepared quite a few works on the ship that Xu Guoqing burned up when he was researching porcelain as a gift to some friendly people abroad.

Of course, after some tens of dollars worth of gift boxes “beautifully packaged”, these scraps appeared in front of the guests, that is from the hands of the master of fine art.

About 500 meters away from Xuan Rui ship on the sea surface, a patrol ship was parked there, although it could not be compared to the size of Xuan Rui ship at all, but the two black holes of the gun ports still showed the difference between a warship and a cruise ship.

A speedboat was lowered from the patrol ship, and several military personnel rode the speedboat to the bottom of the cruise ship, and appeared on the deck a few minutes later on an elevator.

“Oh, old classmate, I didn’t expect you to come over in person, you look really handsome in your military uniform.”

At the sight of a military man at the head, Clyde greeted him with a big smile and hugged the visitor very affectionately, the other person’s face was also full of smiles, and he was exchanging with Clyde in a low voice in English.

“Boss, this is my old classmate, Admiral Lascaux of the Royal Portuguese Navy, he’s two years younger than me, and he’s already a Rear Admiral now.”

After hugging Rasco, Clyde introduced him to Zhuang Rui, but out of politeness, Clyde gave out Rasco’s full name, a whole thirty or so syllables, which made Zhuang Rui crumble to hear it.

The Portuguese name, which often consisted of their parents’ names plus their godparents’ names, and in some cases, their grandparents’ names, and finally their own name, could be called the world’s best.

“Hehe, boss, just call him Rasco.”

When he saw Zhuang Rui’s embarrassed face, Clyde laughed, even he himself deliberately reviewed Rasco’s name yesterday, otherwise who would even write down the names of his seven aunts and eight uncles when memorizing his friend’s name?

“Mr. Zhuang, nice to meet you, welcome to the beautiful Portugal.”

When shaking hands with Zhuang Rui, Rasco was obviously a bit more reserved, his mouth naturally spat out diplomatic words, but his attitude was still relatively enthusiastic, much stronger than the foreign affairs personnel when he used to dock at the port.

It is true that there are people who are good at what they do, after getting on the cruise ship, Clyde and Zhuang Rui took Rasco on a tour of the deck, and introduced the modified deep sea salvage equipment to him.

The salvage platform on “Xuan Rui” can be said to be the most advanced deep sea salvage facilities in the world, Rasco was very interested in it, and kept asking questions, as for the inspection, it was just a simple look at the crew registration list even if it was completed.

After the “inspection” was completed, it was already close to noon, Zhuang Rui invited Lasko and his party to the restaurant on the cruise ship, after a few copies of exquisite Chinese “art” served, the relationship between the two sides more and more harmonious.

“Mr. Zhuang, every year there are many explorers from all over the world, to this sea to salvage shipwrecks, some people did salvage some gold and jewelry. But to be honest, the amount of these gold and jewels, isn’t a lot, and I personally believe that such a salvage isn’t worth carrying out.”

Due to the fact that he and Clyde were classmates, plus having received a gift from Zhuang Rui, after some conversation, Lascaux stated his opinion quite bluntly.

Although Portugal’s law allowed explorers to enter into the relevant sea for exploratory activities, it had to be carried out under their monitoring, so Rascoe had seen countless adventurers come back from the pleasure over the years.

To know, Vigo Bay near the deepest sea water, reached about 1000 meters, this kind of deep-sea salvage to spend financial resources is quite large, there are many explorers invested huge sums of money, but the harvest is very few, the loss of blood money.

So for the sake of Clyde’s face and Zhuang Rui’s gift, Rasco was still generous enough to give Zhuang Rui a greeting.

Zhuang Rui smiled at the words and said, “Oh, General Rasco, I am an archaeologist, as far as I know, among the past history of this world, there are a lot of them have been tampered with, perhaps …… it is those explorers who did not find the right real location of the shipwreck, right? ”

As the saying goes, hearing is not believing and seeing is not believing, in the undersea area that Zhuang Rui has surveyed, there are more than a dozen shipwrecks in the whole, inside the property are mostly in gold, according to Zhuang Rui’s rough estimation, at least the value of more than two billion U.S. dollars.

So Zhuang Rui identified those treasure hunters, just did not find the specific location of the shipwrecks, and that place belongs to the deep sea area, the very bottom of the existence of suspected deep-sea volcano, the terrain is more complex, is not found by the world.

However, all this is not a problem for Zhuang Rui, with Zhuang Rui’s ability, he can accurately survey the shipwreck’s location, so that the salvage equipment on the drilling platform can play its maximum function.

“Oh? Zhuang, that’s impossible, right? You have to know that in just these few decades, there have been people who have conducted surveys in the vicinity of Vigo Bay for a thousand nautical miles.”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Rasco shook his head in disbelief, there were many people who wanted to make a fortune these days, but in the end, they all left the area one by one in disgrace.

Zhuang Rui smiled and moved, around a thousand nautical miles have been surveyed, even if those people’s survey equipment is not as good as their own, there is no reason why they did not find out that three hundred nautical miles away from here at the bottom of the sea, the huge number of shipwrecks ah?

Thinking of this, Zhuang Rui took out the chart that Clyde had prepared long ago, pointed to a coordinate point on it, and asked: “General Rasco, then this position, has anyone surveyed it?”

Zhuang Rui didn’t mind the location of the shipwreck being publicized, because for one thing, salvaging the shipwreck was something that required a lot of preparation, and even if it was known by some international marine salvage companies with strength, I’m afraid that by the time they were ready, Zhuang Rui would have long since returned home with a full load.

The second is that the terrain of the seabed is very complex, coupled with the shipwreck has long been rotten, want to accurately survey to the location of the shipwreck, that also requires a lot of time and energy, compared to them, Zhuang Rui has too many advantages.


After seeing the coordinate point pointed out by Zhuang Rui, Lasko’s face which was originally with a smile, suddenly became a bit unnatural, actually even his breathing was a bit tight, looking at Zhuang Rui and Clyde were a bit strange.

“Old friend, what’s wrong here? Could it be that there is something wrong?” Clyde and Zhuang Rui glanced at each other and spoke out to ask.

“There’s a problem ……”

Rasco stared dead at the coordinates on the map for a while before turning his face to look at Zhuang Rui and said, “Mr. Zhuang, this sea has gone out of Portugal’s territorial waters, it is the deepest place in a thousand nautical miles in the surrounding area, and according to the survey, there seems to be a volcano that exists underneath the sea, and it often triggers tsunamis centered on this place and sets off monstrous waves, and often, some ships will have an accident when they pass through When some ships pass through this sea, there will be missing incidents. There were once also adventurers who searched in this sea, just …… they also disappeared, even people with ships, disappeared overnight.”

When Rasco said here, he took a deep breath and said, “Therefore, Zhuang, I suggest that you don’t go to this sea to carry out salvage, even if there is a huge wealth down there, I think …… life is more important than wealth!”

Rasco’s words just fell, Clyde who was sitting beside Zhuang Rui exclaimed, “Old friend, this …… this sea is the Devil’s Sea which is widely rumored in Europe?”

Obviously, Clyde also knew what Rasco said, but he left Europe for a long time, and did not know the specific location of the sea where these events took place, and now after hearing Rasco’s words, he suddenly appeared to have a face of astonishment.

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