Chapter 1287 – Missile Surprise Attack (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:55:35
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Old classmate, do you also believe the boss’s words?”

After hearing Rasco’s words, Clyde couldn’t help but look at him with a puzzled expression, in Clyde’s thought, Zhuang Rui’s previous speculation was complete nonsense, there couldn’t possibly be creatures of that size in the ocean.

“Clyde, that ocean is indeed mysterious, for so many years, I have been trying to solve this mystery, but without success. This idea proposed by Mr. Zhuang, we’ve tried it before, but we didn’t survey the seabed to find any movement, so let’s hope we can find something this time!”

As Lasko said, they had previously taken a helicopter to carry out a survey of this sea, but due to the limited space of the helicopter, they were unable to carry some deep sea exploration equipment, so the several probes ended without any results.

For Zhuang Rui’s survey, although Rasco is very interested, but also did not report too much hope, anyway, sitting in the helicopter is not dangerous, but there is no harm to sell a favor to Zhuang Rui.

And Zhuang Rui’s previous statement, is not entirely a lie, because not long ago, a famous marine biologist in the international reputation, once put forward an argument, that is, in the right sea, octopus can grow infinitely large, and Zhuang Rui’s statement is somewhat coincidental.

After hearing Rasco’s words, Clyde shrugged his shoulders and said, “Alright! I’d rather believe that it was a volcano, but I’m not opposed to surveying it again.”

Although he was very unconvinced by Zhuang Rui’s words, after a military helicopter that Rasco had transferred from the coastline was parked on the deck of the “Xuan Rui” more than an hour later, Clyde was the first one to get into it.

Looking at the six missile launchers below the helicopter and the machine gun mounted at the hatch, Zhuang Rui looked at Peng Fei with a crooked head and asked, “This is the famous ‘Apache’ helicopter gunship, isn’t it?”

In fact, Zhuang Rui knows that the U.S. “Apache” helicopter gunships, or when watching the Iraq reports know, and the reason why the memory is deep, but also because there are often such as “in Iraq U.S. troops in the Apache helicopter explosion accident” and so on the news.

Peng Fei skimmed his lips and said, “That’s right, it’s ‘Apache’ helicopters, which are flashy but not as practical as the Russian Mi-28 ‘Havoc’ series of helicopter gunships!”

Because of that war in the early 1950s of the last century, millet plus rifle Chinese soldiers for the American armed, that is both envious and jealous, from the heart is also more inclined to the equipment of the former Soviet Union, after all, the two countries once honeymooned for a long time.

“Come on, you kid do not go to pull down.”

Zhuang Rui kicked Peng Fei from behind, he was quite satisfied with this helicopter, compared to the Xuan Rui ship on the helicopter that can only take three people, this one whether from the number of people or range, are much stronger than civilian helicopters.

Zhuang Rui Peng Fei plus Captain Clyde and General Rasco, in addition to two of the general’s guards and pilots, a total of seven people, there is still a slight space in the cabin.

After nearly an hour’s flight, the Apache helicopter made a loud roar and arrived over the coordinates of the sea where the Xuan Rui had stopped before.

“Mr. Zhuang, this is the place, right?”

Since the helicopter’s hatch was not closed, the sea breeze was whistling and pouring into the helicopter, General Rasco was practically roaring out his voice in order for Zhuang Rui to hear him.

“Yes, this is the coordinates.”

Zhuang Rui in ten kilometers away from the place, with the aura surveyed, in that larger undersea volcano next to the still coiled that huge size of the creatures, as if falling into a deep slumber in general difficult.

If Zhuang Rui hadn’t seen it moving around with his own eyes, he would have thought it was just an underwater mountain range!

General Rasco nodded, looked to the pilot and shouted, “Turn on the deep-sea radar scanning system and survey the sea below.”

Upon hearing the general’s words, the pilot skillfully operated it and replied loudly, “Yes, the deep-sea radar scanning system has been turned on.”

Originally, this Apache helicopter was not equipped with a radar scanning system, General Rasco had it installed temporarily, but on a helicopter with extremely poor stability, the effect was far from being comparable to that on a ship.

On the radar scanning display on the pilot’s right hand side, there were no points of light on the bottom of the sea except for two shadows, which also indicated that there were no moving objects in these waters.

“Chuang, the creature you speak of, is this volcano?”

General Rasco pointed at the mass of shadows and looked at Zhuang Rui, “We have conducted radar scans of this sea before, but this volcano has never moved, I’m afraid that your radar system has made a mistake?”

The sight he saw this time was not different from the previous exploration, that’s why General Rasco was a little disappointed in his heart, he thought he could see something different coming after hearing Zhuang Rui’s account!

Zhuang Rui shook his head, pointed to the display and said, “General Lasko, there will be no mistakes, the radar system on my salvage ship, is the top of the world, here, there must be deep sea monsters.”

“Boss, volcanoes don’t grow legs, you must be having an illusion.”

Clyde was a little bit uncomfortable in his heart about the fact that he had fled this area earlier by driving the Xuan Rui ship as if he was running for his life, although the order was given by Zhuang Rui, but deep down in his heart, he also had a deep fear of this place.

Zhuang Rui didn’t pay any attention to Clyde, and after lowering his head and thinking for a while, he jerked his head up and said, “I have a way to survey that guy.”

“What way?”

Several people in the cabin, including Peng Fei, asked at the same time, and it was the two officers who served as Clyde’s guards who also looked at Zhuang Rui with curious eyes.

“Put a depth bomb down to startle that monster!”

A glint shot out from Zhuang Rui’s eyes, with the shockwaves generated by the depth bomb exploding in the sea, it would definitely be able to startle that monster, and if it could land right on top of its head, it would be even more so, and it would be designated to make this overlord of the sea go crazy.

Zhuang Rui said the depth bomb, is a kind of water weapon used to attack submarines, usually equipped with a fixed depth fuse, in the water after sinking to a certain depth or close to the target when the detonation to kill the target, usually by the ship or anti-submarine aircraft to put.

Originally, Li Zhen wanted to equip a few in “Xuan Rui ship”, but was vetoed by Zhuang Rui, if there is a submarine in the sea really want to deal with them, it is simply can not be avoided, there is no need to arm these things.

However, Zhuang Rui heard Li Zhen explained the principle of depth charges, in the depth charges, loaded with a large number of high explosives, detonated by the detonator, will produce a large number of shock waves, Zhuang Rui believe that this level of shock waves, enough to alarm the seabed creatures.

“Deep water bomb?”

General Lascaux gave a bitter smile and said, “Zhuang Rui, this helicopter is not equipped with depth charges, that stuff is only found on anti-submarine helicopters.”

Deep water bombs were not rare in General Rasco’s eyes, the cost of these bombs was very cheap, with his general’s authority, even if he used a few hundred of them, it was nothing, it was just that naively this helicopter wasn’t equipped with them ah!


Zhuang Rui froze for a moment when he heard this, he didn’t expect that what was planned was actually stuck here, but thinking about the missile launcher hanging below the helicopter that he saw when he boarded the plane, Zhuang Rui opened his mouth and said, “General Lascaux, without a depth charge, it’s also possible to launch a missile into the sea below ah!”

Although the shockwaves generated by the missile were far inferior to a depth bomb, Zhuang Rui could use his aura to startle the underwater creature, which could also produce the same effect.


Zhuang Rui’s words made General Lasko silent, although he was in a high position of power, but launching missiles into the sea for no reason, when he went back, this report was not very good to write, this was not a military maneuver.

Seeing that Rasco didn’t say anything for a long time, Zhuang Rui thought that Rasco was hurting for money, so he opened his mouth and said, “General Rasco, the cost of the missile will be paid by me.”

The cost of a missile was, at best, a hundred or two hundred thousand dollars, and in order to be able to find out what kind of contraption the undersea creatures were, Zhuang Rui was still willing to spend this amount of money.

“It’s not a matter of money.”

Rasco shook his head, looked at the vast ocean below, gritted his teeth, and said, “Fuck it, I’ll listen to you for once, Zhuang Rui, don’t let me down!”

Zhuang Rui’s proposed theory of marine life was the first time in the doctrine of scientists from various countries explaining this devil sea, which was one of the main reasons why Lascaux was willing to send out military helicopters to come with him to do a site survey.

The various strange events that occurred in this Devil’s Sea had been plaguing Rasco for decades, and with a hard-to-write report, if he could get the truth of the matter in exchange, General Rasco thought it was still worth it.

Regardless of which country’s soldiers were from, they all had a bloodthirsty nature in their bones, and after making up his mind, Lascaux didn’t hesitate any longer, but instead shouted at the pilot, who had the same name as the famous international soccer star, “Fico, I order ……”

“Wait, General Rasco, wait!”

Without waiting for Lascaux’s order to exit, he was interrupted off by Zhuang Rui in a hurry, who are you kidding? If a missile happens now, Zhuang Rui might as well use the torpedoes on the Xuan Rui ship, both are equally looking for death.

“What’s wrong? Zhuang, this idea was your idea, huh?” Zhuang Rui’s actions caused Rasco to look at him in puzzlement.

Zhuang Rui smiled bitterly and pointed at the sea surface below, saying, “General Rasco, in case that undersea creature is really an octopus, think about it, with the helicopter’s current altitude, what kind of consequences will happen?”

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