Chapter 1289 – Escape from Death

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:55:41
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Even without borrowing any tools, the people on the helicopter, through the glass on both sides of the hatch, could clearly see that the originally calm sea surface had instantly become choppy.

As if the Dragon King of the sea was angry, the calm sea surface, set off a huge wave, a dark-colored object as thick as more than 20 meters like a pillar, like a sharp arrow shot out from the sea water, and the target is precisely the helicopter circling in the sky.

“Elevate, quick, speed up!”

Without the need for General Rasco’s order, the helicopter’s pilot, too, was operating desperately, utilizing the helicopter’s climbing function to the maximum extent.

The helicopter was climbing high into the sky at a speed of sixteen meters per second, but it was clear that the black object below was going a little faster, like a sky ladder, plunging from the surface of the sea straight into the clouds.

“Faster, faster!”

Watching that huge “pillar” constantly coming into contact with the helicopter, everyone in the cabin had a look of panic in their eyes, even Zhuang Rui was no exception, so nervous that the nails of his right hand were almost sunk into the flesh.

To know, in this call the sky should not be called the earth does not work more than four thousand meters high altitude, as long as the tentacles to be touched, that is designated to be the fate of the aircraft destruction, a ray of hope of survival will not have.

“Eight hundred meters ……”

“Five hundred meters ……”

“Three hundred meters ……”

“One hundred meters to go ……”

The alarm of the radar scanning system filled the entire cabin, and people could already clearly see with their naked eyes the huge tentacle that looked like a Prime-like pillar.

Thick as more than twenty meters of tentacles pitted, the color of dark brown, at its top, there are more than ten like suction cups like things, looking at the tentacles as if alien creatures in general, the people are all pale face shortness of breath.

The two guards of General Rasco, they even kept crossing their hands in front of them, muttering in their mouths, praying for God’s blessing, believing that they had lived for decades, and their prayers today were definitely the most sincere.

“Didn’t reach, haha, this guy’s hand isn’t long enough!”

I don’t know if the prayers of the several foreigners worked, the thick tentacle finally stopped in mid-air when it was still fifty to sixty meters away from the helicopter, and then it fell downward powerlessly.

This kind of experience of coming back from the dead was something that was not often seen, and after the catastrophe, everyone in the cabin let out a sigh of relief and cheered.

“What was that?”

Just as the pilot was cheering loudly, he suddenly saw that, next to the tentacle that hadn’t completely fallen into the sea, an equally thick object had drilled out of the sea again, instantly causing his cheers to get stuck in his throat.

“Elevate, faster, climb higher ……”

The people in the cabin obviously noticed this scene, the heart that had just been put down, but it was lifted up again, knowing that all human fingers have lengths and shortness, what if this monster’s tentacles are the same?

Fortunately, while the pilot cheered, he didn’t relax his maneuvering of the helicopter, and after the second tentacle was stretched out, the helicopter had already flown to an altitude of 5,300 meters.

Obviously, that monster in the sea, for this height is also unable to do anything, the second tentacle is even farther away from the helicopter, until this time, the people in the cabin really put down their hearts.

“Gosh, what kind of monster is this ……?”

In this helicopter, not only has a radar scanning system, but also installed a set of camera equipment, in the naked eye can not reach five thousand meters in the air, hanging in the bottom of the helicopter’s high-magnification precision camera, but the situation of the surface of the sea was originally photographed down.

After the two tentacles have no success, the wind and waves on the surface of the sea became bigger and bigger, dozens of meters of waves lifted up high, in each wave, there is a huge tentacle stretched out.

At this moment, it was truly like the god of the sea had descended, the raging storm spread across this sea, twenty to thirty tentacles flared in the sky, no one questioned that these tentacles could tear apart any object it touched.

Losing the source of aura, the monster in the sea became more and more berserk, biting tightly at the direction of the helicopter’s withdrawal, its huge body constantly undulating in the sea surface, setting off a shocking wave in the middle of the sea.

After chasing the helicopter in the sky for a while, the monster in the sea finally revealed its size.

The first to reveal the surface of the sea, of course, or those tentacles, as many as dozens of tentacles, ring arching a several soccer field sized head, emerged from the surface of the sea.

On this monster’s head, there were all kinds of wrinkles and pits everywhere, if it wasn’t for the fact that the crowd had been staring at the surface of the sea, I’m afraid they would have thought that this was a huge reef island that had been exposed to the surface of the sea!

Even with eyes intuitively at an altitude of more than five thousand meters, the crowd could clearly see that ugly and incomparable head, and just this part of it that was exposed to the sea surface was almost as high as dozens of storey buildings.

“It really …… really is an octopus.”

At this moment, there is no need for Zhuang Rui to say more, this has not eaten pork has also seen a pig run ah! In the ocean, in addition to the octopus, there is no other creature so similar, this is a large …… not, a beyond people’s imagination oversized “octopus”.

Looking at the monitor on the huge waves, the crowd can not help but be shocked, perhaps …… only boundless ocean, can produce such huge creatures.

“Return, return ……”

After taking pictures of the creature from every angle, General Rasco gave the order to return.

Although there were still more than ten missiles on this helicopter, for a creature of such a large size, even if all of them hit, they might not be able to injure its life, and might even cause it to go crazy and attack the humans on the coastline, which would not be worth the loss.

I don’t know if it’s not adapted to stay on the sea surface for a long time, that undersea monster chased the helicopter for a while, slowly disappeared on the sea surface, the original rough sea surface, instantly returned to the previous calm.

However, when the people on the helicopter looked at the sea water again, the mentality was completely different, knowing the hidden monster below, they always have a feeling of trepidation.

The brain recalled just saw the picture, Clyde captain is now also fearful, to know, just in the morning, he also once swaggering driving “Xuan Rui ship” stay in this sea, if not this big guy dozed off, I’m afraid that a boat of people have long been buried in the belly of the fish at this moment.

“Grandma, this trip is considered a waste of time.”

With the aura sensed that the monster dive back to the bottom of the sea Zhuang Rui, helplessly shook his head, there is this huge “octopus.” Coiled there, I’m afraid that only until the day it dies of old age, these undersea treasures can appear in the eyes of the world.

Of course, Zhuang Rui asked himself not to see this day, can grow to such a large size, ghosts know this guy has lived for how many years? Estimated to live a thousand years again is not a big problem.

It is a pity that the gold lost in the seabed, Zhuang Rui once roughly estimated, these gold if the world, I’m afraid that the market value of at least in more than three billion dollars, and now Zhuang Rui can only “look at” these gold drooling.

In the helicopter’s full-speed flight, only took less than 50 minutes, back to Xuan Rui ship and the Portuguese patrol ship stayed in the sea.

Perhaps General Lascaux felt unsafe about the sea water in this area, he didn’t get off the airplane, but directly informed the patrol ship and the Xuan Rui ship to set sail and head towards the shallow sea.

After the helicopter landed at Xuan Rui ship, everyone who came down from the airplane was as listless as a frosted eggplant, the thrilling scene just now had consumed too much energy from the crowd.

Zhuang Rui invited General Lasko to the ship’s lounge, at this time the crowd’s brain is still a little messy, if not see with their own eyes, beat them to death can not believe that in the seabed actually still survive such a monster.

“Zhuang, thank you, if it wasn’t for your reminder, I’m afraid we wouldn’t even know right now that there is such a huge monster hidden within that sea!”

After drinking a cup of hot coffee, Rasco got up and gave a military salute to Zhuang Rui, although the process was very thrilling, but this trip solved the decades old mystery in General Rasco’s heart, he still felt it was worth it.

With the existence of such a giant, the scarcity of marine life in this sea area, and the disappearance of the shipwrecks, all of them could now be answered, and after the initial fear, General Rasco instead felt a hint of excitement hidden in his heart.

After hearing General Lascaux’s words, Zhuang Rui hurriedly stood up and said, “General Lascaux, I was only inferring through the results of the radar survey, I never thought that this would be true.”

This huge ocean monster, for those biologists, may have incomparable attraction, but Zhuang Rui is lack of interest in this, he is already thinking about the following to salvage that one shipwreck, now Zhuang Rui is in a hurry to wait for the rice under the cooking ah!

“Zhuang, you are a great explorer, the discovery of this marine life is all thanks to you.”

When General Rasco said this, a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face, and then said, “I’m going to report this matter up, and I also hope that Mr. Zhuang can stay within our country’s waters for the time being.”

“Hm? General Rasco, what’s the point of asking me to stay?” Zhuang Rui froze for a moment at his words, with the existence of that monster, this sea area no longer had an ounce of attraction for him.

A very sincere look appeared on Rasco’s face as he said, “Zhuang, as the first discoverer of that undersea monster, I would …… like to have you on site to guide us when we take action against it.”

“Take action?” After hearing Rasco’s words, Zhuang Rui’s eyes became bright.

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