Chapter 1290 – Action Plan (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:55:43
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“Take what action?”

Zhuang Rui asked after him, he didn’t think that the Portuguese military had the ability to capture this deep sea monster alive, that the so called taking action might only have one answer, to exterminate it.

This made Zhuang Rui’s heart vaguely excited, if this deep sea monster died out, then his treasure hunting action could continue, without this huge octopus, the ocean was a completely undefended existence for Zhuang Rui.

“Mr. Zhuang, this sea monster is just too close to our waters, it has already endangered the safety of incoming and outgoing ships, so I will suggest to the top to use military means to kill it or expel it within the deep sea.”

As expected by Zhuang Rui, General Rasco’s answer, was exactly the same as what he had envisioned, the fact that Zhuang Rui himself had no way to deal with this deep sea monster did not mean that a country could not do anything about this guy either.

From the moment mankind began to learn how to use tools, it was destined to become the master of this planet, no matter how powerful this creature was individually, it could not be a match for humans with modernized weapons.

General Rascoe was a pure soldier, and in the modern era where only localized wars occurred, perhaps fighting against this deep sea monster would satisfy the soldier’s lust for battle.

And General Lascaux doesn’t care how valuable this monster of the deep is in the eyes of the biologists, he only cares, if this monster will be a hazard to its waters.

The fact that such a hazard was already in place, as evidenced by the ships that had been disappearing in these waters for the past few decades, and with that excuse, Admiral Lascaux had yet another good enough reason to embark on this operation.

“Oh, I think …… General Rasco your decision is right, such a big one creature, if one day it wants to go ashore to turn down, it will cause incalculable damage to the human race, if your country can really destroy it, it will benefit the whole human race.”

If there are biologists on this ship, they will definitely scold Zhuang Rui, this thing is rare to hear, never heard of octopus on land? That deep sea creature invites you to mess with you, have to drive it to extinction?

“But General Rasco, I’m just an archaeologist, I don’t understand the habits of this sea creature, it doesn’t have any effect on your operation, right?”

Zhuang Rui followed up with his own question, in fact, he was trying to avoid this operation to exterminate the deep sea monster, as could be seen from the situation of the biological depression in that area of the sea, that big guy was no vegetarians, in case there was some kind of accident, it would definitely be a dead end.

“Mr. Zhuang, perhaps you yourself haven’t found out that you have an innate reaction to danger, if it wasn’t for your reminder, I’m afraid that all of us would have to become the monster’s snacks before, so …… I hope that you’ll be able to take part in this operation.”

Rasco said this with sincerity, if it wasn’t for Zhuang Rui, it was estimated that before, he would really put on a show of the grandmother of the deep sea monster to come, and he wouldn’t have the chance to sit here and talk.

Zhuang Rui lowered his head and thought for a while before raising his head and saying, “This …… let me think about it! General Rasco, isn’t your report not yet reported, let’s discuss this after your country approves it and formulates an action plan!”

Zhuang Rui knew that his participation would indeed allow General Rasco’s army to attack the monsters more effectively, but there was a prerequisite for this, and that was that Zhuang Rui would only participate in this operation if his own safety was guaranteed.

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Lascaux nodded and said, “Alright, Mr. Zhuang, for the sake of safety, I suggest that during these few days, the Xuan Rui ship temporarily stops at our country’s coastal port, and I’ll help you with the provisions.”

“Thank you Admiral Lasko, we will follow your country’s warships back.”

Zhuang Rui nodded his head and agreed, he was also a bit weak, who knew if that big guy would come to the shallow sea area after being stimulated by the helicopter and his own aura? It’s better to be safe in all things in this!

After staying on Zhuang Rui’s Xuan Rui ship for a while, Lascaux directly returned to his quarters by helicopter, he wanted to organize the footage taken in the helicopter and all the information about the deep sea monsters, in order to be able to make those politicians agree with his actions.

Portugal was also a country that had been crisscrossing the sea in recent centuries, and under General Rasco’s care, the Xuan Rui was parked directly inside a military harbor, and Zhuang Rui settled down to wait for Rasco’s news.

“Mr. Zhuang, this operation is approved, but you still have to wait a few days, this operation needs to unite several countries together.”

Two days later, Zhuang Rui, who was idly and boredly taking the dinghy on the cruise ship to fish in the harbor, received a call from General Rasco, which surprised him greatly, and originally thought that he would have to wait here for ten days and half a month!

To know, things like this, if if you put it in the country, it must be everywhere, layers and layers of approval, maybe the family planning committee have to intervene, if this monster did not leave offspring, will not lead to the extinction of the species?

Smiling and shaking his head, driving away the random thoughts in his head, Zhuang Rui opened his mouth and asked: “General Rasco, which countries are they? Why do you want to unite them together?”

“It’s just a few nearby Spanish countries, in addition to Britain and France. Zhuang, as you know, this deep sea creature is too large and must use weapons of mass destruction, and that area is in the open sea, so it must be united with several nearby countries, this will be a multi-national army operation.”

Originally, Lascaux thought that this operation would encounter some difficulties, but he apparently underestimated the fear of death of those politicians in the country, and after this information and photos were submitted, there was a panic.

For this matter, the Portuguese President Anibal urgently convened a relevant meeting, in the knowledge that the huge size of the deep sea monster is not far away from them in the sea, those politicians in the first time, passed a resolution to eliminate the monster.

Of course, there are some politicians committed to the protection of the environment and animal protection raised objections, but in the choice between life and the environment, most people chose the former, they do not think that the monster will be sympathetic to people’s feelings.

The Portuguese authorities informed several countries in the Eurozone of the discovery, and soon received their replies, with Britain, France and Spain deciding to send troops to take part in the operation.

Even the United States of America, China, and Russia, which are not European countries, and several other big countries, after getting the relevant news, also said at the first time that they would send observers to the scene to participate in this action of surrounding the sea monster.

As the discoverer of the deep sea monster and the initiator of the action, General Lasko also logically became the chief commander of the action, he will command the joint army of several countries to besiege the deep sea monster.

Don’t underestimate the name of this commander-in-chief, in today’s war-free Europe, being able to command the combined armies of four or five countries might be the capital for General Rasco to be promoted to lieutenant general in the future.

So in Rasco’s words, also reveals a hint of complacency and excitement, detailed plan he has formulated, but with the resources of the multinational force, Zhuang Rui whether to participate in it or not, it becomes not so important.

Zhuang Rui also heard the excited tone in Lasko’s words, and immediately said with a smile, “General Lasko, congratulations on finally discovering and about to solve this monster that has been harming the sea for many years, I believe that after this matter, you will definitely become a national hero.”

That said, in the process of solving this deep sea monster, maybe those gold will be scattered everywhere, Zhuang Rui’s salvage operation still needs some help from General Lascaux, Zhuang Rui doesn’t mind complimenting him a few times.

“Haha, Zhuang, I’m officially inviting you to participate in this operation, but don’t worry, you’re only participating as a scientologist, there’s no need for you to charge on the front line, that’s something the military should do.”

Rasco laughed loudly at his words, as the saying goes, the flower sedan chair people carry people, this operation is more Zhuang Rui one less Zhuang Rui one, it is not just a matter of his words!

In Lasko’s opinion, he is selling Zhuang Rui a big favor, the general public simply can not participate in this multi-national joint action.

To know, between countries, in fact, there is no absolute secret, he shot the information and influence, in the shortest possible time, has been placed on the desks of the leaders of the countries.

And at this time, the waters near Vigo Bay, because of the appearance of such a monster that completely defied the conventional thinking of human beings, after a few centuries, once again became the place where the world’s dignitaries and powers paid attention to.

After waiting for two days, a helicopter received Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei and Captain Clyde, three people, together in a military camp not far from the coastline, as Peng Fei and Captain Clyde who had witnessed the monster of the deep sea, also had the honor to take part in this operation.

“Several gentlemen, General Lascaux is discussing the details of the operation with the representatives of various countries, please wait for a while.”

After disembarking from the helicopter, Zhuang Rui and the others were brought to a medium-sized conference room, and aside from the three of them, there were also some military personnel wearing the uniforms of various countries sitting inside.

On a large screen right in front of the conference room, the images that Zhuang Rui and the others had seen with their own eyes a few days ago were being played, and from time to time, a burst of exclamations could be heard from the mouths of those military personnel next to them.

“Zhuang Rui, how did you …… you run here?”

Zhuang Rui just sat down, heard someone shouting his name, looked up and couldn’t help but be happy, the world is really small, and this buddy separated not two months of work, actually in this distance from the motherland 10,000 miles away from the place to meet.

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