Chapter 1292 – Deep Water Bomb

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:55:48
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“May I ask General Lascaux, when laying out the mines, will they be discovered by the deep sea monsters?”

Lai Shaohua, who was sitting beside Zhuang Rui, suddenly stood up and raised an objection to Rasco on the stage, he had heard Zhuang Rui mention the terror of the prehistoric creatures before, which was why he viewed this matter with much more caution than the people in the arena.

“Gentlemen, in the past three days, we have sent small ships to that sea to conduct a survey, it has been proved that the entry of small ships will not attract the attention of the deep sea monsters, and then with the cooperation of the helicopters, I believe that we can complete the operation of the mines.”

After hearing Lai Shaohua’s words, Rasco gave a confident explanation, things were just as he said, some slight movements on the sea surface were not enough to make the sea monsters go berserk.

After Rasco and many biologists analyzed the situation, it was concluded that the sea monster, due to its overly large size, would not move its habitat easily, so that the humans would have enough time to set up the operation to encircle it this time.

“Thank you General Rasco, I have no more questions.” Hearing Rascoe’s explanation, Li Shaohua sat down.

From the plan of action, there really wasn’t anything missing, the only thing to focus on now was locking down the area where the monster was located, but that wasn’t much of a problem, this planet’s most advanced military technology was in the hands of these people in the arena at the moment.

This meeting opened very quickly, after the observers from various countries had no objections, General Lascaux immediately announced the end of the meeting, there was still a lot of work waiting for him to do, even Zhuang Rui couldn’t care less, he just sent an aide to inform Zhuang Rui that he would be acting together with the observers from various countries.

After the military forces of various countries were involved in this operation, Zhuang Rui’s role became dispensable, and General Lasko no longer needed Zhuang Rui’s sharp judgment, which was to be expected.

Zhuang Rui is also indifferent to this, he can’t wait to stay in the safe rear with these observers, after experiencing the prehistoric creature incident in the Central African forest, Zhuang Rui has a feeling that this deep sea monster may not be so easy to deal with.

As the landlord of the Portuguese Navy, the observers of all countries have prepared a residence, Zhuang Rui logically lived with Lai Shaohua and others.

For the next few days in a row, the people did not have anything to do, waiting for the completion of the preparations of the Portuguese military, from the helicopters that kept taking off and landing in the barracks every day can be seen, the preparations were in a tense manner.

On the fifth day of an early morning, observers from various countries and Zhuang Rui and others, were invited to a very strangely arranged conference room, the entire conference room, covered with a variety of Zhuang Rui can not say the electronic equipment.

Before Zhuang Rui and the others arrived, hundreds of people were already seated here, but the discipline was very good, not a single person was mingling, all waiting for the start of this operation.

“Brother Lai, what are all these screens for? Could it be possible to see the sea surface?”

Zhuang Rui hadn’t even sat down yet, when he realized that on the walls around this conference room, there were four huge displays hanging, being in the middle of the conference room, it was as if it was a scene from a sci-fi movie.

Lai Shaohua, however, has long been accustomed to these electronic screens, and said without thinking, “Of course you can see it, I’m afraid that even the bottom of the sea can be seen, you’ll know it later.”

To know, outside the earth in space, every moment there are thousands of various or military or civilian satellites, in monitoring the planet, with the current technology, not to mention the monitoring of a sea surface, that is, through the window glass of your home to spy on you bathing in the bathroom, that is not impossible things.

Of course, these are Zhuang Rui do not know, when those huge display screen opened, Zhuang Rui suddenly looked dumbfounded, at this time presented in front of the crowd, but they are in this barracks.

In the beginning, the picture was still a little fuzzy, but with the debugging, the picture gradually became clear, even a mole on the face of the sentry on guard duty was clearly revealed.

“Ahem ……”

After about five or six minutes, a soldier wearing the uniform of the Portuguese army, walked to the front of one of the large screens in the conference room, coughed twice to attract the attention of the people in the room, and opened his mouth to say, “Fellow generals, you will be able to see the entire course of the operation here, and since General Lascaux is going to be in charge of the command of the operation, I’ll be the one to explain it to you. ”

“May I ask when the operation is scheduled?”

“Yes! May I ask if the pre-laying of mines has been completed?”

“Apart from the U.S. Army, are there any other countries that the Eurozone countries thought would be involved in the operation?”

As soon as that spokesman’s words fell, the crowd sitting in the conference room asked questions, having been stifled by Lascaux’s ignoring these observers for the past few days under the pretext of preparations.

“Please be quiet, in another hour and a half, that is, at nine thirty in the morning, the strike against this deep sea monster, will officially begin, as for the preliminary preparations, they have all been completed, you can see ……”

With the sound of that soldier’s words, the picture on the big screen in front of him shifted, moving from the barracks to the vast ocean, and then said, “Within a ten nautical mile radius of this sea, we have arranged a large number of mines, no matter which position the sea monster reveals its head from, it will surely be struck by the mines.”

“May I ask, if your party has arranged so many mines in this sea area, will it cause harm to the ships traveling to and from the sea area in the future after removing the sea monster?”

Suddenly, a voice rang out in the conference room, but in the ears of these admirals, it was a bit off topic, they were soldiers, they only cared about destroying the enemy, and the trouble in the future was none of their business!

Like the United States in the Vietnam War, in the entire Vietnam region buried a large number of landmines, the number of millions of them.

Even today, there are still many mines planted back then have not been dismantled, causing great harm to the Vietnamese people, there are many villages in Vietnam, almost all people with disabilities, but even so, have not seen the old Americans said a word of apology.

But Zhuang Rui, who asked the question, didn’t think so, because he still needed to search for treasures in this post-war sea, if these mines couldn’t be cleared, he would still return empty-handed from this trip.

“This gentleman please don’t worry, all the mines detonation systems, are controlled by electronic switches, and there is also a recovery signal source on the mines, after the operation is over, we will turn off the detonation switches, and recycle them according to the signal source, and there will definitely not be any impact on the safety of the sea area.”

That soldier’s words let Zhuang Rui put down his heart, if these guys really care about killing and burying, then Zhuang Rui can lose a lot of money, the long-planned salvage will end up with nothing.

Fortunately, now is not decades ago, in the human rights of Europe, they do not dare to turn this sea into the Dead Sea, said this is not in line with the interests of the European countries.

After Zhuang Rui finished asking questions, the people in the field also had no more questions, gathered together to discuss in whispers, waiting for the start of this operation.

More than an hour passed quickly, when General Rasco’s face appeared on the big screen, everyone looked shocked, they realized that this multinational joint operation was about to kick off.

“Attention all action teams, I announce that the operation has officially begun.”

General Rasco on the screen gave the order to begin in a spirited manner, and the screen simultaneously shifted to the various military barracks on the seashore, where a helicopter that had long been on standby was instantly launched into the air, forming three formations that flew towards the designated sea area.

As the saying goes, the insiders look at the doorway, while the outsiders look at the scene.

Hundreds of helicopters in formation, even in modern times, is rarely seen, will be the sky are blocked, look at the military Zhuang Rui do not understand the great pleasure, feel that even if this trip has nothing to gain, can see this scale of military operations, that is also worth the price of the ticket.

The field of those countries generals, is more focused on the helicopter formation, such a large-scale action, for the quality of the driver’s requirements are extremely high, a little careless, there will be a collision leading to the tragic crash.

Fortunately, such a situation did not happen, in the first wave of the formation to reach the designated sea, General Rasco ordered, nearly a hundred helicopters on the depth bomb, like dumplings, as a general, constantly from the anti-submarine helicopters shot into the sea.

After the depth bombs entered the sea, the camera on the big screen suddenly turned from the surface of the sea to the bottom of the sea, and the lights and miniature cameras mounted on the bombs transmitted the complete situation under the surface of the sea.

At the same time, the helicopters of the second formation, also put a large number of depth charges on the designated surface of the sea, and quickly flew away from this sea.

In order to maximize the killing of the sea monsters, the depth charges this time, were all modified to detonate at the same time, and now they only had to wait for the third formation’s drop to be completed, and then they could be detonated.

A beam of lights lit up on the bottom of the sea, a deep water bomb that was one meter long, with the front end like a rocket, densely covered the entire big screen, rapidly sinking towards the deep sea.

The depth charges released by the first formation had already reached a depth of nearly two thousand meters under the sea, but according to the plan in advance, this batch of depth charges would land on the side of the sea monster, and together with the depth charges from the other two formations, they would create an encircling posture.

“Oh my? That …… that’s the deep sea monster?”

After the bombs had penetrated into the waters below 2000 meters, the bright lights mounted on the bombs worked in conjunction with the cameras to capture the monster.

The bombs were still nearly a kilometer away from where the monster was entrenched, and from afar, the front looked like an underwater volcano, and if it wasn’t known beforehand, no one could believe that it was a living creature.

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