Chapter 1293 – Siege

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:55:51
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Thousands of meters deep at the bottom of the sea, even though there were spotlights installed on multiple depth charges, and some of the bombs were not far away from the monster, the light was still very blurry, and one could only vaguely see the monster’s rough outline.

Even so, the crowd was already dumbfounded, no one could believe that the behemoth that stood still at the bottom of the sea was actually a living creature.

I’m afraid that even the most imaginative director on this planet wouldn’t be able to portray such a scenario, right? That said, the dinosaurs in the Jurassic Park that shocked the world and King Kong that stood on top of the world didn’t have such a large size, right?

“Gosh, how could such a monster survive on Earth?”

Although they had seen a bit of the monster’s body in the footage taken by the helicopter earlier, the constant shaking in front of them still shocked the crowd.

One of the biologists in the arena also couldn’t help but mutter under his breath, “Did it grow naturally? Why is its size not limited by gravity?”

As we all know, the earth itself has a considerable amount of mass, so it also exhibits gravitational force on any object around the earth, and the larger the size of the object, the greater the gravitational force it receives, and according to common sense, a fellow of such a large size would simply be unable to survive.

A soldier next to the biologist couldn’t help but skim his lips when he heard his words and said, ”Whatever happened to how it grew? All I know is that this big guy, will threaten us humans.”

Indeed, as this soldier said, a sea monster like this one was already beyond the realm of what humans could tolerate, and people could still tolerate it when it made waves on the sea, and at most, they would only lose a few ships.

But in case one day if this guy feels that the sea food is not enough, go to the coast to go around, I’m afraid that the disaster movie on the screen, will be in reality really staged.

Perhaps the damage that this monster can do to human beings can’t be called a disaster, but if the news of it leaks out, that kind of panic, will definitely make any government of any country anxious.

This was also the main reason why the countries reacted so quickly after Portugal revealed the existence of the monster.

Only by nipping this danger and possibility in the bud could those politicians sleep soundly, after all, no one wanted citizens to throw tomatoes at their own government’s doorstep.

After the first two anti-submarine helicopters had finished dropping their bombs, the third helicopter formation had also arrived at the designated location, and the depth charges they were going to drop were going to land right above the deep-sea monsters, which would be the main factor in deciding whether to win or lose this battle.

When the sixty to seventy helicopters, in unison, poured out all the bombs on board to the surface of the sea, no matter it was General Rasco in the command room, or the generals and scientists from various countries who were observing the battle in the conference room, all of them breathed a sigh of relief.

To the right and left of the creature and at the top of its head, it was surrounded by depth charges, and the only escape route was blocked by the actual volcano, which was larger than it.

In everyone’s opinion, this deep-sea monster was already in dire straits, and I’m afraid that the two B2 bombers carrying BLU-82 cloudburst bombs on standby at a secret military airfield along the coastline would be of no use this time.

“Well, even if this guy is big in size, he can’t escape.”

“That’s right, on Earth, I’m afraid there’s no creature that can withstand so many bombs.”

“It’s a pity that such a creature was destroyed alive, I wonder what useful information can be raised from its genes?”

After seeing the last helicopter formation on the display screen about to return, the atmosphere in the conference room became lighter, some people were discussing the pros and cons of this operation, others were crying cat and mouse with fake mercy, saying pity now, why did you go earlier?

Only Zhuang Rui sat there frowning without saying a word, compared to these optimistic soldiers, he had a vague feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

Zhuang Rui who had once seen the prehistoric monsters in the Central African Forest, subconsciously felt that this deep sea monster wasn’t that easy to deal with, as far as its countless tentacles were concerned, it could also help to withstand the first wave of bombs invading it.

“Zhuang Rui, what’s wrong?” Lai Shaohua, who was sitting beside Zhuang Rui, was the first to notice Zhuang Rui’s abnormality.

Zhuang Rui shook his head and said, “It’s nothing, I just feel that thee went a little smoother, this monster is alive, there’s no reason for it to be so honest, right?”

“A living one is also a monster, a creature without intelligence, how can it be compared to a human? I think your kid is worrying over nothing.”

Lai Shaohua smiled at his words, in his heart, he still held this operation in the highest esteem, knowing that helicopter formations are the most prone to accidents in the modern military, not to mention formations, even in normal training, there are often news of plane crashes and deaths.

And these three huge helicopter formation, or by several countries of the military composition, can be so successful completion of the task, enough to let the generals of the countries marveled.

Zhuang Rui waved his hand and didn’t say anything, his eyes were caught by an image on the screen directly in front of him.

At the camera installed on a deep water bomb on the right side, there was originally empty sea water in front, but at this moment, it was like a wall had suddenly appeared.

That’s right, from the perspective of the camera mounted on the bomb, it was a thick wall, dark and hiding all the lights on the bomb.

Zhuang Rui was not the only one who noticed this scene, many people in the arena saw it, and the original noisy murmurs suddenly became smaller.

“Is it going to make contact so soon? It seems like the depth bomb above, has only just been dropped!”

All the people who saw this scene had such a question rising in their hearts, with the speed of the depth bomb dive, it would take a few minutes at the earliest before it could arrive at the monster’s location ah!

“Not good, it’s the monster’s tentacles.”

Among the more than a hundred people on the scene, only Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei, as well as Captain Clyde, who had witnessed the monster surfacing, realized what the object that was rapidly contacting the depth charge was.

At the same time, General Lascaux, who was in the command room, his face also became grave, he similarly realized that this action of his had been detected by the monster in advance.

However, in General Rasco’s opinion, even if the monster had detected it, it would not be able to escape from this fate, because the monster was covered with bombs above and on both sides of it, no matter which direction it escaped from, it would suffer a fatal blow.

Just as the camera’s view was blocked, the explosion also happened, at the depth of several thousand meters under the sea, the bombs also endured the effects of great water pressure, and and the signal source on the surface, also became weak.

Although modified, but in the event of a collision, the deep water bomb still exploded, the conference room and the command room display screen, the picture at the same time shook up.

The originally clear seawater became turbid in an instant, and the seabed seemed to have experienced a magnitude ten earthquake, including the top and left side of the depth charges placed inside, all of which were stirred by the seawater and kept rotating.

At this time, all the cameras installed on the bombs, have lost their effect, all the big screens, all appeared a snowflake, people can no longer visualize what is happening on the seabed.

“I order, immediately detonate the depth charges on the right side of the monster, blocking this monster’s escape route.”

In a situation where he couldn’t see the situation under the sea at all, General Rasco used his experience to give the order, in his mind, the monster should be trying to break out from the right side, he hoped that he could detonate the bomb in time to give the monster a fatal blow.

After the general’s order was given, all four displays in the conference room, turned black, the large tonnage of bombs exploded, the shockwave alone was enough to destroy the cameras on those other bombs.

What’s more, there are quite a few depth charges on the left side and the top, because they can’t withstand the pressure caused by the explosion, they also blew up.

Almost in an instant, the originally calm sea surface became rough, huge waves rose up to the sky, and the pilots of the third helicopter formation who hadn’t had time to go away were secretly frightened.

At the same time, the seismic department of each coastal country, are also sensed the shock wave, its power is no less than a three or four level earthquake tsunami, if not the military advance greetings, I’m afraid that they will be issued to the public warning bulletin.

After a moment of black screen, the large screen in the conference room, immediately transferred the satellite monitoring, the rough sea, immediately presented in front of the crowd.

Images sent from the sky, but also look at the observers of the countries look at each other, it is estimated that in World War II, there was no battle of such a scale to drop depth charges, right?

The situation under the water, is now unknown, the sky of the military satellites, although powerful enough to spy on women bathing, but it is also impossible to penetrate the surface of the sea, survey to the situation below the surface of the sea.

The only thing people could do now was to wait, to wait for that huge monster, surrounded by depth charges, to surface after being blown to pieces.

It seemed that like the thoughts of the people in the base, the third helicopter formation after dropping the bombs didn’t go far away, but hovered at an altitude of one or two thousand meters above the sea surface, transmitting more detailed images for the base in real time.

“The third helicopter formation, why don’t they return?”

What the people in the conference room didn’t know was that at this moment in the command room, General Rasco had already roared, feeling extreme anger at the third formation’s disobedience to orders.

“General Rasco, you don’t think that the monster’s corpse will still cause casualties to my soldiers, do you?”

A Rear Admiral wearing a U.S. Army uniform smiled at that, he was the commander of a U.S. Navy base in Europe, and the 3rd Helicopter Formation, which consisted of none other than his subordinates as well as some British soldiers.

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