Chapter 1295 – Countermeasures

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:55:56
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“All …… all dead?”

The American general looked at the big screen dumbfounded, he was originally white, and now his face was even more pale with barely a trace of blood, he knew that his military career, from this would be the beginning, was over.

Since the 1970s, in addition to the war in the jungles of Vietnam, so that the American soldiers died heavily, this is considered to be the most significant blow suffered by the U.S. military.

And the key thing is that this blow, was entirely caused by this general’s bad judgment, and I believe that by the time the news gets out, it will also be the date of his return to his country to stand trial.

Not only this American Rear Admiral, but almost all of the admirals who saw this scene were looking at each other in disbelief at what had just happened.

It was only a short minute or so, and a helicopter formation was completely wiped out? It wasn’t until Peng Fei’s voice rang out in the conference room that the crowd awoke from their shock.

“How is this …… this possible?”

“God, what kind of monster is this ……?”

“So many depth charges didn’t kill it, God! How can we kill this monster?”

On the faces of all the people, they were filled with unbelievable looks, but the truth was right in front of them, the helicopter formation that was just now flaunting its power in the sky, was now indeed turning into a piece of wreckage burning on the surface of the sea.

In front of such a monster, not to mention individual force, even the combined armies of multiple countries couldn’t do anything to it, the crowd really didn’t know how to completely eliminate it.

“Brother Zhuang, this thing is much more powerful than the monster in that forest, dare I say that the larger this size is, the more powerful it is! Tsk, if this could be captured and built into a zoo, it would be able to collect admission money, right?”

This monster is even more powerful, and Comrade Peng Fei does not have a penny relationship, so to say that at this moment in the field is the most relaxed, I’m afraid that we have to count Peng Fei, this sneer to say without pressure.

“Stay aside, the monster does not die, we are not here for nothing?”

Zhuang Rui glared at the gloating Peng Fei without any good humor, his brows tightly wrinkled, from the situation of the monster’s counterattack just now, it definitely didn’t receive any fatal injuries.

Perhaps this strike might make the monster hide in deeper waters, but with such a monster in the sea, Zhuang Rui, no matter how bold he was, wouldn’t dare to go there to salvage the gold shipwreck.

“This monster won’t come to retaliate, right? I’m going to connect to the President, martial law is to be carried out at the coast!”

In the command headquarters, a coastline from the monster only more than a thousand nautical miles of the general’s, violently stood up, this big guy to really come ashore, that will bring a catastrophic blow to his country’s.

There are several countries whose coastlines are connected to this sea, after hearing the general’s words, several people stood up, wanting to communicate with their own countries, this matter, it is better to be prepared than unprepared, right?

For a while, all kinds of panic filled the command center, such a large-scale bomb infestation failed to make the monster suffer a fatal blow, everyone’s heart had a feeling of frustration and powerlessness.

Seeing the chaotic mess in the command headquarters, General Rasco stood up and shouted, “Quiet, all be quiet.”

Seeing Rasco stand up, that American Major General, as if he had grabbed a lifesaver, hurriedly asked, “General Rasco, do you have any more good ideas?”

Although the charge of improper command could not be escaped, this American general still hoped that the monster could be killed, so that the guilt on him would be slightly lessened.

“What else could be a good way? Isn’t it just a cloudburst bomb? But if this monster doesn’t come out of the water, the cloudburst bombs won’t be able to help him.”

The face of a British admiral with the rank of lieutenant general was also ugly, the casualties of the British army this time were about the same as those of the United States, and it would be difficult for him to explain to the parliament back home.

But it was not General Rascoe’s fault for this, if he had followed his orders before, the tragedy of the third helicopter formation would not have happened.

General Rascoe did not answer that Lieutenant General’s words, but instead whispered to the adjutant beside him, “Go ask Mr. Zhuang to come here for a moment.”

Rasco also knew that if the monster didn’t surface, there was nothing they could do about it even if their force was strong, at this juncture, he remembered Zhuang Rui’s amazing precognitive ability, and inviting Zhuang Rui to come was considered to be a sick and desperate measure.

At this time, the conference room is like a marketplace, no one noticed that Zhuang Rui sitting in the corner, led by an officer, quietly left the conference room.

After being taken out of the conference room, Zhuang Rui asked the adjutant, “What is it that General Lasko is looking for me for?”

“Perhaps to seek your opinion! Please follow me.” The adjutant didn’t say much and directly brought Zhuang Rui to the command headquarters which was only a few dozen meters away.

For Lasko not answering his own question just now, the British Lieutenant General was very dissatisfied, and after seeing Zhuang Rui come in, he couldn’t help but pull up his tone and say, “General Lasko, is this the young man you’ve asked us to wait for?”

As for that originally condescending American Major General, he had lost his nerve and honestly sat in his position without getting involved.

Rasco from the bottom of his heart despised these guys who only talk about things on paper, and at that moment coldly said, “General Howard, he is one of the people who witnessed the monster with his own eyes, and I want to ask for his opinion on some things, could it be that you have any good suggestions?”

“I …… I ……”

The British Lieutenant General was dumbfounded by General Lascaux’s question, in modern warfare, the British army has almost become a vassal of the United States, the boss will be in hiatus this time, what good can he do?

After hearing their conversation, Zhuang Rui understood a few points in his heart, and then smiled bitterly and said: “General Rasco, I saw the situation just now, you don’t think I can have any solution, right? I don’t know anything about the military.”

“No …… no, Zhuang, I know that you have a very keen ability to foresee danger, otherwise we would have already been in the same situation as those helicopters before.”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Lascaux waved his hands and said, “Zhuang, I was thinking …… can you follow the bombers to that sea, and use your marvelous sensing ability to give our fighters some help?”

Rasco was really out of options before he remembered Zhuang Rui’s urgent request for the helicopter to pull up its altitude at that time, and he hoped that Zhuang Rui would be able to be magical again and sense the exact time when the monster came out of the water again.

To know, the cloudburst bomb on that B2 bomber, only a direct hit on the monster can cause damage to it, otherwise put into the seawater, at most, it will just hear a sound.


Zhuang Rui froze at the words, he didn’t think that the excuse he casually said before was actually taken seriously by Rasco now, he quickly waved his hand and said, “No, no, General Rasco, I’m not Superman, where do I have any sensing ability ah! It was just a feeling at that time, many people would have it.”

Zhuang Rui can not dare to loose his mouth at this moment, otherwise it may be when it was kidnapped and sliced, that said, the presence of the United States and Britain can not be a good person.

“This …… alas, this can not let the monster surface, other means can not be used ah!”

Rasco long sighed, also did not force Zhuang Rui, he found on Zhuang Rui was originally sick and anxious, that is to say, he himself also do not believe in what the induction power.


Zhuang Rui laughed when he heard Rasco’s words and said, “General Rasco, it’s very simple to make the monster surface!”

“Simple?” The eyes of the roomful of generals glazed over.

Zhuang Rui nodded and said, “Of course, as long as a few more helicopters are discharged over there and a few bombs are dropped, I believe that the monster will go berserk again, right?”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Lasko smiled a bit bitterly and said, “But, Zhuang, as you saw before, the helicopter formation was completely wiped out, so we can’t send any more fighters to die!”

“Hehe, General Rasco, as long as the helicopter’s altitude is maintained above five thousand meters, it seems that that monster can’t attack, right? That way you can still lure it into shallow areas, making it easier to strike at it!”

“Huh? Hey, why didn’t I think of that! Zhuang, thank you, thank you so much.” Zhuang Rui’s words caused Rasco to wake up as if from a dream, and he jumped up with a slap on his thigh.

As the saying goes, those in authority are lost and those on the sidelines are clear, due to the previous heavy casualties of the helicopter formation, the huge impact on their hearts, a room full of generals didn’t think of using the helicopters as a bait to come in, but when they heard Zhuang Rui’s words, they immediately understood.

After dialing the fog in the eyes, Rasco could not care less about Zhuang Rui, grabbed the microphone in front of him and shouted, “I order, helicopters first formation one to 10, immediately return to the combat waters with ammunition, attention, attention, flight altitude must be more than five thousand meters.”

In fact, there was no need for Rasco to explain, those helicopter pilots who had long since gotten the news of the third formation’s total annihilation, for the sake of their own little lives, would also pull up their helicopters to the maximum altitude.

After replenishing their ammunition on a warship in the shallow sea area, the 10 helicopters of the first formation flew towards the sea where the sea monsters were again.

At the same time, the B2 bombers waiting at one of the bases along the coast rushed up into the sky, they needed to accurately hit the monsters with their cloudburst bombs after the helicopters drew out the sea monsters.

For the soldiers on the bomber, this task wasn’t difficult to accomplish, the monster’s size was nearly a thousand meters high, if they couldn’t hit it like this, they could all retire and go home to their children.

“What’s going on? The helicopters have been dispatched again, are they still going to die?”

Those observers in the conference room, who were unaware of the conversations taking place at the command headquarters, clamored one by one after seeing the helicopters reappear in the sky.

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