Chapter 1307: Past Lives and Present Lives (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:56:26
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Probably due to the young living Buddha’s age, he didn’t live in the somewhat gloomy room that Zhuang Rui had been to, but in a sunrise room in the center of the corridor.

The room is not very big, it is full of various books, Zhuang Rui slightly surveyed, those yellowish surface of the book, all contain extremely rich spiritual qi, must be the old living Buddha’s relics.

A four or five year old child, wearing a yellow lama suit, sitting on the bed near the window, at this time is not yet noon, the sunlight outside the window through the glass, irradiated in the body of the living Buddha, as if to give it a layer of halo general.

Hearing the sound of pushing the door, the young child raised his head, slightly curious to Zhuang Rui look, the eyes, pure as the snow on the mountain ice and snow made of clear water, without a trace of impurities.

Looking at the white lion behind Zhuang Rui, standing in the small living Buddha side of a big lama, his face moved a little, silently with his own body blocked in front of the living Buddha, he is not afraid of the white lion hurt people, but the age of the living Buddha is really too small, for fear of the living Buddha was frightened.

To know, the living Buddha reincarnation, has always been extremely mysterious, through the cultivation of this life, their souls forever, as the leader of the human mind, the reincarnation of the living Buddha is also known as one of the world’s seven mysterious phenomena.

Like this living Buddha in front of Zhuang Rui, not only in his previous life is a respected elder, further back, he has been reincarnated more than twenty times, is a wish to come back to the great achievers, one life and even a great Dharma King of India.

In Tibet, there is a legend that the spiritual power of the living Buddha can remove his own breath, traveling in and out of the human world without a trace, he is the present Buddha living in the present world.

For this point, Zhuang Rui is convinced, he has been blessed by the living Buddha, that kind of mysterious power, absolutely beyond the scope of science can explain.

However, although in people’s eyes, the living Buddha’s magical power is great, but it does not mean that, having found a reincarnated living Buddha, he can directly obtain the knowledge of his past life as well as his Buddha nature, only through re-cultivation, the living Buddha can know his past life and present life, and regain the power of supreme aspiration.

So at this moment, although these big lamas had immense respect for the little living Buddha, they still had to make proper arrangements for his life and living as well as his safety, like this physically strong big lama, who was the living Buddha’s protector vajra.

“It’s alright, let me see this Tibetan mastiff.”

The little living Buddha waved his hand at that lama, and jumped down from the not very high bed, in a normal person’s home, a five or six year old child was the age that a dog would be too much for him, but the little living Buddha was showing a kind of maturity that was extremely inconsistent with his age.

Tibetan people’s home, almost all will have a Tibetan mastiff, before coming to the great zhaosi, small living Buddha daily are also with the Tibetan mastiff, is not afraid of the white lion, set shoes, steady to the white lion.

“I recognize you, I have seen you.”

Walked to the white lion body, the little living Buddha mouth suddenly spit out these words, at the same time raised his small hand, to the white lion’s head to touch, but his head is too small, will only be able to reach the white lion’s mouth.

Just when Zhuang Rui wanted to command the white lion to lie down, originally opened a pair of eyes full of spirituality staring at the small living Buddha’s white lion, even took the initiative to crouch down on the ground, eyes slightly closed, small living Buddha’s hand touched on its head, the white lion showed a very enjoyable appearance.

After gently caressing the white lion’s head hair, the little living Buddha opened his mouth and said, “Are you willing to stay?”

The two lamas in the room heard the living Buddha’s words, thought he was fond of this Tibetan mastiff, both did not think, the living Buddha’s Buddha nature is not yet opened, a little child’s habits, is also understandable.

But these sentences of Tibetan pronunciation, heard Zhuang Rui ears, but let his body jolted, because a few years ago, he had heard such a question.

Like Zhuang Rui, the white lion also seemed to understand the living Buddha’s words, slightly shook his head, stood up from the ground, and slowly retreated behind Zhuang Rui.

Until this moment, the little living Buddha seemed to be noticing Zhuang Rui, tilted his head and asked Zhuang Rui, “Are you its friend?”

After translating through the lama next to him, Zhuang Rui nodded and said, “Yes, I’m a friend of the white lion, why do you need to ask again since you’ve asked before?”

The white lion was a partner who had followed Zhuang Rui for the longest time, and had once been born and died with Zhuang Rui, he couldn’t afford to leave the white lion in the Dazhao Monastery no matter what, so he didn’t speak very politely.

“Have I asked?”

After hearing the words translated by the Grand Lama, the little living Buddha blinked his eyes in shock, but then smiled and said, “Maybe I’ve asked! I don’t know what’s going on, I just wanted to ask just now, so forget it if you don’t want to!”

“Uh, in the future, if the white lion is willing, I will definitely send it here.”

Seeing that the little living Buddha didn’t dwell on this matter anymore, Zhuang Rui hurriedly honored the prepared hada, although he was only facing a four or five year old child, but after this child grew up, it was the spiritual leader of the people in the entire Tibetan area ah!

“This thing is mine.”

When Zhuang Rui was giving the little living Buddha a hatha, his words, again made the smile on Zhuang Rui’s face froze, dare I say that the dzi bead on his wrist was also recognized by someone else ah!

But this thing is really someone else’s, although the things sent out and then want to go back to some of the unprofessional, but Zhuang Rui can not be and this four or five year old child seriously, and then again, before he came to be psychologically prepared.

Zhuang Rui some reluctance will dzi bracelet from the wrist off, said: “This is the living Buddha gave me, now return to the original owner!”

Just when the Grand Lama had translated Zhuang Rui’s words, the little living Buddha was waving his hand repeatedly and said, “I’m not like you want in things, just suddenly said that.”

“Shit, you casually say, the buddy scared a shock, just now is the white lion, now is the dzi bead, not with this let play people ah!”

After hearing the words of the small living Buddha, Zhuang Rui can not help but depressed, he is more than thirty years old adult, did not think in this four or five years old small living Buddha before becoming tied up, said out designated by Liu Chuan that goods joke.

“Zhuang Jushi, Zhu Bigu is not intentional, he is just affected by some influences from his previous life, Zhuang Jushi, you accompany Zhu Bigu to talk for a while longer!” Seeing Zhuang Rui’s depressed expression, the lama standing next to him laughed and spoke out to explain to Zhuang Rui.

In Buddhism, there is the term epiphany, putting down the butcher’s knife and becoming a Buddha on the ground refers to epiphany. Similarly, the reincarnation in Tibetan Buddhism, will from time to time let the reincarnated living Buddha recall some fragments of the previous life, but this does not mean that the reincarnated person has mastered the knowledge of the previous life.

This kind of memory, however, was also very beneficial to the reincarnated living Buddha, which was why that great lama asked Zhuang Rui to talk to him more.

“What’s there to talk to when you need a translator to say a word?”

Zhuang Rui skimmed his lips, his heart was rather unimpressed, but these words were not able to be spoken, so he could only nod his head and promise.

Little living Buddha sat back on the bed again, looking at Zhuang Rui, suddenly muttered to himself, “I used to often do a dream, dreaming of an old man, sitting on a chair, his eyes a little tired, tiredness is also mixed with a laborious person to get a rest when so a trace of coziness. Suddenly, the chair the old man was sitting on turned into a large lotus flower, and he was sitting in the middle of the lotus flower facing me, but his face gradually blurred until he could not even see the outline of his face. I recalled the face I had just seen, but the result was also blurring the more I thought about it, and then there was nothing left, the room was empty, the master and the man had disappeared, and there was only a faint fragrance drilling into my nostrils, the more I smelled the better it got, the more I wanted to smell it, and every bone in my body was melted away like a piece of ice melting into water. How could I have thought that the comfortable feeling was like a piece of ice being melted away? It was incredible. Without realizing it I had stood on a curved road, and when I glanced forward, there was actually a temple in front of me.”

The little living Buddha’s voice became lower and lower, and finally gradually became inaudible, and his tiny body fell over on the bed and fell into a deep sleep. The two lamas are holding a pen and paper constantly in the record, face full of excitement, only Zhuang Rui inexplicably standing in the room, he did not understand a word.

After recording what the little living Buddha said, one of the big lamas gestured at Zhuang Rui, and Zhuang Rui hurriedly took the white lion and quietly exited the room.

“Guru, what did Zhu Bigu just say?”

Although he couldn’t understand what the young living Buddha had just said, Zhuang Rui could feel that there seemed to be great wisdom hidden in the words he narrated in a young child’s voice.

“Jubiguru is expounding on reincarnation, Zhuang Rui, don’t spread these words out.”

After thinking for a while, that big lama still told Zhuang Rui what the young living Buddha had just said, in his opinion, Zhuang Rui was able to induce the living Buddha to recall his past life, he was also a person with great Buddha’s destiny.

“Holy shit, this isn’t telling a ghost story, is it?”

After listening to the words of the Grand Lama, recalling that just now a four or five year old child was telling these words, Zhuang Rui immediately felt his scalp a little numb, this phenomenon had already exceeded the realm of what he could understand.

“Zhuang Jushi, have time to come to Da Zhao Temple as a guest more often, you are our most honored guest.” The Grand Lama was full of joy at this moment, but he had to organize the words that the Living Buddha had just told him at this moment, but he had no time to accompany Zhuang Rui anymore.

“Good, good, I will definitely come when I have time.” Zhuang Rui was also in a hurry to get out of here at this moment, so at that moment he nodded repeatedly and promised.

Just after turning around, Zhuang Rui is determined, in the future is not compelled, must no longer come to the Da Zhao Temple, listen to a four or five year old child to talk about the past life, that situation is too bizarre.

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