Chapter 1308: Past Lives and Present Lives (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:56:29
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“A living Buddha’s past life was a guru, a Dharma King, a person with great powers, but what about me? What was my past life? Was it a songstress on the Qinhuai River or a prisoner in Beijing’s Caishikou?”

After walking out of the living Buddha’s room, Zhuang Rui’s expression was a little trance for a moment, since everyone has a past life and present life, what about himself? Just what kind of character was he in his past life?

In a trance, Zhuang Rui felt that the picture in front of him turned, as if it appeared on a high altitude, in his ears, he clearly heard a burst of gunfire, below a warring position, is carrying out a grueling fight.

A small group of small Japanese with sun flags on their guns were attacking a hilltop, and the defenders on the hilltop, at the moment, were already out of ammunition and food, and a few ghost head swords were being placed in front of the crowd.

A general with only one one-arm left, after a final mobilization, led a counter-charge down the hill, swords flying, blood splattered, no more gunfire, everywhere is shouting and killing and the screams of people before they die.

Suddenly, the picture in front of Zhuang Rui turned black and white, he clearly “see”, three bayonets, simultaneously pierced the general’s chest.

Zhuang Rui overlooking in the sky to watch the battle of the soul, seems to feel the pain, just as the living Buddha said, like ice slowly melted up.

Zhuang Rui had a sense of powerlessness, as if he was about to fall into a deep sleep, and the sky around him became cloudy, as if time was frozen in this moment.


A low roar, interrupted Zhuang Rui’s conjecture, pulled him violently from that warring place, the picture flew around, the cloister of the Da Zhao Temple, appeared in front of him again.

“What is wrong with me …… me?”

Zhuang Rui only felt that his mouth and tongue were dry, and his body was weak, and then he touched the clothes on his body, but they were all soaked with sweat, and even his feet, they were a little soft.

“White Lion, thank you.”

Looking at the white lion that is gently pulling his clothes with his big mouth, Zhuang Rui actually has a feeling of escaping from death, if not for that low roar of the white lion, his soul might really melt and disappear like ice.

“Oooh ……”

White lion with a big head rubbed vigorously on Zhuang Rui, that pair of eyes full of aura, looking at Zhuang Rui has just been suppressed unbearable heart, but also slowly recovered.

“Could …… that be my past life?”

A realization appeared in Zhuang Rui’s mind, because at the moment he “saw” the general’s death, Zhuang Rui himself looked like he was enveloped by the shadow of death, and that emotion of powerlessness and despair almost caused him to collapse.

“Being able to see one’s past life may not be a good thing, right? That’s going to take a lot more pain.”

After what he had just experienced, Zhuang Rui had more than a hint of admiration in his heart for that little living Buddha in the room, each life represented a reincarnation, one more life of experience.

Zhuang Rui only “see” a little picture, almost lost in it, which if a change of mind is not firm, it is estimated that the schizophrenia sent to the mental hospital. The living Buddha has experienced more than ten reincarnations, but can be calm as usual, I’m afraid that has long been the world all sorts of see through, which can only be faced with a normal heart right?

“Oh, live in this life, live out the wonderful on the line, care about the past life to do what ah?”

And so Zhuang Rui out of the corridor, see waiting at the door of the Qin Xuan Bing, the mood is bright, life a life of grass an autumn, there is a virtuous wife, intelligent children, this …… will be enough.

See Zhuang Rui out, Liu Chuan yelled, “Wood, help me to ask for dzi beads no ah?”

“Roll aside, this string of dzi beads are almost gone, go, go back, go to Daxue Mountain tomorrow.”

Zhuang Rui lifted his leg and kicked Liu Chuan, after “seeing” the sadness of his past life, he is more and more cherished for the life in front of him.

“Hey, how this guy seems to have changed as if he were a different person, turn around and I will also go to find the living Buddha to chat a few words.”

Looking at Zhuang Rui, Liu Chuan scratched his head, he always felt that Zhuang Rui seemed to be a little different from before, but couldn’t tell the original reason.

Not only Liu Chuan had this feeling, Peng Fei and the others did as well, but none of them thought about it in detail, perhaps Zhuang Rui had been blessed by the Living Buddha again?

After returning to the villa area where he lived, Zhuang Rui realized that Ouyang Zhenhua had returned to Beijing, and after they stayed here for another day, the group drove to Zuogong from Lhasa.

Although the route is slightly different from the first time into Tibet, but the scenery along the way is the same beautiful, spring Tibet flowers bloom, in this and the sky is closest to the roof of the world, everywhere is full of greenery.

Looking at the flowers at the foot of the mountain and the snow at the top of the mountain, everyone’s mood is very good, and the hardship of the journey has been turned into a burst of laughter.

Zhuang Rui decided that when his sons and daughters are a little older, he must bring them to this Tibet, only here can they feel the beauty of nature and appreciate the true natural scenery.

After the end of the reincarnated living Buddha’s sitting ceremony, all the people are very relaxed, this way is basically a tour of the mountains, walking is not fast, a week later, only came to the foot of the great snow mountain Zuogong county.

“Ga …… ga ga!”

After just entering the boundaries of Zuogong County, the golden eagle that had been hovering over a few off-road vehicles suddenly let out a sharp chirping sound.

Zhuang Rui stopped the car, pushed open the door, and shouted to the golden eagle in the sky, “Golden eagle, go! Go find your parents.”

The life span of the golden eagles was extremely long, usually more than fifty years, Zhuang Rui believed that the two golden eagles must still be living on the Great Snowy Mountain, only that there was some pity in his heart that he couldn’t see the golden eagles reunion scene at the first time.

“Gaga ……” after the golden eagle circled around the buggy for a few times, its wings shook and flew towards the distant Great Snow Mountain.

Seeing the golden eagle leave, Zhuang Rui heart is also some can’t wait to go to the Gama village, meet those simple Tibetans, meet the snow leopard guarding the big snow mountain.

Only now it is late, and after a week of traveling, Lei Lei and Qin Xuan Bing have some slight plateau reaction, Zhuang Rui can only go into the city first to rest for a day, and then head to Gama village in the morning.

“Mr. Zhuang, you are welcome to come to Zuogong again, on behalf of the people of the whole county, I thank you.”

What Zhuang Rui didn’t expect was that their party had just settled down in the guest house where they stayed last time, that Lunzhu County Governor of Zuogong County, no, now it should be Lunzhu Secretary, rushed to pay a visit with that Lhagpa Tsering.

The news of the reincarnation of the living Buddha, has long been spread, the reincarnation of the living Buddha that mountain village, has also become a well-known holy places, every day there are many pious Tibetans, from all directions to go there to worship.

Even some of the mainland and Taiwan’s Buddhist believers monks, but also is not far away from thousands of miles to come, and to the local government to do a lot of donations, which also makes the Zuogong people’s lives have improved greatly.

The thanks mentioned by Secretary Lun Zhu is not because Zhuang Rui was once a member of the team looking for reincarnated spirit children, but the contribution Zhuang Rui made to the county before and after he left Zuogong last time.

At that time, Zhuang Rui donated a batch of medical equipment worth millions for the county hospital, and after leaving here, he also let his own foundation establish more than ten hope elementary school in some remote places, all of this, without any return.

Although these money and things are nothing for Zhuang Rui, but they have let many children who are out of school re-enter the school, and let many infants who got heart disease because of plateau reaction, get timely relief.

So after Secretary Lunzhu received the call from the guest house, he immediately rushed over and offered a hatha to Zhuang Rui to express his heartfelt gratitude.

“Secretary Lun Zhu, under your leadership, Zuogong’s people’s life has gotten much better, it’s all because of you, it has nothing to do with me!”

Looking at the thin as ever Lun Zhu, Zhuang Rui smiled, he believed that Lun Zhu was a good official, much better than those officials in the mainland who were fat and headstrong working on the drinking table all day.

“Mr. Zhuang, your batch of medical equipment, so that we can rescue more than ten children with congenital heart disease every year, it is the regional hospital, but also often transfer some patients over.”

President Laba Tsering’s face was much better than before, being able to see patients being saved, this is the happiest thing for every medical worker with a conscience, and all these changes were brought by Zhuang Rui.

“Oh, let’s not talk about this, right, how is the situation in Gama Village? Lun Zhu secretary, tomorrow can send a guide, and we go to Gama village to see?”

When Zhuang Rui donated the property and built the hope elementary school, it’s not like he did it for the sake of any fame, at that moment, he smiled and diverted the topic, he was really concerned about that beautiful picture-like mountain village.

“Thank you for Mr. Zhuang’s concern, Gama village is very good, this year or so, there are many tourists going there, the village people’s life is also better, yes, we built a mobile clinic there, the village people have any minor problems, they don’t need to turn out of the mountain to the hospital.”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Lun Zhu gave him a brief introduction to the situation of Gama Village, the appearance of the reincarnated living Buddha, so that remote mountain village, but also became the holy land in the hearts of many Tibetans.

As soon as Secretary Lun Zhu’s words fell, President Lhagpa Tsering said, “Mr. Zhuang, I’ll go with you tomorrow! It just so happens that our hospital’s mobile clinic, is going to make a trip to Garma Village, let’s go together.”

“Good! That would be great, let’s go together tomorrow.”

After hearing Laba Tsering’s words, Zhuang Rui agreed in one breath, a few years had passed, to be able to set foot on familiar land with familiar old friends, it was a very pleasing thing.

Early the next morning, got enough rest Lei Lei and Qin Xuan Bing spirit have recovered, after meeting the hospital’s outpatient car, a group of four cars to the big snow mountain.

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