Chapter 1309 Gunshot Wound

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:56:31
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In order to show that the local government attaches importance to Zhuang Rui’s trip, Secretary Lun Zhu specially sent the director of the county party committee office to accompany him, sitting in Zhuang Rui’s car.

There were also several comrades from the county public security bureau who rushed up after Zhuang Rui’s caravan left the city, this was also Secretary Lun Zhu’s arrangement, there are some occasions when the police are there, it is still more useful.

“Director Pu Bu, your government has done a lot of work ah?”

After the caravan drove out of the county, Zhuang Rui found that the road leading to Daxue Mountain, had been renovated, and was much better than before.

On this not so spacious road, from time to time you can see solo monks and those pious Tibetans, are walking to the living Buddha reincarnation of the small mountain village pilgrimage.

“Oh, in the past, when we were poor, there was no way out, now that the conditions are a little better, Secretary Lhundrup had this road repaired.” Director Pu Bu is about thirty-five or thirty-six years old, his face has the plateau red color that is unique to plateau people, and his speech is very rustic.

After hearing Pu Bu’s words, Zhuang Rui nodded and said, “Yes! If you want to be rich, fix the road first, it’s easy to say, but it’s hard to do!”

Due to Tibet’s unique geographic location, repairing roads in Tibetan areas, it is definitely a risky job, the railroad that runs through Tibet and the highway that was repaired decades ago, I don’t know how many road workers’ bones have been buried.

Zhuang Rui’s topic is a little heavy, Pu Bu nodded and did not answer again, the car became silent, but this did not last long, after the car came to the wide-open view of the prairie, in front of the outline of the snowy mountains, clearly appeared in front of the crowd.

In addition to Peng Fei, the rest of the few people are the first time to come to the big snowy mountains, looking at the distant snowy mountains continue to draw closer and closer, a few cars on the women holding the walkie-talkie chattering non-stop.

“Mr. Zhuang, let …… us still walk in, this road, it is really too difficult to repair.”

When coming to the entrance into the mountain, Pu Bu’s face showed an embarrassed look, the road could only be repaired up to here, further inside, the money that would be spent, was not something that they could afford in a small county.

“Okay, no problem, everyone get off!”

Zhuang Rui shouted towards the intercom, pushed open the car door and stepped down, raising his head to look towards the sky, Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but have some doubts in his heart.

According to reason, with the spirituality of the little gold, he has come here, it should come to greet him ah! Just why is there no sign of it in the sky?

“Xuan Bing, back then, that snow leopard, it was there to see me off.”

Zhou Rui and Peng Fei and the others were helping the hospital car in carrying the instruments, Zhuang Rui didn’t go up to help, but looked at a rock wall at the mountain pass, he remembered very clearly, the snow leopard’s silhouette on it when he left back then.

“Yeah! That snow leopard is so spiritual, and those two golden eagles, followed our car to fly a long way.”

Dean Laba Tsering last time was with Zhuang Rui pass, those few animals, gave him an extremely deep impression, now the white lion is still there, but the other few animals in the mountain, but I do not know how it is?

“I’ve heard Zhuang Rui say it many times, let’s bring it back this time, okay?” Qin Xuan Bing gently held Zhuang Rui’s hand, she could feel that her husband had a special dare for this place.

“Hehe, it’s better to forget about it! A snow leopard can’t be called a snow leopard after it leaves the snowy mountains.”

Zhuang Rui shook his head and laughed, and after seeing all the supplies unloaded from the car over there, he said, “Let’s go! Getting ready to enter the mountains, well, this walking stick you take, the road is not very good.”

Looking up at the sky, Zhuang Rui was a bit disappointed, but when he took his own backpack from the car, an eagle sound suddenly came to his ears.

“Is it Little Gold?”

Zhuang Rui jerked his head up and saw two black shadows flying out from behind the mountain that covered the depression, he was immediately overjoyed, and as soon as he closed the door of the car, he waved his arms into the air.

“Ga …… ga …… ga ……”

After the figures in the sky circled above the crowd for a while, the little gold swooped down, while the other golden eagle, however, was hovering in the air for a long time and did not fall down.

“Zhuang Ruian answer, this …… should be Little Gold s parents, right?”

Timur, who was on the Peng flying car, looked at the golden eagle in the sky with a hopeful face, whether he could obtain the young eagle on this trip depends on whether the golden eagle’s parents are contending or not, if they didn’t hatch the young eagle, Zhuang Rui can’t do anything about it.

Zhuang Rui stared at the sky for a while and spoke, “It’s a bit bigger, it should be the golden eagle’s father, hey, big brother Timur, your luck seems to be good! There’s only one golden eagle to greet us, that means the other one, is most likely nursing its young!”

Between the two of them talking, the Little Gold in the air was already landing on the grass in front of Zhuang Rui, only when it fell, its body slightly staggered.

“Little Gold, why did you come over this time? Is it that you’re excited to see your parents?” When Zhuang Rui habitually stretched out his hand and prepared to caress Little Gold, his face suddenly changed.

Under Little Gold’s open and not yet fully retracted wings, one of its standing legs was actually stained with blood, thick blood that stuck the feathers of its lower limbs together.

“What’s going on? Little Gold, who hurt you? Peng Fei, bring some water, Dean Raba Tsering, you give a look ……”

Zhuang Rui went forward and held Xiao Jin, placed its body horizontally on the ground, at the same time a stream of spiritual qi was inputted into its body, after probing a bit, only then did he put his heart down, Xiao Jin was only injured in the leg, but there was no danger to his life.

“Brother Zhuang, this …… is a gunshot wound!”

Peng Fei ran over with a water bladder, and after cleaning the wound on Xiao Jin’s leg with clean water, his face also became a little ugly.

On Xiao Jin’s strong lower limbs, there was a very obvious bullet hole that went right through between its legs, fortunately, the shot did not hurt the bones, otherwise, Xiao Jin would not have been able to stand on the ground at all.

“Mr. Zhuang, make way, I’ll bandage it up first.”

Dean Lhagpa Tsering also ran over with a life-saving bag, many places in the Tibetan area relied on grazing cattle and sheep for a living, so these doctors, not only did they have to treat people, one by one, they were also taking care of veterinary work, and they were no strangers to treating livestock at all.

Zhuang Rui while using his hand to hold down the small gold has been struggling to get up, let Raba Ziren to give it medicine and bandage up, but at the same time is looking up to the sky, quietly released the aura, he wanted to look at the air of the golden eagle’s father, whether it is also injured.

The result made Zhuang Rui relieved, the golden eagle hovering in the air, did not have any injuries on the body, but in thinking of a possibility, Zhuang Rui’s heart lifted up again.

The mother eagle …… did not appear, although it is possible that, as Zhuang Rui said, it is nursing the young eagle, but it is also possible that it has suffered a poisoned hand, which makes Zhuang Rui’s face more and more ugly.

Zhuang Rui turned around and looked at Pu Bu and that deputy director of the Public Security Bureau and questioned, “Director Pu Bu, Director Balsang, what’s going on here? Have you not publicized the animal protection law?”

Gunshot wounds, must be man-made, thinking about the mother eagle that didn’t appear and the snow leopards that live on the big snowy mountains, Zhuang Rui hated to be able to fly to the snowy mountains right away, to look for their traces.

“Mr. Zhuang …… Zhuang, you, you also know that it is more difficult to do the work in the Tibetan area, but over the years we have been doing the publicity of the ban on robbing and protecting wildlife.”

Pu Bu spoke out to explain a few words, but looking at the wounds on the golden eagle’s legs, he was unable to say any more, the facts were right in front of his eyes, it was indeed their work that hadn’t been done.

After hearing Pu Bu’s words, Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but let out a bitter smile, from the first time he entered Tibet, Zhou Rui easily got those guns and ammunitions species, can see the fact that the Tibetan area is flooded with guns.

The campaign to collect guns in Tibet has been carried out since the beginning of liberation, but due to the safety factor of herders grazing in the wild, until today, many herders still have guns hidden in their homes.

Looking at the wounds of the golden eagle, Zhuang Rui thought for a while and suddenly said, “This should be done by outsiders, the villagers in Gama Village all know this golden eagle, and they definitely won’t shoot it.”

When he left Gama village, Zhuang Rui left a lot of money for the people there, just for the golden eagle and snow leopard to eat some cows and sheep from the village in the future when there is no food in the snowy mountains, he believed that those simple villagers would definitely not do anything to harm the golden eagle and snow leopard again after receiving the money.

“It must be poachers.” A cold light appeared in Zhuang Rui’s eyes, he came here with the hope of reuniting with his old friends, but he didn’t expect to encounter this situation.

Director Balsang, who hadn’t said anything, after looking at the wounds of the golden eagle, also nodded and spoke, “Some time ago, someone had reported that a group of poachers had come to the county, and we organized people to make an arrest, but they ran away. Mr. Zhuang, judging from the wounds of this golden eagle, it should have happened not long ago, we will definitely catch the poachers, don’t worry!”

Director Balsang knew that Zhuang Rui was their most honored guest, and in front of Zhuang Rui, he gave an order, “Lobsang, you go back and inform the criminal police brigade so that they can rush to block this mountain pass, and the rest of the people will follow me into the mountain, and make sure to catch them.”

This time, Chief Balsang only brought four people, but they all had weapons in their hands, so if they didn’t encounter large-scale poachers, they were not afraid of each other.

Looking at the dry and skinny Balsang and a few policemen in front of him, Zhuang Rui shook his head imperceptibly and spoke, “Peng Fei, Brother Zhou, you guys should join Chief Balsang! Chief Balsan, they are all from the Special Forces, so they might be able to help some.”

Nowadays, no matter if it’s tomb raiding or poaching, the criminals that are clear high-tech and heavy firepower, Zhuang Rui doesn’t want to cause a tragedy here comparable to the Cocoanutian, that way he’s also sorry for the families of these police officers.

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