Chapter 1312: Infighting (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:56:40
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The poacher who was speaking was thirty-five or thirty-six years old, due to the fact that he had a dragon on each of his arms when he was young, he was nicknamed Two Dragons, his marksmanship was extremely accurate, and when he shot at a running Tibetan antelope, he could even accurately hit the eyes of the Tibetan antelope without hurting its fur.

The day before yesterday when he went up the mountain and found the golden eagle, if not for the bearded man being scratched by the little gold shoulder caused a moment of confusion, coupled with his bullet jamming words, I am afraid that the golden eagle would have been shot down by him.

Erlong has been with the cheeky beard for almost 10 years, said these words, not because he can’t bear to suffer, he once chased a herd of Tibetan antelope, three days and three nights without closing his eyes, but this is really can’t hold out.

Hunger in the stomach can still endure, but the bone-chilling cold wind, as if like a knife, in a knife scrape cut their flesh, the body of the cotton clothes can not resist the feeling of pain into the bone marrow.

These people have a wealth of wild survival experience, they know, can feel the pain, that there is still hope to live, in case even the pain can not feel the time, they may become an ice sculpture on this iceberg.

That’s why this poacher put forward the suggestion of surrender, although they have committed many crimes, but as long as the mouth is tight, bite the dead not to confess, this time is just an attempted poaching, at most add a possession of firearms, go in is estimated to be three or five years, better than nesting in the mountains to freeze to death, right?

Seeing the bearded man sitting by the campfire, Erlong persuaded, “Brother Beard, if we continue like this, we are really going to be accounted for here, there is always a way out, right?”

The so-called outlaws, that is in the case of no way to live, will fight for their lives, and does not apply to here, although the present several poachers ask themselves to do evil, but there is no human life in their hands, alone this attempted poaching, how can not be considered a capital offense, right?

The silent bearded man suddenly raised his head and looked at Erlong, asking, “Erlong, how many years have you …… followed me?”

After hearing the words of the bearded man, Erlong calculated in his heart and said, “Brother Beard, I followed you in 98, and now there are almost thirteen or fourteen years!”

“Yeah! Thirteen or fourteen years, the Tibetan antelope that died in your hands, not a thousand, but also eight hundred, right?”

The bearded man laughed, only the smile under the campfire, looked unusually gloomy, “Other things aside, these Tibetan antelopes alone are enough to shoot you ten times, turn yourself in? That’s looking for death!”

Erlong was a bit unconvinced, and yelled, “Brother Beard, if we don’t tell those things, who knows? And there is no death penalty for hunting and killing wild animals, right?”

Erlong is not a fool, hunting wildlife in the country was arrested more than heard who was sentenced to death, even the panda skinned Li Chuancai, that is also a suspended execution, basically the life is not lost.

Then again, to say that the hunting of national protected animals, the hands of the people present are stained with blood, no one will be stupid to tell the previous things, the words of the beard, so that the two dragons are very puzzled, talking is not so respectful.

This is the ugly side of human nature, if it is in the usual, Erlong’s attitude towards the bearded man, is definitely more respectful than seeing his own father, but now it is about his own life and death, Erlong can’t care so much.

Not only him, the rest of the people gathered around the campfire, also looked at the bearded man with a hopeful face, no one wants to die if they can live.

The bearded man suddenly became grumpy, the right hand that was not injured pressed on the submachine gun in front of him, after the cold gaze swept over the several people, said: “Okay, don’t talk nonsense, if you still regard me as a big brother, today we will get through it, and tomorrow we will be able to make a detour to go out by going over this snowy mountain.”

To be honest, the bearded man himself do not believe that he can survive today, this is more than ten degrees below zero ah! As long as they wait for the campfire to finish burning, with that down jacket on them? It is estimated that when the day breaks, every one of them will turn into an ice sculpture.

When Erlong saw Bearded Beard’s action, his heart couldn’t help but burst, and he quickly said, “Okay, Brother Beard, whatever you say, the brothers will listen to you.”

He followed the bearded beard for the longest time, and knew that this boss was ruthless, and really dared to kill himself at the drop of a hat, and Erlong also vaguely guessed that the reason why the bearded beard was reluctant to turn himself in, I’m afraid that it was because of the case of human life in his hands.

After saying these words, Erlong lowered his head, but in his eyes was a flash of a different look.

Similarly, under the shock of the bearded man’s submachine gun, the rest of the few people also spoke out to express their obedience to the boss’s arrangement, but what exactly they thought in their hearts, that would only be known by heaven and earth.

As the temperature continues to fall, the bonfire pile out of the flame, is also more and more small, around the dry wood have been picked up clean, far away they do not dare to go, in this kind of weather if they can not maintain sufficient physical strength, it can only accelerate their death.

At the beginning, a few people are still around the campfire pile in the constant walking, but with the passage of time, a few people’s movements are getting slower and slower, the expression on the face also looks a little stagnant.

Scientists had once done a study, when the temperature drops to a certain level, the thinking of people’s brains, will become sluggish, the situation in front of them was just like that, the sluggish thinking of the several poachers had already reflected on their movements.

“Fragrant, really fragrant, I’ll add more fire, Brother Zhou, you guard the exit side ah!”

At the foot of the snowy mountain, there was likewise a bunch of bonfires lit, but unlike on the mountain, on top of this pile of burning bonfires, there were two roasted and charred whole goats set up, and the pungent aroma spread far and wide.

Peng Fei is not afraid of the other side from the mountain to attack down, because in front of the exit at the foot of the mountain, there is a section of forty to fifty meters of open space, where there is no cover at all, the other side if they come down, they can only be used as a target to hit.

In addition to Zhuang Rui Peng Fei and Zhou Rui and other people, Balsan director also guarded here, two dry police hidden behind a rock, observing the movement of the mountain.

Although in the down jacket outside also set a sheepskin jacket, Zhuang Rui is still freezing shivering, looking at the halfway up the mountainside at the campfire is almost extinguished, can not help but open his mouth to curse: “Damn, are almost 12 o’clock, this group of sons of bitches are belonging to the penguin ah? Aren’t they afraid of the cold at all?”

To know, although the mountain and the mountain are only five or six hundred meters apart, but the temperature difference is at least 10 degrees, Zhuang Rui can not figure out how those guys who lack clothes and food can survive until now?

After searching the room where those few people live, Zhuang Rui put down his heart, from the poachers arrived at the time and the signs in the room indicate that they did not encounter snow leopard, which makes Zhuang Rui has been lifting the heart, finally put down.

“Haha, Brother Zhuang, let’s drink and eat meat while they drink the northwest wind up there, this business can be done! Let’s see who can outlast who.” After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Peng Fei laughed loudly, his voice traveling far away.

“Alright, you kid drink less, listen to Director Balsan’s arrangement.”

Zhuang Rui reprimanded Peng Fei, after stuffing a piece of meat into his mouth, he stood up, he was going to replace the dry police officer behind the rock, people were going to freeze if they didn’t move around in this cold day.

“Officer Luo Zhu, go have a drink to warm up!”

Zhuang Rui walked behind the rock and patted the dry police officer’s shoulder, habitually releasing his aura, he glanced up the mountain and suddenly froze.

“What the fuck is this? Can’t it be that these brothers all have that hobby, fighting over the beard?”

Zhuang Rui realized that the image that appeared in the aura was actually four old men, pressing the man with the beard who was injured on his shoulder to the ground in an extremely ambiguous position.

“No, this is infighting!”

After seeing a man put away the bearded man’s gun and then tied him up with a belt, Zhuang Rui finally understood that the other side had started infighting.

It was just that although Zhuang Rui could see the picture, he couldn’t hear the sound of their words, and he didn’t know what these guys who had started infighting were fighting for.

After those four people tied up the bearded man, they stood by the campfire and discussed a few words, then three people dragged the bearded man up, and the other small, dry and thin man, holding a flashlight, walked ahead, and the direction …… was exactly under the mountain.

“Officer Luo Zhu, call Peng Fei them over, I saw the people on the mountain moved.”

Seeing this, how could Zhuang Rui still not understand? This is the people on the mountain can not stay up, to come down to surrender, perhaps that bearded man does not agree, this is the infighting thing.

The fact is just as Zhuang Rui thought, in the temperature continues to fall, the injured beard spirit becomes more and more commissioned up, the whole person is lethargic, simply even the gun can not hold steady.

At this moment, has long been a tacit understanding of the four people, at the same time pounced on, the cheeky beard to the spot subdued, as the saying goes, dead friends do not die of poverty, the cheeky beard is the main culprit, he was caught, all the people’s culpability can be a little lighter.

The small man who received several belts, but also ruthlessly kicked the bearded man a few feet, anyway, in the future, we all have to be in jail to eat, and maybe the other side will have to eat the gun, he is not afraid of the bearded man retaliation.

“Mr. Zhuang, why didn’t I see it! Did they really go down the mountain?”

Luo Zhu had been staring intently at the mountain, except for the campfire that was about to go out, he couldn’t see what was happening on the mountain at all.

Zhuang Rui nodded and said, “I have good eyes, I guess there’s a half hour before they come down, let’s get ready!”

“Good, I’ll go inform Director Balsan right away.”

Seeing Zhuang Rui’s face full of seriousness, not like he was joking with himself, Luo Zhu also got serious and jogged all the way to the place where the crowd was barbecuing a few dozen meters away.

Hearing Luo Zhu’s report, the few people who were originally gathered around the campfire all hurriedly ran over, bullets loaded, and staring intently at the mountain pass above.

After about twenty minutes, more than a hundred meters up the mountain, the flash of a flashlight could already be seen, along with the shouts of people, “We’re turning ourselves in, don’t shoot, we’re coming down to turn ourselves in.”

Hoarse shouts echoed in the mountains, Zhuang Rui and others could not help but look at each other with a smile, this result is naturally the best, otherwise the other side of the gun resistance or impact on the mountain passes, may also cause damage to their side.

The first to appear under the bright light is the small man, he has a flashlight stuck in his collar, both hands will be an assault rifle raised above his head, footsteps hobbling toward the mountain.

Immediately behind him, there are three upright walking and a person being dragged on the ground, Erlong several people have long since run out of strength to carry the bearded man, down from the mountain, but half of the journey is to drag him down, originally injured bearded man, at the moment, only half of the life left.

“Government, we turned ourselves in, we’re turning ourselves in here!”

A few people came to the bright light, and left all the guns in their hands on the ground, and with a command from Chief Balsan, a few dry police immediately rushed up and cuffed a few people with their hands facing backwards.

“Government, can you give us water to drink and food to eat? We haven’t had a bite of food for over ten hours.”

Seeing the police, Erlong and the others seemed to be relieved as well, not even caring about the pain in their arms, just one after another, they were begging for food.

Chief Balsan waved his hand and said, “Take them to the campfire, don’t give in to freezing to death, hmmm, and what’s with this man? Conduct a surprise interrogation right away.”

“Government, we explain, we explain, his surname is Hu, people on the road call him Brother Beard, he is the one who organized us to come here.”

Due to the bearded beard’s lack of cooperation, a few people knew that the previous crime could not be escaped, anyway, if they did not give an account, it is expected that the bearded beard will bite out their crime, simply bamboo tube, without waiting for the interrogation, they all confessed.

“Brother Beard?”

After hearing Erlong’s words, Chief Balsan’s face suddenly changed for a moment, his movements were a bit rough as he pulled the bearded man on the ground to the campfire, and looked at the bearded man’s face by the light of the fire.

“Hu Rongfa, it’s really you!”

Chief Balsan’s voice, in the midst of elation, seemed to still have a touch of sadness in it, and the few dry police officers around him all had a look of surprise on their faces when they heard Balsan’s words.

Zhuang Rui, who was somewhat baffled by Bassan’s actions, pulled Luo Zhu by his side and asked in a low voice, “Officer Luo Zhu, what …… is going on here?”

Luo Zhu’s look is a little excited, pointing to the beard on the ground, said, “Mr. Zhuang, we …… have made a big achievement, this Hu Rongfa, is one of the main culprits who killed comrade Sonam Dajie in Coco Sicily, and we have been chasing him for 17 years, and I didn’t expect that we caught him in this place. ”

“The one in the movie Cocosily?” Zhuang Rui asked.

“Yes, what was played in that, is the prototype of Sonam Dajie.” Luo Zhu nodded heavily and told Zhuang Rui a singable story.

One day in 19941, 40-year-old Sonam Dajie and four team members captured 20 poachers in Cocosily, seizing seven cars and more than 1,800 Tibetan antelope skins.

In escorting the thugs traveling to the Sun Lake near the thugs attacked, Sonam Dajie for the protection of Tibetan antelope in no man’s land and 18 armed poachers confrontation, shed the last drop of blood.

Lights dead Sonam Dajie, prostrate on the ground, right hand holding a gun, left hand pull the bolt, angry eyes, motionless, like an ice sculpture, no one dares to go over. Even dead, he is also chilling.

Sonam Dajie’s death shocked all walks of life and public opinion, and the Chinese government approved the establishment of the “Coco Sicily Provincial Nature Reserve” in 1995, which was upgraded to the “Coco Sicily National Nature Reserve” in 1997.

Although 17 years have passed, the story of Sonam Dajie’s heroic death in a shootout with poachers is still being told, and the public security authorities have not stopped hunting for the suspects who shot him.

To this day, the 18 thugs, there have been 15 people have been arrested, there are three at large, and Hu Rongfa, is one of the three, but also the main culprit of the shooting Sonam Dajie.

No one could have expected that a major criminal from seventeen years ago would be captured in this small mountain village, which made Director Basang and the others sweep away the fatigue from their bodies and look excited.

“Director Balsang, it’s better to escort a few of them back first! Let Director Laba Tsering give them a look, in case they die, wouldn’t that be cheap?”

As Zhuang Rui spoke, he quietly injected a trace of aura into the body of the bearded man, he wanted to let this person live to stand trial, for this person who was so guilty, in the days to come, living might be more painful than dying.

“Yes, yes, we can’t let him die.”

It was only after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words that Chief Balsan reacted, personally taking on the task himself, carrying the bearded man, who had already been paralyzed into a mess, back to the village.

Early the next morning, the criminal police who had rushed from the county town overnight to provide support, pressed Hu Rongfa and his party back, due to the importance of the case, Bassan also followed along, without the presence of these poachers, the small mountain village returned to its usual peace.

“Honorable old village chief, dunzhu tsering brother, the snow leopard in the end how is it? Has it ever come to this mountain village in the past few years?”

After sending off Balsang and the others, Zhuang Rui found the old village head at the first time, he desperately wanted to know the news of the snow leopard, if he wasn’t afraid that Qin Xuan Bing and the others would be worried, Zhuang Rui would have wanted to climb up the snowy mountain with the white lion a long time ago.

“Mr. Zhuang, during last year, the snow leopard once came to the village, we prepared 10 cows and sheep for it, it should be enough for it to survive the winter, only this year it didn’t come, probably because we have more outsiders here!”

Dhondup Tsering was a little embarrassed when he spoke, Zhuang Rui left them more than 100,000 RMB, and the price they paid was just 10 cows and sheep.

And after the news of the reincarnation of the living Buddha spread out, the people who came to Gama Village to travel and make pilgrimages also increased, even some mountaineering teams, also listed the Great Snow Mountain as the goal they want to conquer, the reason why the snow leopard did not come this year, the reason may also lie in this.

“As long as the snow leopard is still on the mountain, I’m going to find it, as well as the golden eagle’s parents, I’m going to check it out as well.” Zhuang Rui realized that after the delay of the poacher incident, his mood to enter the Great Snow Mountain became more and more urgent.

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