Chapter 1313 – Tomorrow Will Be Better (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:56:46
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Gama village changes, let Zhuang Rui some unexpected, in the reincarnation of the news of the spiritual child spread out, this remote and cold mountain village, also became lively.

The earliest first is some Tibetan living Buddha’s believers to worship the place where the living Buddha was born, and so they go back, this beautiful mountain village will also be proclaimed out, attracted many travel enthusiasts to visit.

Although tourism has led to the economic development of the village, the villagers are much better off than before, but the same, the isolated environment, but also damaged.

In this short stretch of road from the village entrance to the foot of the snowy mountain, Zhuang Rui saw no less than 10 food bags, which should be discarded by those tourists.

The snow leopard likes to live in a purely natural place, and is cautious by nature, and was groomed by Zhuang Rui with his aura, it is obvious that the extra tourists in these places have deterred it.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but be a little worried, in those days when the snow closed the mountain, without food, whether the snow leopard could actually get through it?

Seeing Zhuang Rui’s face is not very good, Dunzhu Tsering opened his mouth and said, “Brother Zhuang Rui, it’s us who didn’t do a good job, didn’t prepare enough food and undisturbed environment for the snow leopard.”

It could be said that it was Zhuang Rui’s arrival that changed the face of poverty in Gama Village, no matter if it was the search for the reincarnation of the living Buddha or the financial support for the children to go to school, all of them had an inseparable relationship with Zhuang Rui. But Zhuang Rui entrusted to the village things, but they did not do a good job, the heart can not help but feel a little guilty.

Maybe some people will think, is not just an animal? It’s not a person, why make such a fuss.

But in this place in Tibet, Tibetan mastiff is regarded as human’s partner, snow leopard is even regarded by them as the guardian god of the Great Snowy Mountain, in their hearts, this is more important than Zhuang Rui entrusted them to take care of alone!

“It’s none of your business, animals always have to live in nature, survival of the fittest is nature’s rule, and snow leopards are no exception.”

Zhuang Rui shook his head, Dunzhu Tsering’s words full of apologies, but let his heart knot unraveled, he did not see the snow leopard hungry before he did not know it! As the king of the snowy mountains, it would be a joke if it was starved to death alive!

Looking out the window at the white standing snowy mountains, Zhuang Rui then said, “But the old village chief, Dunzhu Tsering big brother, I have a suggestion, I don’t know if you guys are willing to listen.”

“Brother Zhuang Rui, you say, as long as we can do it, we will definitely do it, and if we can’t do it, we have to think of a way.” Dhondup Tsering nodded heavily, he wasn’t so clear about the distinction between suggestions and requests.

“Brother Dhondup Tsering, I am not asking you guys to do anything, and I don’t have the right to do so.”

Zhuang Rui smiled at his words, pointing at the big snowy mountains outside the window, and said, “Big brother Dhondup Tsering, you can all see that the snow on the snowy mountains is so white and flawless, so holy, but do you know that the tourists that keep pouring in will destroy all of this, and one day, the white snowy mountains will become as dirty as a rag. ”

Zhuang Rui this is not in the alarmist scare them, the fact is indeed so, Everest since the famous, tourists increased greatly, cigarette butts, cans and bottles, shredded paper and plastic bags all over the place, resulting in the local environmental pollution is worsening.

Some experts once pointed out that this phenomenon is not curbed, later people see on Mount Everest, will no longer be white snow, but gray snow.

“It’s that serious?”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Dunzhu Tsering and the old village head looked at each other, they have never stepped out of the mountains several times in their lives, for what environmental protection that is no concept at all.

Zhuang Rui nodded and said, “It might be even more serious than that!”

“Then …… what can be done! The people in the village have more income, the days are better, can’t let them go back to the old days, right?”

The old village chief is a little worried, that is already covered with the face of the age ditch moat, and more wrinkles to.

As the saying goes, it’s easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but it’s difficult to go from extravagance to frugality, even if the old village chief was highly respected in the village, he might not be able to convince the villagers to give up the benefits that they could see.

“Oh, the old village head, it is not to say that you will not be allowed to engage in tourism, but the threshold must be raised, and do not put what travel agencies come in, with word of mouth can be, as long as the protection of the environment, I believe that your tomorrow will be better.”

Zhuang Rui smiled at the words, like this beautiful picture-like mountain village, if it is not known by the world, it is too much of a pity a little bit, everything has two sides, as long as it can be controlled properly, the bad things can be turned into good things.

“Brother Zhuang Rui, you are a capable person, so help us out!”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, both the old village chief and Dhondup Tsering’s eyes lit up, although they didn’t have much culture, they also knew the truth of drying up the pond, the deterioration of the surrounding environment, the one who would lose the most would still be them in the end.

Zhuang Rui scratched his head and said, “Hey, this thing, I really can’t say, it’s nothing more than raising the price of food and lodging, this cabin you charge according to the price of a day in a five-star hotel, and the live fish in the lake are asked for according to the price of a double-headed abalone.”

“Zhuang Rui brother, five-star hotel I know, double-headed abalone is what the hell ah?” Zhuang Rui’s words were interrupted off by Dunzhu Tsering.

“Hey, you don’t care what that thing is, a meal according to his three to five thousand charge on the right, you here and not listed tourist areas, no one will complain about your rip-off, love not come.”

This wine is not afraid of the deep alley, Zhuang Rui know, those in the metropolis of senior management, is very much in need of such a quiet and beautiful place, said live on a week to spend a million or so, for them is really not a big problem.

And these people’s environmental protection consciousness is relatively strong, at least they will not throw cigarette butts anywhere, holding small children everywhere urinating and defecating, the environment here will not cause too much impact.

“Is this …… this okay?”

Dunzhu Tsering listened to grow mouth, “are the lake wild fish, we do to guests to eat are not charged, live a day is also twenty dollars, this …… this ……”

“We want to do is the high-end tourism line, Dunzhu Ziren big brother, you have to remember, we do not seek the best, but seek the most expensive, some people are guilty of cheap, specializing in like to pick up expensive things to buy. Well, this thing I give you find an expert, let her help you formulate the rules and regulations, then you according to do on the line.”

See dunzhu subren is still a face of incomprehension, Zhuang Rui is not in the mood and he gabbed on, he is still thinking of going up to the mountains to find the snow leopard, then again, about the operation of the market, Zhuang Rui stomach is not really how many goods can be poured out of the.

At that moment, Zhuang Rui took out the phone to Lei Lei and other people called, Liu Chuan they do is this work! As long as they mastiff out of the Tibetan mastiff, that are adhering to what Zhuang Rui said just now, “do not seek the best, but seek the most expensive” principle, the rich and powerful people under the knife called a ruthless, applied to tourism development, it seems that the problem is not too big, right?

“This is the most beautiful place we’ve ever seen, so of course the fees should be higher.”

“Right, but the corresponding hardware should also keep up, the wooden house and so on should not be moved, the original flavor is fine, but the supplies inside, must be clean and hygienic.”

The few people who rushed here heard Zhuang Rui’s explanation, they all nodded their heads, after living here for a day, one’s mind seems like it’s been purified, that’s something money can’t buy.

Seeing the people talking out of their mouths, Zhuang Rui said, “Come on, a few of you work hard and help Gama Village plan a system out!”

“Zhuang Rui, we come up with ideas, what are you doing?” Liu Chuan asked strangely after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words.

Zhuang Rui looked towards the big snowy mountains towering in the distance and said, “I’m taking the white lion to the other side of the snowy mountains to see the golden eagle’s parents and the snow leopard.”

Yesterday, because the poachers had guns, Zhuang Rui let the golden eagle fly back to its parents’ nest, and this deadhead even stopped showing up, making it impossible for Zhuang Rui to search for the snow leopard through it.

Liu Chuan was not happy and yelled, “Don’t ah! What are you playing deep? To go buddies a few together.”

After hearing Liu Chuan’s words, Timur, who had always been a muffled gourd in the team, also squirmed and agreed: “Yes, yes, Zhuang Rui An Answer, are you going to look for young eagles?”

“You guys also want to go?”

Zhuang Rui sniffed and said, “You guys are too slow, if you really want to go, first help the Gama Village with their planning, then let Peng Fei take you up the mountain! But …… must pay attention to safety!”

Seeing Timur’s expectant face, Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but smile, “Brother Timur, don’t worry! It’s the season for fledglings to be born, if there is one, I will definitely give one.”

With Zhuang Rui’s speed, half a day can go over the snowy mountain, if you bring these people, I’m afraid that not two days of work can not be done, with his current eagerness, but can not wait.

Liu Chuan knows Zhuang Rui said is the truth, but the mouth is still dissatisfied muttered: “I remember your body as a child is not as good as me, honestly, you kid is not in the snowy mountains ate what thousand years of snow lotus and other treasures ah? How come the body is so perverted now?”

After hearing Liu Chuan’s words, Zhuang Rui suddenly said very seriously, “Rascal, want to know the reason?”

“Nonsense, of course I want to know.”

“Good, then attach your ear over.”

Zhuang Rui’s appearance is somewhat mysterious, said in Liu Chuan’s ear: “Millennium snow lotus on no, but the secret of the Sunflower Treasure Dictionary I have a book here, you first find Lei Lei to discuss, she agreed to go back to cut the words to find me to practice, a quasi let you more perverted than me.”

“Zhuang Rui, you’re looking for death! How dare you molest my old lady.”

Zhuang Rui’s voice was loud enough to be heard by everyone in a room, so angry that Lei Lei jumped up and chased after and beat up Zhuang Rui, and all of a sudden, joyful laughter came out of the room.

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