Chapter 1314 – Tomorrow will be better (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:56:49
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Whew ……”

After climbing up a steeper slope, Zhuang Rui let out a long breath of white gas, he has come to the middle and upper section of the snowy mountain, where the snow does not melt all year round, and the temperature is all below zero.

To say that today is not a good day to climb the mountain, because the wind is relatively strong, the wind will be the mountain snow blowing up, diffuse in the road ahead, so that people simply can not see the foot of the mountain road.

With his hand on the back of the oversized backpack that is more than a meter high, looked up at the peak of the towering clouds, Zhuang Rui’s face was a little earthy.

Originally Zhuang Rui would like to carry a wild tent and a little supply out, did not think Qin Xuan Bing do not rest assured that he is a person mountaineering, useful and useless things are useful to him stuffed into the bag.

Just QinXuanBing also don’t think, this mountain steep snow road slippery, bring so many things is not harmful well, there are several times ZhuangRui are unsteady center of gravity, almost didn’t fall down.

Compared to Zhuang Rui’s woes, the white lion on the dashing more, feet with thick meat pads, and the sharp claws, so that the white lion in the snowy mountains, if not waiting for Zhuang Rui, it is estimated that in the climb to the top of the peak.

However, due to this year’s cubs were just born, the snow mastiff stayed in Beijing, and did not accompany, which makes the return to the homeland of the white lion’s excitement, but not so high.

“White Lion, take a break ……”

Zhuang Rui this breath climbed almost three or four hours, although the physique is too much, but the consumption of calories still need to be supplemented, looking for a slightly flat place, Zhuang Rui took out some food from the backpack.

After stuffing a piece of chocolate in his mouth, Zhuang Rui peeled five or six baby arm-thick ham sausage, all thrown to the white lion, he is not afraid of this thing frozen hard, to the white lion that teeth, it is estimated that even steel bars can be bitten off, this point is naturally not a problem.

After putting the leftover plastic packaging back into the backpack, Zhuang Rui stood up and continued to climb up, although the supplies carried this time are a little too much, but compared to normal people, Zhuang Rui’s speed is still much faster.

“Eh? Bloodstain?”

After coming to a place that was still more than four hundred meters away from the top, Zhuang Rui found that in front of a gentle hillside, there were traces of blood sprayed on the extremely hardened snow that was frozen.

“It seems that this should be the place where the gang of bearded men encountered the golden eagle ……”

Zhuang Rui surveyed the surrounding terrain and couldn’t help but feel a little bit scared, if it wasn’t for the fact that above this flat slope was the raised rock wall, which just happened to block the line of sight from below, I’m afraid that the golden eagle hadn’t escaped so easily.

Climbed up another two hundred meters or so in height, the snowy mountain has already taken on a glacial form, a huge icicle rises up from the ground, in the sunlight, reflecting a brilliant luster, a small cough, can cause a huge echo.

“Hey, I didn’t expect there to be people in front of us, they can’t be fellow poachers, right?”

After climbing up a cliff with his bare hands, Zhuang Rui unexpectedly heard human voices, he didn’t expect that there were still people moving around in the premises that could be called a forbidden area for human beings, he couldn’t help but add a point of caution, releasing the aura in his eyes.

“So it’s a mountain climbing team!”

After releasing his aura, Zhuang Rui “saw” that more than forty meters away from him, a four-member climbing team was climbing upward with great difficulty, in addition to the necessary facilities for climbing, they did not carry any weapons.

At this time the slope of the snowy mountain, has been in sixty degrees above, in this above, people simply can not walk upright, the four wearing shoes climbing team members, really is in the “climbing”, the whole body is almost prostrate in the ice.

Although Zhuang Rui carried a large backpack, but he could not help his legs have “force” ah! Almost every foot step down, can be long spikes deeply nailed into the ground was frozen extremely solid ice, looks deep a foot shallow a foot climb is very hard, in fact, the speed is very is fast.

“Hey man, how many of you are there? Do you want us to drop the rope?”

To this height, the air is thin extremely thin, almost every upward meter has to pay a great deal of physical strength, if there is a reinforced rope thrown down, on the back of the climbing people, it is different to be a lot easier.

In Zhuang Rui chased to the climbing team behind 20 meters, the front of the several people, also finally found the existence of Zhuang Rui, upward climbing action slowed down.

Domestic mountain climbing extreme sports, still out of the embryonic form of growth, these four people are all from the same mountain climbing club, to be able to see their peers at this altitude of more than three thousand meters high premises, is nothing but a very pleasant thing.

“Just me.”

Zhuang Rui responded loudly, but the wind on the mountain was blowing downwards, and just as he opened his mouth, he was filled with wind and snow, and it was estimated that the other party didn’t hear the words he shouted out.

“Here …… are you alone?”

When Zhuang Rui climbed to the premises flush with them, a few present age in the thirty years old or so climbing team members, can’t help but all wide-eyed, like watching a monster general stared at Zhuang Rui.

One person even reached out to look at Zhuang Rui’s bottom, want to see if there are people below did not come up, of course, in addition to the huge size of the white lion, he was no longer able to see a similar, which makes a few people shocked crocodile inexplicable.

To know, in this kind of place to play climbing extreme sports, the danger is very high, generally speaking, are four or five people form a climbing team, under the mutual cooperation, it is possible to climb and peak.

But there is another way to play, is to spend money to hire people, even pulling with lifting hard to send themselves to the top of the mountain, to feel the feeling of the mountain high people peak.

That claimed to climb Mount Everest several times the real estate mogul, is so play, it is reported that the buddy once climbed the mountain to spend millions of dollars.

But like Zhuang Rui this kind of single-handedly broke into the snowy mountains, before the eyes of this climbing team really have not seen, this is not the old man hanged remuneration is too long well!

Of course, some foreign extreme sports masters, is always alone, but this is not in the country? These guys haven’t heard of any such bulls in the country!

“Oh, this mountain I climbed, the difficulty is not very big, so this time it is on its own ……, no, and the white lion came up together, this is my partner, it will not bite.”

Zhuang Rui also knew that his appearance was rather abrupt, so after seeing a few people with a look of hell, he smiled and introduced them to the white lion.

“Hey buddy, you’re really bullish! Daring to break into the Great Snow Mountain single-handedly.”

“Dude, is this a Tibetan Mastiff? How come it looks like a lion.”

After hearing the voice in Zhuang Rui’s mouth, these brothers finally determined that Zhuang Rui is not the legendary snow monster, and then surrounded Zhuang Rui asked, in their eyes, Zhuang Rui is full of mystery.

Zhuang Rui laughed, in the wind mouth pulling the throat to speak, is not a pleasant thing, then reached out and pointed to the top, said: “Let’s go, there is a place above to avoid the wind, go up and say ……”

“Damn, is this still a person?”

Watching Zhuang Rui not even take the hiking pole, with the white lion, he dawdled and rushed to the front of them, a few people in the mountaineering team immediately looked straight in the eyes, their knowledge of mountaineering learned in the club was completely subverted.

When they came to the wind shelter that Zhuang Rui said, it was already twenty minutes later, looking at the silver American-made gas stove in front of them and the water on it that had almost boiled as well as the large pieces of air-dried meat on the ground, the brothers almost didn’t fall headlong down the mountain.

What kind of person is this, a person hiking, actually even brought pots and pans and spoons, does not he know that mountaineering to minimize the load?

Like forty years ago the mountaineering rope, weighs more than 20 kilograms, and now has the same effect of the mountaineering rope, but 1.5 kilograms, this is to reduce the weight of the improvement, but from Zhuang Rui that concealed the mouth of the backpack to see, the buddy at least also back forty to fifty kilograms of weight of the things.

Zhuang Rui threw the frozen hard mutton into the pot and greeted, “Come, come, what are you standing for ah, sit, all sit, have a mouthful of hot soup to warm up your body …….”

A few guys who were suspected to be in a dream, heard Zhuang Rui’s words before they came to their senses, and hurriedly unzipped their backpacks and took off the hats that covered their heads tightly.

Sitting directly opposite Zhuang Rui, a mountaineering member around thirty years old, after seeing Zhuang Rui’s face, let out an exclamation of surprise: “You …… are Mr. Zhuang, right?”

“You recognize me?” Zhuang Rui froze for a moment at his words, not expecting that there was actually someone who knew him in this rare snowy mountain.

“Hey, Mr. Zhuang, you’re old and famous, I heard that the World Adventurers Association has sent you an invitation, you’re my idol!”

The buddies with a mouthful of northeastern dialect waved their arms, that look was simply more fanatic than stargazers, after seeing the mysterious person in front of them was Zhuang Rui, the doubts in their hearts all disappeared.

Zhuang Rui does not know, in the domestic and even the world of exploration and scientific research community, he has become a legend.

The discovery of the pirate island, dusty thousand years of undersea treasure out of the water, as well as the Genghis Khan Mausoleum of the world, making Zhuang Rui fame, to know that any of these things, may be ordinary people can not be accomplished in a lifetime.

In the eyes of those domestic rough form of the explorers, Zhuang Rui that is simply the eyes of fire, three heads and six arms like a mythical figure, the natural mouth of these people in front of them is no exception.

And Zhuang Rui one person carrying so many supplies of things, but also by a few excited guys to ignore, surrounded by Zhuang Rui asked for a photo, almost let him in the underwear to the signature.

Zhuang Rui is also crying and laughing, did not expect to hide in this altitude of a few thousand meters on the snowy mountains, but also can meet fans, it seems that in the future is really going to “Xuan Rui Island” on the hermitage to do.

Can’t stand the eager eyes beside him, Zhuang Rui’s eating speed is much faster than before, after two bowls of hot soup, there is a sudden eagle sound in the sky.

“Little Gold?” Zhuang Rui looked up, and the figure of a golden eagle flew out from the back of the mountain, close to the peak.

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