Chapter 10

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:50:38
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The little black Marcus was a little depressed, he didn’t want to cause the two big men to go at it, but there were some bottom lines he had to stick to.

He was clear about his position and value in this team.

If he lost his channel of information in the gang, it would be difficult to gain a foothold in the ‘Robbery and Murder Division’ with his own abilities.

Xiao Hei said, “Two bosses, I can’t tell the true identity of ‘Postman’, but I can guarantee that he is at most selling modified guns illegally, and has no direct relationship with the robbery.

Even if he doesn’t sell them, there will be others who do, there’s no end to catching this kind of person. And we can still use him in the future.”

Susan was silent for a moment and said, “We’ll talk about that later, keep reporting what you find out.”

“Yay.” Xiao Hei breathed a sigh of relief, he instinctively feared Susan a little, “According to the mailman’s account, he put the modified tasers on sale in three gun stores.

In addition to the Jovi Gun Shop, there’s also the Cadia Gun Shop and the Cucamong Gun Shop.”

Susan instructed, “Raymond, Jenny, go to the Cadia Gun Shop and investigate.

David, Luke, go to the Cucamong gun store and investigate, and lock down the identity of the suspects who purchased the guns as soon as possible.”

“Yes, captain.”

“Meeting adjourned. Marcus, come to my office.” Susan dropped the sentence and got up to leave.

Marcus spread his hands, “Lieutenant, you’ll back me up, right?”

Vince stood up and tapped Marcus on the shoulder, “Goodluck.”

David pounded his right fist where his heart was and pointed it at Marcus.

Black scratched the curls on his head in chagrin, and


In a black Dodge Challenger car, Luke sat in the driver’s seat driving and David sat in the passenger seat.

David laughed, “Hey, poor Blackie, he’s going to be caught in a typical situation this time.”

Luke said, “Don’t gloat, you’re not clean under your ass either.”

“Same to each other, if you hadn’t gotten lucky and caught a robber, you’d probably have been kicked out of the robbery and murder division already.” After a moment of silence, David continued.

“If we let her fold, I guess the only ones left on the team at the end of the day will be Ramon and Matthew.”

Ramon was, needless to say, the model officer of the LAPD.

Matthew was a civilian police officer.

Luke smiled, “Change the way you investigate a case if you don’t want to get kicked out.”

“Words are good, how do you change them?”

Luke pointed to his temple, “Use this more, see what I do in a minute.”

“Oh, your kid is getting more and more abnormal, in the past you could do it with your hands and would never use your brain. It seems that being attacked has affected you a lot.”

Luke didn’t answer, if the original owner hadn’t suffered an attack, he wouldn’t have come to this world.

Ten minutes later.

The car stopped near the Cucamong gun store and Luke got out of the car alone.

A male clerk standing by the counter polishing his pistol asked, “What gun would you like, sir?”

Luke observed the gun store, it was small, but had a large variety of guns on display, and in addition to the male clerk who spoke, there was an older man at the counter on the other side.

“I’d like a Taser.”

“Have you known about Tasers before? What model do you want?”

“Nothing too in-depth, I want a powerful guy.”

“What about budget?”

“As long as the gun fits, money is no object.”

“I recommend the X26-C Taser, capable of firing a 50,000-volt shock voltage, enough to instantly knock out a grown man within fifteen meters.

After the target is struck, he or she will be rendered powerless within ten to thirty seconds, giving them enough time to respond to the crisis.” As he spoke, the clerk turned around and grabbed a yellow Taser and

“You can try your hand at it.”

Luke picked up the taser and held it in his hand to make a gunshot motion, before placing it on the counter with a lack of interest, “The feel is okay, but it doesn’t meet my requirements.”

“Where does it not meet?”

“The power is small.”

“Sir, this gun is definitely enough to deal with ordinary people.”

“My family runs a farm, and there are often wild animals that come to the farm to wreak havoc, this might be able to deal with groundhogs, but it definitely won’t be able to take down wild boars.”

“Since we’re dealing with wild boars, I’d recommend a semi-automatic rifle, with more bullets and more power more suitable for dealing with wild animals.”

“I’m here to buy a gun, I don’t need you to teach me how to do my job?” Luke lowered his gun and made to leave.

“Sir, please wait. I have a more powerful Taser that should fit your needs.” The older man came over to detain him.

“You’re the owner?”

“Yes. We have a taser in the store with an impact voltage of up to 100,000 volts that can take down a black bear, not to mention a boar.”

Luke nodded, “That’s just what I need.”

The owner gave the clerk a wink, signaling the other to get the gun.

Not long after, the clerk walked in from the back carrying a box with the same outer packaging as that of the X26-C Taser.

The owner opened the box and took out a black taser from inside: “This is a modified taser, much more powerful than a normal taser and more dangerous, use it with caution.”

Luke picked up the gun and compared it, “Is this gun modified in any other way?”

“When a regular Taser is fired, confetti with a serial number pops out of the magazine. This Taser’s magazine has been modified to not eject confetti, and it’s a lot less of a hassle.” The owner had a you-know-what look on his face.

He didn’t care what Luke bought the gun for, as long as he paid for it.

Luke smiled, “That’s exactly what I’m looking for, how much?”

“Four thousand dollars.”

Luke glanced at the boss, “You think I’m a kaiju? An ordinary taser is only a thousand dollars. I’ll give you two thousand dollars at most.”

“Sir, this kind of good thing may not be available even if you have money, if you think it’s expensive you can buy a normal taser, like you said it’s only a thousand dollars.”

Luke took the gun and played with it with a loving look, “Three thousand dollars, I’ll take it.”

The boss was silent for a moment and nodded, “OK, this gun is yours. Think of it as making a friend, and take care of our business in the future.”

“There are a few more guns like this, I’ll take them all.”

“There’s only this one.”

“Afraid I can’t afford it?”

“No, this gun was modified by an expert, it’s difficult to get in through the import channel, and I only have a total of two in my store, a customer bought one away in January, and now I only have this one left.”

Luke’s words changed, “Selling this kind of modified Taser should be illegal, right?”

The owner’s face changed slightly, and he reached out to take back the modified Taser, “If you want to buy a gun, I’m always welcome. If you’re looking for trouble, the big guys in my store aren’t for show.”

Luke took a step back and pulled his badge out of his pocket, “LAPD, I suspect you’re involved in two robberies and injuries, please return to the station to assist in the investigation.”

The owner spread his hands, “Even buyer, I’m just a gun seller doing a legitimate business. As for what the people who buy guns use them for has nothing to do with me, you can’t scare me.”

Luke shook the modified taser in his hand, “If that’s called legitimate business, then I’ll just have to do my job.”

Luke pulled out his walkie-talkie, “David, come in with a warrant for an arrest.”

A few moments later, a ferocious bald man walked into the store, revealing the handcuffs around his waist.

The owner panicked, “NoNoNo, Sir, I was wrong.

Give me a chance, I’m willing to assist the police in their investigation.”

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