Chapter 104

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:55:30
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Ruidu Community.

It was past eight o’clock in the evening.

It was dark.

A white man wearing a baseball cap pulled out his pants pocket with his right hand and held a bottle of beer in his left hand, walking two steps and taking a sip.

His gaze was a bit empty and his complexion was a bit dull.

“Pfft ……”

Feeling that he stepped on something under his feet, he looked down.

It was a puddle of shit, still faintly steaming, splattering everywhere as he stepped on it.

“FUCK!” the man’s face twisted a little, his dumbfounded look turning to anger.

He looked up and around and saw a woman holding a white shaggy dog not far away.

He vaguely remembered that the woman and the dog had stopped here a while ago, he just didn’t care too much about it at that time, now that he thought about it the dog should have been taking a shit.

“FUCK! Even a stinky dog wants to bully me.” The white man trembled with anger and took off his shoes directly, he felt sick to his stomach.

“Hey, STOP!” he chased after him in his socks.

The Asian woman with the dog looked back, “Who are you yelling at?”

“YOU,” the white man pointed his left hand angrily at the Asian woman.

“What is it?”

“Did your dog just poop?”

It was dark and the dog owner didn’t notice the man’s abnormality first: “What does my baby pooping have to do with you. You can’t control the sky and the earth, but you can’t control my baby’s pooping and farting.”

“I can’t care about it, but when a dog poops, you as the owner should clean it up in time instead of just walking away, which is not right.”

At this time, the dog owner saw the white man wearing only socks, pants leg splattered with some, vaguely coming from a stench: “Eh ah, you say …… such a wide road you do not walk, have to step on the dog poop, so who can blame?”

“I don’t object to you raising a dog, that’s your freedom, your right. But your dog can’t just shit on the highway, it’s very uncivilized.”

The dog owner retorted, “People can still put up with it, but if the dog wants to shit, I can’t control it.

Why don’t you say how much, I’ll compensate you.”

“It’s not a matter of money, your dog pooped and you should clean up the shit. This is the basic morality of being a human being, not just walking away. You’re going to cause a lot of trouble for people like that. Understand?”

“Come on, you’re a big man don’t be a pussy with the dog, I’ll give you twenty dollars, you can go to the dry cleaner and have it cleaned, it’s as good as new.”

“WHAT? You think this kind of insult can be solved by twenty dollars? I lack this twenty dollars?”

“After all is said and done, you just want to blackmail money, I tell you, no way, just this twenty dollars, take it or leave it.”

“I’m not talking about money, I’m reasoning with you, civilized dog breeding can prevent similar things from happening.

You should admit your mistake with an open mind and correct it completely, instead of thinking of shirking your responsibility with twenty dollars.”

“Woof woof ……” the white long-haired dog barked at the man.

“Look, the dog has a problem with you, hurry up and take the money and go, or else it will bite you, I can’t stop it.” The dog owner handed the twenty dollars over, and when he saw that the white man didn’t take it, he threw it directly onto the ground.

The woman turned to leave, most of the people living in this neighborhood are Asian, she is not afraid of white people, besides, the big baby is right next to her, it can give her enough security.

Mouth also can not help but curse: “Another stinking idiot, every day with the dog can not get along, chatter chatter chatter chatter, the old lady all fucking leash, still want what.

You are blind and step on dog shit and still blame others.

Shame on you.”

The white man looked down at the twenty dollars and then at the back of the woman and the dog, a hint of indifference in his eyes, “It’s because of you guys that L.A. is like this ……

You’re all responsible!”




Luke shot seventeen rounds in a row at the target.

The magazine emptied right out, cool!

Luke took off his orange ear muffs and checked his pistol and magazines.

The mark moved over.

At a distance of ten meters, basically all of them hit the mark and looked densely packed.

Each shot created a huge recoil, and it was difficult to shoot continuously, and it took a long time of practice to get used to it.

David came over and joked, “You suck at this marksmanship, it’s not as pretty as the last time you shot at the garage.”

Luke started to reload, “I’m a realist.”

“Then you should go out in the field and practice moving targets, the enemy won’t stand still and let you hit them, this fixed target practice in real life doesn’t mean much.” David bristled, rather disdainfully.

“Then you don’t go home after work, and you often run here to practice.”

“I’m just killing time.”

“That’s a boring way to kill time.”

David pointed to the easternmost shooting bench where Ramon was standing alone practicing with his gun.

Luke shook his head, “Poor married man.”

David loaded the magazine, “Want to compete?”

“Compete how? Compare what?”

“Standing and high kneeling shooting, counting only the ten rings that hit the center of the handle, loser buys a drink at the bar. How about it?”

“Then let’s compete.”

“Bang ……”

In order to enhance his ability in real combat, Luke had already consciously trained his marksmanship.

The first step was officially taken today.

The result, which wasn’t ideal, was that David won.

Luke was buying drinks.

It didn’t matter, it was just for fun, and he wasn’t too bad.

After gun practice, Luke tried to invite Ramon to join him, but the other man declined.

Luke and David went to a neighborhood bar for a few drinks.

Talking about cars and women, time passed quickly.

It was after ten o’clock in the evening.

Luke rode his Harley back to the Ruidu neighborhood.

With the previous lesson from last time, Luke lowered his speed when he entered the community highway.

It was also this foresight that allowed him to avoid a small traffic accident.

A guy with no qualities actually lost a shoe on the highway.

What an idiot.

After driving not much further, a white shadow sprang out of the green belt ahead.

At a closer look, it’s that white-haired dog from last time.

The bastard was fucking scurrying down the highway again, and Luke hurriedly braked.

“FUCK!” what a repeat offender.

Luke walked over to check it out, but there was something different about the dog this time, it looked wilted and had a red stain on its white fur.

What the hell?

“Ah ow ……” long-haired white dog let out a wailing sound, out of breath more, in less, look like not working.

Out of professional instinct, Luke felt that something was wrong, took out his pistol, went up to check, and found a wound on the dog’s body, like a wound left by a gunshot.

Blood was seeping outward from the wound.

Luke looked in the direction the shaggy white dog had run from and found blood on the greenbelt as well, the dog should have been injured for some time.

Soon, Luke realized the seriousness of the problem.

Luke had met the dog’s owner and was very ‘protective’.

The dog was shot, it was reasonable to say that the woman would be heartbroken to death, and it was impossible to let the dog stay outside to fend for itself.

There was another point, the sound of the shooting was loud, it was reasonable to say that a shooting in the community could not be so calm.

Luke guessed that the other party used a silencer when they fired.

What a familiar maneuver.

Was it the murderer?

How did it happen to be in the neighborhood where he lived?

Another Strange Encounter card?


According to Luke’s analysis, that suspect was probably Benjamin Nasi.

The other guy always felt that immigrants took his job and was hostile to them.

This is an Asian neighborhood, and the dog owner is unreasonable.

A confrontation between the dog owner and Benjamin Nasi would have been disastrous.

It can only be said to be reasonable and unforeseen.

Luke knew which house the woman’s family lived in, and after calling Susan to report back, decided to go to the house first to check out the situation.

The woman was uncivilized, but her crime was not to death.

As a police officer himself, he couldn’t just see her die.

Luke gently walked to the house, the door was closed, from the outside could not see the abnormality.

Luke did not break in, gently walked to the window, ready to check the situation in the house first.

There were no lights on in the house, and it was a little dark.

Luke squinted his eyes, adapted to the light, and carefully looked at the situation in the house through the moonlight.

Against the wall was found a figure, a woman with a white face, staring straight at the window with wide eyes ……

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