Chapter 105

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:55:33
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Five minutes later, patrolmen arrived on the scene to provide support.

Luke rushed into the house with the patrolmen and searched it.

The killer had already left.

The house was a bit messy.

The dog owner was leaning against the wall, there were two gunshot wounds on his chest, blood was flowing down his body, his body was still warm, he shouldn’t have been dead for long.

The eyes were wide open, staring straight ahead, seemingly dead.

She was already changing, just that God didn’t give her enough time.

At this time, Luke also had some feelings in his heart, he had seen the other party two days ago, and in the blink of an eye, she was murdered.

Luke began to look at the scene and simulate the crime.

The murderer was most likely tailing the deceased.

When the deceased opened the door, the murderer followed and broke in, the shaggy white dog tried to bite the murderer, but was shot by the murderer, and the shaggy white dog ran out of the house in shock.

The murderer forced the owner of the dog close to the house with a pistol, and the owner leaned helplessly against the wall.

And the murderer shot the dog and killed him with a shot to the heart.

And then, the murderer searched the house and absconded.

Of course, the above is only Luke’s speculation, the murderer is not Benjamin Nasi he is not completely sure.

Ten minutes later, Susan arrived at the scene with her men.

Luke reported the situation to her.

Susan checked the scene, “You think the murderer is Benjamin Nasi?”


“Is there any evidence?”

“I saw a thick-soled rubber shoe that had stepped in dog poop on the community highway, I can have the survey team identify it as a match to the killer’s shoe.

The other thing would be to check surveillance around the community and bullet mark identification.”

Susan nodded and didn’t dwell on it, “Were there any witnesses around? Or people who saw the suspected killer.”


However, I asked the surrounding neighbors, the deceased’s home had a red Honda with license plate number 5eeb324.

The car was seen leaving the neighborhood just after 9:00 p.m. It’s likely that the killer took the car.”

Marcus asked, “How dare the murderer take the dead man’s car if he killed him, he’s not afraid of being tracked down by the police.”

Luke explained, “There’s a time difference here, the deceased lived alone, even if he was killed, it’s hard to find the body immediately.

Waiting for the police to find the body, the earliest will have to wait until tomorrow, by then the murderer will have abandoned the car and fled, probably not even a shadow.

The murderer didn’t expect me to find the body so early.

Thanks to the dog, of course.”

Marcus asked, “Can the dog be saved?”

Luke shook his head, “I don’t know, it’s been sent for treatment.”

Susan followed Luke’s analytical train of thought, “The suspect could have chosen another method of escape, that would have been less risky.

The fact that the other party chose to leave directly in the deceased’s car means that he was in a hurry, most likely to flee Los Angeles.

We must act before it’s too late.

Luke, gather surveillance around the neighborhood.

Jenny, contact Honda and ask for their assistance in locating the car.

Marcus, call Matthew and have him pull up surveillance along the neighborhood and track the red Honda.”

“Yes, captain.”

Downtown Los Angeles.

A red Honda parked in an alley.

A man wearing a baseball cap got out, carrying a duffel bag on his back, and entered the apartment building next door.

The apartment building was a bit run down and in disrepair, and didn’t even have a doorman.

The Honda was still open, and I don’t know if I forgot to close it or if it was on purpose.

It was estimated that it would be driven to some unknown garage without waiting for dawn.

The man in the baseball cap didn’t go upstairs, instead he walked towards the basement, and when he reached the second floor of the basement, it was obvious that the air was a lot more humid.

The second floor of the basement was closed with a barred door, and there was a black man inside guarding the door.

The man wearing a baseball cap knocked on the door, “Hey, I’m here to get the goods.”

The black man glanced at him, “Name?”


The black man checks the log book, “No, I don’t have any for you today, you’ll have to wait until tomorrow.”

“I’d like it expedited.”

“Everyone wants it expedited, if it can’t be done, it just can’t be done. If the process isn’t right, you’re likely to be recognized as a counterfeiter.”

“I’m willing to pay extra, I need my papers tonight.”

The man in the baseball cap pulled ten green bills from his pocket and handed them through the barred door.


“Wait.” The black guard finished, slipped the money into his pocket, and then went inside the house.

When he came out again, he gave five fingers to the man in the baseball cap, “If you want to expedite, you need to add five thousand dollars.”

“FUCK, you guys are practically vampires.”

“You’re the one who didn’t come at the appointed time, if you want it expedited, you’ll have to pay more or be honest and stand in line.

It’s not easy to be in our line of work, if we’re here today, we might change places tomorrow, and then we might not be able to find us even for ten thousand dollars, not to mention five thousand dollars.

You can’t afford to lose your chance.” The black guard looked as if he would take it or leave it.

The man in the baseball cap sighed and took five thousand dollars out of his bag and handed it into the barred door.

The black guard took the money and grinned, “Pick up in an hour.”

Time passed by one minute.

The man in the baseball cap sat directly on the ground and waited.

One hour later.

The black case handed a paper bag outside the iron fence gate, “Remember, you haven’t been here before.”

The man in the baseball cap opened the paper bag and pulled a driver’s license out of it, “Never again.”

Having this was an extra layer of security and it was time to leave.

The man in the baseball cap exited the apartment and glanced in the direction of the red Honda, and sure enough, it was gone.

The man in the baseball cap had a complicated look on his face, “These assholes, sooner or later they’re going to ruin the city, a bunch of rotten people.”

The man in the baseball cap walked to the side of the road, ready to take a taxi and leave.

Suddenly, a black Dodge car stopped at the curb, and a black-haired man came down from the car.

Four eyes met.

The man in the baseball cap instinctively lowered his head and turned to walk down the road.

Luke had seen Benjamin Nasi’s picture.

He had been a police officer for many years and was experienced in recognizing people.

Luke pulled out his pistol directly and shouted at the man in the baseball cap, “LAPD! Don’t move, put your hands up!”

“Hey, you’ve got the wrong guy, I didn’t commit a crime.”

“Let me see your hands, Now.”

David pulled out his pistol as well and warned, “Hey, don’t get yourself in trouble, you’re not facing a gun.”

The man in the baseball cap had no choice but to slowly raise his hands, he still had a bandage on his right hand and appeared to be missing a finger.

Luke stepped forward and cuffed his hands, “What’s your name?”

The man in the baseball cap replied, “Linden.”

“Don’t be a smart ass, there’s no point in you lying now, just like your finger, since it’s broken, it’s never coming back.

I’ll ask again, name.”

“Benjamin Nasi.”

“GOOD, you’re under arrest.”

The man in the baseball cap asked back, “How did you find me so quickly?”

“I can only blame your bad luck, I found the injured white shaggy dog and located the red Honda in the first place.”

“That dog again, if that dog hadn’t pooped anywhere, I wouldn’t have been found by you guys, and I would have left the city tomorrow.”

“So we have that dog to thank for that.” Luke laughed and swept his eyes, “Where’s the car?”

“I think the car thief took it, but it’s still too late. If you guys had found that body later, you might not have been able to catch me.” Benjamin Nasi sighed.

“We’ll get it back, so tell me, what are you doing here?”


David frisked him and found a gun with a silencer, the right make and model, probably the murder weapon.

There was also a very new driver’s license that still seemed to smell like ink.

“Linden Polk, you’re a lousy name. Did you come here to create a fake identity?”

Benjamin Nasi glanced at him and didn’t answer.

David smiled, “Looks like we have a surprise.”

Soon, the rest of the team and the patrolmen arrived for support.

Benjamin Nasi was handed over to the patrolmen for custody.

Luke and the others entered the apartment and prepared to take out the place where the fake license was made in one fell swoop.

First, they asked Benjamin about the situation and learned that there was a barred gate blocking the way inside, and they brought along a breaker hammer.

The party then entered the second basement floor of the apartment.

When the black guards saw so many people coming at once, they were so scared that they hurriedly stood up, and before they could run, they heard a chorus of reprimands.

“LAPD, don’t move.”

“Let me see your hands, don’t play tricks.”

“BANG!” The iron grill door was slammed open.

The black guard was held down and handcuffed directly by Marcus and David.

Luke and the others rushed into the house inside.

An old white man was pulling out a lighter to light the papers.

“LAPD, don’t move.”

“Drop what you’re holding and no destroying evidence.”

The old white man slowly raised his hand and smiled, “I’m not moving, I know the rules and will cooperate with you.

I have information to tell the police and am willing to be a tainted witness.”

This industry is highly profitable and more risky.

The old man looked like a regular in prison, old initiative.

Luke walked over to check it out and found a couple of unfinished car driver’s licenses.

He directly photographed and stored the evidence, anyone who can go up here and buy a fake license is not a good person.

One catch is accurate.

Just waiting for a delivery ……

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