Chapter 107

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:55:39
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“That woman asked me to hand over the video, saying she would give me a large sum of money.

I wanted to refuse, compared to the money, I wanted to expose her hypocritical mask more than anything else.

But I knew very well that if I refused on the spot, that woman would definitely not let me go.

I was no match for Black Egg once he robbed me hard. I pretended to agree and asked her how much money she could give.

The woman promised to give me two hundred thousand dollars and told me to go home with her to get the money.

I was just drunk, not stupid, and once inside the house, they were sure to go after me.” A mocking look came over Benjamin Nassey’s face, and

“I refused to go in with them and told them to get the money.

This woman went into the house and turned around, came out and told me that there wasn’t enough money in the house, and told me to wait at her house while she sent someone to get the money.

This was the third time she invited me into her house and I knew she was motivated to kill.

I’m not going to fall for that.”

“I knew I had to make a condition so I could take the initiative.

Tell her to have four hundred thousand dollars ready if she wants the video back, and to pay it tomorrow night at the agreed upon location.

Sure enough, when she saw that I was actively asking for the money, she relaxed instead.

We stalled for about an hour before she agreed to my offer and took my picture and wrote down my driver’s license number.

I was warned that if I sent the video out, not only would I be implicated, but so would my family.

I was angry and scared.

It didn’t matter to myself, but I didn’t want to implicate my family.

So, I decided to compromise.

Taking the four hundred thousand dollars would be enough to live in a different city where I could find my family and start over.

I had hope again.”

Speaking of this, Benjamin Nasi’s hand trembled a little, “Give me a cigarette.”

Blackie lit a cigarette and handed it to Benjamin Nasi.

Benjamin Nasi took the cigarette and took a drag, glancing at Blackie: “Thanks for the cigarette, but I don’t really like you.”

Blacky gave a middle finger, “FUCK, I don’t like you either, you think you’re the original, bullshit.

My ancestors came to this land two hundred years ago.”

“Shut up both of you.” Luke stopped the two from arguing and continued, “You got the four hundred thousand dollars?”

Benjamin Nasi looked at Black and grunted, “I only got two hundred thousand dollars.

On the evening of March 30th, I arrived at the appointed place, and so did that black egg.

He handed me a bag, heavy, and I was in a state of mixed feelings.

Open the bag, inside is green oil banknotes, I swear …… that I have never seen so much money in my life.

However, when I counted only to find that there are only two hundred thousand dollars.

I only asked Black Egg why it was half less than the agreed four hundred thousand dollars.

Black eggs pulled out a pistol with a silencer and told me to hand over the video and get lost with the money.

I knew that got scammed.

The fucking politicians had lied to me again.

I was not willing to do it.

But handed over the cell phone at gunpoint.

I asked Black Egg where the rest of the $200,000 was.

He told me there was only $200,000, that this was more than enough money, and told me not to be too greedy.

Black Egg took the phone and told me to turn around and put my hands on my head.

I was furious.

But did as I was told.

Black Egg was still uneasy and walked backwards while keeping his gun on guard.

Turns out the idiot tripped over a tree root.

I immediately pulled out my gun and shot.

Black Egg returned fire.

We both got shot, I broke a finger and Black Egg got hit in the chest.

I knew then that it was fucked up.

My chance to start living again was gone.

I went on a beating spree against Black Egg, he was the one who got me into trouble and left me completely without a family and hope.”

Luke pressed on, “What about Bardman Quarrel’s body?”

“I cut off one of his fingers and buried him at the trading site.”

“Buried where?”

“The green grove at the corner of Park Street; it was in a hurry, and was not buried very deep; it should be easy to dig.”

“Why did you cut off his fingers?”

“Black Egg’s cell phone rang while I was digging, and the memo was Riley Harry.

I knew this wasn’t over, and if I never heard from Black Egg, Riley Hare would definitely know something was wrong.

She wouldn’t leave me alone and might even call the police.

I have to take her down with me if I want to live.” Benjamin Nassey clutched the lighted cigarette in his hand, rubbed it out, and

“I know Riley Hari is a big shot, and once I kill her, the police will surely track her down like a rabid dog. Worried that the police would track me down, I thought of using my broken finger to create a fake death scene.

The finger was broken anyway, so it was just the right time to put it to some use.

I used a knife to cut off the gunshot wound side of the severed finger, which looked just like Black Egg’s severed finger wound, and began my plan.

I had no previous criminal record, and the police didn’t have a DNA sample of me, so I couldn’t be found with a broken finger alone.

And once the police find me, it means they already suspect me, and this broken finger might be the key evidence for me to fake my death.”

Luke said, “The police won’t find you dead based on a broken finger alone.”

“That’s right, that’s why I made other preparations, I cut off the fingers of both Black Egg and Santos, both of whom had been killed. The police found out about their bodies and will subconsciously think I might be dead too.

Besides, there is still a large amount of blood in my house, and it’s all my blood.

As long as the police couldn’t find me, they would naturally assume I was dead after a while.

I can then move on to a different city.”

Luke inquired, “We did find a large amount of blood in your home, enough of that blood to kill an adult, how did you do that?”

“You’re right, if you bleed at once you do lose a lot of blood.

But I bled three times.

The first time was after killing Santos, I thought of faking my death, which was my alternative plan.

The second time was a finger injury.

The third time was when I left the house.”

Luke shook his head, “Why don’t you use the right way again if you have the brains?”

Benjamin Nasi was a little lost, “I’ve always been smart, growing up.

But what this society needs isn’t smart people, it’s screw-ups.

Being smart helps you see things for what they are, but you’re powerless to fix them.

The rules of the game are customized by capital, and what they need is for you to work honestly and produce wealth so that you can exchange it for a small amount of living goods.

Unless you’re a genius, the average smart person lives less than the dumb ones instead.

They are more likely to resign themselves to their fate and settle for the status quo.

It’s like Santos, who is a dumbass but is more competitive at his job than I am.

My inability to break the rules of the game with my smarts would be more painful.

Santos’ hard work can create wealth for capital, that’s reality.”

“How did you kill Riley Hare?”

“I reworked my plan and was going to go home and cut off Santos’ fingers, but the bastard was frozen and I cut one finger to find the cut marks were significantly different.

Good thing he had more than one finger, I had trial and error.

So I loaded Sanchez’s body into the car, turned on the hot air in the Mercedes, soaked his hand in warm salt water, and by the time the car made it to Riley Hare’s house the fingers had begun to thaw.

The woman was so happy to see the car, she even ran out into the yard to greet it in her pajamas.

I guessed that if Black Egg had managed to get the video back, the two of them would still be clapping and celebrating for love, which was fucking disgusting.

I hijacked her into the house and confronted her about shrinking the ransom to two hundred thousand dollars for not keeping her word.

She wouldn’t admit to the incident and asked me why the black balls hadn’t returned.

I stopped believing her and shot her.

Afterward, rummaged around the house for the remaining two hundred thousand dollars, but still no luck.

These damn liars, they really like to lie.”

Luke finally understood why Santos’ body was buried near the Mercedes, “Riley Hari didn’t lie to you, she did prepare four hundred thousand dollars.”

Benjamin Nasi sneered, “Looks like that damn black egg didn’t die at all, neither did Riley Hari, she brought people like that to this city, at her own peril.”

Luke said, “The fake death scene you faked with the severed finger and blood did serve to interfere with the investigation, preventing the police from issuing a direct warrant.

If you hadn’t killed the dog owner, Haiyan Zhang, it would have been hard for us to catch you, why are you so impulsive?

What kind of deep hatred is there with her?”

Benjamin Nasi sighed, “Last night, I met her for the first time, so I can’t talk about any deep hatred. Now that I think about it, there is indeed no sufficient reason to kill her.

I was impulsive.”

Luke corrected, “The first time you killed Santos, you may have done it out of impulse.

But the deaths of Bardman Pool and Riley Hari acclimatized you to killing, releasing the repression in your heart along with your demons.

You’re out of control!”


But I don’t think I did wrong, don’t you think they deserved to die?

This city needs scavengers, people like me to maintain it.

Look at what those immigrants have brought to this city.

Those hateful car thieves, idiots who sell the fruits of their labor on the cheap, and those low-life bastards who ruin this otherwise peaceful city.

And me.

I hate them.

I’m the real victim here!”

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