Chapter 109

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:55:45
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Los Angeles City Women’s Prison.

The prison door opened and a woman in her thirties stepped out, seeming to feel the sunlight stinging her eyes a little, the woman covered her forehead with her right hand and walked forward with her head down.


The woman stopped and froze for a moment, as if she didn’t expect someone to call out to her.

Looking in the direction of the voice, a black pickup truck was parked not far away, and David was sitting in it, waving at her.

Lindsay hesitated for a moment, walked over, opened the door, and got into the passenger side.

“You’re not supposed to be here?”

“I took the day off.” David surveyed his somewhat unfamiliar wife, “You hurt your face, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, it’s just something minor.” Lindsay pursed her lips, a little overwhelmed, “Thanks, I don’t have any money right now for those bail bonds ……”

“That’s all minor, as long as you’re okay.” David started the car, “What would you like to eat? My treat.”

“Burgers, I’m going crazy inside.”

“How about the one we used to go to?”

“No, just any place, I don’t really want to go somewhere familiar.”

The car was traveling down the road, neither of them speaking, and the atmosphere in the car was awkward.

Lindsay spoke up, “Listen, why don’t you pull over and drop me off so everyone will be more comfortable.”

David said, “I’ve connected you with a drug rehab center, so after dinner, I’ll drop you off.”

Lindsay opened her mouth to speak, “Thanks.”

Arriving at a burger restaurant, the two sat in a corner seat and David ordered three burgers.

Lindsay’s eyes reddened, “You remember …… Mushroom Burger, Bacon Burger.”

“It’s not that restaurant, but I thought you’d want both flavors.”

“Yeah, thanks.” Lindsay bowed her head and gently wiped the tears from her eyes.

Neither spoke as they finished their meal.

After the meal, David dropped Lindsay off at the rehab center.

As they parted David wanted to say something, but finally said faintly, “Call me if you need anything.”

Lindsay bit her lip and gathered her courage, “Let’s get a divorce.”

David hesitated for a moment and nodded, “OK.”

“We’ll still be friends from now on, it’s better for everyone.” Lindsay finished, and instead, the man relaxed.

Striding into rehab.

Detective Bureau.

Luke returned empty handed and was inevitably in a depressed mood.

The lieutenant knew what Luke had gone to do and asked, “Any luck?”

“No,” he was too embarrassed to say that he had arrested an underage girl who had made a fake license in order to drink.

Couldn’t afford to lose that one.

The lieutenant laughed, “That’s only normal, good things don’t all come to you alone.”

Luke poured a cup of coffee and took a sip.

Seeing Blackie sitting at his desk in a daze, looking a little lost, this was not like his style.

There is a devil in everything.

Luke walked across to him, “Hey, get dumped by a chick?”

Black shook his head, “It was work.”

Luke looked out the window, “Whoa…… sun come out of the west?”

“I’m telling the truth.”

Luke pressed, “The identification of the scene didn’t go well?”

“No, we found the body of Bardman Pool.”

“It’s good to have the case closed, why are you moping.”

Black sighed, “I don’t know how to open my mouth to tell Jaden and Laura, it’s not good for them, it’s not that easy to accept.”

Luke guessed his knot as well, “I’ll say it.”

“Thanks.” Blackie’s tone was firm, “I still want to tell them myself.”

Luke didn’t bother to persuade him any further, just like the Vice Squad said in the morning meeting, even the smartest people have their moments to take the bull by the horns.

What’s more, he wasn’t smart.

“Cluck ……”

The office door opened and Susan greeted, “Luke, come in for a minute.”

Luke nodded his head, although it wasn’t very nice to say, but he still had to report to the leader.

Luke closed the office door, “Captain, what can I do for you.”

“Good things.” Susan gestured for Luke to sit down and handed him a packet of information, “Your recent performance has been outstanding and you have managed to get a promotion, here’s the paperwork.

Congratulations, Detective Luke.”

At least he’d be on David’s level from now on.

Commanding Blackie and Jenny to do things was also more justified.

Detective Luke, sounds good.

The LAPD has 21 districts, which are geographically subdivided into four command areas called precincts.

Canyon Division, Central Division, Western Division, and Southern Division.

The LAPD is divided into nine ranks, Chief, Deputy Chief, Division Chief, Captain, Team Leader, Patrol Officer, Detective, Patrol Sergeant, and Constable.

There are also two additional divisions, the Detective Bureau and the Special Operations Bureau, with some differences in positions.

Detective Bureau Positions: Division Chief, Division Chief, Deputy Division Chief, Captain, Lieutenant, Detective Sergeant, and Detective Sergeant.

Outstanding or senior patrolmen can apply to become detectives, which requires a rigorous examination.

Regular precincts also have their own night detectives.

Detectives have a higher rank than ordinary patrolmen.

Detectives are classified as positions.

Luke’s rank is now Detective First Class, which is slightly lower than David’s.

The police rank was based on a combination of years of service, ability, medals, etc., and to a certain extent, it would also affect job promotions.

“Captain, do I need to go through any more paperwork?”

“No, Deputy Commissioner Reed has already done it for you, green light all the way, all you have to do is sign.

In his words, a talent like you shouldn’t waste your energy on such trivialities.”

Luke smiled, “That’s sweet.”

Susan nodded, “Reed will support you as long as he can, that’s what makes him so good.”

“CAPTAIN, thanks for your help too.”

“I did?”

“Of course, you’ve been spurring me on.”

“OK, I’ll take that as praise.”

Luke opened his mouth and was about to be in the middle of saying something when there was a ruckus outside.

Outside the office.

Reed walked in with the deceased Riley Hari’s brother, Marquel Hari.

The crowd was a little surprised as to why these two were together.

Susan and Luke walked out of the office as well.

Reed walked over and tapped Luke on the shoulder, “Did you know?”

“Yes, the captain just informed me. Chief, thank you so much for the promotion.”

“That’s what you deserve.” Deputy Chief Reed smiled and greeted the crowd, “OK, I’d better make it official.

Folks, as of today Detective Luke is officially promoted to detective.”

The crowd looked variously surprised and envious.

The vice squad was the first to react and applauded, “Detective Luke, you deserve it.”

Blackie was shocked and said, “Wow wow, you’re really going to be an Inspector from now on?” Blackie had a bad feeling, guessing that his future days would not be too good.

Ramon said, “Luke, congratulations.”


Jenny pointed at Luke, “Inspector Luke, don’t forget to treat yourself some other day.”

“There’s no need for another day, everyone is going to be there tonight, and Chief, if there’s time, I’d like you to be there as well.”

“Of course, I’ve been wanting to have a few drinks with you for a long time, and Lieutenant, it’s been a long time since we’ve had a drink together.”

The lieutenant spread his hands, “Red, you’re the one who’s too busy, not me.”

“You’re right, I’ll take the penalty tonight.” Reed finished, pointing aside to Maguire Hari.

“And now, I would like to proudly introduce Mr. Maguire Hari.

Everyone knows him.

Riley Hari was a respectable lady, and her death is a shame for all of Los Angeles.

Marquel Hare was also a generous gentleman, and in appreciation of the Detective Bureau for catching the murderer, would like to donate three hundred thousand dollars to the Detective Bureau to be used for repairs and purchases for the police department.

In addition, in appreciation of the Heist and Murder Division’s Squadron One for recovering the blackmail video, it is willing to offer a reward of two hundred thousand dollars as a reward.”

Black was a bit surprised, “That means our team can share two hundred thousand dollars.”

Reed nodded and smiled, “You can refuse if you want to.”

“NoNo, I’ll gladly accept the bounty.” Black hurriedly changed his words.

Afterwards, Maguire Hari also said a few words of thanks and left accompanied by Deputy Director Reid.

Xiao Hei couldn’t wait to ask, “Our First Squadron has a bonus of two hundred thousand dollars, how much can I share?”

“Two hundred thousand dollars is not divided equally, but according to the contribution to the investigation of the case, the murderer was discovered by Luke and caught by him. The kid must get the biggest share.”

“It’s what he deserves.” Xiao Hei was able to put his mind at ease and laughed, “I didn’t see that this Maguire Hari was quite generous, and the first offer was two hundred thousand dollars.

Aren’t all rich people quite stingy?”

The vice squad bristled, “Didn’t you hear that? He took out this money to gag us.”

“What do you mean?” Black still didn’t quite get it.

Luke reminded, “He’s worried that the video of Riley Hare clapping for love will leak out.”

Black was unimpressed, “It’s illegal to leak evidence, who would do that?”

Luke laughed, “It’s not whether you’d do it or not that matters, it’s that he thinks you would.”

“Good point.” The lieutenant agreed.

In fact, there was something he hadn’t said yet, when Riley Hari was murdered, the police arrived at the scene at the same time the reporters did.

Those reporters weren’t clairvoyant, how did they hear the news?

No need to think about it, must be in the police have a source.

This kind of thing is very common, in order to be able to dig up explosive news, reporters will know some friends in the police force, hoping that they can provide some ‘exclusive’ information.

Kind of like the undercover agents that the police arrange in the gangs.

The difference is that being an informant for a journalist is much more selective.

The police aren’t stupid and won’t risk breaking the law by providing ‘top secret’ information.

Mostly it will be about tips that are valuable to the reporter, but won’t jeopardize the police investigation.

Like the murder of Riley Hare, many people up and down the police department have been exposed to it, and it’s hard to tell who told the reporter the information.

It could have been inadvertent.

It could have been more than one person.

In short, it’s a crapshoot when you really get down to it.

That’s why Marquel Hare was willing to offer a bonus, to put it bluntly, to buy off Luke and the others.

Though Luke and the others wouldn’t do such a breach of discipline.

But Maguire Hari didn’t know them.

Paying for peace of mind was worth it to him.

And that was enough.

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