Chapter 11

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:50:41
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke asked again, “How many of these Tasers do you have in your store?”

“Only two really, the other gun was sold in January.”

“I’ll need his identifying information.”

“You can. But I’d like this to end here and not affect my business.”

Luke said, “I’m not interested in a shrimp like you, but if you try to lie, I’ll make sure you take early retirement.”

“I don’t have to lie about things like that, I’m just a businessman and nothing is more important to me than business.” The owner finished and pointed to the stool outside the counter, “Have a seat for a moment while I check the gun purchase records.”

Luke didn’t dare to let his guard down at the gun store, his eyes scanned around, keeping his guard up at all times.

“Sir, I found it.”

The owner came over and placed a piece of information on the counter, “This is the identity information of the customer who purchased the modified taser.”

Name, Tony Weir.

Cell phone number, 626 863 9845

Date of purchase, January 13, 2022

There is also a copy of the driver’s license below the information.

The photo of the driver’s license copy was a little blurry.

Luke pointed to the camera in the corner of the roof, “Pull up the surveillance video.”

“Sir, the surveillance video can only be saved for a month, it’s already March, the surveillance video has been overwritten, there’s no way I can pull it up.”

“Hand over the hard disk that saves the surveillance video, we want to bring it back to the police station.”

“OK.” the boss was a bit reluctant, but still did as Luke ordered.

David on the side wasn’t idle either, and after getting the customer’s name and driver’s license, he directly contacted Matthew, the civilian staff, to verify the information.

Soon, Matthew sent back the details of the client, Tony.

“Sir, the hard disk you asked for.” The boss removed the hard disk and handed it to Luke.

David took his cell phone and clicked on the clear photo of client Tony: “Is he the one who bought the modified taser?”

The man in the photo was a white man who appeared to be in his mid-forties and had a mustache.

The owner took a closer look, “Uh …… kind of looks like it.”

David said, “Hey, don’t be slick with me, look closely, I want an accurate answer.”

The boss looked embarrassed: “The store comes to many customers every day, it is impossible for me to remember everyone’s appearance, and after more than a month, I really can’t remember.”

David was a bit dissatisfied and wanted to say something else.

Luke, worried about a repeat of the last time, shook the hard disk in his hand, “David, we still have this, machines are more reliable than people.”

David glanced the owner up and down, “You better not be lying ……”

Witnessing the two out of the store, the owner breathed a sigh of relief and cursed in a whisper, “FUCK! Two @#$%……”

In the black Dodge Challenger.

David laughed, “Fishing for law enforcement, that’s what you call using your brain. What a cliché. My grandfather used this kind of trick when he was a cop.”

Luke laughed, “Human history is constant repetition, there’s no such thing as new or old, the key is how it’s used and by whom.”

“You’re going to study philosophy instead?”

“Yay, you caught me, please call me Professor Luke from now on.”

“Come on, better spend more time on investigating cases.” David rolled his eyes, “I got Tony’s address from Matthew, should we go meet him, maybe this guy is a suspect in the ‘Taser Robbery’.”

“Gulp ……”

Luke’s stomach rumbled, “I suggest we go eat first.”

“Are you serious?”

“Of course, I don’t want to work on a case on a hungry stomach.” In his last life, Luke often starved himself in order to work on cases, and fell into stomach problems at a young age.

In his second life, he wouldn’t make the same mistake again.

The two went to a Mexican restaurant and Luke ordered a beef burrito and a chicken burrito with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

The burritos were made of cornmeal, yellow and orange looking and appetizing, wrapped in shredded purple kale, shredded carrots, shredded lettuce, grilled chicken or beef, squeezed with salsa or sweet chili sauce, and biting into them was full of happiness.

It’s kind of like a big domestic burrito roll with everything, only this side gives more meat and is more filling.

It was very satisfying.

After lunch, Luke got a little sleepy and got into the passenger side.

David was speechless and was forced to choose to drive.

“If I were the captain, I would also take your boy to catch the typical.”

Luke didn’t even raise his eyes, “That’s exactly what I was going to say.”

David started the car, “With your work ethic I guess you won’t have a chance to be promoted to captain in this life.”

“David, the world is unfair, it’s not just hard work that makes you successful.”

“Don’t take the preachy tone of an old silver-haired man, you’re not as old as me.”

“You’re right, I’m counting on you to cover me from now on. I’ll squint a bit, call me when I get there.” Luke lowered his car seat.

David shook his head and drove to Tony’s address.

Luke squinted for ten minutes or so, feeling the car getting bumpy, sat up and looked out the window, the streets had changed drastically.

The streets had become dirty and old, the sidewalks were filled with colorful tents, homeless people were everywhere, and the percentage of blacks and Mexicans had increased significantly.

Luke asked, “It doesn’t look like the suspects are having a very good time.”

“If he was having a good time he wouldn’t be robbing the place, there are a lot of drug addicts congregating in this neighborhood, I’m guessing this one is 80% a junkie.” David sighed softly, his brow furrowed.

“You know the neighborhood pretty well.”

“I’d rather not know it myself.” David turned on his right turn signal and pulled over, “Here we are.”

Luke checked his gun, he was using a Glock pistol with a seventeen-round magazine capacity, light weight, good feel, no external safety, and could shoot at the first opportunity in case of emergency.

David pulled out his SUB-2000 carbine with a disdainful look, “Hey, boy, it’s time for you to get a big guy.”

Luke patted his inner thigh and laughed, “I already have.”

David was speechless.

The two men came to a dilapidated wooden house and pushed through the broken wooden fence to a yard full of weeds and haphazard piles of debris.

David gestured, signaling for Luke to keep an eye on the back door.

With his gun in both hands, Luke walked around the side of the house to the back door and looked through the glass to see no sign of anyone in the house.

At that moment, David’s knock came from the front yard, “Knock knock ……”

No response.

“Knock knock ……”

Another sharp knock on the door.

David shouted, “Hey Tony, open the door, I know you’re home.”

There was still no response from the house.

Luke could hear it all the way in the back, if there was someone in the house there was no way he didn’t hear it.

The cabin was only one story and not very large, and peering inside through the windows didn’t reveal anything out of the ordinary.

The suspect was either not home or hiding somewhere in the house.

Luke returned to the front yard, “David, the suspect has probably escaped.”

David was silent for a moment and made a silent gesture, “I think I heard a movement in the house …… yeah, like a cry for help.”

Luke had a bad feeling, “What are you up to again?”

“I heard a cry for help in the house, as police officers we have the obligation and right to go in and check it out.” As David’s words fell, he violently raised his foot and kicked in the door of the room, “BANG!”


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