Chapter 112

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:55:54
A+ A- Turn Off Light


Kves Law Firm.

Daisy dressed in a black professional dress, carrying a satchel out of the office building, glanced down at her watch and looked around the highway.

Luke called to say that he picked her up from work, but she didn’t see the other person’s figure, and only saw an overbearing and tawdry Mercedes Benz G500 parked on the side of the road.

The driver’s side door of the Mercedes opened and a dark haired man stepped out of the car, “Hey beautiful, date?”

Daisy laughed, “You rented a car again? What’s the surprise today?”

Luke pointed to the Mercedes 5500, “That’s the surprise, I bought it.”

“Wow wow, that’s a big one.” Daisy, knowing about his bonus, wasn’t too surprised.

“Yeah, same model as mine.” Luke smiled as he opened the passenger door and made a gesture of invitation, “Ms. Daisy, your special seat.”

Daisy sat in the car and took a good look around, “It’s very spacious and has a great view, it’s a totally different feeling than riding in a sports car.”

“You’re going to love it.” Luke kissed Daisy’s hand while starting the car.

“Where are we going?”

“To my house.”

Luke drove back to the Ruidu community, and the domineering Mercedes G500 immediately attracted the attention of the community’s neighbors.

Daisy was here for the first time.

Luke took her on a tour of the community and introduced several good community restaurants.

During this period of time, Daisy also gradually liked eating Chinese food: “Let’s eat Chinese food tonight?”

“That’s right, but not in a restaurant, I’ll cook it myself.” Before picking up Daisy from work, he went to the supermarket to buy quite a few dishes.

“Well, I’m looking forward to it.”

The two returned home and Luke gave Daisy a tour of the house.

Since moving, Luke had been busy and hadn’t had time to pick up his room, so he was going to go on a big shopping spree tomorrow to add a few things.

Luke’s living room is relatively simple, TV, sofa, dining table, there are not too many items for one person to live in

He was going to buy a painting to hang in the living room, as for whether it was a Chinese painting or an oil painting, he hadn’t thought about it yet.

Leading Daisy into the second bedroom, he introduced, “I’m going to change this place into a screening room, buy a high definition home projector, when we take a break we can eat popcorn and watch a movie at home, enjoying a little two-person world.”

Daisy nodded, “Sounds good.”

Afterwards, he led Daisy to the master bedroom, “We’ll sleep here tonight, a two meter two by two meter two king size bed with a very bouncy mattress, very comfortable.”

Daisy laughed, “Is that how you present it to your other guests?”

“You’re not a guest in my mind.” Luke reached out and wrapped his arms around Daisy, lowering his head to heat wen.

It was a long time before the two separated.

Luke let Daisy go to the living room to watch TV and rest, saving her from not having the strength to exercise in a while, while he himself went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.


He hadn’t eaten fondue since he crossed over.

The new home hadn’t gotten any cookware or seasonings yet, and fondue was the least of his worries.

The supermarket had a large variety of vegetables that were cleaned and relatively easy to handle.

Meat was varied and affordable.

Luke bought a mandarin duck electric pot at the supermarket and quickly prepared it and put in the base.

One curry flavor and one butter hot pot.

Meat and vegetables were set out to move the table, both in small quantities, with more variety.

Daisy looked at it, “This is hot pot?”

“You’ve had it before?”

“No, I’ve seen coworkers eat it.”

“It tastes great.” Luke put the lamb on first and helped Daisy make the small sauce.

After rolling the pot, Luke put a chopstick of lamb in her bowl.

Daisy tasted a bite and nodded, “This is the first time I’ve eaten lamb like this, the curry flavor is not bad.”

“You taste this flavor again.” Luke chucked the lamb in the buttered pan.

Daisy tasted it, “Wowow, that’s spicy.”

Luke handed over the oil mixture, “Dip it in this for better flavor.”

He mixed two small ingredients, a sesame sauce and an oil mixture.

One was flavorful, the other fresh.

Luke took a sip of his cold beer, “Are you off tomorrow?”


“I want to have a family party tomorrow night, my mom and grandpa and the guys will be there, and I hope you’ll come too.” Luke had moved and had to have his mom and brother recognize him.

Daisy was a little hesitant, “I’ll think about it and let you know in the morning.”

After dinner, the two of them cleaned up briefly.

After washing up, they started doing exercises with Daisy.

The following morning.

A sleep until nine in the morning.

It was mainly because they tossed and turned late last night.

Daisy was on her side, with her back to him, the sunlight shone on her bare back, there was an indescribable beauty.

Luke’s hand went under the covers and the two played around some more.

Daisy, no longer sleepy either, wrapped her arms around Luke’s neck and kissed him.

“I still have some work at my law firm …… want to work overtime at the firm.”

“OK,” Luke understood what she meant and didn’t force it.

The other party is willing to applaud for love with himself on the line, as for meeting the parents or not, he is not very concerned.

Compared to getting married, he enjoyed being in love more now.

After getting up, Luke sent Daisy to the law firm.

And then, went to the supermarket to purchase, pots and pans, oil, salt, vinegar, all kinds of living items.

He also bought two big items, a home projector and a grill.

Both of these things were what he had been longing for.

He had wanted them in his previous life, but the conditions did not allow it.

It wasn’t so much that he couldn’t afford these two things per se, but there was no place to use them.

Especially the barbecue grill, with a charcoal fire underneath, roasted beef, mutton and seafood on top, and a few bottles of ice-cold beer, that’s life, right?

Bernard Motel.

Xiao Hei stood in front of the hotel guest room door hesitated for a long time, reached out and prepared to knock on the door.

“Cluck ……”

The door suddenly opened, and Laura Quarrel stood in the doorway, startled, “Detective Marcus, why are you standing here?”

“Uh, Laura, came by today because I have something to tell you.”

Jayden, a little black boy, ran over, “Uncle Marcus, did you find my dad?”

Marcus stood still not knowing how to answer.

Laura’s eyes instantly reddened, “Jayden, go outside and play, I have something to talk to Uncle Marcus about.”

“No, I’m not going out, I want to hear it too.” Jayden seemed to understand as well.

“You get out right now, Now!” hissed Laura, pointing at the door.

“Oooo……” said Jayden as he ran out of the house.

Laura dropped to the couch, “Officer Marcus, is my husband ……”

Marcus took a deep breath, “We found the body of Bardman Pool.”

“NoNoNo, God, why did you do this to us, I kept expecting him to come back, kept expecting a miracle, WHY?” cried Laura loudly, her body unable to hold back the trembling.

If it was before, seeing a woman crying so hard, Marcus would have gone up to comfort her, but today he hesitated, “I’m going to go find Jayden.”

Marcus arrived outside the inn and saw Jaden sitting crouched in the corner, her face buried in her lap, crying.

Marcus walked over and sat down beside him.

A large and small man just sat there.

Jayden sobbed softly and Marcus smoked quietly.

After half an hour, Jaden lifted up and mustered up all his courage, “Is my dad dead?”

Since Jayden had already guessed, Marcus didn’t hold back, “Yes, we found his body.”

“Even buy the Karma, why is this happening, why? I miss my dad so much, I really miss him ……”

Marcus hugged Jayden’s shoulders, “I know you’re hurting and I can understand your pain.

But you’re a man, be strong, you still have your mother, she needs you to watch over her.”

“How do you understand when my dad is dead? You don’t even understand.” Jayden let out a sob.

“I’m not lying to you, I can feel what you’re feeling. I grew up without a father and had to live with my mother, it wasn’t easy, but I got through it and I’m doing well now.”

“Your father died too?”

“No, he’s alive and well.”

“Your parents divorced?”

“They never married, my mom was the one who took care of me from the time I was conceived, to the time I gave birth, to the time I became an adult, it was really hard for her.”

“Have you ever met your dad?”

“Twelve times.”

“WHAT?” asked Jayden, not catching on.

“I’ve seen him a total of twelve times.”

“I saw him for the first time when I was fourteen.

I was rebellious then, I couldn’t understand how hard my mother worked, I just wanted to know who my father was, and I questioned her out loud and said a lot of things that hurt her.

Even now, when I think about it, I feel guilty.

To fulfill my rebellion.

My mother took me to meet the man, the man she called father ……

Since then, we’ve met once a year for a burger and a chat.

Compared to me, you’ve been lucky.

You’ve lived with your father, he’s been there for you growing up, and those are precious treasures for you.

I envy you.

These are things that I will never have in my life.

But I have my mother, who is the greatest woman in this world.

I am already happy to have her by my side.”

“You’re right, I have my mother, my mother ……,” Jayden stopped crying.

“A mother is the greatest person in the world and you are a man to protect her.”

Jayden nodded, “I will.”

“Man, I’ll be watching over you.” Marcus held out his fist and touched fists with Jayden.

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