Chapter 114

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:55:59
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Detective Bureau.

After three days of rest.

Luke drove his newly purchased Mercedes G500 to work.

It didn’t attract much attention, most people had already entered the office by this time.

Nine o’clock.

Luke entered the office on time.

David said, “Your kid can really good, a run is three days.”

Luke thought to himself that this was nothing, four days and five days in the future was not out of the question.

Through the last contact with Director Reed, he felt that Director Reed was still very good to talk to.

As long as one had the ability, taking a few more days off was not a matter.

He was the one who authorized these three days off, and he was much more forthcoming than Susan.

At nine-five, Susan called everyone to the conference room for a meeting on time.

At the beginning of the meeting, Susan talked about the progress of the immigration case, the case file and evidence had been almost organized.

Afterwards, Susan looked at Luke, “As you all know, Luke has been promoted to detective.

I’m going to make some adjustments in personnel.

Luke, Marcus, from today onwards you two partner up.”

Luke was a little surprised, and Blackie’s mouth was even wider open, “WHY? Aren’t I with the vice squad?”

Susan asked rhetorically, “You’ve been staying in the office even when the vice team isn’t on a mission?”

Xiao Hei was a bit reluctant, “Is it appropriate for me to be with Luke?”

“I don’t think it’s appropriate either.” Luke thought to himself, “How dare you dislike me with your IQ?

“Marcus, are you serious?” Susan’s serious face grew colder.

“Yes.” Blackie braced himself.

“GOOD, then you’ll team up with David.”

“NO!” reacted Blacky more vehemently, “Captain, I’d like to be grouped with Luke.”

Luke refused, “I don’t want him.”

“STOP, all of you, shut up.” Susan was getting a little impatient, “Marcus, you have one morning.

If Luke doesn’t agree, you’re with David.

Meeting adjourned.”

David got up and patted Blackie on the shoulder, “I’ll always have my trunk for you.”

Blacky looked pitifully across the conference table at Luke, as if to say, “O brother, take me.

Blackie was so afraid that Luke wouldn’t partner with him.

Although Luke is not a good bird, but David is more mixed.

For the sake of his future life a little better, Blackie knows very well how to choose.

Luke took the coffee and didn’t pinch him anymore, although Blackie is not reliable, but this one has a higher affinity and can get along with anyone.

“Really want to follow me?”

“Of course, I want to learn from you, you solved all these recent cases. I’ve long wanted to ask you for advice.”

“Ahem.” The lieutenant coughed and gave Black a look for him to experience.

Luke said, “It’s not impossible to follow me, let’s make a deal and listen to me from now on.”

“YES, DETECTIVE,” Blacky put on his posture.

“Grab your gear and let’s go out for a spin.”

“Where to?”

“To find my beloved scooter.”

“Rangers still haven’t found it?”

Luke nodded, “No word from them yet, wait any longer and I guess my Harley will be dismantled for parts and sold.”

“What a bunch of unreliable guys.”

“Yeah, just like you.”

Outside of Los Angeles.

Open-air studio.

The assistant director, Crapoux-Hino, was making his rounds of the set in preparation for today’s shoot.

“You guys bar the place where the party was last night is cleaning up a bit, don’t leave trash images for the shoot.”

“Notify the actors to prepare for the shoot when the director arrives later.”

The assistant director, while walking and ordering, walked to last night’s filming site and saw that the big pit in the middle of last night’s filming site was filled in, cursing, “Which idiot idly filled in the pit? There’s a big pit in the middle of the set to be filled in today, are you all idiots?”

The floor manager ran over upside down, “Director, I didn’t have anyone fill in the pit, and I don’t know which asshole did it.”

“Then hurry up and have someone dig it, if you can’t restore yesterday’s appearance before the director arrives, you can get the hell out.”

The floor manager turned around and shouted at a few crew members, “Hey you guys, that’s right, it’s you guys hurry up and take shovels and dig up the big pit where the shooting is taking place.

A group of people took shovels and started digging the pit.

The soil was newly filled and not solidly rammed, making it relatively easy to dig.

Even so, a few big men dug for nearly twenty minutes.

“Hey, I think I dug something.”

“What is it?”

A white man used a shovel to scrape away the soil, “FUCK, why does it look like a mannequin, what idiot buried a shooting prop in the pit?”

Another black man laughed, “Inflatable? Haha ……”

The white man poked with a shovel, “This isn’t right ……fuck, this is a fucking real person!”

The white man threw away his shovel and scurried out of the big pit in fear.

The black man was also startled, rolling and crawling out of the big pit.

Ten minutes later, nearby patrolmen arrived to maintain order, drawing a cordon around the shooting scene.

A black short-haired female cop and a white middle-aged male cop were in charge of guarding the area.

The white male cop swept his eyes over the surrounding area and said with a curious face, “Wow wow, even though I grew up in Los Angeles, this is the first time I’ve ever been on the set, I heard that the person who died just now was Lucas, I especially like the special forces hero he played, have you seen it?”

The short-haired black policewoman glanced at her and didn’t say anything.

“I think I just saw director Baker, he’s not very famous, but he’s made some good quality detective movies, I remember one about ……”

The short-haired black policewoman interrupted his self-talk, “SHUT UP, rookie.”

“OK,” the middle-aged white cop responded weakly.

After a moment, the middle-aged white cop muttered again, “I respect you, but think you’re too serious.”

The black short-haired female cop glanced at him, “You’ll appreciate my seriousness later.”

The white cop shrugged, “Can you smile?”

“I’m worried I’ll scare the piss out of you.”

“Are you usually this strong?”

“Is there a problem?”

“Doesn’t your husband find it depressing?”

“I don’t know and I don’t care. The old lady getting off is what matters.”

“I mean will it affect affect normal life …… I might be a little uncomfortable when I meet a woman who is too strong ……”

The black female police officer did not think: “No need to get used to it, it is me who is on top, he just needs to lie there, is there any problem?

The middle-aged white male cop froze and leaned to the side, “No.”

“GOOD, rookie.”

The middle-aged man sighed softly and muttered in a small voice, “Rookie, rookie …… everyone calls me a rookie, I am a handsome, dreamy old rookie even if I am a rookie.”

A Ford Explorer pulled up to the curb.

Luke got out of the passenger side and Blackie ran over from the direction of the driver’s side.

Luke’s eyes scanned the area and ran over to the patrolman and police line not far away.

This was his first case since he was promoted to detective, so he had to do it beautifully anyhow.

At this time, the black female cop and the middle-aged white cop also saw Luke.

The middle-aged white cop’s eyes widened, “Wow, I know him, it’s the guy who lost his Harley, why is he looking for us?”

The black female cop shook her head, “You never should have given him your card.”

“What should we say later?”

“As a matter of fact, we did the best we could, there are hundreds of stolen bikes in this city every day, we can’t get every one of them back.

You don’t have to feel any guilt.”

Middle-aged white cop: “Actually …… do feel a little guilty, I did fail to find it.”

The black female cop shook her head slightly, “So you’re still a rookie.”

Luke was also a little surprised, “Hi again Officer John, did you find my Harley?”

The middle-aged white officer replied, “SORRY…… we looked, patrolling and searching the streets for three days straight, but didn’t find your missing Harley.”

“Gotta get a grip then.” Luke made a move to go inside.

The black policewoman reached out to stop him, “SORRY, there’s been a case here and it’s under martial law.”

“I see, that’s why I’m here.” Luke said lightly.

Black flashed his badge, “I’m Detective Marcus and this is Detective Luke.”

“Whoa ……detective,” the middle-aged white cop’s mouth dropped open in disbelief.

“Mezique’s Bar …… I should have seen it coming.” The black female cop sighed softly.

“Stay in touch.” Luke dropped the words and walked straight into the scene.

Blackie whispered a reminder, “Detective Luke is upset about the efficiency of finding the car, got to get a grip guys.”

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