Chapter 118

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:56:12
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Linda’s house.

Luke’s newly rented house was not far from his mom’s house, just a ten-minute drive.

After getting off work, he received a call from Little Fatty, saying that there was something to find him and asked him to go home for dinner.

Ask him what is the matter, the little fat man mysteriously refused to say.

The Mercedes Benz G500 drove into the Eno community, attracting many neighbors to look sideways.

Luke grew up so much trouble, often let Linda upset, this time also indirectly help Linda long face.

Don’t care which country is the same is to compare, this belongs to the common sense of man.

Because of the investigation, Luke came back a little later, after entering the door, Linda has already made dinner.

Pan-fried lamb chops, sizzling salmon, steamed potatoes, vegetable salad, and large lebas, all of which were Luke’s favorite foods.

Luke gulped, “Dear mom, thank you for the great dinner.”

The chubby little man was a little disgruntled, “That’s right, Mom’s getting more and more biased, I said I wanted french fries and didn’t even agree.”

“I was doing it for your own good. Do you know how many calories are in French fries? If you’re too fat, you’ll be easily discriminated in school.” Linda would never admit that she favored her eldest son.

Luke washed his hands and volunteered to take on the task of sharing the meals, he was a little uncomfortable at first, but over time it felt good to share the meals.

Salmon and lamb were both his favorites and could do with some more.

“Sometime we can go out to the sea to fish, and when we catch it, we can just cook it and eat it, that’s what we call real seafood.”

“Wow wow …… sounds great, can I bring a friend along?” Little Fatty revealed an expectant look.

“Of course, dear brother, there’s no reason I can’t fulfill this little wish of yours.”

“Super cool old man, I love you more and more.”

Linda broke off a large piece of leba, “When did you brothers become so carnal.”

Luke took a bite of the juicy lamb chop, “Jack, I thought you said you had me come back for something. What is it?”

The chubby little man wanted to speak, “Ah …… it’s nothing really, I just missed you.”

Linda looked at her little son, “You’re a bit abnormal, did you make some kind of mistake? I know you too well, you only look like this when you make a mistake.”

“Is it obvious?”

“Not obvious, but you’re my son.”

“OK, I do have something …… going on,” the little fat man mustered up his courage, “I …… I’m in love… …”

“WHAT? “Linda thought she heard wrong.

“That’s right, I have a girlfriend.”

“COOL,” said Luke, pretending to hear it for the first time.

Linda froze for a moment, her face expressionless, “When did that happen?”

“Just a while ago. Now that the relationship has stabilized, I decided to tell everyone.”

“You’re only in eighth grade now, I thought you didn’t get into relationships until at least tenth grade ……” Obviously, Linda wasn’t as composed as she appeared to be.

“A lot of my classmates are in relationships, some even started dating last year, don’t you agree?”

“NoNoNo…… I don’t disagree, it’s just …… Luke, what do you think?”

“I think we could invite her over and you could meet her, maybe she’s a nice girl.”

“YEAH, I’d like to invite her over as a guest too, mom, is that okay?”

“Sure, what’s not to like.” Linda squeezed out a smile, “Does your father know?”

“No, I wanted to tell you first.”

“You should have told him, get his opinion.”

“OK, I will.”

“GOOD,” Linda got up, “Such good news deserves a drink, I’ll get the wine, Luke do you want some?”

“OK,” Luke nodded.

Linda got up and left.

Little Fatty breathed a sigh of relief and whispered, “I was so nervous just now, I was afraid that mom would disagree, if I knew she had this attitude, I would have said so long ago.”

Luke smiled indifferently, “How did you suddenly decide to tell mom?”

“Actually, it’s not sudden, I’ve had this idea for a long time. You know, it’s inconvenient to have an underground affair, and Maggie’s worried about her parents finding out, and she’s a little uneasy every time we go down to school together.

I don’t think that’s a permanent thing. We’re in a relationship, it’s our freedom, it should be open and aboveboard.

So, I decided to set an example and bring Maggie to our house and be open about the two of us.

I think it would be better this way.

I really like her and want to be with her all the time ……

I did it.”

Luke nodded, “You did the right thing, the manly thing to do.”

Linda came over with the wine and sat down at the table, “Look at my memory …… I forgot to get the corkscrew. Jack, could you get it for me? Thanks.”

“Where is it?”

“It seems to have been put in the second floor living room, go look for it.”

“OK,” the little fat man got up and left.

Linda whispered, “When did you know?”


“Don’t play dumb about Jack being in love.”

“Didn’t he just say that.”

“Don’t play dumb, you must have known about it.”

“I didn’t know.” Luke wouldn’t admit it.

“This matter is not convenient for me to ask more, children at this age are prone to rebelliousness …… You are his older brother, you can give him some good advice.”

“Of course, I will.”

“OK, Jack has also grown up, in general, I’m still very pleased.”

“When are you going to bring the lady lawyer back as a guest, I’d kinda like to see her.”

“You know, I’m more than busy with work and she’s even busier …… so.”

“Come on, work is all an excuse, I’ve been there, you can’t fool me.”

“Maybe she doesn’t think the time is right yet.”

At this time, the little fat man came down, revealing a pleasing look: “Corkscrew found, mom, I can drink a little red wine, just a little.”

“No, don’t even think about it.”

Luke opened the wine cork, poured a glass of red wine for his mom, and poured a glass for himself, and the little fat man got a box of orange juice.

The three clinked glasses and Linda took a sip, “By the way, I heard something happened to Lucas.”

“How do you know?”

“I saw it on the news, is it true?”

“Yes, he’s dead.”

“Dead how?”

“Killed, I’m not at liberty to say too much.”

“You’re working on this case too.”

“Yeah, I even met his wife today.”

“Wow wow …… that’s too bad, I’ve seen the movie he made before ……”

Luke snaps, “I know, Special Ops Heroes, my ears are getting calloused today.”

Linda raised an eyebrow, “No, it’s not Special War Heroes, I don’t like that type of movie.

We watched Brazilian Heat, with your father at the time.

At that time, Lucas was very handsome, so I complimented him a few times, and your dad got jealous and had a haircut just like Lucas’s. ……

Now that I think about it, it went by really fast, things are different ……”

The speaker has no intention, the listener has a heart.

Luke’s mom usually pays little attention to the entertainment industry, and now even she knows that Lucas is dead, so it is clear that this matter spreads fast and wide.

Luke felt that there might even be a movie crew behind the push.

“Mom, if Lucas’ new movie is released, will you watch it?”

Linda thought about it, “Sure, I’ll go, even if it’s a farewell to an old friend I haven’t met, but isn’t he dead? Is it still in theaters?”

Fatty said, “What’s so hard about that, didn’t Paul die in Fast and Furious VII? The movie sold out instead. Now Fast and Furious 10 is available.

Van Diesel is making a fortune.”

Luke had guessed before that Lucas’s death might bring some publicity to the movie, but after all, he wasn’t a member of the entertainment industry and didn’t know how obvious this publicity would be.

Now it seemed that Lucas’s death might make the movie a breakout hit, and there was a huge profit involved, enough to risk killing someone.

The next morning.

Andal Anders, the male co-star of Vanishing Lovers, and the perpetrator, Ada Phil, are invited to the detective bureau.

The reason why they were invited was because the police had no evidence of their involvement in the crime, they were just invited for routine questioning.

The two men come to a chance encounter, arranged by the police, with different officers leading a head-on walk down the same corridor.

Luke and the others watched from behind a glass window.

If they knew each other, there would certainly have been a meeting of eyes, either in surprise or amazement, without prior crosstalk.

However, Luke didn’t see any meeting of eyes between the two as they walked head-on.

In Luke’s experience there were three possibilities.

The first possibility, the two men conspired in advance to pretend that they did not know anyone, because they greeted each other and would not be too surprised or surprised.

The second possibility was that the two didn’t meet directly, and that the transaction was completed through an intermediary.

The third possibility was that the two people really didn’t cross paths, and that Andal Ander wasn’t the real mastermind behind the deal.

Of these three possibilities, Luke felt that the first one was unlikely, because nearly four months had passed since this case, and it was unlikely that the two people would conspire again.

As for whether it was the second or the third, we would know once we would try it.

The two people, Luke and Blackie, were responsible for talking to the perpetrator, Ada Phil.

Ada Fell was an African-American woman in her thirties, and Jenny took her into the break room first.

Luke had Blackie set up the conference room and prepare to talk to the other party in the conference room later.

The so-called arrangement is also very simple, that is, the conference table with a few photos of the people involved in the case, written in Chinese with some messy words that the other party can not understand, but did not put Lucas’s photo, if Ada Phil saw the photos have a reaction, it means that one of them may have her hired.

If there was no reaction, it meant that one of them was not suspected or had passed through an intermediary.

Soon Ada Phil was brought into the conference room.

She visibly froze when she saw the photo on the whiteboard.

Then hurriedly turned her head aside again.

From Luke’s experience, she should have recognized the person in the photo.

There were a total of five photos placed on the whiteboard, producer, director, assistant director, male supporting actor, and female lead actor.

Among them, the male supporting actor could be eliminated first, because just now Ada Phil didn’t even react when she saw him in person.

The producer and director can also be eliminated because these two have the right to decide on the roles, and if they didn’t want to cast Lucas in the lead role at that time, Lucas wouldn’t have had that chance at all.

Naturally these two didn’t have to use shitty tactics.

So the people left are assistant director Crapo Schino and the movie’s lead actress, Courtney Bass.

As for who these two really are? It’s hard to tell.

Because both have some suspicion.

The assistant director was the informant who found the body before the police arrived, and sometimes the informant is also a likely suspect.

The lead actress, Courtney Bass, was rumored to be in a relationship with Lucas, and it’s hard to tell how that would turn out once there’s an emotional attachment.

So, these two are hard to rule out again.

At this point, if one of them was chosen to try it would be fifty percent sure, and it would be hard to bluff Ada Phil again if the wrong photo was taken.

If Ada Phil sensed that the police were unable to identify the hirer, she would likely bite her tongue.

Luke had been working as a criminal police officer in China for so many years, and although his marksmanship was average, his interrogation skills were still good.

He directly picked up the photo of the heroine Courtney Bass, “Ms. Ada Phil, do you recognize her?”

Ada Phil took a look and shook her head, “No.”

“Yesterday we interrogated Crapo Hino, he admitted that the woman in the photo was your accomplice, and after that, he identified you.”

Luke used the simple method of referring to the woman, Courtney Bass, and the assistant director, Crapo-Hino, as accomplices, so that it became a matter of primary and secondary issues, rather than right and wrong.

Ada Phil shook her head, “I don’t know what you’re talking about and I don’t know Crapo Hino.”

Luke plucked the picture of the assistant director, Crapo Hino, off the whiteboard, “You don’t know his name, you should have met him in person.”

A flash of panic flashed across Ada Phil’s face and she lowered her head, “I don’t know him.”

“Then you know Lucas?”

“Yes. I accidentally ran into him four months ago, and he’s a good man who didn’t hold me responsible. I’m grateful for that, he was a good man.”

“But he’s dead.”

“That has nothing to do with me.”

“His death may have nothing to do with you, but what about the car accident four months ago? They’ve identified you, and things are going badly for you now.”

Ada Fell’s forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, but still she didn’t hold herself together and didn’t say anything.

Luke continued, “Shortly after you ran over Lucas, you deposited fifty thousand dollars into your account, and that money is what they paid you for your employment.”

Matthew had checked Ada Phil’s money situation and found that her financial situation had been poor and had improved from four months ago with a large additional deposit of fifty thousand dollars, which was why Luke felt there was something wrong with the traffic case.

Luke sighed and intoned, “Ada Phil, I know you, I know your past, you’re a rule follower, you don’t even get speeding tickets.

I know you’ve had a hard time, with two kids to support, but you shouldn’t have to improve in this way, it’s a bad example.

“If you are willing to assist the police, I am also willing to help you by helping you get your sentence reduced, or even waived, otherwise, the police will only be able to take the testimony of Crapo-Hino.

It will be very unfavorable to you when the time comes.

They might even turn black and white and present you as the mastermind of the case, at which time you might face major criminal prosecution ……”

Ada Phil looked up and choked out, “No, I wasn’t the mastermind, it was Crapo Hino who hired me to run Lucas over.

I really, really need that money, my child is autistic and has to be in special education, and tuition is very expensive ……sorry……”

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