Chapter 120

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:56:23
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In front of the Walmart Supermarket.

A hot black girl was looking around at the door.

Blackie rushed over in a jog, “SORRY, BABY, I’m late.”

Julian, the black girl, asked, “Did you catch Lucas’ killer yet?”

“Not yet, but we’ve got a lock on the killer and we’ll catch the guy soon.”

Julian gave a curious look, “Who is the killer?”

“Baby, I want to tell you, but, I can’t.” Black put his arm around his girlfriend and went into the supermarket.

Julianne pouted, “Come on, my coworkers are talking about it, can’t I have some superiority?”

“I signed a non-disclosure agreement, you know, can’t say too much about the case.”

“You’re sleeping on the couch tonight.”

“I’ll take the bed.”

“OK, I’ll sleep on the couch then.”

Blackie sighed, “You want to know that badly?”

“Not really, but the less you tell me, the more I want to know.”

Xiao Hei nodded, “I’ll tell you, but this place is not suitable …… you know, there are many people and ears.”

“Then where do you think is appropriate?”

“Tonight, in your bed at home, I’ll tell you.”

Julian laughed, “You’re such an asshole.”

“That belongs to you as an asshole too.” Black wrapped an arm around Julian’s back and went into pouting mode.

He had a lot of experience in dealing with women, women were emotional creatures and liked to lose their temper for no reason, occasionally even small works.

Julian really wanted to know who the murderer was. Maybe a little curiosity, but it shouldn’t be very strong.

The reason why she must know was because Blackie had rejected her, making her psychologically upset.

To put it bluntly, all she wanted was an attitude, and once a woman was coaxed past that, she would soon forget about it.

When it came to bed, the hell would bring up another man.

The two walked along, getting tired of each other.

A white woman pushed a cart past the front, wearing sunglasses and a mask that made it hard to see what she looked like, but as a ‘professional’ police detective, Black recognized people better than ordinary people.

He’d seen this woman before – Lucas’s wife, Enosha Soest.

It was fine for Enosha Soest to shop at the supermarket, but she was now shopping in the men’s pajama section.

That would be a big problem.

Blackie whispered, “Baby, can I give you a mission?”

“What mission? Sneaky.” Julian felt a little tickle in his ear.

“Aren’t you curious about the Lucas case? Want to get involved?”

“May I?”

Black gave a soft gesture, “Keep your voice down, see that woman? That’s Lucas’ wife.”

“Really? That poor woman.”

“She’s not poor, I want you to keep an eye on her and see what all she buys.”

“Why, how can you do that when her husband was murdered and she’s grieving?”

“It’s true that her husband was killed, but it’s not necessarily sad, I just saw her buying male pajamas.”

“Even buy Karma, so soon?”

“YEAH, she definitely has big problems, she’s seen me before, can you keep an eye on her for me?”

“Sure, but she’s wearing a mask and sunglasses, that’s something you’d recognize.”

Blackie lowered his voice, “Baby, trust me.”

“Whoa whoa, you sound super cool, I love you.” Julian gave Blackie a kiss on the cheek.

“Babe, be careful, put on your smarts, yell for me if you need anything, I’m always here, got it?”

“Don’t underestimate me.” Julian pushed the cart to follow.

When Enosha Soest buys something, she also buys it in the neighborhood.

In order to avoid being detected by Enosha Soest, she would also overtake the other party and go to look at different areas first, and at the same time, she secretly observed the things in Enosha Soest’s cart.

Just as Black guessed, a lot of male items were found in the trolley, what a bad woman.

Enosha Soster checked out, and Julian also checked out at the other checkout counter.

The two exited the supermarket one after the other until Enosha Soest got into a black BMW.

That’s when Blackie came over, “Baby, what do you see?”

“Enosha Soest is in the BMW in front of us, in line to pay her bill.”

“You’re fantastic, very talented at stalking, it’s a shame you’re not a cop.”

Julian pulled out his cell phone, “I took a picture of the license plate number.”

“Yeah, yeah, this is important, that woman definitely has problems, I’m going to get credit for this.” Blackie gave Julian a hard kiss.

Julian was encouraged and leapt to his feet, “Want me to keep tracking the code?”

“NoNoNo, you go home now and I’ll do the rest.”

“What about you?”

“DAD is going to catch the bad guys now, go home and buy you a kielbasa.”

Julian grinned, “What’s going through your head.”

“All I can think about is you.”

“OK, I really have to go, I can’t delay any longer.” Seeing that the BMW was paying its toll and would be leaving the parking lot soon, Black gave Julian a kiss and ran to the curb to get a cab.

“Ringing ……”

Luke’s cell phone rang, “Hello.”

“I just saw Enosha Solstice at Walmart Supermarket, the woman bought some men’s products, and shipping condoms. Afterwards, she left in a BMW, license plate number 3CRQ384.

I suspect that these items were probably bought for the assistant director, Crapo Hino.”

Luke thought briefly, “Where are you now?”

“Tracking her down in a cab.”

“GOOD, I’ll check in with Captain Susan and let her know the situation while you keep tracking. Also, I’ll tell her that we’re both working late tonight, you know.”

Blacky agreed, “Of course, I told you, the two of us are the perfect partners.”

“Stay safe, I’ll be there now.”

Luke then called Susan to report the situation.

Suburb of Los Angeles, a mansion.

Enosha Solstice opened the door, the house was a bit dark, she was about to go to turn on the light.

A dark shadow flashed from the side and hugged her from behind, “You’re home late.”

“I did a lot of shopping and I’m exhausted.”

“I should have gone with you.” The man in the back said.

“No, the police will find out and then it will all be over.” Enosha Thorst looked down and saw the man’s hand in his shirt, “What are you doing?”

“I’m hungry.”

“I’m going to cook for you.”

“I’m going to eat you.”

After saying that the man picked up Enosha Thorst and went into the bedroom.

Soon the house resounded with applause for love.

Ten minutes later.

The two men were lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

“Hey,” sighed Enosha Soest.

“SORRY, I got a little excited just now.”

“What are you excited about, it’s not the first time.” Enosha Soest complained.

“You’re too attractive, I can’t control it. I’ll play another round later and I’ll be good.”

“You don’t have a chance anymore.” Enosha Soest started to get dressed.

“Knock knock.”

A knock sounded outside.

The atmosphere in the room was suddenly tense, Enosha Soest organized her clothes and took a deep breath, “You hide, I’ll open the door.”

The man admonished, “I know, just relax and take it easy.”

“Don’t worry, I’m an actress.” Enosha Solstice finished and walked to the doorway and turned on the access video, outside stood a police officer.

“Sir, what can I do for you?”

“There’s been a complaint of noise from your house, a very peculiar noise. Please open the door.”

Somewhat bemused and relieved, Enosha Soest put on her sunglasses and mask, which opened the door to her room, “Who called the police, only just ……”


Enosha Thorst was brought under control by Jenny as the rest of the officers rushed into the house.

Enosha Solstice’s face was white with fear.

“Ms. Enosha Thorst, good evening.” Susan approached and was secretly relieved to see that the other woman looked not angry but fearful.

Susan had also taken a big risk with this search.

Being a captain wasn’t that simple, and you had to take responsibility when it mattered.

Take the search warrant for example, convincing a judge to sign a search warrant either requires definitive evidence or for the judge to believe you.

If the search doesn’t pay off, the former is fine, but the latter definitely overdraws your credit and takes the blame.

Next time, it won’t be so easy to get a judge to sign a search warrant.


“Living room clear.”

“Toilet clear.”

“Kitchen clear.”

Luke and Black cooperated by rushing into the bedroom, and upon seeing the house, confirmed that it should be a battlefield.

There weren’t many places in the house to hide a person, the only place that could hold an adult was the black closet.

Both Luke and Blackie aimed their guns at the closet.

David and the others rushed in one by one.

Luke shouted, “Hey, I know you’re in there, put your hands on your head and slowly kick the closet open with your feet.

Play it smart, there’s a bunch of cops out there on you, don’t make any extra moves!”

“Don’t shoot, I’m coming out.”

David felt the voice was familiar.

“Cackle ……”

The closet slowly opened, revealing a man wrapped in a sheet.

Upon seeing the man’s identity, everyone present was shocked!

Xiao Hei: “How could it be you? Did I see a ghost?”

David directly burst into foul language, “FUCK, you assholes will pay.”

Luke directly cursed in Chinese: “You spicy @#$%……”

Even the ever-steady Susan couldn’t hold back, “Son of a bitch.”

The man in the closet was Lucas.

He’s not dead.

Who was the man who was killed?




Lucas, handcuffed to the bed, looked at the police surrounding him, “Can I get dressed?”

“That’s fine.” Luke solemnly asked, “What’s your name?”

“Lucas Souster.

SORRY, I didn’t think things would go this way, didn’t think to lie to you guys.”

David asked coldly, “Do you think we’ll believe that, uh-huh.”

Blackie, with his characteristic rap, “We thought you were dead, and we’ve been running around on your case, working overtime, not being able to eat or rest.

What about you?

Lying in a mansion and applauding for love, are you treating us as fools.”

“NoNoNo, things are not what you think, even buy Karma, I don’t know how to explain.”

Susan questioned, “Who was killed?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Lying is addictive, but lying to the police is not a good habit.” David made a move to turn off the law enforcement recorder.

“PLEASE, don’t do that.

I said, I’ll tell you guys.

I think it might be Abu Ghra.”

“Who is he?”

“My movie double.”

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