Chapter 128

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:56:46
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The two Luke’s returned to the Detective Bureau in custody of the assistant director, Crapo Hino.

Luke returned to the office first, and Blackie was responsible for writing the report for the custody procedures.

A familiar voice rang out, [Congratulations to the host for successfully solving the ‘Hired to Injure’ case, rewarded with 5 draw opportunities].

The case was relatively simple, the suspect, Ada, was easily accounted for, and the reward was not considered generous.

A menu of options appeared in his brain, on the left side was the warehouse interface.

On the right side was the lottery interface, with 5 times written in the bottom right corner.

Luke thought about it and didn’t draw the prize, the number of times was too small and the chance of winning was not great.

Wait for the next time to solve the case and then draw the lottery together, there is no chance to draw a bullish reward.

“Hey Luke, what’s on your mind? Dawdling again.” Blackie quietly walked over.

“Did you write the report?”

“Sure,” Blacky came up to Luke’s ear and whispered, “Harley’s modified, should we close the net tonight?”

“Why not?” Luke came to life.

“Should I call up David.”

“No, I’ll call in the rookie rangers, they’re better at catching people.”

“That’s right, four of them would be enough, after all, it’s just a punk who stole a car.”

Susan came over with a cup of coffee, “You guys got the assistant director?”

“Yes captain, we were about to report to you.” Luke gave a brief account of the capture, along with the new clues provided by the assistant director, Crapo Hino.”

Susan asked rhetorically, “Do you think Crapo Hino’s word is credible?

“The guy is trying to get his sentence reduced, he shouldn’t be lying.”

“GOOD, congratulations on catching another suspect and successfully solving an old case.”

“This is everyone’s credit, we were just lucky.” Luke said modestly.

Susan then turned to Ramon on the sidelines and asked, “Any progress on your side of the investigation?”

Ramon twisted his head to signal Jenny to speak.

Jenny thought for a moment and replied, “We went to the hotel to check the surveillance and it’s basically the same as what Producer Rossi described, the two of them entered the hotel room one after the other without a third person present.

However, we found a suspicious figure when we checked the surveillance.” Jenny said, playing a video on the projector of a

A woman wearing a hat, mask, and sunglasses walked through the lobby, a woman whose build resembled Courtney’s, followed by a woman in a long black dress.

The woman in the long black dress followed all the way until Courtney walked into the hotel room.

Jenny narrated, “In the video Courtney Bass is dressed very tightly, it’s hard for ordinary people to recognize her, since the woman in the black dress can recognize her, either she was prepared for it, if she’s an acquaintance.

It’s pretty obvious from the video that the woman in the long black dress was following Courtney.”

Susan asked, “Did you find out the identity of this woman?”

Jenny shook her head, “Not yet, we asked at the hotel front desk and she didn’t check into the hotel.

We’ll verify her identity as soon as possible through other means.”

“Knock, knock ……” A knock sounded outside.

“Come in.”

A white man in his thirties stood in the doorway tall, balding, and quite imposing, “Is this Squadron One of the Robbery and Murder Division?”

Luke stood up, “Yes, what can I do for you?”

The man’s eyes surveyed the office, “Are you the ones investigating the Courtney Bass case?”

“That’s right.”

“My name is Boris Bose, I’m Courtney’s boyfriend.”

The crowd looked at him in disbelief.

Wasn’t Courtney’s boyfriend Peter Dexter? How did another one pop up.

Black pouted and stared, “What did you just say, you’re Courtney’s boyfriend?”

The bald man asked back, “What’s the problem?”

Blacky asked coldly, “Have you two ever played poker?”

The man frowned, “Is the Detective Bureau so shallow now? I’ve had more girlfriends than I can count if you can determine a relationship based on clapping for love alone.”

Luke said, “This guy was just recently dumped and is irritated. Don’t mind him Mr. Bose, sit down over here and I’ll take your statement.”

“I’d like to meet Courtney, she left in such a hurry, I didn’t even get to see her one last time.”

“I’ll have someone take you to see her when I’m done with the statement.”

The man sat down at an empty table and Luke turned on the law enforcement recorder, “What’s your name?”

“Boris Boss.”

“You’re Courtney’s boyfriend?”

“I just said that, any questions?”

Luke said perfunctorily, “We just haven’t heard of you, to confirm.”

Boris said, “It’s normal that you guys haven’t heard of it, Courtney is a star, there are paparazzi watching her all day long, she’s worried that going public will affect my work and life, she’s very careful to protect my privacy.”

Luke nodded, “That’s sweet.”

Boris nodded, his eyes slightly red, “We’re in a long distance relationship and don’t see much of each other, but every time we do, it’s unforgettable. She’s a wonderful woman and I’m ready to propose to her.”

“How long have you known each other?”

“Two years and three months.”

“Remember that well.”

“I cherish every day with her, there’s no greater joy than being with someone you love. As long as you like each other, even doing the most boring things will still be exhilarating.

I love that feeling, I love being myself in that state.”

“You don’t usually live in LA?”

“Yes, I’m in management of a casino in Las Vegas and I stay in Vegas most of the time, sometimes I come to LA to see her and sometimes she runs to Vegas to see me.

I remember one time she popped into Vegas to celebrate my birthday and we had a memorable evening.

She was a good woman and shouldn’t have died like that.

Any idea who killed her?”

“Not yet, it’s under investigation.” Luke asked back, “When did you learn of her murder?”

“I hadn’t been able to reach her and guessed something might have happened to her. I booked the earliest flight back to L.A. and found out about her murder from a neighbor.

I still can’t believe it’s true.

A few days ago, we were planning our future together, she said she was going to visit me in Las Vegas, I was going to plan a proposal with my friends, and we still had a lot of things we hadn’t gotten around to yet ……” Boris said with a mournful look on his face.

Luke took a look at Blackie and continued to ask, “Mr. Boris, I have a more personal question that may offend you, but it’s an important matter that relates to the investigation of this case.”

“Go ahead and ask.”

“Have you and Courtney ever played poker?”

Black, standing at a distance, swung his fist hard.

Boris looked at Luke, “It’s nothing we can’t talk about, we’re in a long-distance relationship and don’t see each other as often as we should, but every time we see each other we clap for love.”

“Do you use protection when you clap for love?”

Boris took a deep breath, “Yes, is there a problem?”

In the distance Kuro gestured three fingers.

Out of the corner of his eye Boris seemed to catch Blacky and pointed at him, “What’s that guy doing? Is he sick?”

“Just …… ignore him.”

Boris took a deep breath, “I want to punch him so bad.”

David chimed in, “That’s a normal thought for you, no one in this room doesn’t want to.”

“Thank you, that comment made me a lot more comfortable.” Boris glared at Black.

Luke confirmed, “When was the last time you met?”

“Half a month ago, I came to LA to visit.”

“Where are staying?”

“I have a house over here, I’m actually from LA, I’m in Vegas because of work.”

“What flight did you take to get back?”

“This morning’s flight, what’s the problem?”

“Just a routine inquiry.”

Boris said, “Can I ask you guys a couple questions?”


“How did Courtney die?”

“He killed her.”

“Any leads on the killer?”

“Still investigating.”

“I heard someone else from the Vanishing Lovers crew died as well? Are the two related?”

“Not sure yet.”

Boris was a bit bemused, “Even though you said it’s the same as not saying it, I’d like to say thank you.

Can you show me Courtney?”

“Marcus, take Mr. Boris to identify the body.”

“No problem.” Blacky didn’t resist, he was kinda interested in Boris.

Luke barked, “Don’t say useless crap, OK?”

Susan frowned, a worried look on her face, “Jenny, you take Mr. Boris.”

“I got it.” Jenny stood up and led Boris out the door.

David muttered, “First a dentist boyfriend, now a gambling hall executive boyfriend, which one is real?”

Blackie said without hesitation, “If you ask me both are real, who stipulated that a woman can only have one boyfriend.

Boris is out of town a lot because of his job and is completely staggered with his dentist boyfriend, Peter, and I’m sure Courtney has that covered.”

“What’s her purpose in doing that?” David still trusted Black when it came to scummy relationships.

Xiao Hei said, “There are usually three kinds, the first is for sex, the second is for money, and the third is just plain philandering, liking the feeling of having men left and right.

If I put it on Courtney I think there is another possibility, which is the network of relationships.

She wants to fight in the entertainment industry, the network of relationship is important.”

Luke still agrees with Xiao Hei’s insights and analyzes along the way, “Let’s start with the first color, although Courtney’s two boyfriends are not ugly, but they are not related to handsome, far worse than the disappearing lovers male lead.

Plus the simple philandering, through the analysis of the case, compared with philandering, I think Courtney’s career is stronger.

As for the network of relationships, Courtney does have that in mind, and her and Rosie’s applauding for love is supposed to be about building a network of relationships.

As for the dentist boyfriend and the gambling hall executive boyfriend, they are hardly going to help her in her career.

I have a feeling with people that Courtney is probably dating two boyfriends for money.

Moreover, judging from the jobs of these two boyfriends of hers, they do belong to the richer type.

In fact, it’s quite common for women to be with men for money, which is nothing to sneeze at.

What I want to know now is whether her two boyfriends have noticed each other’s existence.

If they have sensed this, then Courtney has one more reason to be killed.”

Susan instructed, “Matthew, find out if there has been any contact between Peter the dentist and Boris Bos.”

“Yes, captain.”

Seven o’clock in the evening.

Hammer’s Car Repair Shop.

A young man and woman walk into the repair store, the man is wearing a black leather jacket with dyed blue hair and a gold chain around his neck.

The woman was fashionable and pretty, wearing a khaki colored blouse on top out and a pair of white shorts underneath.

Walking on the street caused many people to stare.

Blue-haired man wrapped his arm around the waist of the shorts woman, from time to time to the buttocks on a glance, seems to be very tempted to slap on the face, but also afraid of the woman is not happy.

The blue-haired man walked into the mechanic’s store and called out to the owner, Pierre, “Hey man, I’m here to pick up my bike, can’t wait to see my little Harley baby.”

“Come with me man, it’s already waiting for you in the yard.”

Pierre led the two into the yard and pointed to the Harley on the east side, “It’s already been modified to your specifications, it’s definitely the brightest Harley in all of Los Angeles.

No matter where you go you’ll attract countless stares.”

“Wow wow …… it’s so beautiful, this is the baby of my heart, haha, I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time.” Blue Hair asked to the shorts woman on the sidelines, “Baby, do you like it?”

Shortswoman chews her gum and walks over, “Well, the car’s not bad. Is this the surprise for me?”

The blue-haired man whispers down, “Remember that smelly cop who bullied you? This is his car.”

“The same Harley that was sitting outside the bar?”

“That’s right, I stole it back.”

“I think I remember that car being black.”

“That’s why I sent it to a mechanic store to modify it, now even if we ride this Harley past the smelly cop, he won’t recognize it, haha.” The blue-haired man laughed indulgently.

The shorts woman laughed, “You did this for me?”

“Of course.”

“COOL,” the shorts woman stood on her tiptoes and kissed the blue-haired man.

“Baby, sit up and I’ll take you for a ride.” The two got on the Harley one after the other.

The shorts woman sat down hard, “It’s comfortable, much more comfortable than the motorcycles I’ve done before.”

“Wooo……” the blue-haired man started the motorcycle with a roar, “COOL.”

Pierre stopped in front of the motorcycle, “Hey, you have to pay before you can ride out.”

“Dude, don’t be nervous, I’m just test driving.”

Pierre shook his head, “Nothing personal, but rules are rules.”


The blue-haired man pulled a bunch of green bills out of his jacket pocket and handed them to Pierre.

Pierre counted the money, nodded slightly, and said in a low voice, “Its yours.”

“Haha …… two babies, we’re off! Wooo……” The blue-haired man revved up the gas pedal again and the car pulled out of the backyard gate.

The blue-haired man accelerated violently, eliciting a gasp from the shorts woman.

The motorcycle had just driven out of the gate when a police car drove up and blocked the front.

The blue-haired man hurriedly made a U-turn and prepared to drive away in the other direction.

Suddenly, a Ford Explorer drove over and blocked the motorcycle’s path.

“FUCK, are you guys sick?” The blue-haired man cursed brokenly.

Four men got out of the car, Luke, Blackie and the rookie patrolman partner, raised their pistols and shouted, “LAPD, get off the motorcycle.

“Raise your hands!”

“No unnecessary movement!”

A loud scolding came, shouting the blue-haired man and the shorts woman into confusion.

The shorts woman was surprised, “It’s that black-haired stinky cop, didn’t you say he couldn’t recognize the motorcycle? You’re such an idiot.”

The blue hair was also confused, he had just paid the final payment and left on his motorcycle, how could he be arrested by such a coincidence.

“LAPD, I repeat, get off the motorcycle, don’t damage the motorcycle, and don’t make any unnecessary movements, otherwise, I will shoot you immediately.” Luke’s tone was full of threats.

John, the rookie patrolman, asked, “Detective Luke, as I recall, I believe your bike is black?”

“You have a good memory. If you would have found it sooner, it would still be black.”

John “……”

The black female patrolman takes control of the shorts woman.

John squeezed the blue-haired man’s shoulders and handcuffed him, “You are suspected of stealing a black Harley, stolen, and I am now arresting you as required by law.

You have the right to remain silent. If you do not remain silent ……”

Luke took out his cell phone and took a picture of the blue-haired man’s driver’s license, “Kid, why did you steal my car?”

The blue-haired man glared, “At my pleasure.”

The woman in shorts said, “He stole the car, I had nothing to do with it.”

“Elizabeth, what are you talking about?” The blue-haired man was confused, “I’m helping you out.”

“I don’t need you to help me out, who do you think you are, what can you get out of stealing chickens and dogs all day long, what kind of a man, let’s be honest, I can’t even look at a man like you.”

The blue-haired man was furious: “FUCK! You stinking woman! I’ve been so good to you, is this how you look at me?”

“FUCK! I’m @#$%……,” the blue-haired man burst into a stinking rage.

The shorts woman still looked disdainful and just kept saying, “Loser, loser……”

The blue-haired man was pissed off and tried to fight back, but was held down by John and waited for him to calm down a bit before he was thrown into the car.

The black female patrolman turned to Luke and asked, “Detective, what about this woman?”

Luke sized up the shorts woman in front of him, and he instantly recognized the other party, the same girl he caught the last time he got a fake driver’s license.

Unlike the last time they met, she had an extra pair of large silver earrings.

Was this girl trying to get back at herself by having her boyfriend steal her Harley?

“Detective, I’m sorry, but I really had nothing to do with stealing the car. Seeing as how we had a pretty good conversation last time, can you cut me some slack?

You know, I’m underage ……”

“I don’t care if you’re underage or not, if you dare to steal my car, none of you will get away.” Luke grabbed the shorts woman Elizabeth’s arm and held her down in the car.

“Ah..! My arm is hurt, you’re hurting me.”

“Don’t pretend to be pathetic in front of me, I’m not that blue-haired fool.” Luke took out the handcuffs and cuffed her himself.

Harley had been stolen 80% because of this woman, and Luke wasn’t going to let her off easy.

Rolling up her sleeve to check, he saw that her arm was wrapped in gauze.

“I’m really hurt, you’re hurting me.” Elizabeth had a pitiful look on her face.

Luke looked at the cut on her arm and the large silver earrings and associated it with the buried body, “How did you get hurt?”

“Bitten by a dog, a stinky dog.”

Luke smiled, “I’m not going to arrest you for burglary.”

“Inspector, thanks, you’re a good man.” She thought her bitter ploy had worked.

“Elizabeth, I am now officially notifying you that you are suspected of being involved in a homicide, please come back to the station with me to assist in the investigation.”

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