Chapter 13

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:50:47
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke didn’t stop.

With a wife on drugs and possibly greening herself, any normal man had to let it out.

David was a ticking time bomb if he kept it bottled up, and Luke, as his partner, would probably be affected.

The best thing to do is to let him vent.

And what better way to do that than with this group of drag racers?

David pulled up to the front of the bar and got in front of a couple of motorcycles.


The biker gang seemed to feel provoked and directly threw over a beer bottle to smash the front face of the car.

David stepped out of the car, “What asshole hit my car with a bottle?”

A bearded man in a skull-and-crossbones leather jacket approached, “Do you want to die?”

David flashes his badge, “Do you want to go to jail?”

The bearded man laughed, “Sir, no offense, but I suggest you get a decent car.”

“Haha ……,” a dozen drag racers stood around and laughed.

“There’s been a report of you assholes causing trouble at the bar, bearded man send someone with me and get the hell out of here with the rest of them, you know.”

“Don’t even think about it, either arrest us all or none of us.” As the words fell, a dozen or so biker gangs surrounded them.

Luke placed his right hand on the butt of his gun, “Need to call for police backup?”

“What’s the fun in that?” David swept his gaze over the dozen or so biker gangs without the slightest bit of cowardice, “You guys want to beat me up? Come on, don’t cower in the crowd like a coward.”

The biker gang looked furious, but still no one dared to step forward.

“No one wants a felony assault on a police officer?” David showed a flash of disdain, “Look, I’m not going to say it twice. Anyone who beats me down will not be detained.

Anyone who gets knocked down by me, will be good enough to follow me into the police station. The opportunity will not come again.”

The bearded man’s face grew harder as he pointed to a man without a skull on his leather jacket and said, “Harry, your chance is up.”

A curly-haired man with a few drinks in him took a big gulp of beer and violently threw the bottle at David.

David dodged to the side.

Harry, the curly-haired man, rushed closer and swung his right fist at David’s face.


David took a heavy punch.

The two men wrestled, you punched, I punched, I punched.

Harry, with a few drinks in him, slammed David into the front of the car in front of his face.

“Way to go!”

“Harry, good job!”

At this point, David was down, and the Drag Racers started heaving and cheering.

Luke was also a little nervous, his right hand pressed on the butt of his gun, ready to back David up at any time, but the dozen or so members of the biker gang were no pushovers, and Luke was sure they had guys.

David pushed the curly-haired man out of the way and swung back.

Curly Man was very good at street fighting and kicked David in the stomach, sending David to the ground and kicking him hard twice more.

David wrapped his arms around Curly Man’s thighs and went straight for a clinch, using his body weight to deliver two elbow strikes to Curly Man.

The two powerful elbow strikes stunned Curly Man straight away and David rolled him over and handcuffed him with his hands behind his back.

David lifted Curly Harry up and patted him on the head, “Boy, you put up a good fight, now come home with me.”

A tattooed man stepped in front of the car and seemed to be trying to stop Harry from being taken away.

David cursed, “Get out of the way stupid ass.”

Luke pulled out his gun straight away and threatened, “You want to be taken away too, or just eat a peanut.”

The bearded man walked over and pushed his tattooed accomplice out of the way, “Fair fight, you can take the man away.”

David pushed the curly-haired man into the car, “You can brag about your valor today with your cellmates.”

The car drove off quickly as a group of drag racers looked on angrily.

Luke drove in the front and asked, “How does it feel?”

David wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, “Much more comfortable.”

Luke warned, “It won’t happen again.”

“Why do I think you’re sounding more and more like Captain Susan?”

“Because I finally understand why the Captain was transferred from Internal Affairs to the Heist and Murder Division.”

“You’re trying to kiss the Captain’s ass? Uh-oh ……,” David grinned, tugging at the wound at the corner of his mouth.

“You’re right, to get promoted you don’t just have to be able to solve crimes, you have to be able to kiss ass. It’s like walking on two legs.”

David looked surprised, “You’re getting the hang of it.”

“What else, being as reckless and rude as you are, if you don’t change this way of doing things, sooner or later you will suffer.”

“I know, I understand what you mean, but there are some things …… forget it …… Anyway, thanks.” David turned his head and looked over at the curly haired man off to the side, “Hey, I remember your name is Harry.”

“Harry Saber.”

“Congratulations, got a felony assault on a police officer in the presence of your peers, surely you’ll win a skull and crossbones jacket when you get back to the gang, happy?”

“Sure, I’ll thank you properly in prison.”

“Haha, don’t be so mean, why don’t you and I have a nice chat, and if we have a good time, maybe we won’t have to go to jail.”

Harry showed a wary look, “What do you want? I’m not going to betray the gang.”

“No one is asking you to be a traitor, I just want you to inquire about someone.”


“Tony Weir, ring any bells?”

Harry thought for a moment, “A white man in his fifties, junkie, lives in the mansion east of the bar.”

“That’s him. I want all the information on him, especially what can’t be found on the profile.”

Harry was a little incredulous, “You’re arresting me just to find out about that lousy guy?”

“That’s right, I’ll let you go if you can find him.”

“To use such tactics is insane.”

Luke laughed, “You’re right, he is a lunatic, so you better do what he says. Otherwise …… you’re on your own.”

Harry confirmed, “If I help you guys find Tony, will you really let me go?”

“Of course.”

“Why do you guys want him?”

“We’re investigating a taser robbery and he’s probably a suspect in the case.”

Harry said, “I can help you guys, but I don’t know him very well. I’ll have to be let go before I can inquire about his whereabouts.”

David uncuffed him and handed him a business card, “Let me know immediately when you get a lead on Tony.”

Harry rubbed his wrists, “We’ll call it quits when I get a lead on Tony, I won’t do anything else for you.”

“If I don’t get a valuable lead, I’ll bring you back myself, pay attention, understand?”

“I don’t care about that guy’s death, trading his clues for my freedom won’t cost me a thing.”

David nodded, “You’re a smart man.”

“I hope you’ll keep your word.”

“Will do.”

Luke pulled out into the middle of nowhere and let Harry out of the car.

Watching Harry leave, Luke asked, “Just let him go, not afraid he’ll deny it?”

“He wouldn’t dare.”

David was unimpressed, “If he does, I’ll put out the word that the reason he wasn’t taken to jail is because he became a police informant.

At that time, I don’t need to do anything, the Drag Race Party will fix him.”

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