Chapter 132

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:56:58
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The inquest was over.

Boris was temporarily taken into custody on the charge of destroying a corpse.

Everyone was surprised at the outcome, but there was nothing they could do.

Susan gathered the crowd together to discuss the case.

Luke describes the inquest.

Marcus cursed, “Stabbing a living person is completely different from stabbing a dead person, can’t that asshole feel it?”

Since being scolded by Boris, Black was quite prejudiced against him.

The vice squad said, “Not everyone has this experience, the light was dim, that guy should have been stunned after stabbing someone.

A person’s IQ will decrease a lot in a situation of excessive panic.

You can’t ask everyone to be a professional psychopathic killer.

In fact, many murderers are caught for their first offense due to inexperience. As he commits more crimes, his criminal experience and mentality grows and he becomes harder to catch.”

Luke said, “At least we now figure out why that knife was stuck in the body. It kind of solves the first mystery.”

Marcus frowned, “I still think Boris is the killer.

If, according to him, Courtney was dead at the time, he stabbed a corpse and fled immediately afterward.

Then why would the body be disguised as a hanging.

What Boris described doesn’t fit, the guy must have lied.”

Susan speculated, “Could three people have entered the scene at one time or another.

The first person was the murderer, who strangled Courtney with his hands.

The second person was Boris, who stabbed Courtney with a knife, mistakenly believing he had killed her.

The third then entered the scene and disguised Courtney as if she had hung herself.”

The lieutenant asked rhetorically, “The first murderer I can understand. The second Boris I can understand.

Then what was the third’s purpose in disguising Courtney as a suicide?

Wasn’t he worried about being taken for a murderer?

And how could he have rushed it?

I don’t think that’s a very valid guess.”

Susan said, “I’ve also been reading the original Vanishing Lovers novel for the past two days after work.

It’s a well-written novel, and I even googled it, and there are a lot of fans about the book, especially since a lot of people have been talking about it in recent times, and there are some more radical fans among them.

I’m wondering if Courtney’s death could have something to do with this novel.” Saying that, Susan looked at Luke who was on the side, “You’ve met the author of the novel, Romit Buhl, do you think it’s possible?”

Luke thought for a moment, “I don’t see anything wrong with it, however, this old man is not simple.”

Blackie added, “That’s right, he also bought the original shares of Google.”

The vice squad waved their hands, “Anyway, I still think it’s too much of a coincidence that three people have entered the crime scene, and although it’s theoretically possible, the probability is so small that it probably only exists in fiction.”

Susan countered, “Don’t you forget that Courtney’s death was the same scenario as the one in the novel, and this case originally had nothing to do with fiction.”

Luke interrupted the two, “Actually, I have a guess, I wonder if you want to hear it?”

Susan glanced at the lieutenant and nodded, “Go ahead.”

“My hypothesis is that there were two people at the scene.

The first one is the murderer, who read the original Vanishing Lovers book and was ready to mimic the situation in the book to kill someone, and after he strangled Courtney in her bed, he was about to set up the hanging scene, when he suddenly heard a noise outside the door.

He hides in the closet for fear of being discovered.

The person who came was none other than Boris, a guy who stabbed Courtney with a knife and was scared silly thinking he had killed Courtney.

Disposes of the fruit knife and runs away.

And this time the murderer comes out of the closet and hangs Courtney’s body, trying to look as consistent as possible with the description in the book.

Of course, there are no perfect crimes in this world and the murderer made a mistake, he forgot to close the closet door.

David nodded, “The neck pinch marks, the knife in the chest, the hanging, the open closet door, the similar fictional plots, all the clues basically tie together.

I think Luke’s guess is a bit more accurate.”

Black was not to be outdone, “Why are you stealing my words?”

David glared at him, “You horse’s ass!”

Blacky bristled, “I’m not, just expressing my thoughts.”

“STOP! You two bores.” The lieutenant interrupted the two, “If Boris isn’t the real killer, then who is the real killer?”

Luke continued his analysis, “According to Courtney’s other boyfriend, Peter the dentist.

He left Courtney’s house at twelve o’clock at night, when Courtney was still alive, so if what he said is true, Courtney was most likely murdered between twelve and ten minutes past one in the morning.

The murderer probably arrived at Courtney’s house during this time.

Of course, there was another possibility, that Peter the dentist had lied.

He didn’t leave around twelve.

He is Courtney’s killer!”

Jenny asked, “Why do you keep using him and not her? Isn’t it possible that the killer is a woman?”

The lieutenant said, “Don’t forget that the body ended up being lifted, and it would have been somewhat difficult for an average adult male to lift the body, let alone a woman.

Based on this alone, it’s unlikely that the murderer is a woman.”

The crowd discussed it for a while, and finally felt that Luke’s guess was the most likely.

However, the identity of the suspect needed to be further determined.

With that, the crowd split up to investigate.

Susan was prepared to meet the author of the Vanishing Lovers novel in person; since the murderer was imitating the plot of the novel, the original author might be able to provide some valuable clues.

Plus, there was a deeper reason.

The biggest beneficiary of Courtney’s death is likely to be the original author of the novel, who knows enough about the novel’s content to also have a motive for the murder.

After work.

Luke goes with Blackie to the Canyon Precinct to pick up his car.

Rookie Patrolman John wants to buy the two men a drink at the bar in order to thank Luke and Blackie for helping him catch the car thief.

But the two declined.

Blacky can’t wait to get going on his Harley.

Luke was going to Daisy’s house tonight.

Drinking with a middle-aged man was no better than interacting with a pretty young lady.

When Luke arrived at Daisy’s house, she wasn’t back yet.

Luke cooked while waiting for her.

Western food is relatively easy to make, fried steak, semi-processed pizza in the oven, vegetable salad, boiled prawns, and a bottle of red wine.

In his previous life, Luke had also bought raw cut steak, but every time he did it was not very tasty, the meat was faggy and chewy.

The steaks in western restaurants were tasty, but Luke always felt that they were synthetic steaks.

When he arrived in Los Angeles, he ate steak often, but he had some experience, and discovered two secrets to frying steak, the first was the heat.

That had been known for a long time.

The second, the quality of the meat was important.

The original cut of the steak made a big difference as well.

After cooking dinner, Daisy arrived home as well.

After briefly washing up, she helped Luke set the dishes together.

Luke kinda liked this feeling of living at home.

It would be better if Daisy wasn’t so busy.

The two of them ate while chatting.

Although eating without talking was a good habit.

But both of them were busy at work, so if they didn’t talk while eating, they would have to take away time from applauding for love.

That wouldn’t do.

Daisy was concerned, “Has Harley been found?”

“I was just about to tell you. The case is solved and I just picked up the car this afternoon. It’s up to you next.”

“Can you tell me about the case?”

“Sure. You’re my lawyer now.” Luke recounted the case briefly.

“The modifications cost twelve thousand dollars?” Daisy was a little surprised.

Luke laughed, “That’s right, the guy did put a lot of effort into it, I wouldn’t have been able to part with it if I were him.”

Daisy took a sip of her wine and looked thoughtful.

Luke pressed, “How do you want to prosecute him?”

“I will hire a detective to investigate his situation, if his family conditions are average and his personal allotment is average, then reduce the amount of compensation.

If his family’s financial condition is generous, the claim price can be appropriately increased.”

“I agree.” Luke wouldn’t mind having more money.

“In addition, I think we can also sue the owner of the car repair store, in my experience, his repair store is likely to have problems. I think he’d be more than willing to pay a settlement for an out-of-court settlement.”

“Good idea.” Luke thought he should become a lawyer instead, the profession was practically made for him, “But Harley was helped to find Marcus, and the owner of the mechanic store is his friend, so it’s best to drop the claim against him.”

“OK, then how about we increase our claim against the car thief, forty thousand dollars?”

Luke was happy with that amount, “Can we get the full amount?”

“It’s hard, but increasing the amount of the claim can somewhat increase the amount of money awarded, of course, it has to be within reason, if the claim is too exaggerated, it will also cause the judge to be offended.”

Luke nodded, “Forty thousand dollars then.”

“I’ll prepare the prosecution materials tomorrow, good cooperation, Mr. Luke.” Daisy extended her hand.

“Looking forward to your good news.” Luke shook her hand and suddenly had a bold idea, “I’ve got an idea for the theme of tonight’s campaign, Ms. Lawyer.”

Early in the morning, a super cool modified Harley drove into the Detective Bureau.

The Harley had a great stereo and was playing a hip-hop track, “Black Buddafly Bad Girl

black eyed peas-my hump……”

Black sat on the Harley and took off his black sunglasses with a cocky look on his face, feeling like the hottest boy in LA.

The bike was really super cool, and he had already made up his mind to save up for a Harley when he bought a Cadillac.

He was going to get a big one and two babies like Luke usually did.

Blacky parked the car and rocked and beat his way into the building.

“Hi Detective Marcus, we meet again.”

Marcus whipped his head around to see that it was Porter, the obnoxious lawyer from yesterday, “What are you doing here again?”

Porter smirked, “You don’t want to know.”

Black wasn’t quick to react, but he wasn’t stupid, “You’re here to bail out that Green Arrow?”

“That’s right.”

“That pervert even stabs corpses, it won’t be easy to bail him out.”

“You don’t have to worry about that, he’s got a big bail prepared, it’ll be enough.” Attorney Potter had a you-know-what look on his face.

Blackie bristled, “Look, sooner or later an asshole like that is going to come back in. I’ll say.”

Porter smiled and didn’t retort, he wasn’t in conflict with Blacky on that point.

If people didn’t commit crimes, he should be out of a job.

Ten o’clock in the morning.

Robbery-Murder Division.

Luke yawned.

There were always a couple dozen days a month when he didn’t want to work.

The day before, he’d just gotten a shot in the arm from Reed.

Yesterday could be described as energetic, originally thinking that he had caught the murderer and was ready to take the other party down with a bang.

However, at the end of the investigation it was just a common pervert who destroyed a corpse, and there was still no clue to the real murderer.

That heart was deflated at once.

“Buzz ……” the cell phone rang.

Luke picked up his phone to see that it was a bank text message.

Payday was issued.

Luke took a look at the amount transferred and immediately revealed a look of delight.

One hundred and sixty thousand dollars!

This money was more of a bonus in addition to April’s salary, subsidies and overtime.

Two case bonuses to be exact.

The first bonus was the two hundred thousand dollars offered as a reward by his brother to the In Appreciation of Heist Murder Division Squadron One for recovering the blackmail video after Congresswoman Riley Hare was murdered.

The second reward, from Rosie Beale, the producer of Gone Lovers, was a donation of one and a half million dollars to the Bureau of Detectives, three hundred thousand of which was offered as a reward for the solving of the murder of Abu Guerra.

Luke played a vital role in both cases being solved, and was the highest recipient of the bonus, receiving a bonus of one hundred and sixty thousand dollars after taxes.

With the thirty-five thousand dollars from the stock purchase and the bonus one thousand dollars in cash, Luke had nineteen hundred and sixty thousand dollars in his hand.

In addition, there was another eighty-five thousand dollars in reserve in the system.

Luke’s total assets were now up to $280,000 dollars.

He couldn’t wait to use this money to have a good time.

However, he knew in his heart that if he couldn’t solve this case, Reed and Susan would definitely not let him take a vacation.

Let’s do it.

Luke felt energized and motivated to work again.

He began to focus his thoughts on analyzing the case again.

In fact, he was slacking off before, not just because he was lazy, but because the case had entered a bottleneck, and new clues were needed to identify the murderer.

People tend to slack off once they encounter difficulties, the best thing to do at this time is to keep yourself busy and start with the simple places first.

Since no new clues were found, let’s rule out the known people involved in the case first.

Other than Boris, Luke felt that the most suspicious person was Peter.

According to Luke’s previous speculation, the murderer was probably hiding in the closet when Boris stabbed him.

If this speculation was valid, then Peter couldn’t have left around twelve o’clock.

If he had left, he could not have hidden in the closet or waited for Boris to leave before hanging the body.

Luke rechecked the surveillance around the York neighborhood.

Although checking the surveillance was a stupid method, there were quite a few cases that were solved by this boring and stupid method.

Since he couldn’t find a better direction to investigate, he simply started from here to confirm Peter’s whereabouts.

The target of Luke’s investigation this time was Peter’s car, a silver Lexus.

Luke found his car surveillance videos.

One was a video of the car leaving the neighborhood at 12:00 p.m. on April 30th.

From that, Peter wasn’t lying, he did leave the York neighborhood at 12pm.

Then he could not have waited for Boris to stab someone and leave before hanging the body.

The other is a surveillance video of the drive to Courtney’s house early in the morning of May 1, where the body was found and reported.

Luke compares the two videos and really finds a problem.

In order to verify whether his observation power exceeded that of an ordinary person, Luke called Blackie over, “Marcus, take a look at these two surveillance videos.”

Marcus walked over and clicked on the videos to check, “Aren’t these two both Lexus surveillance videos? One is daytime and one is nighttime, and that should be Peter sitting in the driver’s side, what’s the problem?”

Luke pointed at the screen, “You don’t see the difference in this car?”

Blackie had a closer look, “What differences?”

Luke reached the purpose of the test, and did not sell it again, pointing to the surveillance of the night of April 30th: “This is the surveillance of Peter’s drive to Courtney’s house before the murder, at that time, there was a car recorder on the upper side of the front windshield of the car.

The second video is from the early morning of May 1, when Peter drove to Courtney’s house again, but this time there was no longer a CarLog on the windshield.”

Black compared the two videos again, and because of the angle of the surveillance, the tachograph wasn’t very visible.

And one of the surveillance videos was still taken at night, the light was relatively low, it was hard to find the difference without careful comparison, “Why would he take off the car recorder, it is reasonable to say that after this thing is installed, it is rare for someone to take it off again.”

Luke continued, “That’s right.

I guess there are three reasons, the first the car recorder is broken, send it for repair or buy a new one.

The second reason, the line recorder captured something it shouldn’t have.

The third reason, he was worried that the car recorder captured something that shouldn’t be captured, and removed it in advance.

If it is the first reason, it has nothing to do with us.

If it’s the last two reasons, it’s probably related to Courtney’s death.

Peter should be hiding something, indirectly indicating that he is suspected of committing the crime.”

Blackie thought for a moment, “Is it possible that he left and then returned to Courtney’s house again to commit the crime?

The reason why he took off the car recorder was because he didn’t drive the car home as usual, but parked it not far from the neighborhood, worrying that the police would find something unusual if they saw it.”

Luke nodded, “That happens.”

After saying that, the two began to check other videos of the streets along the way, however, unlike what they expected, Peter’s silver Lexus didn’t stop in the middle of the road, but returned all the way back to his home neighborhood.

It didn’t come out again after that until early morning.

Although Blacky’s suspicions were dismissed, Luke still felt that there was something wrong with the move of picking to the car recorder.

Blacky suggested, “Why don’t we just take him to the police station for questioning?”

Luke shook his head, it’s easy to arrest someone, it’s how to deal with them after arresting them that’s the trouble, “His situation is different from Boris’, Boris came out from Ekaline’s house, we can make a mistake and mistake him for a burglar, so we can take him into the police station for questioning.

But it’s not illegal to take off the car recorder, and if he doesn’t want to talk, there’s nothing we can do about it.

There’s no way a judge is going to sign a warrant for his arrest just because of that, either.”

Luke couldn’t decide for a moment, this behavior of Peter’s was indeed suspicious, but according to Luke’s speculation, he left Courtney’s house around twelve o’clock, so it was logical that he should not be the murderer.

But if he wasn’t the murderer, why would he bother to take off the car recorder?

What is Peter hiding?

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