Chapter 142

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:57:32
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Josie’s mother wiped the tear tracks on her face, “Inspector, did he kill my daughter?”

“We can’t tell from the information alone, we need to investigate further. Can you tell me more about Josie? The more the police know about her, the easier it will be to find clues to the killer as well.”

“Let me talk.” Josie’s father patted his wife on the shoulder and said, after a slight pause.

“My daughter was wonderful, great. Ever since she was a little girl, we didn’t intentionally train her, she had the gift.

You should know how hard it is to be a cheerleader, and it’s even harder for Josie, most cheerleaders are blonde and white, Josie is black and has put in a lot of hard work to get to this point.

We all watched and supported her all the way.

She made it.

But I didn’t think the accident would come so suddenly …… never.” Josie’s father’s voice choked.

Luke smoothly inquired, “Josie is so good, there should be a lot of people chasing after her, does she have a boyfriend?”

Josie’s mother replied, “I know more in this regard, and Josie will tell me anything about her feelings.

Josie had a boyfriend named Pete before, I’ve met him once, he’s very handsome.

But Josie was too good, there were a lot of people pursuing her, and that young man wasn’t confident enough and often fought because of Josie’s suitors, and they broke up.”

“Was he a student at this school?”

“Don’t think so.”

“Know the full name?”

“Josie mentioned it to me, but …… I can’t remember.”

“This information is important, and I want you to refresh your memory.”

Josie’s mother pressed her forehead, then scratched her hair harder and thought for a while, “SORRY, I really can’t remember, this damned memory of mine, why is it like this.

Am I going to affect the investigation of the case …… even buy Karma’s, I’m so useless.”

Josie’s father took his wife into his arms and kissed her forehead, comforting, “Baby, don’t talk about yourself like that, you’re just too sad.” Looking aside again at Luke, “Detective, can you give us some more time? I’ll help her remember together when we get back.”

“Sure.” Luke nodded and followed up, “By the way, was there any other reason for the breakup between them, like a third party of some sort?”

Josie’s mother shook her head, “Not that I know of.”

Luke took out a few other photos of the deceased, “I’d like to ask you to help me identify them, do you recognize the people in the photos?”

Josie’s parents scrutinized the photos.

Josie’s mother finished looking at the photos and pointed to the first female victim who had been shot, “I know her, Barbara, she was Josie’s friend, they were always together, is she dead too?”

“Seriously injured, still in ICU.”

“Even the best, that’s horrible! They were young, why did this happen to them.” Josie’s mother burst into tears again as her husband comforted her.

Luke passed over a packet of tissues, Barbara was the first victim to be shot, Josie was the second to suffer a shooting, and since the two were friends, they were likely connected in some way.

The main reason why the shooter’s purpose cannot be determined is that there are too many victims, and there is more than one shooter, and the clues are many and varied, so if all the clues can be scrutinized and linked together, they may be able to find the reason why the shooter committed the crime.

Take for example the two victims, Josie and Barbara.

The two were friends, one was shot in the third floor hallway, the other in the third floor restroom, and the killer obviously knew about their relationship.

As for what reason he wanted to kill them, it was unclear at the moment.

Luke pulled out another picture of Bowen Pilton, “Do you guys recognize him?”

“No. Was he involved in a shooting?”

“That’s not easy to disclose.” Luke asked a few more questions about Josie and then exited the lounge.

A little after one in the afternoon.

The bobo Mexican restaurant.

The restaurant was small, about twenty square meters, and the store was full of small tables for two people, and there was only one food giant burrito in the store.

The person doing the cooking is a big Mexican mom, not tall, very fat.

She operated on a huge iron plate, a large oval shaped burrito spread on the baking sheet, put full of cheese, minced pork, minced chicken, minced onions, etc., rolled up the burrito and put it to one side to fry.

Luke stood and watched for a moment, “You drove all the way out here to treat me to this.”

“This is super tasty, I come back for it once a month, it’s superb, trust me.” Blackie said sincerely.

At first Luke was a little convinced, but then he saw that Blacky ordered two giant burritos checking out for seven dollars.

Sure it wasn’t because it was cheap?

The two sat down at a small square table and Blacky was still describing the deliciousness of the giant burritos, “You know what? I took Julianne to eat it last time, she loved it, ate it all over her face, like a little kitten, laughed her ass off.”

Luke lazily ignored him, those who knew were introducing the burrito, those who didn’t thought he was showing love?

Luke did prefer Mexican to fried chicken burgers though.

Could a big burrito with meat not be good?

Soon, the giant burrito came, really big, fifty centimeters long and palm wide, with plenty of material inside, and the owner helped cut a slice through the middle.

It looked very appetizing, Luke’s stomach had been hungry for a long time, swallowed his saliva and took a big bite, it really smelled good and was very satisfying.

“Isn’t it delicious?” Blackie said vaguely.

Luke a thumbs up, the flavor is not to say, is too much meat is easy to fall off, eating is not very good.

Blacky asked, “When are you going to buy me dinner?”

“When you catch me at it.” Luke took a sip of Coke, just three and a half dollars, still have the nerve to ask me to invite back, what are you thinking?

“Ringing ……,” Blackie’s cell phone rang with a voice video.

Blackie wiped his hands and clicked on his cell phone, “Hey baby, did you eat?

Yes, I’m eating at that Mexican restaurant from last time.

NoNo, I’m at work, eating with Detective Luke, he’s super into it, full of cheese.

Hey man, say hi to Julian.”

Luke squeezed out a smile, waved at the video, and continued to eat with his head down.

After a few moments of chatting, Black hung up, “She’s good at everything, she’s just too clingy.”

Luke laughed, “She’s starting to play video now?”

“Yep. I don’t know who she learned it from, isn’t it super scary?” Kuro sighed.

Luke suddenly had a feeling that his last bet of a thousand dollars might be coming to an end ……

After the meal, the two went to Theodore Caine’s house to investigate.

The two drove to find the address on the profile.

It was a typical black neighborhood, the two parked in front of a dilapidated bungalow, although Luke lived in a bungalow as well, but both the neighborhood, and the house were much better than here.

Getting out of the car, Luke surveyed his surroundings, there were quite a few wandering black people around.

There were black people sizing up the car and Luke, and he glared back hard.

If someone dared to provoke, Luke would definitely pull out his gun directly, if you want to mix in the black community, you have to be ruthless enough.

Of course, black people are not easy to scare, provided that you also have to have the capital to scare people.

Blackie’s performance was much easier, he was like a fish out of water here.

The two entered the yard of Theodore Caine’s house, where an old Toyota sat in front of the garage, with a lot of rudimentary gym equipment along the wall, and a broken inflatable doll.

Black squeezed his eyes, “Luke, have you ever used this thing?”

“It’s too narrow for me.” Luke walked to the door and knocked on it, “Knock knock.”

“Who’s out there?” A woman’s voice came from the house.

“LAPD, the neighbors reported noise at your house.”

“FUCK, what asshole is so boring again, don’t they clap for love at night?” A woman cursed.

The one who opened the door was a black girl, not very old, looking about twenty, wearing a halter nightgown, with two black semi-circles that stood out.

Blackie flashed a smile and took the initiative to ask, “Hi beautiful, is this Theodore Caine’s house?”

“That’s right, what’s the problem?”

“We want to talk to him, by the way, what are you his?”

“I’m his girlfriend, aren’t you here to check out the noise? What are you looking for him for?”

Luke flashed his badge, “LAPD, we want to talk to him.”

“He’s not home.”

“Where is he?”

“I don’t know, he’s just as full of lies as you LAPD, who knows where he’s hiding.” The woman finished and tried to close the door.

Luke blocked the door to the room, “What’s your name?”

The black woman grinned, “Are you trying to pick me up?”

“Don’t get all playful with me, name?”

“You guys are here to see Theodore Caine and it has nothing to do with me? Why should I tell you guys ……”

At that moment, there was a thud from the back and Luke and Blacky stepped to the side to check and found a man in a bodysuit and hood slipping out the back.

Blacky shouted, “LAPD, stop.”

Without saying a word, the man in the bodysuit pulled up and ran.

“FUCK!” cursed Blackie, and quickly chased after him.

Luke craned his head to look at Blackie and followed suit.

The man in the guard’s clothes was familiar with the neighborhood, not taking the main road, running forward in seven different directions, and even tumbling into other people’s yards, drawing a chorus of rebukes.

Fortunately, Xiao Hei was more familiar with the slums and followed closely behind.

The other party was just running, and did not pose a danger to himself, Xiao Hei had no reason to pull out a gun and shoot, it could only evolve into a chase.

After running for about half a block, Xiao Hei’s stamina was better, gradually catching up with the other party, a grabbed the guard’s coat and ripped him to the ground.

Xiao Hei was also yanked to the ground due to inertia, and instinctively pulled out his pistol from the butt of his gun, “LAPD, don’t move!”

The man in the bodysuit who was yanked down saw the muzzle of the gun and didn’t dare to resist, honestly laying on the ground and raising his hands, “Don’t shoot, I didn’t commit a crime, I’m not a bad guy!”

Xiao Hei carefully sized up the other party, “You’re not Theodore Caine?”

“You’ve got the wrong guy, I’m not.”

“Then why are you in his house?” Black blinked as if he understood something and laughed, “You slept with his girlfriend?”

The guard-clothed man scolded, “Shut the fuck up, that’s my sister.”

“Then what are you running for?”

Xiao Hei suddenly reacted, “FUCK, you deliberately lured me away!”

Xiao Hei was a little depressed, it was too late to go back now, but he cuffed the guardian man first.

“Why did you arrest me?” The guard-clothed man questioned.

“Shut up, any more nonsense and I’ll sue you for assaulting a police officer.” Xiao Hei glared at the guard-clothed man, his heart a little upset.

This guard-clothed man was not very old, only sixteen or seventeen years old, it would be more appropriate to say that he was a teenager.

The teenager was intimidated by Xiao Hei and did not dare to resist.

Xiao Hei took out his cell phone and dialed Luke’s number, but no one answered, and his heart was a little anxious.

Can only first escort the bodysuit teenager back.

When he returned to the vicinity of Theodore Caine, he found that Luke also escorted a man over, “Hey man, did you catch someone too?”

Black looked closer, the man Luke had captured was the very man they were trying to find Theodore Caine.

“How did you catch him?” Black was a little surprised, or you could say pleasantly surprised.

A few minutes ago, the bodysuit boy suddenly ran out the back door and both men thought he was Theodore Caine.

Blacky was the first to give chase.

Luke glanced back at Theodore Caine’s girlfriend and realized that the corners of the other’s mouth were slightly upturned with an inconspicuous expression that was easy to miss.

He was still able to discover this because he had been exercising his observation skills recently, and his observation skills had obviously strengthened a lot.

The two ‘Observation Cards’ that he had drawn again last time had been used up.

He felt something was wrong, his own boyfriend was arrested, and this woman could still laugh?

Moreover, they didn’t go in to arrest anyone, what was that kid running on his own for? And happened to be seen, isn’t this nothing to find trouble?

Subsequently, Luke had an extra heart and ran to hide next to the house in front.

The black girl looked around at the door, then Theodore Caine ran out of the house, and Luke followed him from behind and caught him in one fell swoop.

Blackie listened and said shamelessly, “Good job, we work well together, golden partners.”

Just at this moment, the black girl ran out and questioned: “Hey, why did you guys grab my brother and boyfriend?”

Xiao Hei said in a nonchalant manner, “I still have a handcuff, do you want to try?”

“FUCK, assholes who know how to bully women.” Blackie gave a middle finger.

Luke pointed at the house, “Leave immediately and stay out of trouble.”

The black girl looked at her boyfriend and then at her brother, she seemed to have taken it in stride and wasn’t too worried.

“You better have a valid reason for arresting someone or I will sue you.” Blackie said and went back into the house.

Luke instructed Blackie, “Find out if the kid you arrested is a fugitive.”

“I will.” Blackie asked the other person’s name and tested his fingerprints, and after a while, he said, “He has a previous conviction for burglary, but there’s no case right now.”

“Tell him to get lost.”

Blacky would unlock the handcuffs, “Don’t let me see you again, huh?”

“Think I want to see you?” The bodysuit boy bristled, gave Theodore Caine a look, and headed back to the house as well.

Luke flashed a smile, “Theodore Caine now that it’s just the three of us left, how about a nice chat?”

“I don’t have anything to talk to you guys about.” Theodore shrugged.

Black got into the car and said in a bad tone, “I feel like I’m being teased and I’m pissed off, you’d better put your smarts on.”

“SORRY, I’m afraid I’ve disappointed you, I wasn’t smart growing up or I wouldn’t have dropped out of school. By the way, is it a crime not to be smart now?”

Luke said, “It’s okay to not be smart, but surely it’s against the law to kill someone?”

“I don’t understand what you mean?”

“Do you know Josie Eliza?”


“Then let’s take you to the police station to refresh your memory.”

“Wait, I know her, so what?” Theodore seemed to respond, “You mean she’s dead?”

“You don’t know?”

“How could I know, it’s not like I had anything to do with it?”

“Nothing to do with what are you running for?”

“I’m just doing exercise, yes, I run for exercise every day.”

“It’s the afternoon.”

“There’s plenty of oxygen in the afternoon, my old biology teacher said so, and even though I wasn’t a good student, I can still remember things once in a while.”

“So you admit to knowing Josie?”


“What’s your relationship?”

“No relationship.”

Luke snickered, “You miss the police station that much? Is it the coffee at the station you miss, or the service?”

“Huh.” Theodore rolled his eyes, “I admit I used to like Josie, she was hot, danced well, and was easy to cock, but that’s in the past, I have a new girlfriend now, and she’s hot too isn’t she?”

“No, Josie is hotter.” Black retorted.

“I didn’t ask you, nigga.”

Blackie froze, “You’re the nigger.”

“You’re the nigger.”

“Your whole family is niggers.”

“STOP!” said Luke, interrupting this pointless argument between the two, “Where were you between three and four in the morning on May 10th?”

“Hey, I told you, even if Josie dies, I had nothing to do with it.”

“Have you attacked and harassed Josie before?”

“That was all in the past.”

“Yes or no?”


“Then that’s enough to answer the question I just asked.”

Theodore said helplessly, “I was with Tris.”

“Who’s Tris?”

“The one who just opened the door, my girlfriend.”

“Full name?”

“Tris Reel.”

“You better not be lying.”

“I’m not lying.”

“Where were you guys? What were you doing at the time?”

“In the car clapping for love.”

Luke pointed to the old Toyota, “That’s the car?”

“That’s right.”

“You guys are really in love.” The car was low enough that Luke would have to sit in it to top his head, let alone clap for love, and the glass was still clear.

“OK, I’ve told you all, can you let me go now?” Theodore raised the handcuffs on his hands.

Luke turned to Blackie, who was off to the side, “Get her girlfriend out here.”

“Wait, I have something to ask too.”

Luke made a please gesture, signaling the other party to ask.

Blackie cleared his throat and said in a serious voice, “Are you up or down?”

“What did you say?” Theodore thought he had heard wrong.

Blacky said, “It means what you understand it to mean. I’m matching statements, and if you say differently, it proves you lied.”

“I’m sitting.”

“How long?

Theodore looked aside to Luke, “Are you sure he’s not harassing me?”

Luke spread his hands, “You can keep it private if you think it’s private.

But if you want to prove your innocence as soon as possible …… just watch yourself.

But make sure you don’t lie, if the confession doesn’t match up we’re going to have to question the authenticity of your alibi.”

Theodore “……”

So shameless words, can still say the crown?

Under Xiao Hei’s unsuspecting gaze, Theodore still compromised, “About two or three minutes.”

“Haha ……” Blackie laughed, “Suddenly I kind of wish your alibi was real.”

Luke laughed as well.

Theodore blushed a little and explained, “It was my first time in a car …… I got a little excited, I don’t normally do that ……”

Black patted him on the shoulder, “No need to explain.”

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