Chapter 148

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:57:49
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Anthony’s nose turned up in exasperation at the sight of Luke escorting Pike out of another apartment.

“Man, can we discuss this?”

“No, there’s no negotiating.” Luke held Pike straight into the car.

Anthony said, “He killed the FBI agent.”

Pike yelled out the window, “I did not!”

Anthony whispered, “Luke, give him to me and I’ll owe you a favor.”

“Sounds good, but I’m LAPD and I have my responsibilities.”

Anthony pinched his forehead and backed off, “I want to join the investigation of the case.”

Luke said, “The investigation is going to be police department oriented.”

“No problem.”

“I want the clues your FBI is hiding.”


Detective Bureau.

Large conference room of the Robbery-Murder Division.

Reed, Susan, Anthony, and Luke walked into the conference room one after another.

Reed laughed, “Luke, I heard that the two of you and Marcus captured the Skull and Bones Gang’s boss, well done.”

Luke shrugged, “It was just luck.”

Anthony blushed a little, “Ooooh, is this the recognition meeting? Am I in the wrong place.”

The lieutenant laughed, “Luke is Reed’s beloved, this is just a meeting appetizer, get used to it.”

Anthony sighed, “He did do well, very promising young man, I admire him.”

Blacky couldn’t hear it anymore, “Come on, make it sound like you’re giving us the credit, if we hadn’t caught Pike, he might have gotten away.”

Anthony glanced at Blacky and said in a nonchalant manner, “Oh, I almost forgot if you didn’t say anything, you were there.”

Blacky “……”

Reed pointed to his watch, “Guys, I’ve got a city council meeting in a few minutes, we’ve got to hurry.

Anthony, tell us about the leads your FBI has picked up, and don’t hold back this time or you’re not going to be a part of Pike’s interrogation, got it?”

Anthony stroked his chin, “Agent Fanny did find some other issues during her investigation at the school, she’s a good ex-sea-lander and wasn’t willing to just deal with a bunch of brats.

So she wanted to dig deeper into the problems she found.”

Reed pressed, “What problems?”

Anthony said, “She found out that there were people selling solos on campus, and after some time of tracking down a definite lead, the person selling the solos was Kyle Torres, a student at Malaboa High School and the last victim of the shooting.

He died on the rooftop of the science building.”

Luke asked, “What does this have to do with Pike from the Skull and Bones gang?”

Anthony said, “Malaboa High School belongs to the territory of the Skull and Bones Gang, and we checked on the deceased Kyle Torres, who had close dealings with the Skull and Bones Gang, and should belong to the gang’s peripheral elements.

Kyle Torres’s solo product is also likely to have come from the Skull and Bones gang.

We guessed that Fanny had probably found out some important clues, so the Skull and Bones Gang would silence her and Kyle Torres together, and the school shooting was just a cover.

That’s why we decided to take on the Skull Gang.”

Luke pressed, “Have you found out the exact identity of the shooter?”

“Not yet.” Anthony answered and asked back, “What have you guys found out?”

Luke thought for a moment, “When we were investigating the music building shooting, we found that members of the Skull and Bones Gang had contact with the suspects of the shooting, so we are going to go to the Skull and Bones Gang to find out the situation.”

Anthony said, “That’s right, the clues in both cases point to the Skull and Bones Gang, they were definitely involved in the shooting.”

Reed asked, “Luke, what do you think?”

Luke thought for a moment, “I don’t know much about the victims in the Science Building, so I can’t make a judgment.

But the shooting in the music building is probably related to the Skull and Bones gang.”

Reed thought about it and said, “OK, then let’s use the Music Building shooting as a breakthrough and pry Pike’s mouth open first.”

Half an hour later.

The first interrogation room of the Robbery and Murder Division.

Pike was handcuffed to the interrogation chair, his eyes scanning around the interrogation room.

“Cackle ……” The door opened.

Luke and Blackie walked into the interrogation room.

Pike pointed to the wall directly in front of him, “There should be someone there watching me, do I need to say hello?”

Luke said lightly, “Suit yourself.”

“You know what? I really feel wronged, this has absolutely nothing to do with me, you guys are looking into this in the wrong direction, I’m innocent.”

Luke stared at him for a while and pointed behind him, “The FBI is right behind you, if I hadn’t stopped them, they would have taken you away a long time ago. Stop telling such meaningless lies and stop lowering my impression of you, OK?”

“Inspector Luke, I respect you, but the shooting really has nothing to do with me, and I would never do something stupid like that.

I also don’t want to mess with the FBI group of mixed …… guys, I just want to do business honestly.”

Luke wiggled his fingers, “Stop saying these meaningless words, I ask, you answer, and if you dare to lie, let the FBI take you away.”

Pike sighed, “This reminds me of when I was a kid, my mom used to like this to scare me, if you don’t behave, let the police take you away.

Isn’t it ironic that it turned out that when I grew up, I really did become a regular at the police station.”

“It shows that the LAPD treats you well, if it were the FBI instead, you wouldn’t be a regular, you’d be a permanent resident.” Luke turned the tables, “First question, why did you send someone to Theodore’s house? Remember what I just said and don’t lie.”

“Detective Luke, I want an exoneration.”

“Then you’ll have to describe the case and see if it qualifies for an exoneration.”

“OK, then I’ll make a hypothetical statement, if I can’t come to an agreement, I won’t admit it, besides, you might possibly get some inspiration from it, you’re so smart, you might just solve the case straight away.”

Luke made a gesture of invitation.

“You should know that L.A. is stratified, poor kids are at the bottom, poor and black kids are at the bottom, and most black kids have a hard time making the class leap through education and hard work.

Only a very few lucky ones can make the class leap through the channels of becoming singers, actors, and sports stars, which is not easy and is easily envied by the black kids in the neighborhood.

It’s not easy to grow up successfully, and it takes protection and investment.

I’m not a good person by any stretch of the imagination, but I do good things when I can.

For example, to provide protection for some talented black children, it does not require too much substance, as long as you tell the outside world that they are under my protection, no one dares to mess around in this area, and they will not be ostracized by other black children, so they can grow up smoothly.

If these successful kids have a conscience, they will also give me some appropriate rewards, such as asking me to act as a bodyguard or agent, and I can also get a lot of money in return.

These kids will also gain some hidden benefits after gaining my support, for example, they will be surrounded by people who take the initiative to join them and become their partners, followers, juniors, whatever you want to call them, in any case, they are in this category.

Comparatively speaking, the relationship between these followers and the stars is even closer, the stars will manage the food and accommodation, eat, drink and play all kinds of consumption, and even take care of their families, in return the followers will have to do something for the stars, such as doing things for them, protecting their safety, and even taking the blame.”

Luke said, “Hollip is the star, Theodore is the follower, and you’re the boss who provides them with protection?”

Pike shrugged, “Hypothetical statement?”

Luke jotted it down in his book, “Sure, go ahead.”

“Hollip is a talented kid with excellent physical attributes, he’s strong and I looked up to him and was willing to offer him protection.

It was all going quite well, but Hollip’s damned heroism was at it again, always fantasizing about being a savior and getting the adulation of others.

On the afternoon of May 10th, Hollip called me to tell me that there had been a shooting at the school and that he had accidentally wounded a student.

I told him he shouldn’t call me, but should call his followers.

But the problem was that Hollip wasn’t really a sports star yet, and he didn’t have deep pockets; all he had were promises.

Promises may be worth a thousand dollars or they may be worthless.

It takes a person of stature and status to give some kind of guarantee that the promise will have some validity.

That person of stature then talks to the follower, defines the rights and obligations between the star and the follower, and guarantees each other’s promises.

Whoever breaks the promise will pay a price.

That’s how it happened.”

Luke craned his head to look at Blackie, who knew more about the rules of the black ghetto.

Blacky nodded slightly.

Luke turned the pages of his notebook and continued, “What about Kyle Torres?”

“The name rings a bell, what happened to him?”


Pike closed his eyes and thought, “So it was the death of this asshole that made the FBI suspect I had something to do with the shooting.”

“Exactly, tell us about him.”

“Kyle Torres did have some connection to the Skull and Bones gang, but the connection wasn’t very strong, he was a peripheral member at best, and his death had nothing to do with me.”

“Then why do you think he was killed?”

“Couldn’t be bad luck, or maybe he offended someone, I’m not really sure.”

“If you can’t explain it, the FBI will still take you, and they won’t be as ‘gentle’ as I am.”

Pike sighed, “I want an immunity deal.”

“Say your hypothetical statement.” Luke suddenly kind of liked California law, it was easy to talk to smart suspects, and everyone could make deals on the bright side.

Pike said as he snapped his nails, “I heard …… that this kid is secretly dealing solo, the Skull and Bones gang doesn’t touch solo products, and I hate solo products, and I won’t let my family touch them.

But I can’t control everyone, if there’s a demand there’s a market, if I don’t do it someone else will, and instead of letting the gangs that don’t have a good relationship with us take advantage of it, I’d rather give it to the gangs that know the rules.” Pike rubbed his fingers together in a you-know-what expression.

“Kyle wanted to take goods from the gangs that sell solo products, but he didn’t have much capital, so he needed someone to vouch for him, and this area is all under the Skull and Bones Gang, so he asked the Skulls for help.

Under the guarantee of the Skeleton Gang, he managed to get the goods, but there was a problem with the sales, he felt that he was being watched, and didn’t dare to sell the goods.

If he didn’t sell the goods, he didn’t have the money, and he couldn’t afford to pay back the goods.

The gang that supplied the goods then found the Skull and Bones gang, and if the Skull and Bones gang didn’t care, they would take care of it themselves.

We bought Kyle some time to raise the money.

Then within two days there was a shooting, that’s all I know.”

“What was the name of the gang that supplied it?”

“It wasn’t even close to the agreed upon deadline for repayment, and I don’t think they took Kyle out.”

“I don’t want you to think, I want the name of the gang.”

“The Cooley Gang.”

Luke made a note in his notebook, is it possible that the Cooley Gang took out the FBI agent lurking at the school and created the shooting.”

“I’m not sure, but I have a feeling it’s unlikely.

What I can make sure of is that the FBI agent’s death had nothing to do with the Skull and Bones gang.”

“Can I take your word for it?

“Of course, I’m a local gang, I don’t mess around, and I respect the FBI more than I respect the LAPD,” Pike sounded sincere.”

“Anything else to add?”

“Not at the moment.”

“Then we’ll talk about it for now, and you can get back to me when you remember any other leads.”

“Hey.” Pike physically moved forward, “Don’t turn me over to the FBI, I’ll owe you one.”

“As long as you’re not lying, the police won’t turn you over to the FBI, but they will talk to you.”

“OK, as long as I can stay at the police station.” The bailiff took Pike out.

Luke didn’t leave but continued to arraign Theodore.

Theodore was waiting outside the interrogation room when Pike was taken away, and the two men even looked at each other, and Theodore shivered in fear.

Theodore was handcuffed to the interrogation chair still looking a little flustered.

Luke asked lightly, “Do you recognize him?”

Theodore froze seemingly unsure how to answer.

“Pike can talk quite a bit about you, the reason you won’t talk about your whereabouts on the afternoon of May 10th is because you went to see Pike, do you want me to go on?”

Theodore was already sweating with fear and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his arm, “Why was Boss Pike arrested?”

Luke said, “Because of the shooting at Malaboa High School.”

“Is he guilty of anything serious? Will he go to jail?”

“That depends on whether he’ll cooperate with the police.” Luke meant it.

The trio of Pike, Hollip, and Theodore was like a triangle.

Once Pike was out of the picture, the relationship between Hollip and Theodore would become unstable.

“Pike has already made the relationship between you clear, so do you want to confess? Or do you continue to carry on?” Seeing that Theodore didn’t answer, Luke continued.

“If you won’t talk, then we’ll go to Hollip, there’s only one chance left to turn a tainted witness, and he should want it more than you do.”

“I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you all.” Theodore let out a long breath of determination, “I didn’t kill the man, Hollip did.”

“Do you have proof of that?”

“That revolver was always used by Hollip, he had wanted a gun for a long time, but he was under the legal age to buy one, so he wanted me to get one for him.

I bought the gun from Tris’s brother and gave it directly to Hollip to use, and that gun he carried in his bag all the time.”

“Investigations are based on evidence, not whatever you say.”

“After the shooting, he contacted me on someone else’s cell phone and asked me to take the fall for him, and said that he would always be a brother in times of blessing and trouble.

In his words, I’m still underage and won’t get long for manslaughter, and when I get out, he’ll be a football star and will pay me a ton of money.

We’ll have money and women to spend in the future …… I believe it.”

“Where’s the recording?”

“It’s in Tris’ possession.

My old mom is dead and I have no one I can trust except her.”

“We’ll go and ask Tris for confirmation, I hope you won’t lie this time.”

“Won’t happen.” Theodore breathed a sigh of relief, “I’ve actually been hesitant to take the fall for Hollip.

Once I admit to the crime, I would definitely go to jail.

I don’t want to lose Tris, which is probably a good thing for me.

In a way, I also have to thank you guys.”

After making their statements, Luke and the others didn’t stop and took the men directly to the Hollip house.

Ramon and Jenny went to meet Tris.

Hollip’s house was not far from Theodore’s house and was also a poor neighborhood.

At this time, Hollip was teaching several younger siblings to practice rugby in the yard, his arm had not fully recovered unable to do strenuous exercise.

A couple of cars pulled up in front of the door, and Hollyp stopped what he was doing.

Luke and the others stepped out of the cars.

Hollip froze.

Luke looked at Hollip and then at the four children around him, “Hollip can we talk?”

“What happened?”

Luke said truthfully, “Pike and Theodore have given their accounts.”

Hollyp pursed her lips, a remorseful look on her face, “Can I say goodbye to my siblings?”


Hollyp crouched down and said goodbye to each of his four siblings, giving them another firm hug before getting into the police car.

“Officer Luke, how did you guys find out about me?”

“The shooting had too many repercussions, things are more complicated than you think, it’s impossible to hide it.”

“The damn shooting, if it hadn’t happened, Lev wouldn’t have died, I wouldn’t have been affected, none of this would have happened.”

“What the hell happened that day? Why did you kill Lev.”

“I never wanted to kill Lev, we were just trying to be heroes, trying to protect our classmates, trying to stop the shooter from continuing his murder.

I took out my revolver and shot at the gunman, but I was such a lousy shot that I couldn’t hit the other guy.

Lev was confident in his speed and wanted to go around the back to sneak attack the other party, but he …… was mistakenly injured by me.

All of this shouldn’t have happened.”

Luke sighed, “Hollip, if it was a misfire, why didn’t you tell the police, if you would have been truthful at the time, the charge wouldn’t have been too serious.”

“I know, but I can’t go to jail, not even for a day.” Hollip scratched his hair hard with both hands, “You should have seen the situation in my family, I am the hope of the whole family, no, the hope of the whole family and friends and relatives.

If I plead guilty to murder, even manslaughter, there’s just as no way I can keep playing football.

My family needs the money and for me to become a rugby star so that I can change the whole family’s plight.”

Blackie said, “Man, I can understand you, but you still disappoint me with your deceitful behavior.”

“SORRY, I didn’t mean to lie to you guys, other than what I just said, the rest is true.”

Luke said, “That means the two shooters in the music building were shooting at each other and not in cahoots. Then why didn’t student council member Herman Vedder expose you?”

Hollip said dismissively, “He’s a shrinking violet who’s long since gone into hiding and doesn’t know anything about it.

If it hadn’t been for saving him, none of this would have happened.”

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