Chapter 149

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:57:52
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke’s house.

It was after nine o’clock when he finished giving Hollip his plea statement.

He returned home to wash and clean up, and it was already almost eleven o’clock.

He was tired after tossing and turning all day today, but he couldn’t sleep.

Hollip and Theodore belonged to the epitome of many black people.

At least they had once had the chance to break away from the fate of the blacks at the bottom of the ladder, and many more blacks didn’t even have the chance to change their fate.

Classes exist in any society.

It’s just that different societies have different criteria for differentiation.

Take the blacks in America, even the lowest class blacks can enjoy good welfare, food and clothing.

Compared with the poor people in Africa, their material life is much richer, with no shortage of meat, eggs and milk.

But they still belong to the bottom class in America.

The essence of class is not material needs, but biological instincts, and desires are infinite.

Even in a few hundred years, when technology is more advanced and material things are more abundant, there will still be classes.

It’s just that the criteria for distinguishing between classes are different.

Luke can’t change this phenomenon, and there is no obligation to change, what he can do is to try to improve his class.

A voice came to mind in his brain, [Congratulations to the host for successfully arresting a ‘suspect’ for assaulting a police officer, rewarded with 5 draw opportunities]

A menu of options appeared in his brain, on the right side was the lucky draw interface, and the number of times in the lower right corner changed from 20 to 25.

Congratulations to the host for successfully solving the ‘Top Crime Case’, rewarded with 15 lucky draw chances.

The number of times in the lucky draw interface changed from 25 to 40.

Luke rubbed his hands together and decided to take a small draw.

The lottery interface appeared in his brain.


Pointer stops, one thousand dollars ……

After 40 draws, he won 5 cards and 35 thousand dollars.

There were four of the old cards, a profiling card, an appraisal card, a pistol card, an observation card

One new card, micro-expression analysis.

After this period of time, Luke also figured out the law of the system, most of the drawn cards are are all can be used in the case.

Of course, the specific how to use also depends on his own arrangement.

Luke has a total of 13 cards in his system.

Encounter card, 3

Identification card, 2

Bullet Dodge Card, 2

Precision Card, 1

Detection Card, 1

Profiling Card, 1

Pistol Card, 1

Micro-Expression Analysis Card, 1

Observation card, 1

System reserves are up to $147k, stock worth $35k, and $196k in cash.

Luke’s total assets amounted to a whopping 378k.

A thought popped into Luke’s head …… Isn’t it possible to buy a house.

Calm, must be calm, can not be a house slave again.

And so on, and so on.

Suppressing the agitation in his heart, Luke prepared to study the micro expression analysis card.

He was still very interested in this card, although the accuracy rate could not be one hundred percent, the effect of dealing with some ordinary minor characters was still good.

Many breakthroughs in cases were discovered from details, a very practical skill.

Luke is no stranger to micro-expression analysis skills, in his past life as a police officer also learned the skills of criminal investigation and interrogation, just more focused on practical experience, and did not systematically learn.

Luke looked up some micro expression analysis paid learning materials on the computer, first roughly browsed through, and then used the micro expression analysis card to learn.

Luke’s learning progress was fast, even faster than expected, on the one hand, the micro-expression analysis card could speed up the process of learning and understanding the application.

On the other hand, Luke also had a lot of similar experience in detecting words as a police officer in his past life, and the micro-expression analysis card was like a thread that connected all the previous experiences.

There was a feeling of enlightenment ……

The following morning.

Detective Bureau.

Luke, Blacky, and David get together to eat pancakes.

Blackie said vaguely, “I like the flavor, it tastes crunchy and has coleslaw. This is much more comforting in the morning than a burger.”

David raised the cup in his right hand, “And a cup of soy milk, tastes even better.”

Luke smiled, the pancakes he had bought at the community square, two eggs each, brought to the police station and warmed up in the microwave, they still tasted great.

Blacky suggested, “Luke next time you’re buying, you can show us some authentic Chinese food, I’m looking forward to it.”

Luke took a sip of his coffee, “Your treat, I can take you guys for authentic Chinese food just the same, haha.”

Blackie shrugged, “I’ve heard that authentic Chinese food is expensive, I’m not as rich as you.”

“When I have time some other day, I’ll invite you guys home for dinner and make you an authentic Chinese hot pot.”

Xiao Hei frowned, “The super spicy kind?NoNo, I don’t like spicy food.”

“You can have the mandarin duck pot, one spicy, one curry flavor or mushroom soup flavor, I’ll miss it if I don’t eat it for a week.”

Kuro said, “That doesn’t sound too bad.”

Just then Reed walked into the 1st Squadron office, “What are you guys talking about, you’re chatting quite a bit.”

Blackie barred his lips up and down, “Luke said he was going to take us to dinner and said he wanted to invite you along.”

Luke “……”

Can’t you understand polite?

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Reed nodded and pointed to his watch again, “But now it’s time for our meeting.”

The crowd came into the conference room.

Reed swept the crowd, “Everyone has worked hard these past few days.

We’ve already found out about the two guns and caught the two shooters, but the real shooter hasn’t been caught yet.

This case is not over, the city council is still very concerned about this case, the longer the time drags on, the more unfavorable it is to the investigation of the case.

So everyone still has to hold on to their strength.”

Susan said, “The Second Squadron has shared some more information, and they’ve found some inconsistencies in the new statements.

Some of the witnesses are claiming that the skin on the suspect’s neck looks like a white man.

This is a contradiction to the previous statement that the suspect was black.”

David said, “Could they have been talking about Hollip when they claimed the shooter was a black man’s statement.”

Luke said, “Unlikely, Hollip is the quarterback of the football team and most of the students should know him.”

The lieutenant said, “There’s not really much point in arguing about blacks and whites, the scope of the investigation is still large, so we might as well direct it towards the case itself.” The vice squad stood up and continued, “As the source of the other two handguns is clarified, the suspect’s purpose of the crime will gradually become clear.

First of all, the school bully, Chad Claes, and Lev can be crossed off the list of victims, none of them are the suspect’s real targets.

Instead, the suspect’s real targets were the school bully’s girlfriend, Barbara Damb, cheerleader Josie Alyssa, student council member Herman Vedder, and poisoned rice Kyle Torres.

Once we find out the relationship between these four people, we might be able to figure out what the killer is trying to do with the killings.”

Luke said, “I once heard Josie’s parents and Barbara mention that Josie had a mysterious boyfriend named Pete who had just broken up with Josie not long ago, so maybe he can provide some valuable information.”

Matthew said, “I checked Josie’s cell phone number as you requested, but I didn’t find the guy named Pete.”

Luke said, “That makes it even more suspicious.”

Reed reminded, “Guys, one thing to say, many parents at Malaboia High School have strongly requested that classes resume, and the city has decided, after consideration, that classes will resume tomorrow, and today is the last day to lock down the site.”

“Thanks for the reminder, I was just about to go to the crime scene again.” Luke didn’t know much about the shooting at the science building, and a site visit was the best way to learn about the case.

“Then make good time.”

“I will.”

After the meeting adjourned, Luke and Black drove to the school, which would probably be cleaned up this afternoon since classes would start tomorrow.

The Malaboia High School campus was empty, and the flowers placed in front of the school in honor of the dead added to the bleakness of the look.

When the two Luke’s arrived at the entrance, they were stopped by the school’s security guards and campus police.

The school police officer was called Seltzer Polis, a middle-aged white man in his forties.

He was also the only police officer who had seen the shooter.

Luke hadn’t talked to him, but had seen his picture.

Black flashed his badge, “I’m Detective Marcus and this is Detective Luke. We’re here to check out the scene.”

Celtic Polis was very enthusiastic, “Do you need me to show you there?”

Luke said, “Yes, I was just about to talk to you too.”

“Come with me, I’ll be your guide.” Seltzer walked around the campus and lamented, “This was supposed to be the most beautiful place, the best age, the most precious memories, and instead the most undeserved thing happened.”

“You saw the shooter?”

“Yes. I was in front of the school when the first shot was fired.

Once school was over, there were a lot of punks gathered outside the school and I usually stood at the door to avoid them getting into trouble.

When the first shot rang out, I couldn’t pinpoint the exact location, but the students were already in disarray and started evacuating them to avoid a stampede.

After that, the gunshots rang out again, and I was sure it was in the school building, and without further hesitation, I immediately rushed to the school building.

As it happened, I saw the clown-masked gunman outside the building, and there were still some escaping students around, so I was afraid of accidental injury and couldn’t shoot.

The clown-masked gunman quickly ran into the science building.”

As he spoke, a group of three people also arrived at the science building, school police officer Seltzer did not lead the two people to the main entrance, but walked to the back of the science building: “He was going up the stairs from here, and I chased after him.

“I heard you had a shootout?”

“Yes, in the hallway on the third floor, I caught up with him and we got into a shootout.

‘Bang, bang, bang.’

Unfortunately, I didn’t hit him.”

Luke recalled the dossier, “But as far as I can tell, there were no bullets from the shooter found in the hallway, only from you.”

“He was inside the hallway and I was standing by the window when he fired two shots, shattering the glass behind me.

Then I heard a scream as the shattered glass lodged in someone downstairs ……

I ran to the stairwell window to check and confirm the condition of the wounded, and the shooter took the opportunity to escape.” The campus police officer sighed helplessly.

Luke nodded, one dead and one injured was the same as the description on the dossier, that said the injured man was unlucky enough not to have been shot directly, but instead to have been zapped by the glass broken by a stray bullet.

The school police officer continued to lead the two men upstairs, “After the shooter escaped, I wasn’t sure where he would go, the science building has two stairwells and an elevator access, and I lost track of him for the time being.

Just as I was searching, I heard gunshots again, on the roof of the building.

“I ran to the roof and found a black man shot, in the chest area, he was bleeding heavily but not dead.

It was at this time that the gunman shot at me again and I returned fire.

After that, the shooter ran away from the other side, and I didn’t chase him at that point to take care of the wounded.”

Luke stared at the school police officer’s expression for a moment and asked, “You’re sure the victim wasn’t dead when you went up to the top floor?”

“Yes, he left a lot of blood, I helped him stop the bleeding and held his hand, but he still didn’t hold on …… unfortunately.”

Black patted his shoulder, “You did a great job and did your best.

In my place, I might not have done better than you.”

The school police officer had tears in his eyes, “Thank you, but I still can’t forgive myself, I keep thinking that if I could have been more accurate in my shooting that day, maybe these things wouldn’t have happened.”

Luke thought for a moment and continued, “Did you hear any more gunshots while you were tending to the wounded?”

“There seemed to be gunshots over by the music building.”

“How many?”

“I can’t remember.” The school police officer sighed, “I actually have some regrets, I should have chased them down, if I had been there there might not have been any more shootings in the music building and no more students would have been killed.”

Black consoled, “Man, don’t feel too guilty, you couldn’t have saved everyone with only one person.

At least you gave the rooftop victims one last comfort.”

Luke’s eyes scanned the rooftop and pressed his temples as he scrutinized the spot where the victim had been injured.

Blacky was concerned, “What’s wrong with you? Not feeling well?”

Luke shook his head.

Having just met the school police officer, Luke had a good impression of him, but when describing the scene, he felt that the school police officer’s expression was a bit strange, much like some of the manifestations of the micro-expression analysis method when lying.

Eyes flickering, one shoulder shrugging while talking, a nodding motion a split second before shaking his head in denial, etc.

People have an instinctive expression when they accept things from the outside world, and this expression may be quickly influenced by consciousness and thinking.

The so-called micro-expression analysis method is to capture the instantaneous flashes of facial expressions to reveal a person’s true feelings and emotions.

If judged according to micro-expression analysis, the school police officer had lied when describing the case, but Luke was using it for the first time, and he didn’t know whether it was reliable or not.

Without evidence, Luke couldn’t openly question his colleague.

Of course, he would keep his thoughts to himself.

Suppose, hypothetically, the campus police officer lied.

Why did he lie?

What would the real scene have been like?

What impact did his misinformation have on the police investigation?

The Second Squadron had been investigating the case, but there hadn’t been much progress, could it have been misled by the school policeman?

There were more and more questions in his mind.

Luke returned to the police station to check all the files and information from the scene investigation, and then compared it with the statement of the school police.

The school police officer described a gunfight with the suspect on the third floor, and the suspect had two shots fired through the glass, so there were no bullets left on the wall of the corridor.

That’s not a problem.

But Luke’s review of the scene investigation log doesn’t show any trace of the shooter’s bullets on the floor outside the window.

However, this is hardly evidence that the campus police lied, because the bullets have a range of more than a kilometer, and it’s normal that they can’t be found.

Until the shooter is caught, it’s hard to prove that the school police officer lied.

And once the school police lie it will affect the direction of the police’s investigation, resulting in the police being even more unable to catch the murderer.

Could the school police officer be an accomplice of the killer?

It would be horrible if he was.

He was the only one in the entire school who could legally carry a gun.

In the end, Luke decided to tell Susan about it.

Susan thought long and hard about it and decided to hold off on reporting it.

After all, this was just Luke’s side of the story, the school police were police officers just like the city police, and if they wanted to prove that he had lied, they would have to show sufficient proof.

Luke couldn’t produce proof.

However, out of her trust in Luke and the potential danger of the school police, Susan agreed to Luke’s secret investigation.

The Next Day.

Today was the day Malaboia High School started, so if the school police messed up, it would be a big problem.

Luke and Blackie didn’t go to the police station and rushed directly to the school.

As the two drove to the school, Blacky started talking shit again, “When did you learn micro-expression analysis, how come I don’t know.”

“Know my bank password?”

“You didn’t tell me.”

“That’s right, there’s a lot you don’t know.”

“You’ve been secretly practicing your gun and now you’re learning micro-expression analysis, which makes me feel a little uncomfortable inside.”

“You’re jealous?”

“No, very mixed feelings.

Like the vice squad once said, he was already a detective when Chief Reed was a detective;

He’s still a Detective when Reed becomes Deputy Chief.

F***ing horrible, I don’t want that to happen to me.”

“Then work hard, you’re not like the vice squad, I’ll cover you.”

“OK, I feel better, it’s kinda sweet.”

Luke shook his head and lost his smile, if he didn’t have this comedian by his side someday, he might not get used to it.

Ten minutes later, the two arrived at the school.

A large number of students had gathered at the entrance to the school, many of them mourning their dead classmates, and a large field of flowers, dolls, and rugby balls lay on the ground on the east side of the entrance, with almost every student stopping at the entrance for a moment.

Black looked out the driver’s side window, “Why mourn outside the school and not inside?”

“It’s not just the students who are mourning, there are people from outside the school as well.” Luke was also looking out the window and spotted a familiar figure school police officer Seltzer Polis.

The guy was standing in the doorway again gazing over the passing students, his hands in his police belt, and greeting passing students from time to time.

It was obvious that he was okay with the students.

Luke also couldn’t help but wonder a little if his judgment was wrong.

It was a good thing Susan hadn’t reported him, he didn’t have much to stress about.

Blacky looked out with his right hand resting on his chin, “Is our mission today to keep an eye on him?”

“No, it’s just one of those things.” Luke’s eyes scanned the area as if looking for someone.

“Why didn’t I know there were other missions?”

Luke pointed out the window, and Black craned his head to see a familiar figure student council member Herman Vedder, one of the shooting victims.

Herman had arrived in a Mercedes-Benz S-Class sedan, it was hard to see who was driving, but it was enough to show that his family was in a good financial position.

In fact, the students of this high school have good family conditions, Hollip can only be regarded as an exception, he is through the football team from the junior high school special recruited students, otherwise with his family can not afford the expensive tuition.

Herman got out of the car and stood in the doorway to pay his respects, placing a rugby ball next to Lev’s picture, pausing for a moment while the other deceased were each given a bouquet of flowers.

Herman, himself a minor celebrity at the school and now a survivor of the shooting, quickly gathered a group of classmates around him and entered the school surrounded by his classmates.

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